V 1 i Derby Canadian Legion will sponsor n boy and so will Junior Chamber of Commerce. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 31, 1951 ! Black' thusiasm l a i ls connected with manufacturing material for regular soap I of cars, wag happy to answer all the questions thrown at him on construction of the unpro-pellcd cars. A few more entries have been sponsored and the list to date includes Arthur Parent and Stan Parker, sponsored by the Gyro Club; Brian Robertson, Rotary-Richard Bury and Billy Wat-mough. Kinsmen; Maurice Le-1 t vacher. Holy Names Society By Eotley Blackwood Funeral of Wm. Johnstone from Vancouver ( Wednesday i I . Vear, R. Miller, E. Dodd, F. I iHrii-oy, J. H. Jacobsen, C. R. It's not so bad when Miss Brash bids her head ., gnd a half hours en-, young racers plied W. . s ap Bux Derby repre-' "with questions last lt w informal meeting Civic Centre. Drew, whose company I m MWn'ff on hands she is going to play herself. She plays' ea''af j Mi. Ladell, P. Elford, R. Patton, the Cards Very astutely. But her bidding and Mr. Grenvllle Chapel, the Rev. Dr. '? B'.. ?: Erm0nf' W- Nel" Afll7.7.v' nip,, rCnvMOnf oKnnt oo BmnntU o MM. E' Wrlght officiating. The entry for the Mission, ,B.C. finals has been forwarded I as "Mr. Prince Rupert," Douglas Frizzell told the meeting. Frizzell Motor Products Ltd will also give a trophy to the winner of the derby, to be run June 29, besides sponsoring the trip by plane to Mission. The race here will be run In seven heats.'two cars at a time from Third Street to McBride j on Second Avenue. "If we don't win the B.C. finals, we'll bring back some prizes from Mission anyhow," ! several of the soap box enthus-!ia."ts vowed as they left the ' meeting. son, R. W. Wilson Hvmns, accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Oilker, were "Lead Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me." To Vancouver (Wednesday) tion as -a lighted match and a bucket of gasoline. A. Branstrom, H. Hodgson. H. D. m, t. Pallbearers were William Pil- ue'?; F;, MC,d,i,e' E- McIlwain-!' Champion-Meek vulnerable h. Martin, O. Windsor, A. Mac- Mr Mpplr nrnn t.hts trllr vilh th. an nnri firpri' haoti tyoa-t fld. Don Morrison, A. Campa BAPTONE - - Muful soft flat finish. BAPTONE ls Washable and may over kaisomine, wallpaper, woodwork or wall board, tan be tinted to. any desired shade, with colors in oil! $1.65 Quart $5.40 Gallon to dummy' now singleton nla. Frank Roma, w. Ferguson queen. ftnd L- Ryan- The king of spades was cash- Burial was at Fairvlew Ceme-ed, but when the queen was led try. Mr. Champion trumped. Mr. Donald, O. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Thompson, J. P. Foster,. S. Jerstad. To Port Hardy ( Wednesday C. Bingham. To Sandspit ( Wednesday ) G. Mirean. J. Smith, G. Russ. To Vancouver (today) Mrs. H. Mork, Mrs. R. Ingram, Mrs. C. Poulton. a McKay, B. F. Carpenter, Mrs. J. O. Dick and infant, Mrs. J. R. Cloueh. W. JOHN H. lompson Hardware Co. Ltd. ! LONDON . 0i Samuel Norris, 46, won't stock fireworks in one bunch any more. His store caught fire and for half an hour he was trapped amid whizzing rockets and fiery cascades. Firemen rescued him. Ml Brash 8 K Q J 9 8 H Q 9 3 U 10 6 4 S C 8 Mr. Mwt ir. ciminpiun SJ A U 1 8 6 3 H 4 ( H J 10 8 D K Q J 7 . D A S O K 7 5 3 C Q 10 3 Mr. Muzzy 810 4 H A K 7 6 8 D 8 3 C A J 6 4 The bidding: Mllxy Mrrk Brusll ( IlKMip il 1 H Pass 1 S Pass 3 H Pass 3 H Pane 4 H All pass BULGER (127c) I Muzzy over-trumped and picked up the remaining trumps. But he still had the losing jack of clubs In his hand and had to go down one. "You can relax, partner. I'm only going down one," mimicked Mr. Champion. If Miss Brash had played this hand she would have realized that the chief function of dummy's heart holding was to furnish an entry to the spade suit after trumps were out. I Opto Eacott, Miss B. Prince, Mrs. C. Closter, Mrs. M. Closter, Miss A. , Hadlund, Mr. and Mrs. A. Melin, ' lomilriil K. Bird, A. Taylor, C. Stanley. ,iirafta. 'i- John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue When the dummy hand went down after Mr. Meek's oDeninz iMf Cal 8rf m ky iIh GmMri tttmA Clrbl. fit. She would have led spades at diamond lead, Mr. Muzzy wasitne lourth trlcK and continued hancin? xnarlpx until tho ano delighted. "You can relax partner," he remarked happily. Hav was Knocked out. , She could then have won any ing played with Mr. Muzzy be- fore. Miss Brash did not take return and taken three rounds this cheering remark ' too seri- f trumps, making sure to win ously. the third round with the queen WW1' ifflf What was it that Mr. Muzzy on the board. Played in this manner the hand would have produced tour spade tricks, five hearts and a club for game. liked so much about the dummy hand? It was the singleton club. WHY DELAY DO THAT REPAIR JOB BEFORE IT BECOMES EXTENSIVE- I He loves to ruff losers. It is his i greatest pleasure to find a sin-j gleton (a sneak, he calls it) in j his hand and the dummy, too ; : so !)at lie can cross-ruff. V Ch fi. .Ladies' and Gentlemen & I' : i"J' I likir B. C. FOREST SERVICE j NOTICE OF LICENCE SCALERS (COAST) EXAMINATION . Examination for Scalers Licence Hefe is the way Mr. Muzzy figured this hand one spade ' loser, two diamond losers, per- (Coast) under provision of Section iio He figured no club losers U6 at the "Forest Act' will be Held I ; because dummy had a singleton at: Terrace. B.C., June 12th and mil. 'eluh and some trumps." LOOKS EASY TO HIM 1951. am LoH will be Healed one dav nml ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ESTIMATES FREE 1 VIOLHSSVL?' , VIE ! jTI fT WT fP g ' iMHimZi ; '220 Sixth St Phone 649 famous since ug gge? vmH 1730 . pM fr ..-i Trny r, g f flu quality v CO, MSTRUCliui IlUC CO I ,ine ueieuuers look me Iirsi a paper written tne other. i two diamond tricks and led a1 Examination fee is soo. (Appii-IhirH rnnnH tirhi.h iir cants who have tried the examlna- thlrd round which Mr Muzzy tion prevloU8y wlll required to trumped. He Immediately laid bring their receipt tor the 6.00 fe.( down the ace Of clubs and ruffed Application forms in diiplhulo must a small club with dummy's three corretly " " lubmitted f kt , i. J, . .before the examination. of hearts. Now he had to get Application forms and further In-back to his hand. Well, that was formation may be obtained fhm the easy. He led the last diamond i District Forester. Court Houso, Prince off the Wd and ruffed It in B c' 'rom fffi, his hand, Mr. Champion dis- , PHONE BLACK 660 carding a small spade. ( Next another club was ruffed with " the nine of hearts in dummy. Then a small spade was led to the 10 in the closed hand. -nefTsfn'ESlherlkkittnenri Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. P.ease refrain from telephoning. Classifies, 3c "per oHrinH .ci( " , , i Woi d per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, WNooM my oin ttfS tj t - ::..'.r.::."y. j i J iMiiiiiiidiiiiniiisKitiicni v'iit TliV W - J , 1 1 I (nmv Calvert -jbstb r """- afldfeajU Craftsmanship In Type...- ' - - - .- PnArol Funeral Notices, Ma! Marriage VTofrfatro and anH Engagement Rnpflfrpmpnf. Al Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. - WANTEO BOATS FOR SALE WELLINGTON, Shropshire, England H Two hundred Boy Scoots at camp here were awakened two hours early one morning. The bugler's watch was fast, j inboard ex ' VV A N TE d . ru MAKtvEl FOR SAI,E-i-18 ft Ki iJvertisenient Is not published or' displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bt the Government of British Columbia. lifeboat 4 vears old. $375.00 cash. $425.00 terms. Blue 76H. (128p let Us Solve Your Printing Problems rilONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK FOK SALB NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Lmg-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes; DratUines: Adams Koad Uraaers; Littleford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance Equipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grannies; T, L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders ior Htockpue and Snow Removal; Rice Porl- steel, brass, couijer. leud. etc Honest urudnu;.. iTomul payment niaue. Alias iron ti Metals Ltd.. 25ii fior St.. Vancouver. B. C. r'lioiiB Pactnc 6357. ill- P HERTFORD, England r Nearly half the children's bicycles examined by police at a local school were found to be suffering various defects 221 out of 519. FOR SALE $500 Barge "Driftwood Wueen": 20' x 8' x 1V4'; 2 vears old. Has Northill anchor and Star marine conversion readv to lnstal. Moored Yacht Club: see owner aboard "Oriole." (tf) cl frojc MineM an eddionu WANTED Studio couch. Phejne Blue 442 or write Box 894 i 1130D) REAL ESTATE j TERSONAL 'to WHOM ITMAY TONCERN: FOR SALE I shall not assume resnonsi- for Your HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Five room nouse wnn bath and ! furnace. Includes oil ranssc. i heater and iioor covering. $4,000 cash. $4.2d0 terms. Immediate Dossession. t)th Ave., bilitv for anv debts incurred in my name bv nersons other than myselfv (Signed) Louie Anders. (128p) I aoie Centriiueal Pumps: Na-tiuiiai' Draaiine Scrapers and I Buckets; National All Steel I Gasoline Hoists: National I'oioaole Sawmills: National 1 Rotary Sci-.-ens and Conveyors. Full information from Na-! lional Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver, B.C. Itl) FOR SALE "ew ana used furniture, hardware, end tables, i chests of Urswers. beds com-i Dlete. bedroom suites, small size carpets. Held classes, u.sed . lujeing boots, sewine ma- 1 rhlno.c rnMlna onH hlotfnlac PAINTING and tasi near scnooi. mxix? u ii,. v, Six room wartime house. Partly;"""."" f, d?u. KORATING MARGARET ,McLKOl ' OPTOMETRIST Room 10 rroNK BtJiLniNO 1:1.111: .V.:i f(i mix iik See nnn rtnin Tmmort .Ji'1 cakes or D'PS Ru9rt, Bakerv Immediate occu- Ltd Pnone 643 or orders. (tf ) pancv Large four wartime house, ex- WILL MIND children for work cellent condition. $3.-700 cash ing mothers bv the dav. ,,In-or $3,900 on terms. Occuoancy quire at 517 8th Ave. Wwt. UtNERAI. CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds HOOFS CHIMNEYS OfT. BURNERS CIIONKM Bmrk T.)2 M-.f RM PO Box lew 'KE&MATIUK also other useful household artHes at lowest prices. See end or June. 1 (12Rd C. Furniture Co. Black 324.' ReVonditioned' wartime house. rrfTrT I m The, faJY WilRWRB 1 GtUBTTB 1 oisPBNsaa Green 917 ,u"t' five rooms. Excellent, tainily CASH for scrap casl. brass, cop- 8lk 215 (PVt.nings) nouse. S4.SU0 cash or $4.81)0 on : uer oattenes ana radiators FOR SALE Three Diece chest terms. $3,000 down and imme-' Phone 643 call 629 6th W, diate occuoancv. t City. nf) Section Two Seven room house j , ;' - and baih. S5.750 on terms. WILL care for children in own H. G. HELGERSON LTD heme. Red 660. (127c) ''ITMcLARRN : (127c) I FOR RENT ACCOUNTANT THE BEST BUY today In , a Shaving's a breeze, quick, easy and refreshing with today's super-keen Gillette Blue Blades. Precision-made for your Gillette Razor double-edged foreconomy they lastfarlongerthan ocdinary blades. For extra convenience buy them in the handy Gillette Dispenser. !Blnck 608 - 3rri A w ncwiv uecoraterl 41 U-DRIVE CARS. . Thine -41. wartime 6. SI1)NKY CONJCK OI"l(MK'l'H,IST 'iniiP lc V'imihI Auuiysih iH'M'K IHHIIIH m vi mi. to & p.m. t'lxihs Jeweller, i'h. 21? Inside and painted mtnirle. II uienvule Coui t (tfi Ruport, B.C. lovelv floors, insulated. One 1 A-rrd 010 eiAoerZrC'Y 1 DUX ilil GARAGE FOR RENT Located in 300 blork east between Wh and 7th Avenues. Phone Rpd 593. 1127,0 IIEATKK8 and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS , Unconditional Ouiiranlee of Siitisfiicllon . on All Services CORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist KU-.-fttli Ave. W. Blnck 503 block to bus. Price oulv $4uuu, terms. Section 2 Lovelv five room home, all large bright rooms, full cement basement, hot air furnace. $2000 cash, balance asi rent. Full price $6000. Possession In two weeks. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. Red 192 (evenings). (128cl GARDNER & CO. ei'field suite. 4 piece bedroom I suite, desk with chair, 2 book si inds, kitchen table and two chairs. All in aood condition. No 2 Mussalem Block. Phone I Red 926. (tf) FOR SALE Rows Maiestlr ttn-, r- radio, Model 20. 12 tube, all wave. Perfect condition. $123.00. Phone Green 937. (131o FOR SALE Amateur radio transmitter (CWi plus 13 tube H' f-rnft'- "ommnnlcBtions receiver. $80. 1404 First Overlook after 6 p.m. (129p) FOR SALE 5-Diece dinette suite, pomnlete. bedroom suite bovs bicycle. No. 3 Besner Ants Mav be seen after 6:30. (128o FOR SALE Remington Standard typewriter. Good working condition. Price $60. Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.). (127c) i FOR SALE Babv carriage in Rood condition. $20. 3rd Ave. behind Style Beauty Shon. : (131p) WANTED TO RENT QUIET business eirl would lUte small furnished apartment or two housekeepine rooms in or j near town. ' Box 109 Daily ACCOUNTANTS MATTSON'S UPIIOLSTERINO n e rfiim ltt P.O. Box 520 tipcmid Avenue, Pilnce Rupert, B.C. J -n. ,prdAve. W. Phone 88 FOR SALE Island in Prince REl.PM'o Mtirtr cuniin ') sii Kupert Haroor. do acres, about WANTED to Rent Furnished 5 cleared, balance timber. Five h-ms. or suite 2 to 4 rooms, room house also one room in- Newlv weds. Phone Red 504 sulated cabin. Llehtine plant (127Dr for house. Larue" chicken1- houses. Good soil, some small i HELP WANTED fruit. Phone Blue 385, eve- nings. U28P) APPLICATIONS will be receive riru:i aim arm -AUTY shop nv trie undersigned until 3 colussi's music store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED ANH RECONDITIONED am- 4th St.. Ph. Blnck M9 iuvr.'c,n a" n.m. Monday. June 4, for the . ".wit pi II. (I. HELvlERSON . - LIMITED HEAL ESTATE A. 1NSURANCF PhiiNfi Ofl Eveiimn), Black 8;) FOR SALE Wartime 4-room house. Furnished. Good buv for cash. Oceunanev end of I . June. Aanlv 1336 First Overlook after 6. (128p) ncwltlon of stenographer clerk In the suoreintendent of works office. Tvoing essential. D. C. Stewart. Superintendent of Works, City of Prince Rupert. : (129C) ; r,-.. : r,. i ' . V tLECTRni rr-. FOR SALE 1417 Pigeott Place FOR SALE Second hand bricks $3.00 ner hundred. Prince Rupert Warehouse. (129p I FOR SALE Two nudio couches "d a chest of drawers at 130 I 51 h Ave. West. dtp) FOR SALE One oil stove cheap I Anolv 1020 9th East or nhnne Blue 394. (127p) I CARS FOR SALE Wart.lmp fntir xnma Im- Carriers for Sun provements. furnished. $3500. WANTED mutes Phone 640 or Green RORIE & LAIRD. 1 767. Bus Terminal. . . (tf REPAIRS V COLLINS ste Vwt f and above. 8BrVl,,e cash. . ( (128p) FOR SALE 3-room house, almost furnished. 218 2nd Ave. and 11th Street, between 5 and 7. (127p) WUALITY REPAIRS For Uowntiodden Hevls and Worn Soles Hiix 774 - Second Ave. . ' MAC SHOE, HOSPITAL WATCH REPAIRS VornDt ef-. tV1nfc xorvW CWree Cook ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 307 P.O. Box 130 CASH for oulck sale Austin A40 pood shaDe Low mlleiw. Phone Blue 992. '127p) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COULD YOU HELP? The GYRO CLUB has undertaken to collect, pack and ship men's clothing for the Central City Mis; kin, Vancouver. This organization outfits betwven 600 and 700 drstkutc men in the summer and more in the winW. All persons having articles of men's used clothing which they wish to donate may deliver them to the CIVIC CENTRE, or call 231, or 641, and tho clothing will be picked up. MEN'S CLOTHING ONLY , Shoes to Hats, From the Skin Out ? ? CAN YOU HELP ? ? fr Cutting Saws FOR SALE Newlv decorated) Jeweller. Satisfaction auaran-wartime 4. Large garage, some teed. casn. 14U4 1st UIeriOOK. (IJpl , nn, .proi. and renn rs n FOR RALE Full Drice only FOR SALE Furnished 4 room ! " Ronson. BIrcU SOS itf 1 j S2200 tor tuny eauiDDeri res PpUrtw Sme termS- nrvtl h0USe' 1345 1St Verl00k,i9Tni PI-l'MBING AND IIEATING and KCQ U4'C ililV) . cUt moral n.nrk Ph K.IO call 629 6th West.' (tf) CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L HUGHES D.C 21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 WE RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Clue 93? ACCOrNTArTS Advertise for Best Results PirBLIC ACCOUNTANT, income Tax speclnifst. S O Furk Stone Buildlns Red 593 - Bl,s Terminal) 9' I'