IT - v" J 4 The University of Lima, Peru, I Prince Kupert Duily News Thursday,- May. 31, 1951. was founded by the. Spaniards mm School Attendance Percent Here is Highest in Canada in 1551. r 1 . . 1 rrwgj consists of: Kenneth Thomas Black, Joseph Alfred Blackaby, Victor Leonard Brain, Heather Mac-Kenzie Brewer, Ralph Byron Enridge, Thorstein Magnus Eyolfson, Diane Lorene Gllker, Gordon Richard Graham, Iona Viviene Hardy, Peter Harvey, J -IP Education W. T. Bo-Me-Hi Graduates to Hear Education Minister MONTREAL, May 31.t-iuinuiw faTTi fun and they re most becoming to Wll J" I they fit you to perfection. So whether voti I buy your clothes whether the T " n terror- rr?i I Minister of Stralth, KC, Rupert, said that British visiting Prince in an interview Columbia schools POLICE COURT priced or low . . . be mire it "?tr..;,iijijr.,-r' .. I Sharl Beth Ingalls, Gloria Viv- Tomorrow will be graduation nieht for Booth Uan Irving Eileen sonja jerstad,; gs 1? tl.e pertection or a J.H.HTMXO SLID, kkt I ENER1 That exchwive Automatic lack vaxmL I "110 gapanu . Lmhtning tipprn ((. m,e .i? ) ttup mmiily can't aliu or nimicl I.iifhi.,.. ' ' t "have the largest percentage of attendance in Canada." "And more children take higher grades," he said, quoting figures where, in the rest of Memorial High School and an incident of excep-;garet Anne Kennedy John Ern.i For taking a cur without own- tinml intp--Psr this nrrasion will be the Presence est Ketcheson, Mary S. Koyami, ' el 's consent, Charles iMacDonald tional intCi est nn on this occasion V 111 De Uie costs picnic patrlda Jg uu uella : war fined $50 and $3.50 by 1 Hit: lir.l xii it hnn been 'r.. 7..:'" r:.z" " .n 1 1 M j Canada 27 per cent of school Louise H.agistrate W. D. Vance in police . . . flexibility a laimlr-raliility . . oi ine minister 01 eaucauon, nun. vv. i. on an.", uMaxine MacDonaid wine range ui urn ajia coiourii nn(J a "uuist" for your suiumer wanlrolitl children completed grade XI, 50 -;il rill orli.c address fV, the 101 IVol graduating nruflnatino- rln;; CiasS which wnicn nuin num- ; Norma McDonald, Newton. Alvln Andrew Doreen court Roderick yeaiemay. McDaniel was fined 'ihis advertisement is not published or (jisnlaved by the Liquor Control Top Off A Summer Meal with frathen-liKlit ftip uakea frosied as per cent completed the grade in B.C. - ' Board or by the Government of Vsgrs 43 oriusu oiuuiuiii. ! " ! Jean Paul. Ailce May Paulson, $25 for assaulting a police of fi'-er who intend to go on with higher Nellie Sonja Pavich, Burns and Ingvald Johannsen, $25 and education. Mrs. G. G. Withers, j pierce, Annie H. Geraldlne $4.50 costs for failing to make municipal regent, will present prockter, Janet Irene Rackow, ' income tax returns. Proceedings will be held at the Civic Centre with the gradua- I tion exercises to be followed by be sure of hnkmie muvt'SH, make them with SWANS DOWN CAKK FliOVK. Thafi the flour that's ftifu-d t;;iin anl htfitin 'til it's 97 timet as fine as ordinary fwtr! . . . Feathery Cup Cake. 2 14 cup sifted Swans 11 cup shortenfni? Down Cak Flour fr"" P 1 14 tspn. Calumet 1 cup suar Bkinj Powd . ' "r"" "Kht PORTRAITS Sentenced to three months in' The average "leaving age" of a student in BC. is 17 years, eight months, Mr. Stralth said. In the last four years $2.-000.000 had been spent in new school building by the education department, and 250 new schools and additions had been completed. Last year eight mil . . j i 8 reception ior ine parciiH unci Kilms whichPthe (traduatioln dan:e win is Developed Developed , . and and . I Prir Printed . PROMFr SERVICE jail was Dorothy Wilson, for vagrancy. the Imperial Order Daughters or Roderick Anthony Robinson, the Empire .scholshlp. A new joan Faith Ryan, Phoebe Hallie scholarship, open to girls on'.y, sankey, Glen MacKenzle Saun-is being offered by the Sorop-,derSf Joyce Marie Scherk, Mat-timst Club and will be pre-; thew Edgar Sedgwick, Jack ' sented by Mrs. A. W. Nushaw, Sharpe, Ruth Marie Skalmerud, president of that club. . ; Evelyn Ruth Smith, Raymond OHAXnLF.R'S STUDIO 14 tspn. salt 1 tpn. vanilla Sift fJour one, me attune, add baking powoVr a nd alt. m thrt 11,, until !.. AJJ Cream shortening, add Uar graduauv: cream in 216 4th Street Phone Green 389 ' be held in the gymnasium. ' A. M. Hurst, principal, will preside. The class valedictorian i will be George Graham. Two scholarship? for genera! protici-- ency will be presented to pupils Toderas, Benita Charlotte Win-die. Marion Frances Wright.. Darrel Jack Young, Madelene Box 646 Prince R'lpert siul b-t weii. Autl iMiui. aiU!iniiteiy -with milk, lion was spent; this year, &even millions are slated for new a time beat mooth after each addition. Add vanil.a (nr mt.jH 112 ton. aratwt orame rmd with shorten, cream The graduating class this year Gottlieb Spring, William Joseph Mary Youngman. kiobctu iiiuiiiii faiia, w h-ii vu iwi in niuuin pans; ml 03 Bake In moderate oven cna den. F.J IS to ill mmulea. frost Ml ni decorate. Makea 30 cup cakea. SenJ for the f0.pice booklet "Learn To Bake, You'll Lou It" Mail your request with your uiimc aud aililnss uud ZUc m com t, CicDcral FucnU Liniiled, Dept. h, Coliourg, Ontario. schools as part of the department's education program. The figure is lower this year because of the restrictions made necessary by the international emergency, Mr. Stralth said. Jl'a All Tho Rate . . . The new fad of making lovely tiwue Aim ers mis nuoureu umw imniiKen mem. 1 ve seen ijue ol tl,.N i' flowera and they really are beautiful creaiiiin,,.ari:f; ao effective when worn as a cuiMine or (firmly) ,jf niKnu(tnt. a iiiur-uo. ur you tuny want to use lu m m: Wc 7" A ANC CLEAR 'omen novel table oolltpiet. 1 here are two f t n n , Iti c' coloured tnwucn availuhle in Camilla- FACK.l-I I i : I n l'.l,.U f,,r II,,.. -I,,. !,,, il ... 1, ' Oav-1 Toiletry counters ... and OlIJSON'S Tinti Tim' uouA if you buv at (iriH-ery Stores. Both l-'a.-e-Klle st i' CiliMin'tt are paekrd with three lovely patel nhaiiu in the our iw j About Ihoae fiowert they're easy to make but i you mould lib frre iait apift iimpie tnatrurttont fun arrtfe to me liailiara brt'c 1411 Crescent ht., Muntreul, Here' Your Chanre to try one of This Situation and Many Refugees Leaves Mark in West Germany BONN (Reuters) Six years of war, 3,000,000 "superfluous" women and 10,000,000 refugees in tlione niarvel-oiih new C-I-L Sl'ONtiRS in F.-.STOM 3CIBTD STARTING West Germany have left deep marks on German family life. One marriage in six In West Germany today ends in divorce. They are more frequent In towns than in the country. Marriages between 1942 and 1944 have proved the least stable. Nearly half of all war-broken marriages have lasted less than 10 years. The presence of children has Ittle effect upon the durability I marriages, say German statisticians who find that 38 per cent tk'-if A handy dUh- -SaTjar waahing aue! " f-Zi-m' Simply arrila to me Barbara Hrent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, - enclosing 10c In coin or pontage ttnmpt and I'll mail your dithwaahin$' tponge to you, together with a folder tellitiK all the things you can do with C-I-L Celhilone Sponges. There are lev-erni handy sizes for every purpose nnd 1 know you'll love theml They're velvet-soil when wet nice ior I he bath kind to your finest china. They're chemically pure and so eaxy to keep clean. They float and their square shape makes them easy to handle. Better write now for your C-l-L Cellulose bponge. Alt Cood Saladi have one fj:ivi,. secret in common. Whether thiv 4r served, toni-ed and luoi(i'ii!v rr- f in a wooden bowl or cninunu. arrauged in gla frmt dihei . . they're alwavs flionreii v y:i I1K1NZ VlM-tJAKS! Yen. jiK you make your suhni wi h : r. best fruits and vrgftuKles ma.-r: your salad dremiM with llic n t best of vinegar! A-k your gnu i tomorrow for iieini W line id'c marvelous for light salads i:f smooth in. led dre. -sings . . . I lleinx Mail Vin gar and Cart Vinegar delicious for hear 1 salads. One more flavour m-i . . . it's the aging and nn How. 4 in wood that liinke Hi mi Vu gars so very, very good! 1 Got A Shark the other day wl. I s All-Wool Tweed Sport Coats FRIDAY, JUNE 1 Men s All-Wool GABARDINE SLACKS Cut with five pockets and drop belt bops . . . pleated front styles ard slide fasterer. Shades of brown sand and fawn. Regular Price to 22.50. - j-. TO CLEAR 14,95 if broken marriages are child-1 !i Single-breasted models with notch lapels, three patch pock- ti Plain and fancy weaves in diagonals, herringbone and glen I learned that one has to !e careful in buying a crnd-uet bein mg such a famous name even as "i' riguhure '. It seems that some stores whii h aio not Authorised Fligiduire llealeis iheik patterns. r;itcSular to $38.0. I'. TO CLEAR 9.95 -14.95 ess,, compared with 43 per cent -.lore the war. Only fourteen per cent of div-rces are granted on the ground i adultery. The usual grounds c "other offences against mar-.age" including sexual irregu-aritles and what the law calls -h break-up of the marriage emmunity." , Divorces are private affairs; lothing may be published about hem in the press. S.atisticlans estimate that ibout one-half of all married Germans ate unfaithful to their wives. Even among women there Is much more unfaithfulness lhan before the war. An Increasing number of mar-i;ied women, estimated at between 10 and 16 per cent, are unable to bear children, while three per cent of all babies are .o.r. dead. Mr. Math Won't Like Title but it's a verv hupiy di-c(jver" for vou - - , that's I.ARVEXI It's nn absolutely ture way to mothproof your rloihes for mollis will starve to death rather than eat anything thats teea l.srven-treated. Aud it's such an eay way to mothproof yotir woollens mats suits drchees anil rue-l .Simply sray it on and it mothproofs the cloth for a whole yerir. What 'a more, alter you've mothproofed a varment the Larvex way ita ready for immediate wear. For theres no tell-tale odour at all I And you'll be pleased with the inex-peuiuveness of Larvex costs no more to "I.arvcx" a suit than to get it dry-cleaned t havu. Kot luilil oi , some 1 UlClDAllti; llKiWiV1 ATt iliS and mc s lung de in f though they cannut ttn'e tlic I tomer the -,'ll-tn"n J.1 I Vroteetkin Plan n(ieriii :v V i duire I'lOilili ts of t'lienia I.imi This Fiigidaue of Cania wsrtw protects the buyer iiii.i n-l posMblo service cx,(iic i"1 sealed merlianifin fur v r It's a safeguard to huh y. entitled, lie sure you git it " yon buy a Kngidaire liefr.ger the 5-yrar I insist on celling lection ' Plan certilii ,i'e Ivnr the name Frigulaire Prodi"'" Canada Limited, I-easule, tli. 200 only Dress Shirts Discontinued lines of fine Broadcloth Shirts. All made by well known manufacturers. Sizes 14 to 1712. Regular to $7.50. $0 05 CLEARANCE PRICE SLACKS SPECIAL 100 "AIS All Colors and S;zes Zippers, Pleats and Drop Belt Loops. TO CLEAR $i -j QC (Whi.j thsy last X J."'' ' N JM T 4 , t.'J T,,: 1.'' , TC'.,' P ,.f Afr yea the car. t " lie ma , en: i - "i. i j , i'M - v .v ' t ' y , "vv- f V-. j .'s I i . ' I; ! i I ' . . ' ' ' i 1 I 4 ' t 1; i ',' to 4 4 ;'' I, 11 's -vu.' :i1 ;ii !. ;i . -itfl ' r - V ' . . ,1 j .; il I Lova Thou "Nuda Look" Storking Shail. t don't you? WcU, if just a jrw tenia, i,u can have several pairs ol stockings lai in the newest nude look colors . . . bv tinting old, i'i) S V"; 1 faded stockings with All-fabric TIXTKX STtX'KI.Nti DVK.S) Ves, you'll find the verv "nudest" shades in all- 300 pairs SHOES for clearing Broken sizes and styles. Bluchers, 3almorals, Brogues, Soori- Modeis. Sizes 6 to 11. but not all sizes in each style. fabne tintex . . . versatile "I'trtory itetye', to wear with black, brown or beige soft-as-a-shadow "Smoke Drop Supplies To Mining Party Queen Chariot i Air Lines today dropped 3 800 pounds of supplies on Chlckamln Olacier, near Stewart, to a mining exploration party headed by Art. ! Haze" subtle "H'in Hliwh". Why not do as so many women do? . . . keen in atep with fashion the eeonomi- i-il rl'it,l. 1I..-A. I. an.i f..t-,iriinl To 10.50 All-Woo! ' CARDIGAN COATS A drastic clean"up of all shor'; and broken ranges of better quality pure wool cardigan coats. Button-front and twe pockets. Wine, navy, grey, fawn, brown, etc. Sizes 36-44. Regular to $14.50 - C Qj -n a iiiica ju-i. loiiow lie lilsiniei mua uii iu. I - iinleif KtneLitie Itvui at vnur XM ER' NCE PRICE r.:. You'll ,ke the price just lllc a parkagel j II 300 Rcnuior - SUMMER SPORT SHIRTS I! 4.95 u nil SHIRTS Medium and Largr Regular to $3.45. Sizes Smal Pattern' and Plain Shades. CLEARANCE PRICE 3m A sweeping e'earance of short, bnken antl regular ;i:ies of Summer Sport Shirts. Gabardines, rayon spuns and homespuns. Two-way collars two flap pock ts. Wine, giey, crccn, liijht blue, yel'ov navj, et:. Sis s sma'l. medium and Ian??. mm JALS Starts o a Mi FRIDAY. JUNE 1st i i t REMEMBER . . . WE ARE OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. FRIDAY ONLY Fire-Resistant Lasting Colourful Available in man the above and many more specials ON SALE AT Styles 1 Besides Asphalt Shingles your Barrett Dealer has a complete line of roofing, insulation and weatherproofing materials. Winiic F. SI THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED 9250 Oak Srt, Vancouver, B.C; Take your building problems to your Barrett Deak t 1 '