Prince Rupert Doiiy News Thursday, May 31, 1951 Baseball Scores JoTappuance SALES 4 SERVICE CAS AND ELEt'TKIC RANGES phone Blue 892 PACIFIC ELECTRIC Softball is Underway Firemen Take Opening Win BUDGET STRETCHER Battery is Winner- Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery continued to dominate the Football League whan it trounced General Motors by a score of 7-0 North B.C. Wins Native Atheletes From This District Tops at Alberni Von Essington and Port Simpson native athletes captbred championship honors at the recent annual rporta meet at Alberni Indian Residential School where many young native people from this district are m residence. j . Herbert Roberts of Port Es- ther Underwood, Marjory Dennis ungton took senior boys' honors' 75 Skip Edna Robinson, Mar-with a total of 4fli2 points while J'y Dennis, Esther Underwofxl O 'oi ge . Cecil of Port Simpson j Boltball Throw Edna Robin-tpped the intermediate boys 80,1 Esther Underwood, Shirley Steam Baths OPEN 12 noon to 12 midnite Phone 658 Corner 3rd Ave. and 6th St. IMI M iJ ' v I uvej Cellulose I Ine Ejnlor Sc.'tball Lea3ue-got under way last night at Gyro Park with Firemen defeating Columbia Cellulose team 10-7. ! B3Ct teams showed flashes of good ball and after a looe fr.-it three innings, settled down well. I Art Olsen went the route for ft"-" -fjj TUESDAY AMERICAN Chicago 5-8, St. Louis 2-1 BoJton 11-9, New York 10-4 Cleveland 3-4, Detroit 1-1 NATIONAL Brooklyn 5-5, Philadelphia 3-9 8t. Louis 4-7, Pittsburg 3-3 New York 8-3, Boston 5-6 Chicago 5-5, Cincinnati-! PACIFIC COAST Sacramento 9-7, San Francisco 7-3 Oakland 2-3, Seattle 1-4 Hollywood 4-2, San Diego 0-4 Los Angeles 9-11, Portland 6-7 Western International Vancouver 1-4, ?n!tr. 0 8 Yakima 5-12, Spokane 7-S Victoria 3-6, Tacoma 2-7 Trl-City 6-2, Wenatchce J-6 AMERICAN Cleveland 2, Detroit 1 "in i punus. Mane Morrison Jonn' of Fort Simpson captured the; HiKh Jump Marjory Dennis intermediate girls championship Esther Underwood tied for with 2)1, points. j 1st. 4'1"; Edna Robinson. R'J8Ultii nf th mut nr, t.. I RrnnH Tiimn tf.u... t-. 1 ! wtanesoay night at Roosevelt j Park. So far Army has not been j scored against. However they j still have to meet the Canadian J Legion eleyen, which has a pow-ierful team lined up for Monday. I Scorers for the Army were: iPavlikis (2), Halkestad, Park-house, Cameron, Jorgenson with ! om apiece. One goal being scor-j ed by a Motors player against his .cwn $de. I Standings for the North Star trophy to date are as follows: ' P W L T F A P Battery '. 2 2 6 0 10 0 4 Motors 3 1 I 1 S 8 3 j Legion 2 0 1 1 2 3 1 I Favlikis and Cameron cf Army lead the league with three goals epiece and D. Letourneau of Motors With two u seennrl aa 1UI-! " .ijj iviai jyii y ICIIXIIJB, warded to the Daily News, were- 'Esther Underwood, Edna Robln- FRASER HOUSE We shall not be responsible for articles left in storage or deposit after 30 days from this date. May 14,1951. MR. AND MRS. HICKS sua. the Firemen and kept nine hiti fairly well scattered while linking out 12. Vwjack pitched the il:rst four Innings for tha pulp I mill team and allowed eight hit? but was the victim of same very P"Or sutHAirl. i Thornsen pitched the last two Innings and retired six straight tatters, four by strikeouU. j . Leading hitters for the night were Adams of Firemen with two doubles and a single while for the Celanese. Wagner had two triples and Dalyn and Tucker drove out doubles. The umpiring was outstanding as both umpires were on tiie ball on everv nlav and irnt ih r A Grind Plac-e to Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B.C. just a Nice Day's Drive Senior bjys Herbert Roberts (Port Essington I 48i. . Intermedials boys George Cecil Port Simpson i 27. Junior boys Levi Cootes Kil-d nani 26'-2. Senior girls-Edna Robinson iClo-oowi 31. Inlermeidate girls-Marie Mor-iliion (port simp, ziv,. Junior girls - Marion Robin THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT IN NORTHERN B.C. INTERMEDIATE EVENTS ! Boys' ! 100 yardsGeorge Cecil, Percy Louie, Dennis Ridley, i 220 yards George Cecil, Percy ; Louif , Dennis Ridley. ! 440 yards George Cecil, Garry j Grant, Dennis Ridley 880 yards George Cecil, Den-1 nif, Ridley, Garry Grant i High Jump Garry Grant, i Kenneth Little, Pat Dixon, E Referee was Pat Forman and Linesmen were 8. Dickens and G. Ford. I Goal Averages . Goals PACIfiC COAST Seattle 8, Oakland 10 " ; San Francisco 6, Sacramento 9 Portland 7, Los Angeles 8 Hollywood 7, San Diftm 3 . Western International Vancouver 8, Salem 5 (Van--couvar sets league record with 14 consecutive winsi Victoria 1, Tacoma 8 Tri-City 4, Wenatchee 7 Yakima 4. Spokane 3 son (Clo-oosei aaii. t-IVIOK B0V8 100 yards Hjrh,.i n, game moving at a good pace. ( The second game cf the season will be played at Oy.'o Park on Saturday evening and will te 2 George Cecil. Broad Jump Kennjth Little, j James E :b, George Cecil. Hop, Step and Jump Kenny Little. Georee. Cecil iimwi h-Ji i-t wr uiarlie, Geddes Wl)s:m. 220 yards -Petr Charlie, Her- ' Team Played Pavlikis, Army 2 Cameron, Army 2 Letourneau, Motors .... 3 . Jorgenson, Army.., 2 j Holkestad, Army . : 2 Parkhuuse, Army 2 Campeer, Legion 2 ! Murray, Legion 2 Bou!ter, Motors 3 1 oen Koirts, Gerldes Wilson, upen ttacno V. North Stars In what promises to be a close ball game as bath Imse teams a'e expected to be str;.ig this veer. CELANESE .... AB R H Losie, lb STEAMER rince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN HIDNKSDAY MIDNIGHT Liixmy at Low Cost Fur Reservations Vizjack, p, 2b .... Thornsen, 2b, p Dalyn, s Eziard Charles w ,hu .ncrqen Roberts, j "oi rui Kenneth LIUle, Feler Charlie, Reginald Wesley ! James Bob, Percy Louie. 880 yards Herbert Roberts, ' Girls' R' glnald Wesley, Clifford Mor- ' 50 yards MarM Morrison, Sal--an- . 'y Morrison, Doreen Wilson Mile Run Herbert Roberts, ' 75 yards Marie Morrison, Sal-Rsglr.ald Wesley. Wallace Haiz- y M - rrison, Mena Underwood imsque. loo yards Marie Morrison,' Mile Walk Mdvln Morrison, Mena Underwood, Sally Morri-Herberl Roberts, David Louie. son ' High Jump Herbert, Roberts, ' 75 Skip Mena Underwood, Ai thui Giant, Peter Charlie. , Sally Morrison, Adeline Under lucker, cf fielder. It' Lepage, c Wagnt:-, 3b Carroll, rf ... 4 .. 4 . 4 35 AB o load Jump Herbert Roberts wood. Easy Winner CHICAGO Heavyweight champion Ezzard Charles hand- ' ed out a stinging boxing lesson to an inept light heavyweight champion Joj Maxim for a unanimous decision In their fif- j teen-round title bout at the j Chicago Stadium Wednesday ! night. Peter Charlie, Oeddes Wilson. 1 FIREMEN -Franks. 3b 2 Write or Call ITY OK DKI'OT OFFICE Hauser. 2b a i High Jump Shirley John f'l"), Marie Morrison, Mena Underwood Broad Jump Dorean Wilson, Mena Underwood, Marie Clappis IT'S NEW! , IT'S EXCITING ! STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL ! FORD'S British Built CONSUL See ft soon at Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEAtLKS Prince Rupert, B.C. Hop, Step and Jump Herbert P'-nerts. Peter Charlie. Gedd.-s Wilson. I Shot Put Peter Charlie, Het-;bert Roberts. Gecldes Wilson. SENIOR filRI.S Tchabold, ss 4 Spring, lb 3 Adams. If a rl MtiNUlS RUPERT, II B.C. ' f? from.:. cf oCT FIRE MOTHS THEFT SAFETY FURS-T , IN . I Charles, vicious 44U walk Sally Morrison, Wil I njo Knighton, JMyrtle Little. Shir j ley John. 1 Whatman, cf 4 I Baker, c 4 ! Mathews, rf 4 oisen, p 3 50 yards Edna Robinson. Es 32 10 BILL SCUBY'S FUR VAULT ther Underwood, Marjory Dennis i JCKIOR Boys 75 yards-Edna Robinson, Es- ! 100 yards Levi Cootes, Paul the Underwood, Marjory Dennis: Tommy. Denny Dixon 1C0 yards Edna Robinson, Es- i 220 Levi Cootes, Donald James IHTsl I I- ir.o.. rjxon (32 45 reco:d Base on balls. Clsen s Vi made his eighth title defence a j sharp belting all the way of i the wary and cautious-punching I faaxim who was bleeding and I puffing at the finish. There was no question that! fc.axim was outclassed in his at- ' tempt to dethrone the. Cincinnati negro who had beaten him three tirr.-.'s previously before e.ther was a champion. ' There were ho knockdowns. jack 3, Thornsen 0; strikeout-., iby Olsen 12, Vizjack 5, Thor.i- Jen 4; two baa; hits, Adams 2, IDoljn, Tucker; thre? ba- MU, , Wagner 2. I 440 yards Levi Cootes, Paul "IH II I) B.C. PAYROLLS" Tommy, Donald James C CLEANING GLAZING REPAIRS REMODELING Phone 974 FREE PICK-UP SERVICE Out of Town Customers Ship Express Fully Insured' MBING Pacific and HEATING BLONplE -A Method in Their Madness By CHIC tOUNG GOODNESS PROTECTED 1 vgel toco cake witm ivfLEr-r J, V 2SS WMjHO CAKE V ' The Reliable and Prompt Service Vou Know 880 yards Lavi Cootes, Dick Humchitt, Paul Tammy High Jumo Paul Tommy Denny Dixon, Levi Cooutes 3'6" equals record). Broad Jump Paul Tommy, Donald James, Levi Cootes. Girls 50 yards Marion Robinson, Sadie Underwood, Donna Wilson 75 yards Marion Robinson, Sadie Underwood, Betty Joseph 100 yards Marion Robinson, Sadie Underwood, Betty Joseph. 50 Skip Marion Robinson, Sadie Underwood, June August. High Jump Marion Robinson, June August, ' Velma Touchie 3'6"). Broad Jump Marion Robin-fon, Sadie Underwooc, jm.. August. PRIMARY Boys 50 yards Eugene Touchit j GREAT GAME I Lawn tennis began to bs play- ed in Canada a lew years a,fler its birth in England in 1874. I Melvin White, Douglas Sebastian Sack rae. Larry Paul, Walter Williams, Arthur Cootes Frof race Walter John. Walter Williams, Douglas Sebastian Shoe race Larry Paul, Walter John, Tyler Williams. Girls 50 yard& Frances Robinson, Gloria Robertson, Linda Samp-scn Sack race Lindner Sampson, Frances Robinson, Angelina Joe. ! Frog race Lindner' Sampson, i Angelina Joe, Frances Robinson Shoe rate Lindner Sampson, Lorene Young, Lavern Dennis. PHONE rurific's wholesome pure milk Routines;; is rirotected by vacuum packing, homogenized for easier diRestion and Vitamin D increased lo jive added nourishment Oiand In coffee and In babies' formulas. Try convenient Pacific Milk today. PACIFIC MILK 174 Sfpair, lni1 Alleratmns ith&ElkinsUd. . Box ?74 Varuitm parked and homogenized ! MEN S HATS -SPECDALS- Ladies' Sweaters Genuine WHITE BUCK STRAP Men's Fur Felt Hats made Long Sleeve Botany Wool Pullover $9-95 lirjh l-lwl y n we" known manufacturer. Range of colors. Sizes 6 7'& to 7'2 SPECIAL Sweaters. Good color range. Sizes 32 to 40. CHILDREN'S TRAINING PANTIES Finely knit Cotton. White only. A pair -I 0Q Sizes 2-4-6 years for , CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOX Rayon andCotton Mixture 'Colors: Pink, Blue, Maize and A pair "I AA White. Sizes 5-8V2 for A BOYS' ANKLE SOX MEN'S MEN'S LOAFERS Snug Fitting .Elastic Gore Flexible Neolite So'cs ' Easy Fitting $6-95 SERGE PANTS Yardage Special Odd bolts of Cotton Print. Plain and Dot Marquisette "All Wool" Serge Dress Pants. Pleated front and zipper closing. Brown shades. Regular 14.50. Sizes 32 and 34 only. CLEARING 3 pair J. Assorted fancy patterns. Sizes 6-9 yards for 2 0 9.95 10YS' OXFORD Hard Wearing Crepe Soles . Of School 'or Play $4-75 MEN'S ANKLE SOX Assorted patterns. First quality, to pair -i AA Sizes 10-11 12 " for M-VV GIRLS' RAYON BRIEFS Colors: Maize, Blue, White. d pair -f 1,UW AA Sizes 8-U for LADIES' NYLON HOSE Broken lines. First Quality. , O pair 9 AA Sizes 8V2-II for Men's "T" Shirts Men's Cotton "T" Shirts. White only. Take advantage of this -low price. Sizes, S-M-L. MEN'S SHORTS Men's Striped Broadcloth Shorts. Button front and elastic in back of waistband. S;zes 30 to 40. CHILDS SUMMER SANDALS $2-95 Red ' White Green up 8c FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. - ir" CHARLIE ROBERTS THE hone 357 Box 638 3rd Avenue at 6th Street