TODAY ONLY Rirhnrrf . LADIES' BOWLING (Continued from page 5) Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 15, 1951 Totem Books Human Comedy IMS WATERFRONT - WHIFFS ICFPR In "Tur . X 1 TOTE nr mm tow. MONDAY and Tl'ESDAY La i Rush Eases but Waterfront Still Busy-Some Fishing Still On f mtA O . AA -- - .... - p.m. A r.vWOl'S PLAY The rush has eased machine shops, KnQticnrlio to sav, but everyone seems i . . DONALD O'CONNOR p,PCD , TODAY 7-9:10 in "Frances Gap T tl . . - - " ,ntN .Cine, just Wai we .till have to hustle, but the J ! ftLIMJAK M1UMU1I1 and MONDAY ' MATIVtr JOHN CARROT .T. II H II die rixsn is over. But Its only a lull-the calm before the storm, Is the way mnst of them look at it too. There is still the end of the sea- ln dsp""?n' ,ee1"! at e great building wou d son rush to come. never be used, a luckless scarlet-Union steamer Coqultlam, fever stricken saUor on an Am-Capt. William McCombe, arrived "lean vessel passing through in port yesterday afternoon with Prince R u p e r t was hurried ashore th hospital had its and heavy freight "na, passengers a r ... . . . first first BnH and last lust inmate. lfllllit.k "THE AVENGERS " II M DOUGLAS JAM pTERLINC "THE BIG CARNIVAL". Formerly (ACE IN THE HOLE) STARTS MONDAY cargo, sailing onwaro to yueen Charlotte Islands at 11 p.m. Dis embarking here were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McRae, Mr. and Mrs. McGillivray, Miss D. Bentsen, Dr. Dorothy Markin, A. F. Mulligan. Mr. and Mrs. S. McDou-gall, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gale, W. La Croix, R. A. Smithwick. An important transaction was concluded this week at the off along the waterfront, 1 arirl -fish hnilSPS AYc roadv . to be just as happy- -or ? . . , ira few years thereafter No patients came at all, nor V""'"' t Since then, various suggestions : for disposal of the building had either been found impractical or Improbable. For a time It mooted as a convalescent hospital for First World War soldiers but nothing came of It and so, year by year its ; deterioration became a matter of course and the least said about the building, the better 0N - COOKING FISH Gregory Clark, a Dally Colonist reporter, Is of the firm be lief that people of British Co lumbla and especially In west . fi.ui i little about cooking fish ln particular, halibut. This he realized on a recent visit to Britain. In Canada, halibut Is either grilled, fried or pan broiled. The flesh Is dry and of the consistency of pork. It has a good, familiar fried-fish flavor. Shentmi's D. Arden 472, V. E'lick 360. B. Holkestad 473, M. Shenton 482. P. Smith 592. Totals 722, 833, 824. Rupert Radio C. Wilson 424, F. Gilmour 433, E. Chrtstoff 365, A Jefferies 448, C. Parlette 336. Totals 583, 750 , 673. McKay's E. Schmidt 336. M. Fulton 375. H. Schmidt 406. L. McKav 470. R. Raymond 468. To tals 589, 759, 707 Cnk's Jewellers W. Duncan 37 H s,,Per 475. B. Davis 479. Total." - 533. 689, 674 75 Taxi B. McGlashan 381, N. K-nnvdy 397. V. Parkin 307, D. Johnas 538. T. Stewart 495 To "i 1 444, g Downing 518. M. Richards 17R I J. Parkhouse 494, J. Adcock 455. 1 Totals 754, 857, 787. Co-op R. Christensen 357, P. OXeary 239, F. May 231, H. Van Pykstra 206. V. Patrick 342. Totals 459, 421, 495. SALFORD, England Residents of Augusta Street were left high and dry when John Billing- tun went on his vacation. His house has a tap which was con-I structed in the old days to turn off all the water ln the street. John turned it off before he left. STAITHE, England James Hichrs 78 Is retirine as sub- I h & gQod ref,ord In yearg he has never taken a holiday and has never missed a day at' work. I ' no: they have their prlncl- pies.' The halibut that Is steamed comes out a light and most delicately savored fish, with a thin sort of parsley broth to It. 'The difference between it . ana our Canadian version of halibut," declares Clark, "Is the difference between a poached egg and an egg fried on both sides, with leather edges." A changing of our cooking wavs is lndicatd. FISHING LIGHT Fishing of all species Is re-norted light during last week wttn only two vessels landing 11.789 rjounds. Relief, Capt. M. Sollows, brought in 9.489 pounds ot black cod; 692 pounds red cod, and 47 pounds ling cod, selling to Royal Fish Co. Neptune. Capt. Barney Roald, sold 2300 pounds black cod to Tracing the career of an aging football star down the hill and then up again to a powerful, climactic comeback, "The Guy Who Came Back," feature offering at the Totem Theatre next Monday and Tuesday, is a heartwarming human comedy drama. Paul Douglas enacts with warmth and humor the drama of the fadilng star who will not admit he Is ready for the bench and comes batk from the bottom to prove his class Escapades between glory range from an hll- arious sequence in a night club to another In a wrestling ring. Joan Bennett is an under- " T ful. Linda Darnell Is the tempt ress who cuts widely Into1 the hero's path but knows how to bow out gracefully. Stark Drama In Reporter Story Stark drama and raw realism contribute to a hard-hitting story In "The Big Carnival" which shows at the Capitol Theatre next Monday and Tues- day. it tells how a ruthless re porter uses a grim tragedy to mena oroKen career, Banned from the city dallies because of his falling for liquor and women, Kirk Douglas settles a minor jod in a smauer cuy IJUiJCI BI1U WKlbe 1UI m ucwa men When a desert roadside stand operator is burled in a cave-In, he contrives to have his removal delayed so he may build up a big story for his own triumph. Jan Sterling is a faithless wife who collaborates with the callous reporter and then . turns upon him as well. Fine assisting permormances which add dimension and credibility to the story are given by Vob Arthur, Porter Hall and Frank Cady. j Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. Ind and Park Avenues Es .010 Phones 60 and 8 GREAT FLOOD CMOKYTHAW The 'ohnstown flood in Penn- j Steam locomotw, ," sylvaiiln In 1889, with a loss of ion the world i iml'" more than 2,000 lives, was caus- 1 railway opened In i Yacht Club.. Al Faulkner sold some quarters felt about It. To-his Molly Hogan to Rae John- day It is merely a ahell and a son, woods manager of Colum- reminder. ed by bursting of a dam. 1 1863 and running ioi,:J BAPTONE A genuine oil paint, made in a verier-of pastel tints, that can be used ovp Wall Paper, Kalsomine, Wall Board and Wood Work. Easy to apply with brush or roller. Thompson Hardware Co. Iti a rv I Ladies' Fall RAINWEAR By-RITCHIE WALLACE'S Department Store are now featuring Ladies' Fall Raincoats by Ritchie. Canada's leading manufacturer of ladies' rainwear, NOW IN STOCK. WALLACE'S j Dept. Store J3u) nr, ! (ecLtdltte SEE YOl R ESSO OIL WKNER DEALER (ssqi PORTRAITS ' Films Developed and Printed L PROMPT SERVICE , CHANDLER'S STIDIO I 216 4th Street Box 645 ( I'lirme Orccn 389 Prince Rupert i Chinese DISHES Chop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.n. HOLLYWOOD CAFE -'r Ouisidf Orrterg Phone 133 PRINCE RUPERT ! DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SlllPltUI! DKHS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Elrctne nntl Acetylene Welding HTCIALU'TS ON SAWMILL nnd MINING MACHINERY "But when you order halibut anti is believed to be falling off in any small English -coastal generally. Queen Charlotte 1s-town, or Scottish, to which the iand areas are reported poor; trawlers come home from far up Naas and Skeena areas, fair; to Greenland, you get a dish so Et.a Bella Bella area fair to fabulous in flavor that you won- good in places, der how a country like Canada, . cod fishing was light last week thyPate m "TARNISHEL "'"Pii' t""l" SEE IS POL. Hoists. All -Stetl Dm;: Winches all to ft. Light Trailer Pn Wheels Power Tato- All Certified Opmi for high pmuitid (frierd nMiii INDUSTRIE WELDING 225--I HE. PhowM Call 30 FOP, BETTER... Planning Building Repairing 1 MITCH!! & Cd LIMITED I Iluililers Cl"1 GIANT SAWMILl MADER RADIO DIAL 1240 Kllocvclei (Subject Ui Change) SATURDAY P.M. 5:30 Sjjorts College 5:45 For the Record 6:00 CBC News 6:05 CBC Spofu Page 6:30 Soiree at Quebec 7:00 Prairre Schooner T in T of 'o Qmiara rra 8!oo opening of st. Mary Dam 8:30 Saludos Amigos , 9:00 John Sturgess 9:15 Songs by Audrey Farnell 9:30 Concert of Europe 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Trocadero Orcn 10:30 Dancing. Party NBC 11:00 Weather Report and Fish arrivals SUNDAY A.M. 8:30 Recital 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Music for Meditation 9:30 Nine Concertos 9:59 lime Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Stories From the Bible 10:30 Musical Playroom 10:45 Haroes of Faith 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Report 11:30 Religious Period SUNDAY P.M. 12:00 Your Invitation to Music 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Music I Like 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 A Tale of Toronto 3:15 CBC News 3:20 Ask the Weatherman 3:27 Weather ReDort 3:33 Roll Back the Years 4:00 Chorale 4:30 Affectionately, Jenny 5:00 Whispering Strings 5:33 Summer Concert 6:00 Ghost Stories 6:30 Noel Coward Program 7:00 CBC News 7:10 Week-end Review I 7:20- Special Speaker j 7:30 Concerto 8:00 Winnipeg Concert Orch. I j 8:30 Linger Awhile ! 9:00 Summertime i j 10:00 CBC News I 10:10 CBC News I 10:15 Growth and Freedom 10:30 Vesper Hour ! 11:00 Weather Report and Sign Off MOND.-.Y A.M. ' 7.00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News . 8:10 Here's BUI Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Cmty : 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 8:45 Your Music Appointment 9.59 Time Signal I 10:00 Morning Visit j 10:15 Morning Melodies . 10:30 This Week's Artist j 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz I 11:00 Man and His Music j 11:15 Roundup Time ll:30-Weather Report ,11:31 Message Report : ll:33-Rec. Interval ; BP ""'-'liTTffirl J STEAMER I Prince George ! SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Torts j Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. ' For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost F'or Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mac Construction Company with three oceans on Its borders the Atlantic, Pacific and Arc tic can be so heedless of Its own blessings.' According to Clark, they steam halibut in British restaurants and in most cases one can t get halibut in any other way. ; , "You can offer them money : PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENI.AROINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Crre 136 So 47 VANt'Ol'VER VICTORIA 6unday, 8 p.m., C(Xultlam Tursflay, 12 Noon Cantos ifn ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT MAIPSON Bunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOIl NORTH Ql'EKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam September 14 and 28 F(lt SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, Sept. 7 and 21 1 9 p m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone f8 ! K bia Cellulose Co. Ltd. Molly Ho- gan has the lines of a most sea- worthy craft and was in coastal short-run service for several years. Meanwhile, Al Joined the ranks of Canadian Customs and now is working ln the Federal Building. MARINE HOSPITAL CRUMBLES Probably one of the grimmest reminders of the burst bubbles in early Prince Rupert days is the crumbling ruin of. a three- storey building on an island In Dodge Cove. Old-timers will remember it but few others have even heard of the "quarantine hospital" and the former quarantine station on Digby Island. In general preparedness for jbig shipping expected with the opening of this port on the completion of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, the government I was induced to build the quar antine station across the harbor to take cart of "all the snips irom the Orient." The quarantine station included several huge caldrons which were to be used lor bonrny clothes ln order to kill Oriental contamination. Fumigating de-j vices there were as well. And across a narrow pass, wooden trestle bridge led to magnificent, three-storey, 22-or-so roomed buildina in moj- ;ern architecture 01 the tiay an:t ill a setting uf flowers and lawns. Here contaminated sailors were to remain in order to protect the first Canadian port-of-call from, any danger of epi demic. I hospital wjs staffed with an emergency unit and a gar-' dener wa semployed to look after the grounds. The building faced no exposure, for behind It rose the rest of the little island on which it was built and before it to all sides lay the banks of Dodge Cove. Today the Prince Rupert hos- ! pital is faced with the problem of too many patients over- I95U HILLMAN MINX Low mileage Like new 1947 PONTIAC COACH Privately onnrd 1 948 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan $300.00 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone 866 and 566 IT PAYS DIVIDENDS TO OWN A "LITTLE PORTABLE DESIGNED RIGHT There Is a Mill to Fit Your Work at a Prlre t Sul" IN FOUR SIZES - , Compare These Prices: COMPLETE WITH FEED BELTS AND ri I LM l VOl R SAW AND POWER Willi 3 MpikI lllixk ( urrlncf '2 li-ef Ioiie. I" i""'1""" llh ,1 ( riliN-k (arrlnsi- IK frrt l"M. I" I Vtllll i Hrilfl lllmk arrliigr III fret Ions. I 1 lth t II' ill Hliirli" nrrtunr It tert Iimik. I" I I'rh-rn t.O.H. ruleuiv A LETTER WILL BRING YOl' DESCRIPTIVE lm AND ALL DETAILS. ' ,..., . imrenMISDS" wvj w.iiimj - i tutiMy j MACHINERY DEPOT m CALGARY 1019 Truth Avenue West PHONE 4M92 DANCE ih. miiclr nf the CALGARY RAMBli, WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Blue 182 COAST BREWERIES LIMITED Alio Brewtrt of Lucky Lgr, 1950 Winnr( Bruueli A wrd t This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board 4 or by the Government of British Columbia. AT THE ODDFELLOWS HAU SAT., SEPT. 15, 9M T-M.