Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. June 15, 1951 As 1 See It -y r- ray.. Reflects and Reminisqes L v l in ore 1 remembered the Larkhill mud, plus some little square ot bread the clav which stuck more stub- yn a plate, bornly than any slue. , Th( ,,,,; (.,iur,,n is Mldow. ed. in perpetuity, as a wayfarers' WE HAD OfR LUNCH NEAR and pilgrims' hostel. Under the Salisbury, at a 500-year-old inn, trust d-.vds the church MUST only a little way from where the provide food and drink to pit-original Roman camp - fortress griins on the way to Canterbury, stood the terraces still dislinct.j In Ye OMe -Castle Inn we sat j TWO BROTHERHOODS OF belore the same enormous fira- men still live in the church-place ' which has given warmth cne black-coated, one red-j.nd chee r to travellers for cen-j cloaked. The black coats, cur-luries. We couid well believe the iously enough, are of working 1 old tales of fugitives hiding in' class. The red cloaks are all or i chimneys, fur when you peep up more or lew aristocratic origin, jyru can see the sky see, alio,' The only difference In treat-jwheu' in old days they hung ment is that In church, where ham- and bajon for smoking. 1 dally attendance l necessary, Prince Rupert Daily News An lnde?33ent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Kupfrt and Northern and Central British Columbia. iiembef o? Canadian Press Audit Bureau cf Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 0 A. KI7NTTR, Managing Editor. H. O. FERRY, Managing Director . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year. $3.00; 3" MaC, Pet Month, 75c; Per Year, $3 00 '"i Fubiijned r.ery afternoon except Sunday by Prince Kuport Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prlr.ce Ruptrt. A vessel, with a few thousand tons of sulphur included in her cargo arrived in Prince Rupert yesterday. Nothing is available l as to what quantity of molasses UN SALISBURY oit-. may be following. f Aivc Robust, full-bodied, rich in fltvor. A nri elj rum, aged in ouk barrel. '0ut i NEVER DISCOURAGED ' I P H Ti T 3 T f TT TTI'PT" ' ; "MSltll UhL ) Until fire destroyed it, the! ii, ; j Moose Hall on Second Avenue I Hants, England. Mv olil I ; thv reds have seats nearer the WE . WENT TO SALISBURY ol'ar. KO INCREASE L TRICE. Rural Readers Penalized THE significance of the proposed increases in second-class postage rates was well placed before Patliaraent by Opposition Leader Drew. It is clear that there has been much misunderstanding over field artillery Dal of Ion" 'Cathedral and saw again the j Our rtii'le was a black coat and . a i highest chinch steeple In Eng-!'I thought fpoke somewhat ago tOOK a (lay off from lar.d. now being repaired at great 'salirk-aliy at the reels' privileges, hi ioh V iiilud intu lii cost. We aLso saw the carved On of ttiev was to sit on red I jj one ui me most umque-i looking buildings in the city. 'There were several reasons, one being elevation, and another the outlook from lawn and numer- -J s I , 1 ..., K,wlj.Sn inl,l lnrrf'l Hut h rhiu klurl irhan newish car the four (f 005 roomy windows. There nothing left save the old, original rock on which everything the purpose of the rates, says Toronto Globe and lying atop thvir own coffins. We h showtl us that the blacks wondered at the queer flat noses, now sat (Hi Dunl'p rubber cus-u.til wo kan'.e;l that Cromw!!' ' hiorw two Inches thick, horse-playing soldiers had shot) He al showed us wrwre, over or chopped Uiem off. j the centuries, the red aristocrats us. our two wive in k two ga, rulou uitJ (mi,!,,-. In front. W were bound f j,uT.i - .. . - -v trt, melt? 13 3jllir- ere originally , , established , not with tne thing new the rows or ntue Kail. They CAPTURED FLAVOR Of THE NDIES" nowers mat manage to sprout intention of subsidizing the publishers of news- and spread themselves all over ln. 't fmpd quite fJ't :. WE WENT ON TO WINCHES- . that it th. n.1,1 be rainint?. Kji' 1 grim and forbidding face. Thti tdttMmM A not ouUithtd Of dolyed W tlTuiTr'""'!' of by th Owf.M ot bm,,h C0UKi I jhad secretly done via t irate ear-; ving on their bem hes when they were supplied to be Iistenirif to ! wrmunn. j There is an anchnt sickle. I what Canuck ever rernemb rs 1,, whfi trnilitinn savs Kine ISalisbury Plains except drippin'jir,hllr ruiPa With )lis famous ENOI GH, AT LAST! Oimbel's, in New York. ha, wjui ram: i Round Table band of knights. cut the price of aspirins to 100 1 raiwe as it may sem. we We saw the fine stalue of King I Palniy carved. We all got the rame idea at once when we spied for eight cents. Fancy! One can were not looking for cid army Alfred, shun-bang in the middle (tillers' 2),,, y. itisk all the pains and head- naunvs, oui lor stoneheivje, aches he might like without where mighty rork si ind j worrying over running short. rings as mysterious reminders that there was leaned religion 't. What a furore there would be now If some wag a1tvd a hammer Ui that sickle-and the Tory or U.S. press got wind ot It? . CROWDED CENTRE Within 25 miles of the centre of a hum-druin and mostly any-thlng-but-romaiitic town. Buy my old pal knew the score. He took us to the ancient Church of Saint Crews and at the gate asked them to give us the "wayfarers' portion." The old man SPECIAL "There are many families that here thousands of years before cannot afford to send their boys the Romans came. paters, but as assistance to rural readers. They were intended to make it as easy as possible for citizens remote from the centres of population to maintain- contact with the affairs of their community, province r.nd nation. It was recognized by national leaders of an earlier day that this was important to tfcfe working of democracy that people without information could not be expected to judge wisely the issues on which self-government depend. That they should be able to obtain this information and have freedom of choice about .where they will obtain it is quite as important an aspect of the freedom of the press as the right to print it. We are not going to attempt to rationalize postmaster-General Rinfret's decision to increase the rates. In our opinion, he has wrongly assumed that deficits on second-clas3 matter are caused Panrty rifts for Father-Shirts Tie, & Ilt.',, Underwear, Slippers, I'Vjar,lM " m.ality at real saving pri,-s 'ri,Mllrp w, the rl,;ht store. U- for lhP Rc C! tfe behind the wicket smiled at that, lit Manchester, England, a pnpit-fctit promptly produced four lutein of 4 (HMJ.OOO lives and small horns, or mugs of b .t, works in pieat Industries. and girls to the universities. 1 There are many families that1 TW LIT n " eH JKF . i.'f in work hard. There are many Amesbury took a mildly dim view great minds in Canada who have of our expedition to Stoneh-,ng. learned to toil with their hands "it s first on the left and about and who learned from the preis. three miles. But wot yer want to Thank Ood we have a free press go THERE for''" in Canada. They have done more! We found uniformed bul.U generally and broadly for the n a ti hut QUlsi( h education of our people, the in- A few yards aw soidier-hl,ls splratiOn to tr, and do better from a ;fw armyytriK-ks drank lots or 3n IS Trv i I Men Shlrtv-U,,, soitm.'iit Ui iJi,xaf fm Vrr,, ' ... .SU Men's Nylon Sport Sliirh-On-y ai.d White, h-v, J8, 1 i -h- tea irom a caravan snack bu.-1 . . . . tion of trade and industry and and ,:;!ed mildl j i church and social service thanl chiefly by newspapers. Relatively few of them are y. 1 , , . , iitowe, ru uunerin-simcoe. i" " ,ZtZ " u. now MKN'S DRESS SOX-G- quality and lertlon Prices from ... ' MEN'S KKIiKOOM SI.IPP,:,tsAll m sizes, from J MEN'8 (X-()UI)SBrown and Black. 0,.veur rfu iJt ers frtim , ' 1 "ui jjiiK iiiiig any 01 inose stones, : An, Canadian city with a'' flrh the 0ts4 Atbf hbike did wi!1 1 mountain convenient u s u a II y ioner3,n I makes the most of It! Montreal,' Of course, only a Hercules for example. Prince Rupert is, could move, any of those pillars. : - M.N It I growing taster and the same is true of Walson Lsland. Between the two ;tands a sizeable mountain. It rould become a huge carried for any distance through the mails, and the proportion of their total circulations which is mail delivered is not substantial. A far heavier burden is imposed by magazines, virtually all of which are excbv'vel'- delivered by the post office, but which will cor'nue to have a preferred rate. This is of a piece th the no more defensible discrimination a?3h-t newspapers brought about by the govern-rr.ert's application of the 10-per-cent sales tax on newsprint. The magazines do not pay the sales tax MKH'S A.M V()l Ni; MKN'S HLACK.PIah, Os arnl Checks, well tailored, p. r feet fit. All sLks.. We saw how the ancient Brit- 1 ons sun-ma ked the longest da in the year and also the shortest ! but I wondered to myself h.,7i thos "sun orsnirr.ei s" ever di-t' SH l playground for any season with miles of drives, walks and heck up if It rained for days HOYS' tlAH tftKINK Sf..U KS-Uluc, Grey and Bwn f to 12 yeiits. Re?. price up tj S7. Him , 7Ze Pfas(er-6occ6 waterfalls scenie vistas by the on end, w. h no si.l o ta:i 4. score and dozens of ideas di-1 'eeks. rected toward recreation. Time,' "Where Is Lirkhlll from here? MAKE fJURE YOU ARE AT THE B.C. CLOTHIERS judgment and attention could , e asked, and the guar:! pointed fwez?? so mccr r.or do certain weekly newspapers which for pur- .create here something compai- ' a - mole cf f.eld guns , coug-hed, in quick succession. We ' hop and 1 . poses of evading the tax claim to be magazines. I w,in D"""ry It is sigr-iificart to many people that the govern ave at NO SEA DOG I President Trunwn, raised on' farm, will never be a sailor.' women are crazy ment wnieh 15 iDro.'ing- higher rate3 on the distri 1 1 4 w J! i: . i I I I , Vs . ! u J ' - 1" v .1." V ti . i.'T ! 1 I- : t V J 1 I; bution of newspapers is the same government which H if1 "Mtwnfn Ve vltM ja calls the V crui.Ser, he the stern na3 justiiiea j Heavy, v subsidization u-j- of the ( Canadian , "back porch" and the decks -up-' ! t I stairs and downstairs." And presumably the bow is the "front: door." s&7) rza xzr iSf I US' If ' dfJi Broadcasting Corporation on the grounds that it provide information and entertainment to rural fisicn-3 beyond the range of the big city stations, ltd inconsistency may be explained by its power to coTr.mand the services of one and not of the other. - Even under the change that was since made In the originally proposed increase in the newspaper mall rate schedule, smaller newspapers of less than 10,000 circulation like the Daily Nwi tl:l have rhelr mail rate increased from lVi cents to 2' centj a pound ED.l . ' StLf V 1 1 1 IV SOMETIMES, NOT THEN - Jasper Park opened for the i season this week. All the prov- 1 inces have these captivating places which provide change,) rest, charm and enhanced j health. But this does not mean . that all Canadians have enjoy-, ed them. Banff and Mount Rob- j son are a long way from the holiday resorts of the Maritime,; Ontario or Quebec. Most of 11s j 1 ORMESl The Pioneer Druggists PHONE 81 -j Scripture faiSat for )odi but mirth and are lucky to sojourn in two ar three in a lifetime. "Ani to live with her hath no sorrow, Jcy." Wisdom 8:16. &K& MM, Be-Jewelled Fly Among Ornaments An Extra Room , jDn her, weekly voyage on the Prince Rupert-Queen Charlo'te Islands route, Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. .William Me-Combe, arrived in port at 1:45 this afternoon from Vancouver and sails at 9 p.m. for south Island points whence she will 1 return here Sunday afternoon to sail south at 8 p.m. J4olt I -s4rr'wa (i Prince Rupert .'Cornell, Seattle; C, Wells, K. Q. Bosv.orth. L. 8. Muir, 1. J. Swe, W. Peterson, B. O. Burns and A. C. Fiadlay, Vancouver; Q. Melvin, Watson Island; H. H Muntie, North Kam-loops; D. J. BaKer, White Rock; W. Holmes, city; F. Barclay, SmUhers, and F. Benson, LONDON ffl Dplicate rvnro- ductions of dragonflies and the ordinary house fly are a growing lasinon among jewenea aress ornaments in Britain. Both are made of 9-carat gold In the form of broaches, the dragon fly being A classified will buy. sell or find It. reduced from life-size and the house fly enlarged. The dragonfly has a long, slender body with thin outspread For only y, with 0 BILT-A-BED THREE SIZES ( MI'STt ltf lEI I) converts to full si" hei I.OVK SKAT converts to 3i si.e bed KFCTIOXAI, converts to twin beds . Beautiful wool frieze covers TEN YEAR GUARANTEE From 19250 SEE THEM . . . COMPARE THEM AND YOt "I t l WHAT POES THE $VH PO FOR PEACHES? wings. Tne house fly ornament is more solid, with a rubv for its body, fine gold legs and short stubby wings. Don Forward, Civic Centre director, left on today's plane for Vancouver on a short business trip. For Action Advertise! A. Mackenzie Furniture Ll( "1 f I Brings uf their natural flavor mni wtnM, f Murt. In th tarn way Swgaroailn0 brings out the delicious flavor f Post Orape-Nuts Flaket . . . maket them extra crisp end ppetUlng. Energy giving and so economical."" Try them today. A Good Place to Buy - nver miinir. - IY? Berause Toujjhirs ocks and anklets never need mending! They're made of 100 soft -spun n)lon v-asli-fani unHhrinkahle always look like n-w even after month of use. For style and comfort they're unbeatable, and Tougliietj wash and rinse dean in seronda -dry in minutes. And best of all Toupliies nertr need mending. Cirls do "that eortain man" a favour. Get him some DIM There'i a b!g demand for Toughlei, and we ot Monarch-Knit are doing everything we can to keep your dealer's shelves full. Better run down there now and see whal he's got in the way of Monarch-Knit Toughies. EUBBOR !rVmy Suggesfioi TOOH Toughies and see how he goes for them and you, too. Jlememher, Toughies never need mending. !iaAR0ASTIN5MJES 1 ma GAGS A e,4rt f 1 CkApE'NUTSFIAKES tkZBQMS CEREAL eoNutei strtiTAS-AnuT nAvont V-ui t0NUn txntA eucx ssri mum 1