UnlES' BOWLING LEAfiliP odckic ti" rbnj r i it m.v rwi i 1 1 , . , . Saturday, September lo. lur,, Wlndle 391. MrMeekin 5?ft fimith 43C, Dickens 403. Totals 835, HERE and NOW words or tracMug me uiuuay.Uit cim." " trail of a wounded beast and the Elmer told with a husk m his final coupe de grace. voice, how his father had lost! No. Elmer's stories never tndjhis footing and in frenzy had like that, but they almost al-! clutched for Elmer's leg. Only ways end with: jonvs finger had caught in the "At the last minute, I couldn't i cuff of the youth's trousersand d i a moment later the heavy body To look at our Elmer, at least of the older man went hurtling six feet tall, well-muscled and into the white water. , weighing gome 185 pounds, that j Meanwhile, Elmer was hanging 728. 846. Skeena Grocery W. Slater 468. M. Kearlev 590 V waBk ! Bowiin LeaKu op,.-"- 'th results a Tuesday orcery . Lucky $"a 1 U j, Rosa ttes 2. 0. A 1. Lien's 2, Slurs 1. T rul.h Printing 1. Rainiers To Final SEATTLE a Seattle Rainiers took the semi-final baseball playoff series from Los Angeles 421; D. Lugrln 517; M. Lewis Czechs Claim Discrimination LONDON f Czechoslovakia F riday accused the United States, Britain and France of "discriminatory and arbitrary action" against Ciech aviation in Western Europe. Jacky rVinar. Czech delegate to the International Air Transport tonference here, said the three corrtrie had acted to- gether since April, 1951, in a manner "which plainly mani statement most people won t be-, by one arm, gripping a cedar lieve and I told him as much. sapling which threatening to "Well. It's true," admitted El-1 give way at any second. In his Thursday with a 3-1 victory as1- ' i.m. Kearley, By LARRY STANWOOD After the Slimmer'a over and most people have had their holidays, there are still those who haven't in spite of great temptationtaken their time off. Something has persuaded them Grocery, three -- P Thompson, mr.i . " I've never toid anybody ; struggle to gain a hold with his I why I can't kill a moose, but ! other hand, the panic-stricken I really," he added, his clear blue: boy looked up to stare into the ieyes boring seriously into mine, eyes of the young moose, slowly : "I'm not ashamed." advancing to the edge of the Harold (Skuiny) Brown posted his second trimuph' in the three-game series. Brown twirled a 7-0 shutout over the Angels in the opener. Los Angeles won Wednesday night, 5-2. Seattle will now play Holly USIOS i.i Munsiin 8 0. 319, P. Brown 44f, E. Knutson 4SI. B. MeCrwsney 486 R Mc-Cullum 357; J. Arney 152. Totali OS, 73T, 712. MMeekkTA. Ritchie 414 B Emerson 520, C. Bellamy 455, L McMwkin 35, B Hardy 587. Totals 748, 78. 830. Star Q. Mclntyre 468, H Fumes 350, J. Dickens 5M K Grimble 461, L. Keays 500. Total 7J0, 772, 808. LyonsA. Pierce 584, V. And-r-r'tm 577, P. Thompson 808, 3. Shentun 500, V. Wrathall 357 Totals 818, 8B2, 848. Ko-m LeeD. Nelson 456, F. McKltinon 514, A. McLean 532, M. Parsons 483, O. Moundrell 428 Totals 718, 927, 770. ( lover Leaf K Johnson 479, M. Antone 475, O. Newton 475, N. Getltles 428. M Penney 435. Totals-706. 873, 653. WratlwU'n- B. Peterson 464, M Port 388, K. McNabb 374, D. Hanibnn 211. tow (core 363. Totals 584, 665, C5I. (.ordon ft Aadersun - B Smith Wi, a Kajiksay 461. IsU Oarrwr 414, L Anderson 383, Cls Barrte 59. Totals- 547, 832, 703. Annette's- B. Wlndle 553. M. fests intentton of completely thwarting Czech air traffic to Western Europe." 54i Totals (73. 868, 903. Luky Strikes Edna Mosley 504, Ada Smith 279, M. Price 370, Alma Whatman 531, Bertha Dunbar 570. Totals 638, 812 808. "B" DIVISION S'anson's T. Dell 463. N. Janes 323, D. Stewart 319, 8. Currlt 461, M. MuntKomery 544. Totals 704 , 674, 73'J. Tuilers T. Rossi 308, C. Dori-slt 541. a. Ellison 292, J. Hill 593, M. Wide 565. Totals 783, 773, 741. Commercials J. Helgerson 464. hi. Cross 401, M. Hoban 465. Ll Smith 497, T. Stewart 504 Totals -667, 883, 781. ' Big Sisters C. Bond 498, M. Bond 368. M. Dickens 292, F. W.vsner 433, T. Murray 405. Sc veu tit Ave. Meat Market M. fihtar 48 D Pol! or k 501, D. Pierce 375. B. Pierce 385, O. Rice 338 Totals 647 , 672, 717. (Continued on page 6) J, Co-op 0. Lrcial 3. Big Sisters 0. Jims 3, Seventh Avenue iurket i. jL's J Rupert Radio 0. Is Jewell" 2, 75 Taxi 1. The first time in his life he cllff-was 13 then that he went deer-1 "I thought then it was all hunting, said Elmer, it was with over, and I thought of a million hi.-, fathei-. "Pops" had been a things that could happen but great banter and had never, none of them did. The moose iailed to piovitle the family of grunted twice and wagged the five with enough meat each fall j big, shaggy head ',' to last Uu-ough the winter. El-1 The boy had found a hold with wood in the final best-of-frve playoff series starting tonight. m-T was gei ms lesson mat : the other hand and began slowly three-JJ. HUi, TuLVm, Toronto Wins In Softball day, "and I did," he told me to raise himself ovtr the vdee ISION 1 Printing 3. Hariwig w. A B7, A. Parker 332, M. to wait, like it does every year, lor the hunting season. Yes, the hunting season has been open for several days now, and one young man who's been Renin to get away Is Elmer. A tiuc Nimrod, is Elmer, and ever slnee he snuck out to hunt ducks with his father's shotgun at the age of 12, he's been hunting moose. The. v?ry word "moose" makes Elmer sit up and take notice like a pointer flushed by a grouse. Now, 35, this enthusiast has hunted the northern trails for moose, from Atlin to Quesrel. But the fact that in 13 years Elmer has never so much as scratched, or nicked the fur of the coveted bulls, doesn't botlrer him In the least. Nor does it dampen his enthusiasm for the hunt next year; rather, the fact that he has come home trophyless, makes 3U I WaUrr iu. - , m 703. Shumi" MH-r twin He looked straight Into the big brown eyes of the vcudering animal and moved closer, by inches. And as slowly, the big animal moved backwards. Young Elmer made one last attempt, one last heave with his remaining energy -and made it, tumbling softly and quivering on the edge of the ledge. now. For hours, father and son had been stalking a bull moose in the uiMierb tun along the banks ol the Bulkley River. They saw wherj th heavy hirns had bruised the saplings, and where the damp earth had been torn up by angry hoofs. "Suddenly we heard a snap of a stout tree and muttered grunt. Elmer says he doesn't know We stopped dead in our tracks i TAX SALE OF LANDS HilNCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION DISTRICT BY GIVE NOTICE that, on Tuesday, th; 25th day ol September, 1951, at the hour of duck in tli' forenoon, at the Court Hoj , Prince Rupert, British Columbia, I will sell .,- auction the lands In the list herelnaft i tet out, of the persons in said list, hereinafter CALGARY iu Toronto Peo- i pL'-ss proved their right to the Canadian Softball championship title Thursday night with a 17-1 victory over luckless Vancouver Girodays. A slim crowd of less than 800 turned out to watch the Toronto squad earn their third straight win in the best-of-five series against Western Canada champions. co cldsely and had seemed to ::ay, 'don't worry, I won't hurt you.' and then I lower my rifle and turn away." j But the hunt had become a j habit no, it was more than that almost a mania with El- J mer, and many years after his; tragic experience, the moose season is holiday time for the man who hunts but doesn't kill. and peered ahead in the morning mist. And there we saw him, through the bushes." It was a yearling, said Elmer; tlfv could tell by the horns. The two had clambered over sereral fissures of rock which . hi .-red away into the swirling river waters below. how king he lay there, expecting to be gored any second by the horns of the young bull, but when he finally had the courage to open bis eyes, he was quite alone. The animal was nowhere in sight. . "Why do you' go hunting at all?" I asked Elmer. him all the keener. Now, many people have heard I of Elmvr, and many people have ! listened to his stories of adven 4 (or all DELINQUENT taxes due and unpaid by said persons on the date of tax sale, and , rest, costs and expenses, including the c 3-sl of advertising said saJe, 11 the total amount f due up to and including the year 1949, and Interest thereon, togetlier with costs of adver- .sale, be not sooner paid. !.,id LIST OF PROPERTIES 'For years I wanted revenge "Fops whispered to me to move SEE YOI R forward so he eoHld have room 1 because of what happened to my ESSO OIL BTRNEF DEALER IC55U 1 ture in r8pt attention, but as alten they have been sorely disappointed when th-j elknax of his stories revealed no sudden crack of the rifle; no spurting of blood to match the crimson of the fallen maple leaves; no thrilling father. But each time I came close enough to shoot a moose. I could see the same big, brown eyes which had looked into mine : to aim we were that etose to- g-rther. The next second I felt j a sharp cratch at my leg and I was dragged over the edge of J in ol Pi-rum town Hhort l-crlptlon of Properly J 3 f h a, c I? & sir OH RANGE 3. CtiAST DISTH1CT e. i Sc. 13 75) 28 Mi c 14 S&! Paul A. Parrl C cf D L HOI. C of T 134911-I 0 1 W. 20 th. lit SW. 4 Uec. 3. T. (exers 1 00. Ul) 31 30 n.ta 1881 BO 18 1375, 13 71)i ,n H tlirn-uul furtcls r. CI. H, K L. M, C. ut T laoitn-l Ir k lt 8c U Tp 4 ;. of T (485-1 W 1., or N K l4 (except Uit A. Hkin 3B75. ini ex )t Harn-i A um clt-strlljcU li C o( T. 10347-1,; N l, ol SE l4 Ore. 10. Ty. 4. C ul T. (1.12U-1 3 201 13 75 89 45 RANUK 5. COAHT DISTRICT rc. 3A. Bk I .y. WulkT. Rult Edwin 108, 13 751 33 48 Plan 637. Hubdlv at XI h 45. Towulte of Fort tuit 79 71 1 1. 55 8i 3 18 11.10, 1U 12 75 12 75, F xkU rly 28 rt from front to renr of Lot 13. Bk. 1 B. 1, LoM 1. 1. bX. 'J HtMive ir-r owner, The 12 751 30 Ut Cbiifrli ul Cunadjk ....... i gk 3 88; 13 75, 80 28 "llu ln (1. irt-( ownr, HukIi ami $ allium! At Ki-rr irt-g owner, i NIWIIU4III I Ooualil Julm i in trust, Lot 1281! N. 1,, Lot 4303 B. 40 ell Lot 41141 Lot 5501 , CASilAR LAND DISTRICT Plun 851. Siaxllv of DL. 443, Vlllati of rltewiirt LOU 32, 23, Bk. 21 Lwtfs 1. 3. bk. 31 Plan SIS. Bubdlv of D I. 4M, VHIitHe ol Hiewart Lot 7, Bk. 8 Uit 22. UK, ,8 Lot 1U. UK. Lot 8. hk. 11 rny i'lladyt M Mary Xary im trust. No. 0827 1 . '. n V Oudify Philip Wlnthrop (lii 723, H-rli-rt (rpil nwnf-r Nb. 21 Hi 1 28, 13 75, 38 14 I f : 3 84 8 71 13 75 8) 30 111' (1 40, .58, 13 75 23 73 I i i i BID: .68, 13 75: 22 80 2 85 .15' 12 .7Si 16 55 i I ! 95, .05, 12 75 13 75 95, .05, 12 75 13 75 1 14, .08, 12 75, 13 96 2aj .n! 12 75, 15.77 I i ,' 68,' 13 7i! 220 1 I I ! I ! i j j 2 37, 13, 12 75, 15 25 161! O 12 75 14 45 4 38! 28, 12 75i 17 37 ! ! ' ! I,-' , I - v I 114! .oe' 12 7s! 13 f5 4,28! .25! 120 17 28 I ! I 26 86, 1591 12 75, 41 00 it! rw,l (;u. I.td . In triil Lot.1 23. 24. Bk II Finn 8I8A. Sdbdlv of D L. 488. Vlllae of Stewart Mary My mi trutt. No. UHa7 Mary Lot 3, Bk H ' Lot 17. Bit 16 Lots 13. 14. Bk 20 Plnn !H5 SutKll of O L. 48, VlllatiB of Stewart .,,,,.-, - v l.nU IB. 20, Bit LoU 0. 7. Bk II Lot 12. Bk 12 Al'xaiKli-r ... k n ; ;;;;; Ow ireg owner. Aeiiiwh. Kfrtllii OtKiiry Piailp Wmthrop till f" TWM undiv. li in i: W- Marv I nmiiv I i..i -. M"'y iinirum, ai. will ' 'i it. LoU 21. 22. Bk. 13 .28i 1275! 17.37 Plan 9SB, Bubdlv. of D L. 489. Village of Stewart Mrs J e ,.. I 13 75 ,95 .051 1375 ""ait Una Co. Lid) , . iitv' (rH! "wa"' Uonuld Lot 15, Bk 29 . Lot 10. Bk. 1 . Ilt 8. Bk 41 .. Uit 8. Ilk. 44 . . '"rtl-y Philip wmthrop (iii I 10 96 .76! ,70 12 75 24 41 .05' 12 75 13 56 ( IT S AN EMEPGENCV, 1 H " 1 . 1 , 1 I I ( IN THIgTV YEARS I v NgVES MAP ) . 'VsfK, m , 1 Vj;' I UT'C THAMI.5, ) 71 I BUINED V-rt 1 t"T ITS GOOD " X IT WAS A ) ( HOW DID VT t . - ' h ?i? Ti,3t 000 r allmv it y? LaLTO CETJ-3r- (cIocaIlS happen. 4m, I II S"E FOOLING ) . , J SB KShJ I I V,J. I c-tSs - ( HE CAN'T T APOUeJO LIKE KlOS ) Il ijl ( CAPEFULfe'i aff L-- -T tT IT iTZ ' ' -" ls ,471 .0:l 12.75 13.25 Plan 1283R. Bubdlv. of D.L 888 B O. .11 13 75, 14 SI Plan 1087. Hubdlv. of D L 3333, 488, Village of Stewart '"'PhlUp wmthrop (in 8 531 .52 12.751 211 I 1 1749 138 12 75 31 ( Lot 8, BR. 15 Plan. 1351. Bubdlv. of D.L. 4044 Lot 30, Bk 8 QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT Plan 34. Subdlv. of DL. 16. 16. Townstte of Queen Charlotte LoU 8. 10. Bk. 25 M"garM 1.11 .07 12 75 14 01 Philip Matthias t'Unlaf . Plan 1032. Bubdlv. of D.L. 234. 161, Townalte of Delkatlab Lot S. Bk 18 Lota 8. 10. Bk. 16 Let 421 Piatt 1079, Subdlv. of pt. D L. 748 7 84! .461 12 751 20 85 96 431 . 1.22! 13751 35 40 Lota 3. 4, 5. 8, and easterly 99 ft. Lots 6, 7. Bk. 27 1 51 12.751 S7 26 47 65 46 38 25 OOj 31 .95 3t. 751 15.95j 29.91 "wnw, Hugh M. Walter Walter Walter Henry ..., 13 75 13 75! 1375! 13.75 1.95! 1 871 97 1.811 S K A Lot 847A ! N W. A Lot 1011 D L. 1212 1 D L. 1213 , Lot 1571 (excent 20 9 sc.. Bk. A. Map 14321 30 07 45 48 and aublect .to the reservation as to timber thereon endorsed upon the grant from the 3 94 4 28! 13 73 81 87 crown j at Prlnoe Rupert, B.C., this Sixteenth day of August, 1951. GORDON P. FORBES, Provincial Collector