Prince Rupe rt Daily News T'AY7.J GLEN FORI) VP Thursday, May 31, 1951 TWO UAVS . at 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Starting Texas Days in Colorful Film I -S3 .t,,., I LOOSE ENDS (Continued from page 1) f 4 IODE. Studies, Need For New Immigrants to Learn English SASKATOON (CP) A recommendation urging that immigrants be required to learn English within a limited space of time today was placed before the annual meeting of the Imperial Order Daughters of tff& rates; a tough budget to in-I Fighting days of Texas in the crease taxes and hold down nub- days following the Civil War Mil 251 Mts. H. H. Rlmmer of Toronto presented the, final report of the endowmen fund which has reached its minimum goal of $200,000. However, she reported the fund will remain open for such new chapters that may wish to contribute "in assuring the order's security and financial , independence." Mrs. Laurence Grout of Toronto, secretary of "Echoes," the organ's official publication, reported the magazine finished the year with a surplus of $2811. Last year it had a deficit of $981. Mrs. O. L. Robb of Toronto, publicity convener, noted that the wide distribution of publicity the order received during . I r" I M t s .I......!' the Empire. VJ.rh . ff, -it 7fe Jl IL- Canada. In New Brunswick, she noted, new arrivals were provided witn It was presented by Miss Taylor of Ottawa, who as Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 immigration and Canadlaniza- adequate clothing when neces. ZrTllrZ Jul16 n thB wry. entertained in homes, and jS.. " " taught English and Canadian home cooking. Miss Taylor said the IODE has IODE chanters of Quebec lie purchasing power; and final- provide the background for an ly that marvellous financial exciting drama in technicolor, gimmick invented by Mr. Abbott "Dallas," which comes to th? and his experts the four-year screen of the Totem t Theatre postponement of depreciation here at the end of this week, allowances on new business to commencing tomorrow. Gary discourage it from expanding. Cooper has the role of a guer-, . . ilia chieftain who came cut of I Taken together t h e tm War seeking reveru? four-wheel brakes fastened on whl, from ouUaw brotncrs the national economy represent plundered Ws land during tne , he boldest deflationary policy ,gtrife Rum Roman ls m attempted by any democratic who wins Coopers heait wnUe a nation since inflation began. new sUr gteve Cochralli suppiies But will they work? Will they tne menace Raymond Massey. arrest our lunge toward an in- Barbara Peyton and Leir Erici flationary disaster? Will the head featured cast. cost of living soon stop rising? Authenticity of scene lend The Government hopes so and realism to the setting of an ex-believes so barring war abroad citing story where men and wo-or human folly at home. That men battle for the benefits of a is to say, prices should level out (nigged, open land, during the summer if no inter- t national incident sets off an-' ------ - " i GARY COOPEFJ RUTH ROMAN receiveu leners irom persons in helped 21,000 Immigrants in different parts of Canada ask- various ways. At the moment lng for assistance in getting one was sponsoring three years' their relatives to join mem in education for the child of a new this country. Canadian. the year was partly due to the displaying of Queen Mary's car- pet in the provinces. If you want to sell It, advertise WARNER BROS t o i .1 1 i..r "Many of these letters were Ontario reported 13 newcom from resident Chinese wtio ers had Joined the order. 111- QUALITY STORE (PETTENUZZOS 521 FULTON STREET Open 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. Sundays 11 to 10 p.m. CASH AND CARRY (We Specialize in Chicken and Italian Foods) Phone 47(1 OMDRBYTECHNldmnDl TOTEM "COCHRAN - jSJ 1240 Kilcjcveles RADIO DIAL its! CFPR (Sunjpit to Change) adventure.., HOWARD HAWKS GMT MODICIT wanted to get their families free British Columbia was among from Communistic inlluence m lne provinces recommending a China," she said. . greater knowledge of the Eng- Miss Taylor reported that im- lish language be required before migration to Canada during the the granting of government cer-last year dropped to 73,912, some tificates. 22,000 below the 1949 figure. I Reports on the order's endow-"It is expected, however, that ment fund, the Commonwealth owing to new regulations in coit and Empire, committee, also of passage, and the requests of were heard at this afternoon's Canadian industry for men, the session. number will be greatly Increased convener of the latter in 1951," she said. , committee, Mr. Charles Scott of Since the end of the last war Peterborough."'Ont., told of the Canada had admitted 436,365 order's overseas work and par-immigrants. - ticularly what It has been doing MAKE THEM WELCOME j in lndla- Miss Taylor pictured briefly! ne of the maior e"rts In ,,. . . . this field during the year was activities of vanous chapters .rthe provlslon ofKm0ney to help the order in making immigrants with the translation into Hindu, feel at home upon arrival .in of nurses' textbooks. rynmurMr 4 1 1 ii 'j irifi 1 1,1 3 1 ;ii'J3 SPECTACLE.. 1 HUKbUAY P.M. 3:30 Luiit-iiis' Chotoi v 4:00 The Sunshine Society 4:3020,000 Leagues bnder the Sea 4:45 Stock Quotations 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 The Weston's 5:30 Intimate Revire III - "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim I'hnne 17 for Orderi To TaWe Out Commodore Cafe fffl other panic buying spree and if the labor unions don't blow the roof off by excessive wage demands or, worse, by reducing their hours of work and hence ' the nation's production. J These are b i g and dangerous ifs. No wonder the Government is chary about pie-dictions. Nevertheless, the inner circles of Ottawa, where the great decisions are made, are happier about inflation than at any time since the price explosion of the Korean war last June. If the economic decisions work out as planned there will be no direct price controls in Canada. The Government never believed in them anyway in an economic sense but in a .political sense it has never felt able, up to now, to reject them Irrevocably since they might prove unavoidable, even if they were useless. Breathing easier in the last few weeks, the Government begins to feel that the danger of price controls is past. TOIIAY to SATl'KDAY Evening S"hows 7 - 9:28-Saturday Matinees 2-4:06 Extra Cartoon - News Song 5:45 Young Man with a 5:55 CBC News 6:00 "Canada at Work" 6:15 Tex Beneke & Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties Wallace's Department Store . ii. f Our Biggest mmn .7:00 CBC News ; 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7.30 Eventide j 8:00 Radio Cartoons 8.15 Points of View D:u A triend at the Door j 9:15 Musical Program 9:30 Vancouver Conceit Orch. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 1 10:15 Cases and Chases 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 11:00 Weather Report and Fish Arrivals ' FRIDAY A.M. 7:00-Musical CIock 8:00-CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:U Morning Soni 8:30 Morning Devotions U:43 Anything Goes 0:00 BBC News and ; 9:15 Music for Moderns I . 4i K.r i MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, In terms of family health and home economy. Coll Blue 846 " . PLUMBING SaanicH HEATING . . - i i. S. i The Conserva tive Party, in queer alliance with the CCF, is still demanding them because it has not yet heard of the Government's policy of I monetary deflation. It will hear; soon and so, by the way, will the British Columbia Govern-1 ment; whose financial plans have been knocked into a cocked hat. All of which will be explained here, if anyone is interested, in some subsequent dull dispatches. E St 4. C.H c: . 7 ' N " T V IV L A I -w J ' -! 4 "!' ' 1' 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your Music Appointment u: 59 Time Signal , 10:10 Morning Visit 10. 15 The Barry Wood Show 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11:00 Musical Prog;am 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Forecast , 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies FRIDAY F. 4J 12:00-Mid-Day l.ieiou.c 12:15 CBC News . 12:25 Propram Resume LADIES' SLIPS 95c Colors White Pink Kluc - Yellow Not' a high priced slip but excellent value. Sizes 34-36 and 38! SPECIAL VALUE 5-PIECE TEA SETS $ Pure Irish Lir.on. Attractive colors CLEARING LINES QUALITY BRANDED YARNS Regular 45c POT O' GOLD VOOL 3 ply, assorted colors. Limited quantity HALL MV Regular 65c - 72c SWAN and IXJVE WOOL OCZf 3 ply anu 4 ply. Assorted colors BALL OD 51 GAUGE NYLON HOSE Subs $-110 Ful'. lashioned. All tizes JXi HliBH 12:30 B.C. Farm Broitacast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 2:00 National School Bdcst. 2:30 Rccorus at Random 2:45-Do what you like; Ctunty. 3:00-ThD Music Box 3:15 Don Mcsser & His Islanders 3:30 Listener's Choic? White ground with contrasting color trim. Full size. Seagrams Kings Plate WALLACE'S BIG JAMBOREE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS! Please ALL SALES FINAL . . . CASH ONLY NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS f HANKS! js Seagrams Sure I ' This advertisement is not published or displayed by j the liquof Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. W II IL hi. " V SEIL ere; Infonrs' Hand Kn.f rURE WOOL JACKETS $ ,25 Gilt boxed. Choice of Pink or Blue INFANTS' BLANKETS Pink or Blue flZC Large size 36 x 42. Excellent value Reg. $1 .95 - $2.75 COWBOY OVERALLS $1 .25 Reg. $5 IMPORTED LACE TABLECLOTHS $9 Limited quantity. Size 52 x 52. Yours for pvv 7 LASTIC P AT y"tRE ES Assorted ColoTr) I-'oi Candies, Oliver,, Pickles, Etc flyv $1C $15 LADIES' SLACK SUITS $f OiZ Clearance cntMe stork. Less than wholesale LWfM New Stock Arriving Daily at I'.l ii li M t! tt p MANSON'S Clanu SHOP Your choice of 16 patterns of English Bone China Cups at 97c. 1 Boautiful Gifts for every occasion. 7 We will continue to give a $3.50" Flint Bread Knife with every $3.50 purchase. nl A fTl 4i V - Reg. $1 CANNON BATH TOWELS Size 20x60 fiCn No. 1 Quality Seconds. Solid Colors Utlv lUNliALUW I ' 'iS') Wli CURTAIN i i. 1. m:m t m i m m-m ' ntm mm mam SET in i. r" Regular 15c Each FACE CLOTHS A AtZp " Full size. All branded quality forTtl' Oi;VKIU-VICTOKlA I urcii $1.45 REPEAT SPECIAL For Every Home - Op LINOLEUM 18 x 36 RUG MATS iYV' y V ' I HI Esmond Heather . $.35 BLANKETS Size 60 x 80. Heavy and durable. v Assorted Col'.us All first quality. A special purchase makes this price possible. Easy to wash. Very practical. FLORAL SCENERY OLD MASTERS ALSO PHOTO FRAMES 62c COLORED DOTTED MARQUISETTE QCp Wide CURTAINING. SPECIAL, Par Yard d 45" W Jacquard Doraer. Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STcWAIlT AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. KOU NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam June 8 and 22 9 p.m. FOR SOL'TH QUEEN OIAKLOTTF. ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, June 1, 15, & 29 B p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 At WALLAC if Course auziffi nun! am