Prince Rupert Qaily News Friday, June 15. 1951 iMrsM. Wise, t. Brown, 5. Beiey. ! From Sandspit (Thursday! ' air passengers .healthy apuenAtiict. ieoi C1 I uneven germination of late sown i crops has been generally disper-I sed because of recent rains. t Crop Prospects Are Improved iNBIIHHkKlHyMiliMai A. MeDougal, W. Holloway. 8. , , Farker, A. Kusklnen, H. J. Young, From Vancouver (Thursday)- ; M, Dumont. Mr. Christen.-n. Only one light shower occurred and Mis. D. Caiiuw, "a . . o Strom. K. R. Jones To Vancouver today) D. J. Baker, L. Healy, W. Miller, E. Carswell, D. Forward, G. Morrison, C. J. Mawhirmey, J. Morley, W. Hamilton, R. Jackson. J. F. Harnell, Mr. McClay, F. Findlay. C. R. Jackson. in the Okanagan Valley where Miss Kirkham, J. Thompson, W. Mr. and Mrs. Helene, J. E. temperatures have been fairly Ebbutt, W. Ebbutt, A. Allen, J. B. Thompson, J. Montgomery. i Blackwood on Brid a By Eoiley Blackwood WINNIFEG Crop prospects ; ccol. No damage to tree inni Improved appreciably during the crcps Is reported but the season past week owing to good rains ' appear? to be a little later than which occurred throughout een- last year. tral and southern sections of the The present estimate on apples Edwards. H. Coulmig, W. Pater-' To Vancouver (Thursday) E. son, G. Marshall. A. C. Findlay, McNary, S. F. Newell, C. Totten, J. C. Elsey, Mr. Osmanchenko, 1. ' Mr. M. I. Barnes, E. Moyer, A. Halowich, P. Demechuk, A. ' Wood, O. Kellett, 3. D. Mulroncy, Schaible, Mrs. McNabb, T. A. Mr. Mulroney, Mr. Alexander. Bergc, Y. Mchberg, Mr. Bo- To Sandspit (today) Mrs. three nrairie Drovinces. accord- a approximately 6.750.000 Boxes ing to the weekly crop report of for fresh market which is about worth, Mr. .Wells, M. Cloutier, Mlnaker and two children, Mr. AI'fTION !: TimtM-r fcalr r,Vr There will f oBered for sale at Public Auction, at 11 .m.. on Tuea-riT. iuly nth. 1B1. In the office ot the District Foreter. Prince Rupert. B.C.,- the Licence X539M. to c"t o.0ihj t.b m. frf Spruee. Hemlock, -Balaam and Cedar or: aa area com J I ' .' the department of agriculture of iu percent or vi percent lower j -tire Canadian National Railways. 1 than last year. Other tree fruit 1 Some seeding continues at -stimates remain at previous, Mr. Dale plays just as carefully at a part score contract as he does when playing for a game or a ?!am. He knows those partial scores can be valuable in many ways. They not'only shorten the road to game. They put the enemy in a disadvantageous position. Notice the careful play Mr. Dale gave this hand. - Mr. Meek opened the queen of j of his clubs. On the long club elubs, Mr. Abel dropped the six 1 Mr. Dale discarded two small spot, his second highest, and the j spades and the five of heart king In the closed hand won tne I from dummy and the seven and trlck- I trey of hearts from his own Now Mr. Dale led the deuce of hand. Mr Abel shed th lack nf scattered points in Manitoba figures. Vegetable crops are pro-and Saskatchewan, this being gressing favorably with slight j due to reseeding and frost dam- damage reported from cutworms. 1 --. M 9 age or by reason of wild oats I Infestation. String of coarse INTERNATIONAL TENSIONS j grains continues In Alberta with OSLO (P Sponsored by the ; about 20 percent of thiAe grains newly established Norwegian Instill to be sown. 1 ssutui tor Social Research, so-1 With the warmer weather of ci-logists from 10 nations will . prising of vacant- Crown land situated approximately 3 miles northeast of Lot 1239. on Kemano River. Rane 4. Coast Land District. Three yeara will be allowed for removal of timber. ''Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of i uresis, Victoria. B.C., or the District Fr.restirr. priiH Rupert, B.C. (144 65A the post few days growth is now meet here next fall to map plans j diamonds to dummy's ace and j diamonds and the four of hearts ont while uvPri are lor an investigation oi uie ranirl Ibb edWtlicment h not publishes or displayed by (he liquor ConMi Board fay th GavmBnl ct Bfttlib Cotunbse, fairly general, crops have a very causes of international tensions. J LiMtniMr et psestsse1 ei natsysa' l F w Centre! eera' at ky e Oevsnmsa Mr. Meek then shifted to the jack of spades. Dummy played low and Mr. Abel ducked, permitting Mr. Dale to win with the king. Now the queen of diamonds was cashed and, because the nine of diamondi had been carefully unblocked on the sec fViuth dealer East-West vulnerable North (Mrs, Keen) 8 J 7 6 4 3 H J 5 D A 8 6 3 C-10 4 l .J, CI..., ond lead of the suit. Mr. Dale wai able to get to the dummy by leading his four of diamonds West (Mr. Meek) 8-J 10 H H -8 6 i D K S C A Q J B 2 (Mr. .hel) 8 A 9 3 H K 10 8 4 I) J 10 7 C 9 8 3 RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE OAS AND ELECTRIC KANGES Phone Blue 992 PACIFIC ELECTRIC to dummy' eight. He took the heart finesse and when it worked the contract was home. If Mr. Dale had played carelessly and had failed to make the unblocking play, eventually he would have had ' to lead away from his own hand, thus losing another trick and his contract. HoHlll (Mr. Half) S-- K 6 H A Q 7 3 U 4 3 C- K 7 6 T1m bidding: holt 10 Men! North I H Kiss 1 S 1 NT All pass Pttas From Factory to You Baby Chenille Bedspreads $5.25 Eoch nwst price in Canada. Beautiful first, qualitv. com- New Zealand Pays Bonus To Parents letHy tufted, no sheeting played back the three of diamonds on which Mr. Abel threw the ten. Here the old boy wer.t into a huddle. He had practically nothing to go on but he finally decided to duck and play Mr. Meek for an original holding of the king doubleton. showing. All colors. oouDie or nglft (M-tlsizes. New center citterns In flowered or solid ipslgns. Sent COD plus post-,je. Immediate money-buck uarantee. Order one. you till order more. New address: By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent WELLINGTON, N.Z. W Of ft 1 ,1 ': it 1 ! 'In i cials are hard at work giving He didn't duck by playing the four of diamonds. He unblocked by playing his nine. This thoughtful manoeuvre wa the key play of the hand. Mr. Meek won with the king of diamonds and ran the rest TOWN & COUNTRY MFC, Box 1490, Place D'Armes, Mori-mil, Quebec. -H i i t effect to the New Zealand government's novel decision to use part of its budget surplus for a bonus payment to parents. The extra paym?nt3 are expected to be distributed in July. New Zealand already pays about $2 a week to parents ir respective of financial position, , j' W on account of each child regardless of the number. The bonus of about $15 however will be paid to a somewhat wider group, affecting about 600.000 children in 255,000 famHies. If will go to parents or guardians of all children under 16 and to certain additional categories as well. Buoyant revenues provided a surplus of $25,270,000 in the accounts cf theolast fiscal year. A : large- part of thi will be used to 1 1 establish a war emergency account, but tha balance will go lor the child bonus. Explaining the decision to makr the extra family allowance payment Prime Minister Sidney Holland said: 'The world-wide , 4 Ho H frl XSZ jX i ' 4 V ' 1 "AX ' Vir -'f- -i Cff' inflationary trend and competl-ttcn for scarce materials con-llnue to cause all price level to li e. Wi have had substantial increases In wages, greatly increased government subsidies mid increases in social security benefits. Now, In view of the extremely buoyant condition of the country's finances, the gov- rnment is making the bouns payment to parents." BACKACHE? fVhea every sudden move brings short, slurp twinges ii'a time for Dr. Chase' Kidney-Liver Pills. Thousands find quick rrliel irom backache, painlal loSnts, kidney snd Hver disorders by taking this IU n lim kuay teas a boannun, A nry jolly boy, No ( than he more merrily Could pipe all hands ahoy. For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow it is matured, blended and bottled in '"'Britain oi' the linest Demcrara Rums. Lamb's Navy Rum tnuvru irrnrav. By COOIDtntaK 2 treat. rents in 1 Dt. Chase's work on bath kidneys and liver for faster relief. 4's Tim advertiMmriil l not pubtuhf i displayed by Ihc Lk(uor H ird or bv ihf titiveriimenl of ftrm-h Columbia An dd tea rstrnv PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 21S - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert SHDNGOLEEN Mode in many attractive colors, Shingoleen beautifies and protects old and new shingles ond fences. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Enjoy its restful lvucury just feel how Beautyrest gently cradles every tired muscle, gives firm, buoyant support to your body, no matter how you turn and you soon realize why Beautyrest with its Matching Box Spring is famous as the world's finest sleep combination the best mattress buy at any price. STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Port Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. 'XliiM&QiDmi Here's JzSdnu&dtfd Bedtime Story: For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Today, as we look back upon 60 years of leadership in the manufacture of sleep equipment YOU can took forward to ninny, many year of healthful rest and comfort because of Beautyrest and other Simmons-developed products. They include Ostermoor, Deepsleep and Slumber King Mattrvssea (all in matching combinations), and the beautiful Hide-A-lied and other convertible living room furniture. I Pracfstoa "JlrfyJefa" Mthie araveaft ties -away nst aa, east keeps everyMg hi eesMea. IW ceasaat ee Mf ay Ma Ssa haw lha mrdinwrf Inner serfng "haMiaMcks undar yaw weight. Thesj itnittti Isaalyrasl' Mapaneesr caN sprtneyiais). lvl liailslt ralaxorlaa. GARAGE HELPER WANTED it Washing Cars if Repairing Tires it General Clean-up Not Afraid to Work Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, FARGO DISTRIBUTORS Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LIMITED ' is,. ...jssef MaiMiiii'l.sowaiiaiiW i ! lasri I 1 v 1 Vt $0 W f ty e9- Air vawta allew Ires drcirlaAaa el air kiirfs the eavfyrast Mattress ta kees It frsth. Teeed kanases ler eeaveafeasa la henrfUne. (37 IndivldvoHy ackaaal caN sartnas sacraf wf Camrart" glee Arm, aveyant suaaari fa every heey nirva. MONTREAl TORONTO WINNIPtO VANCOUVER See ahera alt el yoer aiaimons Deahrr's where many Irterestlna Simmani Arnlvanary Spedab are aow en display.