about put,!!, tMttaJ As I See It LETTERBOX Prince Rupert Daily News meetings elsewhere so that we irn pray first i)f all for the Holy Spirit u use the Word lo irpeak to us concerning our personal sins and need, then secondly, ta-ry for revival to come. Having ciealt with the fact of united prayer, we can now talk TIME FOR REVIVAL Editor, Daily News: One of the greatest hindrances In the way of a large spiritual awakening in Prince Rupert are the grievances and hatred, one toward another. People are nor. willing to forget One church street meeti,lK, 4 Army. Others ire bone to stand Street meeting ntlnued on pai. Thursday, May 31. 1951 Issue Is Party Politics vs Independence Soys Bennett ft, On ore h Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupsrt. and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Pree Audit Bureau of Circulations Canatuan Da:ly Newspaper Association O A. HUNTm, Managing Editor. H. U. PERRY, Managing Director EUB3CRIPTION RATE&: Editor, Daily News: ed to over one and a half million J"ri mm suiia which nave I have noticed with interest dollars for the r.ine month per- uf d"' ' ' " , statements appearing in the iod ended March 31, 1950. This is Zg Ji & Xlh press concerning addresses given an enormous overhead cost when cilKn ; y doctnnal oy representatives of the John- one realizes that th Hospital w b h, b son-Anscomb-Wlsmer Govern- Service does not operate the ho- , b superior, cer- ment on their political tour pitaU but only collects the pre- tain personalities and their pec- ' throughout the province. I find miumt and pays the money over uiiartu?. uiiu other ideas alona This superb tea guaranteesi ly Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Fer Month, 75c- Pt-r Year. the flavour of every cup fc $8 00; By MaU, Per JV.iC-.th, 7; Per Year, $8 00 ii lit tu I 3IMIIXG IX PARIS PARIS, FRANCE. Germany we had a -In been given m to wiiy the Increfts-1 if th Jnhnsnn.ATift-nmh.wis. i ! ' ..u,,., a sud- ' " j. rvjiuw vi uubifris which uuve i j I. (i i ( ed Hospital Insurance premiums mer government had upplled the ,xisted between various fat-i and co-Insurance or whv other t. ii0.. u,ik .. . - Umi "s'0'"11 uons ior over a new ana i ,,. ., TJ.i;-. year ,1 i tA den urge to go .v. to 1 arin. policies such as the five yvar i proper financial report, and if vas a party m them for a while. Our hoped-for trip to- e " "Le,l;!e vy"ic m the additional money was genu- Personally, I am fed up with It. f .,; vance were put into effect. Inelv rmulred. then monrv n-as Wlwtlwr frirnHt mrroi. ,r nt t . . ' - - - . . . "r - - . cllivi : c ,-nm 1 hie nnlit.ii'nl tniii t must vnitiahl f'rnm rovmitf wuroH im fclhiwi r,tirit imi Hrm lh;i Denmark, Norway s "out" for this Sweden MEN'S WEAR now be clear to all that no Coali-: from the Social Assistance Tax, quarrels, follow God's Word and tion f xists in the province but commonly known as the three seek forgiveness In these mat-really thvre has been no genu- ptr cent Bale Tax. only ters. ine Coalition in Victoria since twalve million dollars was orlg- Having done this we are now the present Johnson-Anscomb- inally expected from thto tax ready for uie next point, namely Wismer Governmert was formed, and. In the last fiscal year this united prayer for revival. Prayer This new government has com- one tax alotu collected approxi- has done more things than this plttely strayed from the original mately twenty-seven million dol- world ever dreamed of. A.s policies laid down by thj-former lars. To prove that the money Christians we are all awa t ol Premier John Hart and the late was In the treasury and avail- Uie various theological dill'er- Mi. MaiUand. Immediately this able for additional expenses ences which divide us but it Is new Johnson-Anscomb-Wismer without loading It on many of.'it unscriptural or God dU- year. True, we could have skiminod through Denmark en route to England. But we decided that it was better to postpone the visit altogether until we do the Scandinavian job up right. So here we are in Paris in spring. DKI SS SOX A large selection from which to chow ' From ..: f WORK SOX A big variety of good quality work sox. From : FISIIKR1MKN-S Pl'l.l.OVi:R SWKATKK8 Warm Nuvys,(j i M . ... - .. . . h,m.nn n 1 1 i ttegurar , ro 4 Kuci.l. DRESS SHIRTS AND SPOUT SIIIttTS Fine quality Pr-l'fccl fit Now $1.95 J Pl'RE WOOL Sl'ITS -The latest double-breasted it fine wtMil suits COMFORTERS I Double bed size comforters Sow tm ' WE TOOK A TIP FROM WISE ' goveriiineni was lurniea a mice me people ot live provu.c wno "ig w y' lutui tnuiv-ji i travellers and pa-ssed up the big Per cent sa!es tax was imPsed could ill afford to pay, tile in- Lmite Wlth all the blood washed tourist hotels Instead we are ; on u-' People of the province creased rates, I would refer you salnts ln town for a on a wee,? in a typical French family hotel I and that- alonB with othet laxes, to the Comptroller General's re- P'W meeting for revival. (The Belfast, Avenue Garnot, a makes British Columbia the port covering the nine month Gospel churJhes in Prince Ru-.stone's throw from the Arc de I highest taxed province in tlie period of revenue and expendl- Pe"t are so jealous of one an-Triomphe) whele Dominion of Canadp. tures ended December 31, 1950. other t:.at i.aey carry on like j i Dunng the last session of tne This shows that the revenue co!- ccmpetitive grocery stores. When I THE MANAGER OF THIS 1 Legislature the present govern- lected in this nine month period one's denomination is so Im-little hotel Is a genteel middle- m.-nt forced through amend- was approximately nine million ' "mX f op' aged lady, who looks frail, but ments to the "Hospital Insurance dollars more than expenditures, ,"ffJ;f. 1 ''il" "zJtJt ,1,.', is right on the job. She watches ! Act." enormously Increasing the and no doubt the twelve month e :, t ,u J. Uniled States and Britain TWISTING Urn lion's tail is old stuff in the United I States and making the eagle scream is not a particularly new diversion in Ilritain, both having been heretofore taken pretty well in stride as more or less pood-natui-ed banter. Today, however, things may be going a little too far for they seem io be causing an actual deterioration in traditional friendly relations. On both sides of the Atlantic nasty things are being said which bode none too well for the future and are actually constituting a game in which Stalin may be the real beneficiary. It was not so long ago that British Defence Minister Shinwell made a public speech in which ho denied that Britain was the tail to an American armaments kite. Tin's was evidently for the benefit of the elements in the British Labor party which hates the capitalistic United States but was glad of such handouts as Marshall aid and Lease-Lend. Then there are cartoons in United States newspapers showing President Truman, in a little boy's costume, whimpering over, the great 'parade for General MacArthtir, being consoled by Mother Britannia out of whose purse peeps a tiny Dean Acheson.. And again Stalin. is shown holding Attlea as a Charlie McCarthy on his knee while Attlee holds a dummy Acheson on his knee. The cross-fire of the Atlantic might cause serious reflection among Canadians. It is time for clear thinking and restraint in this country. Canada still can be a bridge of better understanding between the '.wo great nations. hop and i ave at uvcr 1.11C IIUIC1 mutll s vu.iif- lores aim auuinj inrajr tu-ui- c - hr-nrtt ind mi t'n ii- IM'U -i.i. ' LS 'Ula 1 11 l-Ulej-JHV notnl nrm,l ,thor h..A iiriin.o Thoco i,l..nr.u mro One Of the IflrCPSt rash fill nll'S" S . . PlU -U -nv, v . v u.v.. -.w..vo - 1 cnurcii aside watches over her n jwly-hatehed put into effect without giving H has ever received. , chicks. the members of the legislature a I further note that uw govern- 1 e 0 Ilc'n rcn'iValrtFr.aJiJ i Her assistant is Madame Nam- copy of the financial statement ment members on tneir political h."n q T,' ,,a",,.!u 11 uci A wu auuilli, U 1 U III u i; . , o... v.... wui oic oajviig umv ttll au- I Virvea w?i r 0.,U.l V,,.l F ditional money was taken from n.,tnin,, NOW IS Th! TIME TO 1 ju: envy anu hateu consolidated revenue account toward another inst 'srt younger, full of vitality and ior tneir yearly period ended vivacity. December 31, 1950. The who!.' ! Beside them sits the Hall Por- hospital service badly needs a ter who says little, but who se's complete reorganization and all, knows all. He can tell you audit as the overhead operat.'ng just about everything you want expenses of tlw scheme amount-to know about Paris and if you RE-RO0 to pay the hospital costs, then lcst. love 01lp to ls u money would be short for roads, .10t possible for folks ti pet tJ-education and social services, j eihcr i.i a central I ication, or."? iConUnued on page 6) I't w:rk v '.it e there e.-p no : t fit want it, he can probably get it. We will dothejof Asphalt or Cc( Shingles for estimates! ( phone 9 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. ro.N OF COURSE, THE DINING room is the centre of attraction In, this place. Here they serve meals which truly are a light. Foolishly, we missed one i meal in our own little hotel. iThat is, we stayed downtown at ; one of the big hotels where they 'serve several hundred people at, la sitting. Don't say you didn't know JUST STARTING . . . THE VANCOUVER DRILY PROVINCE New Exciting Contest BRITISH COLUMBIA Bagpipes Never again not if we can Space is Limited in the Special Edition of the Daily Trine1 Rupert business people desirous of being repjf era , Jn a (pedal industrial supplement whk-h ii published in connection with the opening of the t'i Cellulose plant are urged to have their copy " without further delay, The special sections are now being closed i i res rvations siiould be made at once. The lfsue will contain new pictures and aitlrleslf programs cf Ky and district, with rpcclal rcfeirnf I Columbia Cellulose. I There will be special nation-wide circulution. j 'help it! ; There is only one waiter in our hotel, but he is alway.; faultlessly dressed. He is thirty-ish and rather like Charier Boyer for. build; but, thank the Lord, doesn't moan that way. j He has two good-looKin? young lady assistants one 'blond, tall, cheerful; one dark, smaller and chic, i They all have a professional pride in their job. . j You should see the blonde's face light up when we order crepe suzettes for dessert. Not that she is allowed to of-; ficiate at the table-side fire rites 'which they perform here not 'only over the high-class pan Cull at Dally News or Phone 748 for apxiltiii BAGPIPES Scottish? Hoot, mon, they're from Pakistan.- Or so says an exhibitor at Canada's International Trade Fair. Next they'll he telling us rhamrocks are from Hindustani. While visitors of Scottish ancestry at the fair raise a querulous eyebrow, S. A. Hussaini, of the Pakistan high commissioner's office in Ottawa, explains that not only did the' bagpipes originate in Pakistan, but his country has captured the United Kingdom market and, furthermore, they've sold some musical instruments, if the word can be used so loosely, to the Canadian armed forces. The Scots, says Mr. Hussaini, got the pipes from the Irish. And the Iri?h got them from the Spaniards, who got them from the Moors, who knocked around Barcelona for years. Now, the forerunner of the pipes came to North Africa from Greece at the time Alexander was cracking skulls in the Mediterranean area. And didn't the Asians at one time overrun Greece and other countries thereabouts? It's as logical as that. Or so says the man from Pakistan. lewi cakes, but over the steaks, too. The High Priest, pardon me, I mean Head Waiter, does that. Every time we eat a meal there I ask myself how do the French manage to keep such high-class people cooking and NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC waiting on table? BUT WHAT OF THE GEN-eral picture of France in 1951? It is less tired, less cynical, vis I; 4 i: W. i i' ' v. !' I- ( . ' i WASHERS Model M59 $181 i Model MS9-P (With Pump) $193 1 NOW ON DISPLAY AT ibly more prosperous than it was when, we were here twj years ago. The amount of purchasing done by the middle classes amazes me. The fine arts flourish here as they flourish no-I where else In the parts of Europe we have visited. The theatres are packed out not by foreigners, either, i Yet if I think back to the Scripture jfaSiaje jur Jtulaij "Neither doth Clod respect persons;' yjt doth He devise Sieann that His banished not expelled from him." 2 Sem. 14:14. tJIANT DAM The Fort Peck dam on FIRST TRAIN first train drawn by a Tr.-i the France of 1914-1918, the decline steam locomotive in the United Missouri river in Montana is the since then is not only ominous Northern B.C. Power G elates ran irom Albany to Sche- , largest hydraulic earth-fill dam for the whole world, not oni lectady, N.Y., in 1831. . In the world, 250 feet high. (Continued on page 6 Slf- Prince Rupert, P..C. Must be.., will be... WON FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY ENTER NOW Wc have just received a NEW SHIPMEK TANGLE TOWN EIMTOR, THK VANCOUVER PAHV FROVINOJ:, VANCOUVER, B.C. i 1 - i STEAM TRUNKS Mokeyouj selection n srofl. while our compltf ore 1 . - Please send me romptfte list of all (he prizes and the official rules of I BRITISH COLUMBIA TANGLE TOWNS and (lie complete set of 45 puzzles to be I t . solved. I wish to enter my name as a comes! ant and understand there in no I obligation assumed by mailing (his coupon. . ' - YOUR NAME -. - ..- I w . YOUR ADDRESS ; - - .'. ' i CITY r. t tett trim coupon neatly ok doited line to avoid delay I .in receiving complete information I L . j fashion footwe( Then is a CHRISTt BISCUIT fir every tasfe