'M'IIIH II I I I III I I -:M - ; " " ' ' '" ' 1 "" "r-T-r'-'"''''''-"i-imimn-r-i.i-i1iriiiii.i.iiirnTiiiiT. ,,.fiin-.iin mmum lr . ..iii..,.. ,.i...ti f r in i, ifn i n n i, .i..n . I umil I imwir mi w i33 i t a a 3W iMirfZ Iff Daily AR CABi NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Voeliy. V XDtlirary AnlO DISPATCHED Published at Canada'! Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL. No. 127 ' , ., Phone 81 pnmrv. uttpitot ., Thursday ........ mav h met - ul, rn.LK-.r nvjs iLni3 eirs - IPoett fhmm Ck in Box and Fair Legion Derby P " t LOOSE ENDS -A By BRUCE HUTCHISON Editor-in-Chief, Victoria Daily Times This is tho first of a series of four articles dealing V- Moscow Being Asked To Big 4 Conference , PARIS (CP) United States, Great Britain and France challenged Russia today to accept a Four P,ower foreign ministers' meeting in Washington July 23 "in the interests of strengthening peace." The three western powers have sent identical notes aimed at breaking a deadlock over what world tensions the wiin the lenerai cienatlonary program) TTAWA It is typical' of Canada that our t economic decision since the war perhaps the i in our history has passed almost unnoticed, iid, we have started to cross a watershed from it p in into deflation or so, at least, the Govern i . - - . , , iciievt's. ,1 expect to see any sud- -i four foreign ministers should NAMED MAGISTRATE E. D. discuss. Four Power deputies! Forward, Civic Centre director, FLASHES PENTItTON CASUALTY o i l A w A r 1 1 v a t e Lewis Charles Roberts of Penticton Is listed as killed In action in the latest Korean casualty list VANCOUVER FIRE VANCOUVER The Enterprise Timber Products sawmill and $30,000 of piled lumber was destroyed in a spectacular sawmill fire in False Creek during the night. RETAIL PRICE BREAK NEW YORK Retail prices cracked shargly in big New York department stores today. Such articles as cake mixers, vacum cleaners, suits and hosiery dropped as much as twenty-five percent as Macy's and other large stores started a price war. ON TO NEW YORK NEW YORK Charles Blair climaxed his historic flight across the North Pole by flying non-stop Wednesday from Fairbanks, Alaska, as casually as a holida ytourist. Ie touched down here at 4:40 p.m. after ending a trail-blazing 6,750-mile hop that began Tuesday at Oslo, Norway in a single-engined coverted Mustang. "It Halibut landings has been appointed a stipen have been trying to do that in Canadian Legion executive last night decided it would sponsor two entries ln two Important local events next month the Rmp Box Derby and the "CJcca of the North" contest at - the Exhibition and Fair. For the Derby, principals of the five schools will be asked .o submit the name of a student between the ages of 11 to 15. Of the five names, one will be drawn next Wednesday at the Canadian Legion Hall. The " Queen of the North" entry, whom the Legion will sponsor, will be selected jointly by the executive and the Women's Auxiliary. T. Norton Youngs, chairman of the Exhibition, informed the committee tickets were being printed now. Each contestant for queen will have her name stamped on the tickets she sells, the one selling most tickets, of course, will be crowned "Queen of the North." The committee heard a report from J. S. Wilson on the recent civil defence meeting called lay Maj. Gen. C. R. Stien following which members endorsed a resolution calling for city council to appoint a co-ordinator of civil defence in the municipality of Prince Rupert to organized defence planning. City council also will, be approached by the Legion to help entertain or contribute financially to entertainment for the crew of HMCS Ontario, which is scheduled to call at Prince Rupert July 21 with the Lieutenant-Governor on board. diary magistrate for the province of British Columbia. He was sworn in by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court this morning. 14 Miners ' Entombed IJAMM - HERRING HEN, Germany if', An explosion trapped fourteen German miners early today in a blazing mine shaft Paris since March. The notes blame lack of agree-, ment on agenda upon Soviet insistance that the Big Four should discuss the North Atlantic alliance and the establishment of United States bases! in Europe. , V.C. IN 27TH Lt.-Col. John Keefer Mahony, VC, 39, of New Westminster, B.C., only active force officer holding the Victoria Cross, has been appointed American , Loul M., 22,000 Pacific, 19c, 17c, 16c. Coolidge, 50,000 Storage 18.7c, 17c, 16c. j,:i2p iii the terrain for a i t, but if the Oovern-Liculations are sound we t ached something like J: iund, after the pri;e I! the last five 'year. With jjr! of lurk we may soon ;k the woods. As our luck lame, as our price struc-j subject to all kinds of fhunal accidents, the t ent isn't cheering yet, I the first time since in-fbegan it thinks It Is get- to command of the 1st Cana- dian Infantry Battalion, one and rescue workers abandoned of four main units of the 27th all hope of getting any of the men out alive Twenty miners White Sox Two Ahead Reds Hold Up Allies Communists Fighting With Renewed Vigor in Korea TOKYO (CP) Communist troops, fighting with renewed fury, halted Allied advances today 13 miles from Communist strongholds of Chorwon and Kumhwa. Canadian Infantry Brigade Group. Col Mahoney served in Sicilian and Italian campaigns of the Second World War with the Westminster Regiment and won the VC during the Melfa River Crossing in Italy in 1944. He is a former director of Army public relations. CP from National Defence prublem under control, i; This is so complex a that one cannot begin n it in a column of type. Is a very dull business ably no one wants to :wut it. People would omplain about prices sand direct price con-r that requires no et NEW YORK W-The blazing Chicago White Sox ran their I were saved. Four of them were I critically injured. Doom of the miners was evi-I dent when officials ordered the , blazing shaft sealed off to prevent the fire from spreading and destroying the entire mine. The miners are entombed 30,000 feet below ground at the Hein-rich-Robert mine. winning streak to fourteen games i ws " awfully easy trip across Wednesday, boosting their Am-1 tne tP. he Mid erican League lead to two full! Annual Meet Of Festival A new slate of officers for the Prince Rupert Music and Drama Festival Association again is headed by Mrs. Earl Becker as president. At the annual meeting last night other officers elected were: First Vice-president R. H. Davidson. Second Vice-president -r Rudolph Olsen. Secretary Mrs. H. Whalen. Treasurer Charles Roberts. Business Manager F. J. Skinner. Committee conveners are Sister Mary Lawrence, syllabus; ui study the entirely o! fads now emerging : requires laborious games by a Memorial Day holiday sweep over St. Louis Browns 5 to 2 and 8 to 1. The runner-up New York Yankees were knocked off twice by Boston as the Red Sox upped their winning streak to ten by scoring 11 to 10 In fifteen innings and 9 to 4. i. ig up uradually on the SWEEP WINNERS VANCOUVER William Le-oux of New Westminster and Michael Gurney of Vancouver won $5700 and $300 respectively in the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake on the Derby. " IRISH ELECTION DUBLIN Eamonn De Val-era's Fianna Fail party has won four seats and the government has retained one in results so far from the Eire elec MacArthur Was Worried Thought UN Almost Beaten WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP)-Admird Forest 1. Other United Nations forces gained control of the 275-foot Hwachon dam with comparative ease. Across the 125-mile Korean front, Allied forces slogged through mud for slow gains or fought off sharp attacks. ! Stiff est fighting swirled story which the news-ire lai'Kely ignoring, it a.d that the Govern- Jy decided on a policy Two more White Sox pitchers fe ion early in February Billy Pierce and Randv Gum ,Mrs. J. S. Black, hall; Mrs. F.' policy Ls beginning now ; pert-went the route aeainst the E. Anfield, program; Mrs. W. S. against American spearheads on f The whole economic j i0Wlv Brownies. The Sox staff hherman today testified that General Douglas Mac-Arthur apparently believed last December that the United Nations forces in Korea might have to arrange an armistice "on the bst terms available." tion. The votinz is by nrooor- if Ihp nnt.inn in phana- 1 t i.i.t. , I Kergin, reception and transpor-1 the western and west-central .,n n vin ,ion representation and re tation; Mrs. C. P. Balagno, bil- i fronts pointed at Chorwon and Bury Bevin in Historic Abbey LONDON Rt. Hon. Errvest Bevin, former foreign secretary, is to be reburied among Britain's kings, queens, statesmen and poets in Westminster Abbey. He will be the first Labor statesman to be so honored." The rugged trade unionist, son of a poor farm laborer, will be thus recognized ln death for the services he rendered the country in 8 Vz years at the Foreign Of-fict and as minister of labor during World War II. The announcement was made Wednesday by Prime Minister C. piKrueen cumutcie Karnes in turns are slow. leting; Mrs. Charbonneau, mem-J around, Inje on the east-central nantrinaiition, business! thi.t.i. hii- n,,u, .. m.mvW. HIV llinri, r it .una ai . . . ... ' I Sherman, chief of naval oper- pitchers have lasted against them. Vern Stephens' homer in the fifteenth inning gave the surging Red Sox a first-game verdict over the Yankees after blowing an early lead. They pulhed the second game out with a five-run spurt in the seventh. j. i cutting edge of a cold iry wind. j f : The decisions of Feb- il appear in due time :ic and, like mast his- isioas in this country, f e made with no public "ment. The only inkling i.Mdden shift In direction f .dement that the Bank "1a had suggested that fvate banking system ' wise to cut down Us ! '. That Was the begin- 1 hrulr v,., u New British Order For British Columbia Lumber VANCOUVER (CP) The British Columbia lumber industry got a $50,000,000 order Wednesday from the British Timber Control Board. Word was received from London of a new contract for the sale of 600,000,000 board feet. It was negotiated by a group of British Columbia lumbermen now in the R. Atttee. Children And Civil Defence Queen-Princess ' bersmp, and production man- sector, ager will be Rt. Rev. Basil j CANADIANS IN FIGHT Proctor. Canada's 25th Brigade is now Financial statement showed I fighting as a unit ln Korea un-total receipts of the association , der Brigadier John W. Rocking-as $1,135.51. After expenses, net ham, defence headquarters said proceeds were $393.59. Royalties today. on plays presented at the Festi-j Newly-arrived units of the val by Booth Memorial High 1 brigade, which has been in the School and the New Hazelton ! fighting line since last Friday, Drama Club were paid for by the' were joined by the Second Bat-arsociation as well as one-third talion. Princess Patricia's Can-of travelling expenses of the adian Light Infantry, two days visiting drama clubs. . ago, Mrs. Becker recommended that music and drama festivals1 Miss Kathleen Bulger arrived be held separately next year be- in the city on the Prince Rupert cause of "increasing number of yesterday from Vancouver and entries resulting in too lengthy after a brief visit here with her programs and because of the : father, John Bulger, is sailing inflexibility of stage arrange- by the same steamer tonight on ments for both." . ! her return south. Only the best of the children's classes should appear on the Tonight's train due from the evening programs, she suggest-! East at 11:15 p.m. daylight time ed, as such an arrangement j was reported this afternoon to would give good performers a be on time, ' greater opportunity to be heard.1 -. ations, told .senators inquiring into MpcArthur's ouster that the military situation was regarded then as gloomy both by Washington and Tokyo. He said thati the joint chiefs of staff, after Messages from- MacArthur, sent Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Army chief of staff, to Tokyo. This was at the low point of United Nations strength after United Nations troops had been thrown back by surprise intei'-vention of the Chinese Communists. The situation changed thereafter and, in the light of recent United Nations counter-attacks and the crushing of the spring offensive of the Reds, Sherman told the committee that he ber lieves the Korean conflict is buying time for an improvement of the anti-Communist militaty position all over the world. Belfast Visit ; BELFAST, Ireland 0 Police- United Kingdom. j m. iuiu ueeu uppueu i I iid expansion of our VICTORIA (CP) All school f upplv. hut three morelchilrlren British Columbia are iere needed. The others ! being given elementary courses searched buldings Wednesday to f wcline in bond prices, i ln flrst aid as part of the civil New Speed Record Set ant a rise ln interest n,imied on page 8) . ensure that no Irish Repullcaa terrorists wilt be lying In wait to endanger the lives of Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret when they visit Northern Ireland this week-end. The King will not come with them because he is suffering from influenza. aeience program, ii was announced Wednesday night following a meeting of the provincial advisory council on civil defence. Shipments will total about 50,000.000 feet a month, starting in July. Present contracts with Britain expire In June. The price Is slightly higher than last year, lumbermen here said. About 25 per cent of the estimated production of mills during the next 10 to 12 months will be absorbed by the new order. Martin of the North-jMruction Co, arrived in A school for training of civil n the Prince RuDert ' dpfpnrn nersonnel will he ooened ' from ocean Falls. , here In the fall. , Many performers, she said, who were only a mark, behind the j honor contestants received no: recognition this year because they only performed. in the af-j ternoons. ( King Presides at Council Meeting ODAY'S STOCKS INDIANAPOLIS CT'-Lee Wal-lard. from Altamount, ' New York, relaxed, a grinning streak of gold and black, after winning the 35th annual 500-mile Memorial Day Speedway Race Wednesday at the'ripe age of forty, setting a track record for blazing automobile speed. Wallard took the lead at 210 miles and held it the rest of the way. He drove the last thirty miles without one shock absorber, shedding his exhaust pipe at 127 miles Earlier beginning of the festi f mirtrsy g. . joltnutim m. I.td.) Hart Highway In September LONDON P' King George, who is recovering from influenza, presided at a meeting of his val was mooted by Mrs. Becker, as well as a book-form printed syllabus and a set standard for VANCon i n Czech Underground Active Are Fighting Communism By RICHARD ft. O'MALLEY CAMP VALKA, Germany (AP) A recent arrival from Czechoslovakia at this German-run refugee camp in Bavaria says underground groups scattered through his country are fighting Communism but they are not banded into a single group. "There are one or two hitr , Privy Council today. It was the the certificate award, C & E 13.25 Central Lcduc 2 05 Hmw Oil 13 75 Mercury 11 WILLIAMS LAKE (CP) Public first engagement the King has been able to keep since his ill- Works Minister E. 3. Carson I hopes that the John Hart High- Okalta 245 Princess 1.40 -WEATHER- ' Synopsis ness was disclosed last Friday, Wallard averaged 126.244 miles an hour for the long grind I Royal Canadian 12 j way, running north, from Prince TORONTO Frost struck the interior again fan .St;i,ulard line ix; I1" Quartz - t''SS .v Mascot f Mini's ' fOreillr- V ... r Border f-er . t' MacDonaid Creek f Premier I River George to the Peace River, will around the famous 2'i-mile H, G. Perry was the speaker be open in September. He toid track. His time was 3 hours, fifty today at the weekly luncheon of a meeting here that hopes are seven minutes and 38.05 seconds, the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, the highway will be finished not th first time the race had, been President A. B. Brown was in later than September 15. run under four hours. 1 the chair. .17 5.90 .03 1.25 .07 .51 '2 .22 7.45 1.95 .30 .09 4.10 1.51 .41 .05 .17 JV4 lasi nigni aitnougn it was not ones," said the voune mm " who I quit, so.cold as the night be-iuses the name NoZ ut ! n t1Xhn fore. Qifesnel, with a low of 28,! mostly they are small. We had I thev have whatever meanj was "coldest in the province. ' antl-Communlst groups as small ..1 ,tL'' j Skies are mostly clear this as five or six in our hooY" L teMliTt i? morning and only brief after-! These groups, he said, print , efh n noon cloudiness is expected ln anti-Communist leaflets and, at ! west to "ftaM Ru Jl 5,- tu the eastern interior. There is the risk of imprisonment or ! iVkht f ' T 1 considerable ocean cloudiness death, distribute them. Some SS-bT no.se iLL along the coastline as well and young workers are engaged in I only . null th is likely to persist. However, sabotage in industrial plants. ! Z factor But at et th for the most part the province ""they catch them-" And ! ZnZ knov ? wJ "re thLend "Q ran look forward to two bright he drew a finger across his ,thev knew w. aBftin P Gold oiaiuiurd 2.31 n Uranium 2 .04 I Canada,, 'in .. sunny days with slowly rising , TTe ar! That is something." m.n many executions of underground S i temperatures. 5.95 .35 2.92 1.10 workers "that never get into r i i A. A. U t i Forecast North coast region Consider Aihona 07 ' Aumaque .21V4 Bcattle ,. -48 Bovcourt : 42 Buffalo Canadian 20 Consol. Smelters 146.50 Conwest 2.85 Donalda 53 Eldona 18 East Sullivan 7.65 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.90 Ood's Lake '.31 Hardrock .16 Harricana .' ,. -8'2 lleva 1 Jacknife 8'2 Joliet Quebec v -47 Little Long Lac -62 Lynx '.. 11 Madson Red Lake 2.02 McKenzie Red Lake 46 McLeod Cockshutt 2.60 Moneta 30 V Negus '8 Noranda .. 72.25 Louvicourt .." 16 v.... Pickle Crow .'. 1-60 San Antonio 2.35 Senator Rouyn 17. 4 Sherrit Gordon 2.98 Steep Rock 7.45 Silver Miller 1.54 Upper Canada 1-51 Golden Manitou 7.60 the controlled press." "Sometimes they publicly an- able cloudiness along the shore line in the morning, otherwise ""unce executions, but not all BASEBALL TONIGHT 6:30 p.m. GORDON & ANDERSON vs ABEL -& ODOWES Jon't Forqer They only do so to frighten those remaining S DAUC iHTER'S mostly clear today and Friday. Little change in temperature. Light winds. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy and Sandspit, 42 and 58; Prince Rupert, 42 and 62. MBOREE NNG tonight There have been cases of underground members killing Communist functionaries. Underground workers are capitalizing on experience from the period of Nazi occupation, the youth claimed. "They learned which mistakes are fatal and how to operate. It was a bitter but worthy education. "o'l Soh. J o Will the gentleman ' who applied for work at Pioneer ' Laundry on Monday please call again. Pioneer Canadian TIDES - - mm mission 50c pRlZE EACH Mmu DISCUSS PENSIONS Dominion-provincial conferences to discuss federal legislation for enlarged old-age pensions, scheduled to be introduced in Parliament this year, have been held in Ottawa. Here, four of the delegates, hold a round table discussion. They are, left to right: Welfare Minister A. W. Matheson of Prince Edward Island, Welfare Minister W. A. Goodfellow of Ontario. Premier T. C. Douglas of Saskatchewan and Welfare Mini.sti- Herhfi-t. Friday, June 1, f vur'es 6t.h Auo r. 1951 "They meet in secret men, 17 0 feet women, youths. They feel their 20.0 feet job is to keep active, to keeD JI" 7:30 p.m. Hieh 11:37 S 23:30 I Low 5:28 L. Pottle of Newfoundland. Laundries (CP PHOTO) , 4.5 feetj going until the East and Westj