Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, June 29, 1951 Former Road Sup't Passes ! I STETSON brings correct fit to men s iC " a A resident of Prince R-spert for 18 years between 1928 and 1946 when he retired, Edward J. Fitpa trick, former public works superintnedent here, passed away last week at Nelson in the Kootenay Lake General Hospital. Funeral services were held at Nelson. Requiem mass was celebrated bv Father R. D. Ander- -1 Sidewalk And Fence Cedar At Atlractive Prices PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 Ison at the Cathedral of Mary .fr WHh. - - .- i1'l-Eei Immaculate. Burial took place , - & , r at Nelson Memorial cemetery. A resident of Nelson since his retirement four years ago, Mr. Fitzpatrick.. aged 69, had served 30 years with the provincial Public Works Department at Prince Rupert and Grand Forks. ! Arthur. Ont.. was his birthplace, i MARITIME ANNIE OAKLEY Elsie Strong, schoolgirl from Windsor, N.S., was the first of her sex to take part in the inter-Mariti ne rifle shoot, held annually since 188t(. With a 'Albert & McCaffery j LIMITED ' I 101 score, she ranked fourth In the 24 competitjrs at Sussex, N.B.; the winner had 103. Elsie ! Surviving are his wife Mrs. E. , (CP PHOTO) shot beside her father, Onr. C. C. Strong. Fitzpatrick, 415 Falls St., wei-; son, and three sons Ernest at! Ktnnard. Frl at Seattle and i Eugene at the coast and four grandchildren. Ietterbox with regular oval Queen Mary iQDE Chapter Meeting Loca a n Tourist Ships j In Port Thursday j Two tourist cruise ships docked In Prince Rupert at almost and long-oval heads hotel arrivals BUSIEST STREET d PERSONAL Queen Mary Chapter, Imper iitor, Daily News: action of Third Avenue ial Order, Daughters of the Empire, held a final meeting Tues (Prince Rupert) Mr. and Mrs.. P. Dern, Saa Francisco; Allan Watson and the same time yesterday morn- n.hlcf .nH riano -an ', ATTCMTTAM nrrFFT .TWK ing. bringing to city streets and n.j '' -,.,-,,. i ;,. i Bniai nv Tnpxrtnv day night prior to suspending son. Vancouver: Fred Rea, P, iuICa ine mwii eiwren-porui niht. Julv 3 A11 members re- for the summer months. Mrs. J. , i- r uar,h w rwir.i visitors so far thU season salt Lake furry running quested to attend. (164c) r. Carr, the regent, was in the in' Dinsdale. C. McNeil. R. D. I McBridc Street to Cow Bay i,diubtedly the busiest thor-Siiore in the city, It Is also. I the exception of Hushbrook !its, the worst section. Sir amount of traffic over 1 street certainly Justifies the ' .,,.!-,. nf fhltt Ml. . i-.n I- If .. ""f CVery 8U" !L VfL I , J chair and in charge of the wind- LaBayne, George Vincent and Stetson knows that head shape vary. So Stetson hat. are made in regular oval and long-oval shapes to give you truly comfortable, "custom" fitting. Why. not drop in, now, for the best hat fit of your life?, Watts & Nickerson OSE PEOPLE WEAR STETSON HATS THAN ANY OTHER BRANS Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, Van sengers, most of whom were , , ' Ketchikan Chronicle, arrived in ' in?-uP of business until fall, round-trln tourists Hlph.ranlc. The Port Day committee this th it th Prinn w.,r,ort. ist, Arransements were made for This' could be attained ing executives among them were yeaT consists of Aid. Doug Friz-' evening from thi north.' He met j nd""S ice cream sale at the Carnival and for a home- zell, chairman; H. F. Glftssey, lout seriously disrupting the ; H. J. Nelson, general western Mrs. Baker and two children cooking sale In September. traffic manager for the Illinois secretary; H. F. oRbins, Haroldi ftQ were nere aboard tne Prin. Them and Rudolph Olsen couyer; W. L. Baker, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson, Chicago; R. A. Heath, Sandspit; John Walmsley, Tacoma; L. Durocher, Edmonton; Mrs. O. Hobson and Mrs. G. Altken, Reglna. I Lt. Cdr. Adomie, Lulu Island; D. J. Manson, R. Goldsmith, A. Vick. D. Heal, E. Henders, L. H. , cess Louise this morning return- Legion Auxiliary dance, Fri- ing home after a month's visit in Is nnouitcemen day, June 29, 10 p.m. Benefit the CoosBay district or oregoa. Hospital funds. Gents 75c, ladles .A nntin nend 1 Canadian Legion Auxiliat y tea, homecooking sale. Legion 50c. Legion Auditorium. (152c) traffic if the north side done first and then the iof h side. iose of us who drive cars and jksknow the punishment that rhic!e takes every time it over this "road.'' f ping that this will remind I Council that the summer Is Ij by and that road surfacing :s to be done in fine weather. the day JL at Rainbow Lake. Stop . . . . v Mall Tnno 9H t School Inspector G.W.Graham m at Kainoow baxe onee aar " .,... Tea, left by plane today for Victoria for refreshments. Dancing every .. ' evening (ltd o'-P1 i.- m i i 20. Chapman, L. J. Traeger, L. W. Richardson. H. S. Brody, R. Perry, T. Sterling, J. Maxlmenko, ' C. L. Bassey and Mr. and Mrs. Skog, Vancouver; R. Goldsmith, uirifrn 1 1 m u iti lit" riii'fitrii in o Central Railroad, and Mrs. Nelson, from San Francisco; L. O. Inkan, director of Pacific Coast Independent Theatre Owners, and Mrs. Inkan. Disembarking at Prince Rupert were: A. E. Nix, A. M. Watson, P. Watson, William Cruikshank, and Miss E. L. Clement. Embarking were: Mr. and Mrs. Mason, returning to Tenakee, Alaska, from a holiday in Nova Scotia, and E. D. Medley, from Seattle, bound for Skagway. PRINCESS KATHLEEN Catholic Fall Bazaar October marking examination papers at Department of Education lours for good roads, During Exhibition Week the 3 and 4. Public Library will be open at Rcbekah Bazaar, October 20. the usual hours except for Sat- Presbyterian Fall Sale, No- urdays and Wednesday when vembcr 15. (153c) Sandspit; F. A. McNaught, Victoria; A. Salloum, Kelowna. R. J. TUBB. Special meeting of Interna- tional Union of Operating Engineers, Local 510. Friday, June 29. Carpenters' Hall, 8 p.m. All 21-Piece Breakfast $6.95 open from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. I Cathedral Bzaar, November 17. I ' (153o) A. M. Hu-st, principal of Booth j i.o.D.E Fall Bazaar November Memorial High School, and Mi s. 22 Hurst, accompanied by R. G. j gt. Peter's Fall Bazaar, No-Davidson, vice-principal, left: vembcr 29. Sets ... 32-Piece Breakfast Sets : The CPR steamer, Princess Kathleen, docked at 9:30 a.m., southbound with 300 round trip passengers, including 190 tourists Wednesday by car lor victo :ia ! members urged to attend. Important business. (152c) Miss E. L. Clement, R.N., lady superintendent of Prince Rupert General Hospital, returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from aVncouver after Mr. Hurst and Mr. Davidson will j 21-Plece Bone $ 1595 China Tea Sets be engaged in marking examination papers before taking up other summer work and having vacation. spending her annual vacation l.i in the Sam Campbell tour. Mr. Campbell, well-known author and lecturer, organized I the tour as he has for several I years, and during the trip show-led several color movies of dlf-! ferent countries he has visited. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STl'DIO 216 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 : Prince Rupert the south. The Cathedral of Burgos, i Dinner Sets, from AC 66 pieces at ... M i VO (Including beautiful Wedge-wood and Couldon King's Plate) . SPECIAL ' T A K I " Dr. CHASE'S bfJEY-LIVER PILLS Spanish city dating from the ninth century, is the most flor- 1 ious Gothic monument in Spain. ! feeler oCi i en Duolified Steam Boiler, $ Refrigeration and I Pipe Welders Outslantli FUNERAL NOTICE ROSSI In the citv Tuesday June 26, 1951. Louis Rossi, aee 61 vears. beloved uncle of Anaelo Kossi. Prince Rupert. B. C. Solemn Requiem will be sung bv Rev. Father H. J. Ravner. uL Church of the Annunciation at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. June 30. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemeterv where oravers will be said bv Rev. Father O P Mohan. Friends kindly assemble for prayers at Grenville Court Chioel at J o'clock this evening. B. C. Unddertakers in charge of jtrrangements. (ltct inn a English Bone China Cl!PS AND SAUCERS at 69c ald 97c PUNCIinOWI. SETS 7.95 MANSON'S China Shop . I All Certified Operators Wt build Stacks, Fire trapes and Tanks all sizes (industrial welding co. HOW 6Mi COFFEE BE? TRY THE . AND Y.UU FIHD THE AtiSV.TR Here b a aev bM w feed, s oallcioui yen won't believe it till yon kttt Her it todn t Its lijrnt, lehedihif beet CW tke nw MaHin'i Coffie from yoer tracer tedey. Tkea you'll knew how food coffee ce be. An "outstanding performance" is how listeners expressed their opinion last night of the organ recital by 1-eter Lien, al the ol. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. Mr. Lien observed his twentieth anniversary as organist In thj church by giving a one and a half hour performance. About (hil scWtlMnxnl tt not publltheo or dlipltytd bv fa Liquor Coamt m htf irx Gevwnamt 9 firW Coiuabi 1st E. Phone Green 884 ON Alusnys a Special Treat Mother's Jamni and JFeHv 200 people attended. j The recital was Interspersed ; with selections by the Cathedral Choir and assisted by G. B. hangerud, Mr. Lun's organ student for one and a half years. i "I believe the people liked the music," Mr. Lien said modestly, 'but he prefers to play church music. I "There Is something different ' in thp music which puts people Display NOW!! FORD'S British Built CONSUL ' in the mood to worship. With me ! ! it comes fr-m inside. It isn't or- j Hlnorv music. ! CGLTI7 Recipes aro Eft civ OTii'tVlr Sure M!l0 "I guess it is the deep ieeung of religion," Mr. Lien said, after the rocltal. W1TTW TTA11 The outstanding musician also , favors the Symphony Orchestra, of which he Is the conductor, and third, comes the band, he ' 1 'says- "twinlp mnv he surDrlsed. . a u but AT M Parker Ltd. above band work I prefer ther organ and the orchestra. That i V "I'-tl - MONARCH DF.AI.F.Rd Mr. Lien has given several organ recitals during the past Children or grownups, they all love homemade jams and jellies. Making them with Certo is so easy ... so quick and sure. For Certo is a highly concentrated fruit pectin product and pectin is the natural jellying substance extracted from fruit. Prince Rupert, B C. J L. I few years. STEAMER Prince Rupert Call 363 TOR BETTER .... Planning Building or Repairing ii l v i 4 r-.j Takft your Fkk LIQUID Carto in tthr form will 9iv you qua My good ratulhi. M CRYSTALS CRYSTALS . rl JT m l t i -eB-H T I new shipment! j jm BICYCLES! j E WERLICH s. I V2f", FnU selection for Men, Ladies, Boys and Girls TRICYCLES WAGONS ! Many 'Sizes All Sizes and Styles i i GORDON & ANDERSON KAIia FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at ll;i; p.m. Fnr KETCHIKAN Wednesday midnight x or w. -. A one-minute full, rolling boil . . that's all you need with Certo. No long, tedious boiling down of precious juice so you average 50 more jam or jelly from your fruit. And the boil is so short your fruit keeps its natural taste and color. The recipes you get with Certo end all guesswork. Follow the simple directions carefully . . . you'll have no failures. Your jams and jellies will be bright, sparkling and delicious every time. Recipe booklet under th libel of every bottle nd in every package. , Etch type hi special recipei which must be followed. Tby sit not interchangeable. ff Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE J'RINCE RUPERT, 1 1 SiV B.C. PrMhict e Otktrel tMdt MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors You'll be proud to say 'I MADE IT" j ADVSKTISINO IN THE DAILY NWS BRINGS RESULTS. E-51