r PROVINCIAL PROVISCIAL LI33A3T, LIBRARY VIC703IA, B. c. . t ORATES DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Phone 81 j Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL XL, No. 140 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS k. ye mm CM NO ii-. -t r' Moving Again Communist China Must be Reduced WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) The United States is reported to be opposed to any action aimed at with the Chinese agreement seeking a cease-fire Communists now. Its attitude, however, would not preclude talks if the Reds made the first overtures. Confesses to Bank Robbery Witness in Maillardville Case Sayi Accused Had Nothing To Do With It NEW WESTMINSTER (CP) A Saskatchewan youth said yesterday that he was one of three bandits who staeed a $9800 bank 1 SEATTLE The fishing vessel Sea Lark, which called for help In the North Pacific yesterday ,is proceeding slowly toward '.he Britifh Columbia coast en-routc to Ketchikan today under its own power. Twenty-six men are renorted aboard. that robbery in neighboring Maillardville but he added that a have no knowledge of any truce companion charged in the .same The steamer Sailor's Splice of tlr-' Alaska Steamship Co. reached the side cf the Sea Lark at 5 a.m. Pacific Standard Time today and was escorting the 165-foot vessel. feelers. The State Department, It was learned today, has Informed diplomats of 16 countries with troops In Korea that it believe Red China's fighting power must be further reduced on the bat-tipfipia hefnre anv new cease Would Call Big 4 Meet case was innocent. Peter Zarubin, aged 22. of Ar-ran, Saskatchewan, testified :n Assize Court: "I was one of the men who took part in the robbery." He added that "Sharman had nothing to do with it." William Sharman, aged 22, or i)lSO BRIDGE Two members of the 57th Independent FiJld Squadron, Royal Canadian Red Troops Digging in Winnipeg, was charged Jointly with Zarubin in the hold-up last ipers, guard a vital pontoon Dnuge over in: nwacnun river m .."". fire proposal can hope to evoke a favorable response from Pei-ping. Heavy Champ July 21 to the branch of the q-.norr II M. Holgate of Cowansville, Ont., and Lupi. k. w. uucKiey oi auiuhw. NEW PRESIDENT Dr. H. O. Thode of Hamilton, one of Canada's outstanding nuclear chemists, was elected president of the Chemical Institute of Canada for 1951-52 at the Institute's annual conference in Winnipeg. Dr. Thode is principal of Hamilton College of McMaster University and is als6 head of the university's department of chemistry and director of research. t - (CP PHOTO) nada-FIaqqed Ships Bank of Nova Scotia in Maillardville. The trial continues today. Newsprint Price up But Little Change in General War Picture in Korea ' TOKYO (CP) Large numbers of fresh Red troops are reported digging In today on the rainswept ridges of eastern Korea. The Reds' battle United Nations tank columns on the central front but vanished com Saskatchewan Governor Dies REGINA Dr. J. H. Ulrich, LONLON 0 United vStates, Great Britain and France moved today to end the deadlock which is preventing the proposed conference of Big Four foreign ministers. The three western nations suggested to Soviet Russia that Big Four foreign ministers should meet to discuss the easing of world tensions on the basis of agreement already reached by their deputies in Paris who since March 10 have had seventy meetings. Legend Leads Being Sued Cincinnati P Sheriff Dan Tehan yesterday sued the heavyweight boxing champion, Ezzard Charles, for $24,000 damages as a result of an automobile Jake Enemy Materials OTTAWA (CP) Production, Lieutenant-Governor of Saskat K ' . Minister Howe said yesterday that the government had ex-, plored the situation very care pletely in the west. j Allied tank columns rumbled up two roads toward Humsong,' new Chinese base in the centre, j Bread Price Going up Govern men t Not Happy About Situation, Howe Tells Pearkes DTTAWA (CP) The House of Commons last i hoard of the case of a fleet of Chinese ships h carried the Canadian flag into Red China chewan, succumbed to a heart attack today. He was seventy-lour years of age. Gov't Wheat Price Raised United Nations bombers slip-i ped through rain clouds to aid the drive toward Kumsong. fully before allowing Canadian newsprint manufacturers to increase newsprint prices by $10 a ton. He said that, under the circumstances, he could not object TORONTO Retail price of bread mav increase one cent a Tehan alleged he was struck by Charles' car while It was. being driven by Mrs. Lucille Belle Ferguson who is also named in the suit. The accident occurred during a celebration after Charles had won the heavyweight championship in a fifteen-round bout with To the southeast, North, ko reans showered Allied lines with 1 loaf In some areas of Canada, mntnc fia A ccrtnll f fH VrACC DuKPfS reDOrtCQ WJUUV 1U11UW111K To Tungsten SYDNEY, Australia 0) A native legend may lead to the dis-nf tunesten deposits in possibly carrying;' war materials which event- uiui tai me, mwvMovvu vou - correspondent George A. Mac- an announcement from Ottawa to the Increase which goes into effect July 1. Mr Howe discussed the in- Arthur ronnrtpri that the price of wheat will be are used against Canadian troops in TnnAnt-A t civ ... . I . t I 1 1 T" Thp torv was drawn to the,rttn nar hnvPi in thp eovern- Jersey Joe Walcott In Chicago la "The Reds are digging in," a raised six cents a busnei i naMcrease In the House of Commons United Nations officer said, "and increase Is effective immediately i followlng questions by Stanley 1949. New Caledonia, Pacific island off ! attention of th chamber by . merit price oi wheat was an nrp trvino tn establLsh a defence i on domestic sales and August 1 iL. - iMaior General G. R. Pearke nounced yesterday by Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe. line." 1 on sales to foreign countries. the east coast of Australia. For many years local natives have said that remote mountain Knowles, CCF Winnipeg worm Centre). Earlier the minister told the House nf Commons that it is Illy VC (Progressive Conservative i.l m 1 Nanaimiu who nreed that Can- If . Sox-Dodgers regions near the little settlement of Canala, on the east coast, are mra lois Montreal Holocaust Raging 1 adiaii destroyers, now in Korean ' waters, be sent to strip the ves-iM&.'cm manned by a- Soiet captain, of their Canadian reg-I lstry. . Truman, Attacks Special Interests 'jqlit kBoi important the free press In tne countries threatened by Communism get newsprint supplies. The result may mean slightly less newsprint for North American users. In Big Lead NEW YORK (CP) It Will De sink or swim for major league Trade Minister C. D. Howe f ihan M people bought cones.secj that the Canadian i worth of property at the KOVernment was "not happy" WASHINGTON P c e s 1 d e n t Truman made an outright at Yeggs Loot Shoe Store inhabited by ghosts and devus. They have consistently refused to hunt.or work in the neighborhood. Recently prospectors decided to investigate the reason behind the Kanaka superstition. They observed the fluorescent phenomena often associated with large tungsten deposits a weird, hhip-ffreen elow above areas Many Feared Dead In Montreal Fire MONTREAL (CP) Four persons were known tack last night on "special in- .iwrtn. wvyiot. over me situttLiuu uut "'ua In Pi inpp Runert Court ,, ,,,,v,io tr. Hn nnvthine. The ; tprpsts" which he said were op ycstiiday. "snlpS were given Canadian re$-' posing control measures design- j Thieves who must have been t nr thp inu ppntred iir when the Communists top- ed to combat inflation. "dress conscious" broke into Mrs. Mary Lawes Passes Suddenly dead and it was feared the I d the e.ust end of the Ped the Nationalist government , There must be an anu-inna Flimliy sh0e Store last nignt, ; , . v.g rnucJ-, baseball teams Dy mianigm tonight. The deadline for player trades will toll then. The only loophole is that players may be obtained on waivers. At the pace the Chicago White Sox and Brooklyn Dodgers are moving, it is doubtful If any team will trade with them. Yet both are looking for additional strength. The White Sox stretched their where the ore has been exposed nt, were bought by em- 0f China. The vessels operate tion program lnciuaing wst. taking with them two pairs oi - o of Columbia Cellulose between Hong Kong, Canton price and rent comrois, tuc Mrs. Mary Lawes, resident in . . Prince Rupert, for the past five 1 erosion erosion. ' Tn They t0( took specimens and had i'lf . and Macao. President said. Tf tha w.rtnnmv nf trip United men's shoes valued at $25. j larger m a fire which was According to Charles RoberU ti, j thj afternoon proprietor, of the store, yeggs e gained entry by breaking a rear through a home for the I buMno.v, bh k was nought Mr. Howe said that me cana- iould be y three Pnnee Rupert busl- dian government tad ( been as-, m- years, passed away suddenly at 1 o'clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Sheardown, 1183 Ambrose Av assays made. These showed promising percentages of the strategic material. Minine rights in the region irom the near-by door. aged here. Early reports, unconfirmed as the fire continued, said that 40 -unini oi nuwiun, sureu oy uic " . lin ."..in could havp have, thp the f President resmeni Bm.. and Celco Co-opera- eminent, under whose supervi- Association. sion they come, that the ships. said. enue. She succumDea 10 a nemii Muddy tracks; said Mr. Rob- were owned by an old farmer. A leading local business man attack after having been in fail Diocese of Caledonia pur- are not carrying contraband It American League lead over the New York Yankees to 4Va games last night by beating Washington Senators 8 to 7 and 14 to 5 in a doubleheader. Brooklyn remained six games in ens, snowed mrouguoui me awjie and around the safe-but the WQ persons were trapped ing health for time. .a ...... i...- thov uprp the oniv acLiuu cue ,afP had not been ooened Police, conuagrauun. s 11ca11.11 mi some s ...... quieuy Dougni nis cuiiteaaum, Born in Michigan sixty-six and now proposes to develop the ,nro anr Mrs Mrs. T.awPS Lawes ramp came tO to , ill. -!...... nnitr,l New Vancouver Anothpr rpnnrt was that 25 U. Individual purchases of government could take would be site lm.s. other than tho. to withdraw their Canadian reg vears ago, w-jre notified immediately leac wim piivaijc mriioi. bodies " were already recovered. with her par Ponoka, rununa, Alberta, xuutivo, ...v.. 1 I The me whole wnoie island isiana is is expericne umbiii Cellulose emuloyees istry. t in front in the National League as a result of a stirring 2 to 1 triumph over the St. Louis Car Stadium Opens experienc- Two hundred . j j children, occu-ents .. t the Bge of ten years. unprecented mining boom, pying part of the frame struc- she moved ruri.y-i.wu jrort,ytwo yars jcou ago Austraiian Australian Interests interests have nave turc, escaped. 1 to . the nkanagan Okanagan country country and and it it h,,ht bougnt mnepssinns concessions near near Canala Canala I ITnrnnn triaf PflmP . , . . i . Qnot.HPT . 1 strfltPPiC . . i M?at Prices frt mina .oholt. WdS TCHluil u.imv . v i'""'. . , VANCOUVER. New half-milliiin-dollar stadium of the Vancouver Capilanos on Little ....nntcin mln he officially ooen- here. 1 mineral. East Woolwich Is Still Labor ltd five lots from Block 9, ' from Block 10 and four from Block 11. t. Forbes, government ', who auctioned the town-Miri applications for tho 'ct of lots not sold would be received. Several appll-ns have come in already, aid. Under Study Deceased's husband, Howard; Tne isiana already produces Lawes. pased away two years ago. consi)erable quantities of nickel In addition to the daughter, Mrs. Headache Cure Gets Cheaper dinals. Sixth inning homers by Ray Boone and Jim Hegan sparked the Cleveland Indians to a 3 to 1 victory over the Philadelphia Athletics. Rain -washed out the games between St. Louis Browns and New York Yankees and the Detroit Tigers and Boston Red Sox. lVlv,u.n.'" u - ed tonight. The Capilanos and ' Salem Senators will meet in ! a Western International base r CJUr, -Inum tVinna a fa t WrCl . iandon East Woolwich OTTAWA iff' Trade Minister C. D. Howe told the House of Commons vesterdav that the small granddaughters Karen coot mnrlp vacant bv the recent ball game. ICjVV NEW YORK 1 VllIV Gimbell's uiuiuma cut WEATHER - - i death of Rt. Hon. Ernest Bevin, h., T.nhnr in VeS- jvu.j j anu wamv. uiaai ... question of the suddvn, sharp tnc aspirin rice to 8c a hundred! The - funeral will take place rise in meat prices in Canada is : Thursday. Macy's had been sell- next week at Vernon with Mr. under departmental study. The,ing for i0c. The standard price and Mrs. Sheardown going south i 1 . 1 v nl1 to Hua Inl. . 1. 1 s. Annetle Mansell returned terday's byclectinn. Chrtstophcr filyon the Princess Louise Mayhew was the winner, 21,000 wsday afternoon from a to 13,000, over a Conservative Hss trip to Whitchorse. opponent. n&u in uiiuco. iic oBiu, o wut. u" nas oeen oyc. to i.tciiu. Synopsis Northwest gales reached a peak of 50 miles an hour at Vancouver during the night as another outbreak of Pacific air Drive For Old Clothes Ends Prince Rupert Gyro Club has ,vaH i. irrat.ifvinE collection of an "abnormal situation in tne United States. Frices lumped within the last 1 This Vandalism Might Have The Giants remained In second -place in the National League by defeating Cincinnati Reds 11 to 6. Hank Thompson and Willie Mays accounted for seven of the Giants' 15 hits and drove in three runs apiece. Heavy hitting also enabled Russ Meyer of the Philadelphia Phils and Murray Dickson of the Pittsburgh Pirates to posi easy triumphs. Meyer stopped thp Chk-a.ro Cubs 11 to 3 and TODAY'S STOCKS old yet useful men's clothing to he sent to the Central City Mls- Had Direst of Consequences ision at Vancouver, the cause of pushed inland over the province. Elsewhere over the coast the winds were much more moderate. The air mass now covering the province Is cooler and drier thaa that of the past few days and relatively clear skies are ex- naalaH tn nrovnll In n1mOt. all (rmittps.r 8. D. Jidinslon to. I.H1)' fortnight, a period of extensive American buying, have been general across Canada. A survey shows that sirloin steak is selling retail at $1.10 to $1.30 per pound in Vancouver; $1.05 in Toronto; $1.05 in Ottawa and $1.15 in Quebec. Pork is cheaper but veal chops Tange from 89c In Quebec to $110 in Ottawa. which the clut recenuy espoused. Rnmo R or 10 boxes are now Dickson turned back the Boston at the Civic Centre and the shipping is to be completed today. A. M. Hurst was the chairman regions during the next 24 to j Braves 9 to 4 '''"can Standard "alnrnc RX I'Z'IZ 'riboo Quartz 'ngross "flpy Mascot '7.'... diiin Mines "(1 Oicille . .22 6.00 .2'2 1.15 .07 .53 .23'4 7.50 TORONTO Athona Aurrtaque " Brattle Bevcourt J Buftalo Canadian 1J Con.l. -Smelters 142.50 Conwest 2 Donalda : CIHnni " In charge of the drive for. the clothing. Baseball Scores 48 hours. Temperatures will be a little lower throughout. Forecast North Coast Region A few clouds today and Saturday. Little change In temperature. Winds Northwest (25) in the pxnnseri areas, decreasinff fO "neer 205 fmier Border .33 Enemy Within Most Serious WASHINGTON, D.C. General Wateei m East Sullivan Vandalism could have backfired literally with dire consequences in the latest incidents to be reported. Some time during the last few days hoodlums visited powder magazines near the end of the driveway which runs through the Sear Cove air base. Windows were found broken and rocks were lying inside at least two of the magazines those used by Wood & McClay, road contractors, and the Kalen Hardware. In one magazine there were 200 cases of explosives stored. It might well have been detonated by the shock of thrown rocks. ' "And it would hav blown up in their facss," was the grim suggestion. And the powder magazines are not the only object, of the vandals. Boats at Sourdough Bay have been damaged as well as meters of the Northern B.C. Power Co. A fisherman reported that speeding motorists go careening over the driveway In the air base at all hours of the day and night. r-'VM McDonald "..Z". 140 Giant Yellowknife 7 05 .32 - TIDES - Saturday. June 16. 1951 . (Pacific Standard Timel High 10:55 '6-9 feet 22:44 21.0 feet Low 4:40 4.3 feet 16:32 7.6 feet God's Lake 1.45 light tonight. Light winds else-, where. Lows tonight and highs' Saturday At Port Hardy, Sand- spit and Prince Rupert, 45, 60. ! Douglas MacArthur said today Jlardrock Harricana Iteva :1Mk Premier Jku River ilnien r-.i,i .40 .05 .15'2 .1V4 1 that the worst danger uniteo. , States faces is from within .16'i .09 .10 .10 .44 .59 .12"2 Jaiknil'c I rather than without. ,U(1 V;i!'ey Z'. Z. Z'. 'l0 Insidious forces working in- NATIVE ISLAND Jollet Qiicwcc Little Lone Lac T i,nv r,f nsittolnnri. oMp the nation are a greater Standard 2.33 "Slfra Uranium 2.09 11 700 square miles, is entirely danger to its security than en- NATIONAL Boston 4, Pittsburgh 9 Philadelphia 11, Chicago 3 New York 11. Cincinnati 6 Brooklyn 2.. St. Louis 1 AMERICAN Chicago 8-14, Washington 7-5 Cleveland 3, Philadelphia 1 St. Louis-New York, Detroit- Boston. postponed on account of rain. PACIFIC COAST Portland 0-5, Hollywood 9-3 San Diego 2. Oakland 1 San Francisco 7, Seattle 3 Los Angeles 4, Sacramento 2 ; Western International Victoria 12, Spokane 4 TatcuiUA 2. V.'cr.atchee 3 Yakima 8, Salem 7 Vancouver 14, Trt-City 9 HMCS Sioux Is in Action TOKYO Thp Canadian de P Con enclosed within tne' union u. emy aiu.cn, uic 6 South Africa. 1 clared. '.38 'antic 2.65 I "" '"' 1.06 . , ... K . 14.75 , .""'"M Leduc :.. 1.95 Oil 14.00 irrcMt-w 101 Mndsrn Red LHke 2.09 McKenzte Red Lake .... .43 MeLeod Cockshutt 2.65 Moneta 75 Negus Nnranda 72 " Louviecurt , Pickle Crow Pherrit Gordon 2.73 St.e?p Roek 140 Silver Miller 1 4 Upper Canada I-55 stroyer Sioux and the American destroyer Rush were in action off the east coast of Korea yes-1 terday, putting on a bombard- ment in support of ground ! forces. j Keep Up with the Jones' PHONE 99 I j;;"rai Canadian 12 """C I-S.OU