'mice Kupcrr Pri.:.ty. Ju.'ic Uutiy iNew; 29, 151 Is Honored At McBride Fra WmM mmmm at the Snyuer laucii. .oiiiii . down to the lake.-hore at Ui cliurcfi and iidiug funi a irti as the old Fnrde farm. They had lunch on the lakeshore near the Jel.trey farm and then rod" back by way of the Peebles roai. Mm. Rohert Gordon of Prince Rupert is visiting for a month witn her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Amiila. at Suuthuank. The Ftancois Lake ball team drove round the head of the lake to Wistaria on Sunday and played the Wistaria team there. The visiting team won. Warm sunshine is welcome but rain U badly needed tor the hay ami crops and gardens. j 9.30 Canadian Shoi t SioiicS 6:45 Life &i Tunes of the Cstective fctoiv 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC New ,10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 CBC Symphonette 11 :0 Weather I1:C0 Sign otf SATURDAY AM. ; ?:00 Musical Chtci. ; 8:00 CBC News ; 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encore , 8:30 Morning Devotions i 8:45 Lit U Concert ' 9:00 BBC News and Cointy. 8:15 Saddle Sereimue a: 30 CBC Stamp Club I a.-w Tile Aim r-i rrtajl 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 18:15 Minuet 10:30 World Church" News ! 10:45 CBC News 18:55 Wemnei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Hecorded Interlude 11:45 Uoundinavian Meiodlet SATURDAY P.M. 12.00 BBC Bandstand 12:30 Folk Song Time 1 EfttfAi E t'OMMl'MTT iContini-ed from pane ; M icOoiinell and Colojuj Scoti left the meeting and debate wi called for. On their return they were informed that an interim committee had been formed to Inquire into all the details of acquiring and operating a hospital with a view to taking th:s one over if possible. The village commissioners would not assume the responsibility of the village taking it over. In closing, Colonel Scott wished to express on behalf of the Society and himself ail those who had, each year, assisted with the hospital including George Little senior whose generality has given the hospital building. Relations here had been must happy but a shortage of nurses had hampered ths smooth operating of the hospital. He expressed the hope that the community would realise that the Red Cross had stepped in and brought a hospital to Terrare when it would have been 1m-puiMDie otherwise. H. M. Wightman, president of the local branch of the Red Cross Society, was chairman of the meeting and was also asked to act as chairman of the interim committee formed. Others i "unji.touo : Mill; Ch.ru n Thursday comniiHee met. f M,4 n j present were br , ' tovthr. A:tiis of Ihe two. oliin ""ttee decide 't1! Minister of eHai.l lormatton IncluZ' HuspiUl Act, a"' egklation which 5s the Labor ana c ; ts. A copy ol thi, r ; be sent to Hun I T t -l. lrdy InVictS;: arrange io have lhls' t' csed wnh thf m'. ; Another decision that the preen, ... - !mm take step,";": association with a vh -K uver th2 lo to approach th, gl)vMIV lrm a hospital disiic''" ftii's. Nt-wnouser . ted secretary of ta '' committee. Trout fishing has been excellent in the lake and, althout;n lather early yet for char, a few have been brought in. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott le'.t on Thursday for a weeks holiday in Vancouver and Williams Lake. Mrs. Rciuby and a friend nre .staying with the Scott children. Mrs. Roy Morton has h?r mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, staying witn them from Victoria. tCLOSI ; 1:23- CUSSKI RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject U. Change) FRIDAY P.M. 4:30 Sleepy lime Storten 4:45 Stock QuoL & Int. 5:0ft Int. Cornty. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5.30 Dill Good Sports 5:45 Lyrical Ladv 5:55 CBC News 6:3f Supper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 'Smilev Burnette Show J:liO CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Guy Lombardo Show 8:CJ Here Comes the Bnd 8:30 Vancouver Theatre 9:03 Svmphony f.r Strings L : J. I 1J Kriqg "rT f nrt LM for IiE TIME 1A a m mi .1,.. ..I n..ki;....i... Classified Advertising is payable In advance. P.ease refrain from telephoning Ciassi'irl.' Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, dwj, s' Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements riio SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. "00llf''mm4f I Fur Action Ail " efti.se! HSClt" T "Hospitality ond I Good Food" viV wkCJ Phone 17 for Orders , ll.y-i. X 'Nr1 To Take Out CARS H)K SM.E FOR SALE 1941 Pivmoulh Couue. can be seen at 1 8b Eleventh Avenue East. il54oi POB SAI R,.1Q4C rw.r nvo Chou. I rolet lour-door sedan, radio, j heater, low mileage. Phone i luor Bue949. tli2ct FOR SALE '39 Chev sedan. Phone Biue 304 alter 6 P.m. . llabpt i FOR SaY'e -'48 Chev."" Apulv Palmer Ants. Phune Ernsat Guoav. Blue 195. alter 6 p m. lloJu BISINESS OPPORTl.MTIEi TOURIST-BUSINESSIT-" Have ifood pronoMliun to couple interested In the tourist n-ciiistrv. Larae new house and food arcane between T. f-racc and Smithers House fullv modern with manv extras. Riht on hiiihwav Pt-ar new school and small community. About SJ.tOO will handle. We have pittuie-s and full data and can arrange inspection this weekend. Act. Quicklv for thi one' ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or Green 2'J7 'eve I 153c) Ji: tl.lt Y 1 sty h nfZZr ncois Lake : George Madden of the Unem-yloymeiu Insurance Communion of Prince George is spending a month working in this district. Nine member.'; rode with the Riding Club on Sunday, with two from Burns Lake Miss Faechin and Mrs. Sleiner. Tuey started about one year to go to complete nearly fifty years railroading. But Mr. Gordon did remember and because of his particular interest ia Mr. Titiryn and his col nul career, the message was sent at the appropriate time. In addition to the president's messagt, Mr. Titiryn was happy to receive a congratulatory telegram from his .superintendent. C A. Berner. of fringe Rupert, a long-time friend. Mr. Berner said that rcicr. though small In statu;., proved his ability and endurance in many varied ta.-.ks, on cable gangs, as a snow plow loreman, steel laying foreman and in r.eorly all phases of work during the hectic days of the construction to the present time. Xr. Titiryn will continue to re-ide here and plans, in hi own words, "too keep myself occupied with a little farming." In re estate of JOHN MATTSON. TAKE NOTICE that as Admints-tratt r. duly uppoiutrd by the cuurt, ol the estate ol J.ihn Mut.sun. who tiled at Victory c'uve. Ornish Columbia on the 20th or 27th day ol April. 1951, I require all creditors unci offers havniK claims against the said (iUite to send tha urur ui me. properly verified, at the atldre.i mentioned below on or belure the 16th day or AuKiutt. ig.il. alter which date I snail proceed to distribute the estate to thtwe entitled bv law. having regard only to such claimi. ot which I shall then have been no-tllled. AND further take notice that al! persons Indebted to Bald estate are requirwd Ut pay their indebtedness to me lorthwith. DATfcD at Prlnct Rupert. B C. this 2".h day of June. 11)51 Ciordon Fraser Forbes Official AdminlHtrator Princi? htiert. B C iJtm. 29. 30. July 6. 7 In re estate of WILLIAM FAIRGRA V JOHNSTONE, deceased TAKE NOTICE that oa Executor of th(i estate of William Faincray Joij-i-stone, late of Prlt.ce Ru;ert. Br:uili Columbia, who- died al Prince Rupert. British Columbia, aforesaid on the Sard day of May. 1H51. I require creditors nod others havlni! claims aalnst the said estate to st-nu tiie sine to me. properly verified, at the artdress mentioned below on cr before the 15th day of August. 1151. altes which date i shall proceed to distribute, the estate u those entltit-d by law. liavlnts regard oi.ly to sath claims of which I inail then have been UT.tifjed, AND further talu- notice that all persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated nv prince Rupert. B.C , this 25th dLi "t luur. lhol. Brown & Harvey Barristers Ar SollciUjrs. box Prince Rupert. B C. Solicitors for Julian BikjiIi Robertson. Executor of the estate of William Falrtrruv Johnstone. Juil 2, 30. Jul 0. 7. IN RE ESTATE OF FRANK A JaCK-fcSON. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS FRANK ANDREW JACKSON. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator with the will annexed, duly appointed by th court, of the etate of -Frank A Jackson, otherwise: known as Frank Andrew Jackson, who cllcj at Clear Water, near Telrtrrnph Cr'-elc. British Columbia, on the l?nd dav ot March. 1U47. I rettulr all creditor and others having c luims against the said estate to ta r.d the same to me. properly verified, at the addrea nwuuoiiud rmiow an or before - the 15th day of August. 1951. after whlrh 'tiate- I snail proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having retard only to such claims of whieh I shall then have been nolined And further take liotir that all persona Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedjiesj to me f'TThwitn DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 2 lit day of June. 1D51. MARY CATHERINE ALLEN. Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek, BC (Ju22.23.2B.30 ) IN THE (SUPREME COURT OK BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP NARCIA NELLIE HARLAN f otherwise known as NELLIE KILBY) and IN THE MATTER OF THE ''ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Iii3 Honour JUIX1E W O. FULTON, made the 27th day of June. A D l!ijl, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of NARCIA NELLIE HARLAN (otherwise known as Nellie Klloyi. deceased, late of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia. All parties having claims ananif.t the said estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 15lh day of August,' A.D. 1951, after which date claims Bled may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. All parties Indebted to the said estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebutdiiem to uie forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of Hritu.h fn. lumbia. thin 28th day of June. A.D. 1951. cwmnoN P. FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. (162) ( Bailtvavman Voter Titurta Kutires McBRIIiS A Ukranian-bom railway section foreman, PtU'r Titiryn, who came to Canada as I a buy, will conclude almost half i a century of railroading in this i west when he retires July 1 from jtru) Canadian National Railway. ! Mr. Titiryn, located in McBricUj i since ia25. started his rail career in 1902 as, a track laborer on construction in Manitoba. He then joined the Grand Trunk Pacific at Portage la Prairie in 1906. moved west with construction gangs and served on various ' sections of the Canadian Nation- j al Railway's Smithers division ; since 1910. i Proud pobsessor of an engraved watch, still in use, given to him by a Grand Trunk Pacific Kadway vice-president in lt14 for the part he played as a young seuiun foreman in connection with joining up of stevi near I-on Fi-ass:, Mr. TitUyn now has an additional, treasured nitmen-; : tc, from another top railway ' executive, to mark the closing : cf his long career. i 1 At a farewell presentation ! ceremony held U pete's honor . !ast week, the popubr section foreman received a well-filled purse from Roadmaster E. S. Foster on behalf of fellow workers. During the r-cremony, however. Mr. Titiryn was greatly surprised when Mr. Foster handed him a telegram from the "Big Boss " President Donald Gordon. The message read: "Understand your associates are meet- Ing today on the eve of your re-! tiremer.fc to pay tribute to you 1 personally and to your fine record of service with the railway, all performed in Western i Canada and dating back to the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific main Kne. I recall with pleasure meeting ycu for a few moments on the line last yvar i and would like the privilege of j joining your friends today in ex- i pressing appreciation of your i excellent services to the railway and the country of your ad'ip-j tion and in extending warmest; ' wishes for your future health and happiness." j Mr. Titiryn well recalled hav-' ing met Mr. Gordon when the CNR president was making his first uest-orn tour in May, 1950, shortly after taking over his new post, on January 1, last year. But the- wiry little section foreman didn't dream that the "Chief wuukl ever remember being told that Pete had just PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and . Prompt Service You Know PHONE Ftr Repairs and Alteration!) Smiths Elk ins Lid, P.O. Box 274 rT THE BEST , QualityL PRINTING j ) Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems rilONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Eat. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 IX you want to sell it, advertisa RUPERT TOBACCO 5T0RE 3rd Avr. - Opposite Ormes ALL MAGAZINES and . ITIUODICALS YOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock uas Moving and Frtii: til. ft 71 certv w i 1 OPV QriQzAcg. 1 1 fJ . i v X V. -x, I fP) eras- -lue Kilpulur b nglmtn (rMmirt of fee & uduie&S For Your PAINTING and DECORATING - See SPENCE & MAT I UK Green 917 Phone Black 215 (evenings) scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608-3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 ?or genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Saws Your Mwe will cut cleaner, truer, faster when Bled on eur pretUiun machine. Qutclc Mrv ice oa all type ui mw. f bring yuur utwi in Uila. 014 aaw avtwtned. PRECISION SAW FILING t.H.-i PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) , SHORES CREDIT JEWELLERS ! U-DRIVE CARS. Grueii. Bulova. Roiex. Cvnifl, 711 Orenvliie CuUlt Tavannes. Eluln Walihamandi x it,. ,i n...i .1 . UfDn AND IV 1 B i p,2 Loudon Studio Melodies 2:00 Trans-Canada Baiulst'd 2:::-T:ans-tanada Bandit '4 3:00 This Week 3:15 CBC News Commodore Cafe From Factory to You Boby Chenille Bedspreads $5.25 Each Lowest price in C a n a d ft. Beautiful first quality, completely tufted, no theetir.g showing. All colors, double or single bedsizes. New center patterns in flowered or solid designs. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. New address: TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. -H eddiona MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller Ph, 212 MATTSON'S , UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 120. P.O. Box 528 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE It INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 m WA.Vi ED TO SEW WANTED - Small Li room furnl.-hii ( no rluldi en. Bui ut news. S-bedroom iocs; Wanted dv Jujv ijfcn luur auuiti. w.'iieK; Dallv News ot tfc j; beiore 4.3U ua WANTED- -Rounai" to two men. I'm Cai Bank ot Connate. WAKirn to w lor Id .soe-.d luit I Dallv Nei, I FOR RENT FCK RENT H: fooin. bli 3rd Ave. FOR REST-Comioriabif er. Keadv fuf housfk Eiiuipiietl with ruck as B.uck tTi or call Sumui: FULLY furnished five roor to rent lor two ir.ui) re.sixiiiiibie parlv, Phon-605. FOR KENT Ijrep oaiet suit one or two. Phone 438. FOR RENT S sleeBW Phone Ked t"i BOARD ROOM FOR REVT Board and ro workine man. Biatitft SITUATIONS tVAVD I STENOGRAPHER with experience oesires mo... dJv week prclemo. Vancouver.) Box i News. HELP WANTED FTMAl WANTED 3 exoerlentrf Auph ; criicerv clerks. Grocerv. MALE HELP W-TI , OPPORTOiTTi iimortunitv VstL,t 1.U V news "' 'kind of bo or vow interested in lear-newsnnner bnsmes BOYS AND. GIHW-; bovs or girls djrJ News routes. Off for summer relifi. ter their names not . News. ' WANTED Rc:iab knows citv. Applv to-B. C. Messenserww.. '-Census WANTED to trave d"n tnf ' far as Bella Bella Applv Alex MfHJjfc Fdur.n sus supervisor, "tenders. FOR Reived SALE-Tenaers bv the una to.nbpn oi ", "w 2;)th. lor tne T'ownJl) 3,4. 5, 6 and 7. B1. Oifvision ot -oan 951. Slew :p. uated thereon caa Terms strictly Administrator ' on'p, Joseph RoperM V !hr.ra-! known Joseph MacDonam." known w J0ieB" Mcuoiiai"- OFFERS Dlain'y.r for P . run " j v r " ...111 K rprPlVru w . ol t1 signed up to ff- 1951. for thj T," d, depth 6r.Th'H'Jb Dock co. m .(ih two 3- r frii )lne Ftwlnesn oe nli. or formation sW, ..i,., onnl lcrtuPn . i view, u iinn made to the Foreman at "' , p-j BuUdinss. Victoria i tnkk.u L NOTICE I ROSSI In the citv Tuesday, June 2o. IddI Louis Rossi, aif ol vears. beloved uncle ol An-litelo tto.-wt. Prime Kuuert, B.C. bo.emii KcQuiem Mum will oe sung bv Hev Faiiier H. J. Hav-ner. at Church of liie Annuncia-ition at 9:3d a.m. Saturday. June .30. Interment to loiluw in . Fairvittw Cemetery w here prav-leis will be said bv Hev. Father jO. P. Mohan. Friends kindly as- femblf lor prayers at Gren-vine Court Chauel at 8 ocio.k this evening. H. C. Uiuiertakerj ill charge of arrangements. . Utci STEWART Near Port Edward. Monday. June 25. l'Jal. Allied biewari ave til vears ol Kincolith. B.C. Services will oe conducted ut Urenviile Court Chauel at 4 o.m. Satuniav, June 30 wnh Canon Basil S. Proctor 'Ulftriaimii. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemelerv. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arranae-ments. tltc FUU SAI.K NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES LniK-oeit Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Uraniums: Adanu hoad Graders: LA t leford Bros. Black Tod Hoad Maintenance EuuiDment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granules: T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nei.son Bucket Loaders lor StocKDile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrituaal Pumps: National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C (tf) FOR SALE New and u.ied fur" r.tture and hardware. Bovi' bii vcies. new col l ee tables, chests of drawers, beds, chei-terlields. Mavinn washine ma-Cine, chesterfield beds, scores of other articles at lowest orices. B. C Furniture Co. Phone Biack 324. (tfc) FOR SALE Model M. 8 h p. chain saw. I E L. make, with three four, five, six and seven foot blades and eieht chains. Other accessories Price $i;()0. Aoiilv R R. Rav. General Delivery. Citv. l 153d) FURNITURE fo7"sale" Youth's bedroom set (2 nieces', kitchen table, four chairs. AH In eood condition Must be sold, 133 9th Ave. West. Blue 165. Jtf-ne) FOR BALE One World Reference Encyclopaedia, al.so l-art;e selection of books Must be sold. 133 9th Ave. West. Phone Blue 165. ' (tf-nci FOR SALE Oil stove, chest er-field suite. Red 732. (152d FOR SALE'47 PlvmouTh Club coime. Cah for ouick sale Phone Blue ac.i or call 939 Havs Cove Ave. il53o FOR SALE Wpstinehouse washine machine. 75. Prion-; .. ..... Til OAO Blue 800. I l.)Z!)l FOR SALE One new Hudson motor bike and one 303 rifle complete with telescope sit'ht. Both articles nearly new For further particulars contact Offinlal Administrator. Rcvm 13. Court House. 153c I FOR SALE House trailer. May be seen at 18'15 11th East. Ap-ply1323 PittRott. U53p FOR SALE -Babv busev, 5 00. 1412 6th East. (153p FOR SAIE-Crih. $10 00 Babv buggy. $5.00. Phone Green 517. (152pl FOR SALE Babv bncv crenm "ood condition $20.00. 1357 first tjveriooK at. I153PI BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 14' nleasure boat new. ready to go. Phone Black 163. U53nl FOR 8AT.E-SS00 Rar?p 'Drl't-wood Queen "' 20' X 8' x IV,'-2 vears old Has Northill anchor and Star marine conver-I'on read" to instal Moored Yacht Club: see owner aboard Oriole." (tf) FOR SALE Trnlllne hoot Keno, 34' x 8' x 3'6" Ready for sea. D. E. Alvev. Dodtfe Cove or write Box 817. City. tl53p) dinner sets. Community plate and Rogers silverware, etc. No extra charire for credit. Contact our local aeent, Henrv Whiteside Red 411. (173c) REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Prom Dt. efficient service Georiie Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran teed. OIL BURNERSPECIIS'ir-Stove seiiice and repairs. U D Ronson. Black 5(13 'tf' PLl'MBING AND HEATING and sheet mefal work. Phone 543 call 629 6th West. lfi PERSONAL PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy, (or dallv delivery exceDt Sun-cl.tv. Bv lookine after vour milk vour milk will look after you. Keen it cool. Ail milk euaranteed. tf GIVE the folks at home a treat . . . eet one of our delicious cakes or pies Rupert lakerv Ltd. Phone 643 for orders Uf) CASH for scrap cast, brass. -b- ner batteries and rae.i-Uors Phone 543 call 329 6t V Citv. (t; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE House six rooms, bath and pantrv. Two lots near Mwh and Dav Schools. Easy walking distance to town. fi4(l 7th Ave. East. Black 205. Full urice $4500 cash. (154o fOR SALE Priced for cmick sale Wartime four, newlv tiainted Inside and out. Rome furniture, wishing machine Full price $2500. 1429 PI"'ot Place. (152d) FOR SALE Five-room house, apartment downstairs. Cose in. Phon- Black 911.. (154p FOR SALE Wartime four 8th Ave East $2400 cash. Prince ; Rupert Realty Co. I,s2l! ArcOITNTATS Ptmr.IC ACCOUNTANT, incomn Tax sneelniUt R O Furk 8t.one Bnlldlncr Red 593 WANTEO WANTKD TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron tep',. bms conrer. lend, et1 Honest grndln? Pronini. payment made Atla Iron A Metals I M. f50 P'lnr St V" ranwer, B C. Phone Pad''-6357. tf For Results ADVERTISE ana HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 Colussi's Music Store ARents fpr th-e finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503