Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 15, 1951 Red Price is Held Too High TOKYO 0i There has been RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE . GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 I Mrs. N. A. Beketov and daughter, Nadia, sailed today on the ! Princess Louise for the south. I Mrs. Beketov will visit In Vic-i toria and Miss Beketov will at-! tend University of British Co-jlumbla in Vancouver. Don Hartwig, after spending the summer vacation here with An enlarged picture of the Elks ball team, as it looked in 1921 appears in the Grotto. It was taken when the Elks and other old timers, were in Ketchikan on the occasion of games with ball players of the Alaskan city. Included In the group are Ben Bell, th?n Prince Rupert's top sportsman, and Mayor S. M. Newton. Loca a no response as yet Irom General n d PERSONAL ! his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. j hartwig, sails by the Coquitlam ! tomorrow night for Vancouver If you want to sell It, adversise. Matthew B. Rtrigway'a headquarters to the Peiping broadcast Thursday night which said that Korean cease-fire talks "cojild start again Immediately" and an agreement quickly reached if the United Nations would . J. P. E. i Hans i Klaverwyden " of ; ! enroute back to his college stud- Cash for old gold. Bulger's, j I F . ... I a. rtl .a.. .1 . Tho amating ui pormanont wgllbaard thai H Wool for kiich.m, bathroom and counter topi, homo ban and ottior domoitic usos. Avalioblo III 30 baautllul pottirn omj colon. Sold by local lumbar or building supply doalors. Prince George oasa LaKe and Victoria left byle al -neney, wasnmgton. Hubert Kine narriKLpr nrnvpn Hum wl, inuui iu liic . n ..u . r n , j take the blame for a'l neutrality i the interior to act as crown interior after spending- a few .,, . "'.. I St tf'awmai, io We feature World famous violations the Reds have charged. ! prosecutor at the Supreme Court days here as the guest of H. O. here wh nls parents Mr and Howaver, the price asked by A-sizes next w jek. Veriy. i Mr3 p MacDonald; salls by Varborite company limited I JB5 left"' v'" Mtnlrogl 32, Qua. Olal'ur Evolfson. after snend-! tne Coquitlam tomorrow night too high for the Allied com- Mr- and Mrs- Earl Gordon are mander to accept failing tomorrow night on the ND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES The Red offer was not made -"mu'""- Vancouver. i Jkquasentum JL f England. Emi. 18S1 ALL-WEATHER COATS on the official level. It came during a F-'iping broadcast dispatch quoting a Communist correspon ing the summer vacation here to resume studies at the Uni-with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.!versitv of British Columbia. R. E. Eyolf son, leaves next Tues-! . , , day on the Camosun to resume' M,lss Donna Kerrlnghan. after his studies at the University of havln sPent the summ" vca-British Columbia. - tlon on tne staff of the Dallv News, Is sailing tomorrow eve- Have your rings modernized. ' ning by the Coquitlam to resume Wp pan Ahnw VDIl a brao rgnira'hsr Ktnrttpe at tha TTntvArcIt,, rt D. Dorothy Markin of the Department of Indian affairs arrived In the city aboard Coquitlam yesterday from Vancouver. Miss Kathleen Smith left .on of new settings. You have no British Columbia. Idea what an improvement itHI make. Bulger's Otc) i The Misses Lillian E Adair, I J RN, and Alice M. Bell, RN, grad- j J.. D. McRae, MLA, and Mrs. uates of Royal Jubilee Hospital, YouU want one of these ' famous multi-ptirpnap roats impervious to wind and weather . . . equally useful a topcoat Thursday night for Vancouver where she will join a dress designing firm. St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Sunday School will resume Sunday, September 16, at 2 p.m. (H) MCKae re-turned to the city yes- Victoria, arrived Thursday to terday on the Coquitlam. Mr. 'join the staff of Prince Rupert dent in nacsong. Guide Leader To Visit City ! Miiss K. Boult, a Blue Diplomat Trainer, one of the highest ! tcalning qualifications In the : guide movement, will spend a few days In Prince Rupert next week working with the Guide ' and Brownie leaders and Guides and Brownies of Prince Rupert and Terrace. Miss Boult Is to hold four sessions in the Civic Centre for local '51 SUPER PIONEER A Light ONE-MAN SAW with o HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER! Its endurance and dependability are "field-proven." Whatever the Job, your 51 SI PER PIONEER takes it In its stride. Some of the features are: Dyna-Torque single cylinder engine Automatic clutch and rewind starter Balanced design for easy cutting and carrying Only 25 lbs. without cutting attachments. McRae has been travelling on a General Hospital. Two more legislative labor relations inquiry nurses will arrive Tuesday. Ad-board which will hold a session ministrator D. C. Stevenson ex-in Frince Rupert shortly. pects. wi If or raincoat , . retain Mrs. C. P. Balagno Is on a trip to Seattle, visiting with her son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lund-qutst. Miss Delphine Balagno Is also visiting in Seattle. Gordon Calderwood Is sailing tomorrow night to resume studies shape . . . smartly tailored. Quality U no accident . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Gordon are ' sailing tomorrow night on the Coquitlam for their home In I Vancouver. Mr. Gordon has been I in the service of the British Co- lumbia Bridge and Dredging Co. i on contracting work here. j leaders in the movement and for Aquascutum coats have nJL-i? Brownie work 'ntrested ,n 0uUe,lumbla after spending the sum- or mpr vaoatinn at his hnmn Ivprp A A'." V Cutting attachments from 14" to 16" been told around the world since 1831. Miss Mary McAfee sails to- It is also planned that she will conduct a Guide meeting on Mlss Esther Harrison left on morrow night on the Coquitlam Tuesday afternoon for all local Thursday evening for Vancouver to resume her studies at the Guides and a Brownie meeting where she will resume studies University of British Columbia 1 f 1 ') after spending the summer vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. R. McAfee. Miss Joan Vivian of the local Welfare Department will leave on Wednesday afternoon for the. at the University of British Co-local packs. Both these meetings ! lumbia. . will be held In the Anglican! Cathedral and the Ouldes and ,onn Welsh, after spending the Brownies can be sure of having j summer vacation at his home meetings they will not forget In ' nere- 8alls bv lne Camosun rrext Distinguished styles Lj in finest British poplins, cottons and all-wool Gabardines Come in nnd try art an AaitauiUum Uh4ayt on tomorrow's plane for Van -wgv& and mall for full A i : iQfc a hurry. i i uesaay to resume studies at the It Is expected that a number ! University of British Columbia. Couver. She will take up work 2 CHEEP with the welfare organization of local iariipa will ma up on of. there after returning from a three-weeks vacation in Hawaii. Miss Vivian has been stationed in Prince Rupert for two years. Watts & Niclcerson V fort to attend soms of Miss BASKETBALL Sponsors, Boult's lectures, particularly pa-1 team manaK. players and rents or guardians of the Guides !othe" lnlerled re invited to and Brownies, and see what can i f "e"d " Preliminary meeting be dwe for the amusement of jMondav. 8 P-. Civic Centre. Girls in this community ranging Mri Angllg Currie and son, from 8 years to 16 years. She Angus Jr., and Mrs. K. McGlnnis will hold evening meetings on after having spent the summer Monday and Tuesday and morn- at. Sunnyside Cannery, are sailing meetings on Tuesday and ing tomorrow night on the Co-Wednesday in the Civic Centre. ; qultlam for Vancouver. Dealer: RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. T-I PVRVES E. RITCHIE & SON LTD. 658 Hornby 8t Vancouver. B.C. Pl 89.50 Miss Edith Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Johnston, sails tomorrow night on the Cnoilitlam fni- Vnnpnnvpr tn , if! I take up studies at the Univer-1 nouncemciit S. J GIILIS, D.S.C., R..Cp., Chiropodist-Foot Specialist of 1407 West Brcadwayt Vancouver. B.C., W'll Procticevaf SAVOY HOTEL Week Sept. !9fh to 26th only Tctrnhone For Appointment !iiy oi uriusn uoiumoia. The last of the two small Thorns Slwvt Metal . $ 15 00 -attwn' T Upholsterers' Z 500 " un"r 2"dAvlnu and rd Street will shortly be dismantled V E Hunt 5 00 and taken away out 11th Ave C. H. Fetterley ... 20 00 j nue. There, the lumber, which Is Wocdbllt Products sou mora 8 shaPe' wU1 utlllzect Citv Transfer 5 00 -1,1 A E. Smith Ltd."'.'. lOOufr,'""!!? (H) h. G. Perry (Dally News I tourist grounds. News Staff 8.00 Full-Siz Circulator) Smartnew"Jmperial"tyling, . rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from ntry drop of oil. Money-saving Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft Minder. Fully Coordinated Controls. fWcr-Air Blower Sot forced-cir-culatiou optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for 1 to 6 rooms. Buy on terms at GORDONS, ANDERSON E. J. Happella 2.00 C. Whatman 5.00 E. Stone 2 00 Mr3. Pollard 2.00 I' Miller 200 By OF BRITISH COIUMIIA JUNIOR AND" SINIOt HIGH SCHOOIS Bicycles Wrisl Watches Typewriters Radios Sewing Machines Mr. Sheppard 2.00 R. Coswan 2.00 R. H. Larson 2 00 Atyson Stewart 4.00 M. S. Makt 2.00 Mrs. F. Elliott 2.00 Mis. A. Bell 2 00 ; Mrs. Carpenter. 0 5 00; L. Brown 2 00 , Mrs. Fred Murray 2 00 1 Miscellaneous 1846 Focfory-froi'ncJ To TERRACE And Smithers, Burns Lake Vanderhooff and Prince George Leaving Prince Rupert Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays 41 MICROTOME HEARING AID SPECIALIST HIRE! tfn.. A. Martlnuson 2 oo y nnlng 1 ractor & Equipment Co. Ltd 15 00 Tlie Red Shield total stands it $2 018.00 1 JUjl nli nnouncemt PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL l i, Wednesday, Thursday Sept. 18, 19, 20 At 3 p.m. . i , Vaar cfcaka af that and many other wonderful priiot for a wlnnlni ISO ward tuav. Wa'll lend you antry form and full. Information an racolat af your name and addrau In the coupon bolaw. This atoay tontoit h directed ta our younger citiiont that thoy may loam af the beneficial effects al tho Pulp and Paper Industry ta oar provincial economy. id rou KNOW ... Irltish Columbia's Pulp and Popor Industry converts trees Into kindreds af pulp and paper products. Tho dollar volue af those pradvets is saasidoraely mora than the sama amount of limber converted Mta lumber products. EXAMINATIONS AND CONSULTATIONS Good Used Cars And Trucks 1919 METEOR Coupe 19M PLYMOUTH Sedan 1949 MONARCH Club Coupe 1947 WILLY'S Station Wagun 1912 PLYMOUTH Sedan TRUCK SPFCIALS 1950 FORD 3-ton 176 W. B. 1919 FORD 3-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FORD 3-ton 158 W. B. 1339 t'HEV. Scrian-dclivery: All reconditioned ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Riiptrt, B.C. (PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME I W MICBOTAUI 'ABIE WtaMHf CLINIC" "Mtlltd "Wl.o oN oN oolin, ooolpmiiil ,d . laadlnf j ; " I ... ..u ..1 font Assa.. CENTRAL B.C AIRWAYS LTD. Prince Rupert Agent: Crawford Moore, 14 15 Smith Block Phone Black 907 i Canadian Legion Card Party, September 19. Presbyterian Church Tea at the home of Mrs. George Milch-ell, 333 5th Ave. East, September 27. Women's Coorrflnatlng Tea, ppt. 2. OnPwiic Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. Men's Rotary tea, October 11, Civic Centre. Lutheran Tea, October 13 P.cbekah bazaar, October 20. L.O.B.A. Fall Bazaar, October 26. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, No-ember 7. SOS Oomlolsa w'" t stol f"" loesne'1 Ptaese I "piian and onivtnlHos YOU fsMMtrst Hart .rvTl011 "n h"your hcarin; "''"'""lly with test! n to those ued in "ospiulj in(J UIm,rsi. """RUjseximiredind Home PUP PAPER o.l to.oeasitpiw records euesswork eliminated. aooto" - 1 1 n u v a i n i Let your Microtone Consultant helpow is he has helped hundreds of others with imperfect hannier. more en I LEONARD f REFRIGERATORS :.., lunversation E, ': " tth SItcil1 sptcul Mi;r- Micro- Wttnff. ng. All All ,.. j hearina: hearing wain '! h tests made wjth joyablc living. Presbyterian Church Baznar, WORLD'S SMALLEST 4-tubo, one pioca Hearing Aid. Ak for 'men C BEAUTY feature CONVENIENCE, EXTRA FOO'n STORAGE stration. No obligation. The MICROTONE November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall bazaar, November 16. Cathedral bazaar, Nttv. 17. I.O D.E. Faii Bazaar Novembet n. St. Peters Fall Bazaar; No- jpmhpr 0 United Church W. A. Fall Bazaar, Dec. 7. rtxof jtr CLINIC OriN MOM A.M. TO f M, NEW LOW PRICES Beehive and Newlands Baby Wool ."! Newlands Sock Yarn . ..")." Newlands Argo .17 Newlands Double Knit (2 oz.l - 1.IKJ r&B Wool with Nylon and Otl-TS ..." For WbI, Knitting Books and Supplies call at . 6 CI I. ft. ... ! 2 Cll. ft. ... 8 12 CU. ft.'... $344.50 $431. SO $461.00 r Jp5 If )ou live too far away to a, tend this clinic, write for home appointment or FRiiE BOOivLET about heanng and hrarinf aids. Contains no advertising. James M. Malcolm 605 Vancouver Block Vancouver 2, B.C. PA 1652 GET VALUEo --a..a Gel a LEONARD "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Ph"ie M for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe AT NORTHERN BX. POWER Cojtd. 5SIF1EDS Bring RESULTS Besner Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. If you want to sell It, advertise it. News classified. If you want to, advertise It, News classified. ,rmmmmmmmiassmst i r1 . nt "ii