I I ! 1 BASEbsALL- Sottoart fli!ne lu6i 1 CAjily lien. 'iiday, June 29, l'Jal Hotel Men in Shut-Out ' Reorganizing CoramereiaU Rubbed Of No-Hit Victory Of Softball Ray Spring put out Desonnler to1 t'nd the stoiiii!? fur that inning. The fifth inning was almost a ! A sir.gle base hit near the end A new deal in the Senior Soft cj last ninht's ba.aeball rarnr i repeat performance by Com- I ball League will go into effect next week in an effort to improve the competition. The North Star entry is folding up and spoUcu -l5at other!iw ssuW ' nrcials. They Joudetl the bae have been a no-hit victory foi i'w,ce w,,h two nlts and thiee Cosimer?t! they txiunded error- Two more errors brought Gordon & Andvrson In a shut-j ru" "d tw runs were their player will strengthen the ! Hawks and Firemen teams. Pitcher Lloyd Lahtf, Catcher! Windv Rrhwntj and Outfielder- 111 VVilllllf Pitcher Frency Vigar vill go to the Hawks while the remainder I out defeat of 6-0. i sr.ooneo in. Centrcfiiflder Corn- ftiow moving Don Hawryliik I wel1 scwped up a owooping line i UwSn out 10 men and gave up!anve by wlndle- about the only the only hit to Gordon Ac-! fteld p'oy for hig team. uerson first baseman, Sunberg, I Losing pitcher Matthews, hurl-in the first of the sixth Inning. ins all seven Innings of the Then he continued to pitch his ' game, allowed 30 men at bat and sliut-out, the first thla season, j eight hits, struck out four and But the six runs brought in by ve one base on ball nd ars-the Koifimen wasn't aii cue tu'"''"" dv hitting a batter. ax Kvuy of the Stars will aid the short-handed Firemen. ' s; v v, " ' V' - -1 - .., - i f " ' 4 t S i y ' f . - - - - I . .,,. I i " , - Rupert Radio and Cellulose! had proved much too good and : loose games were the Jesuit but j ineir strong playing for the in-! Shut-out pitcher Hawryluk al- it ii leil that the changes snouiri j I V, 331 M 1 A , - ' J ) ftii uut! hit oil 2 mn at bat. result In a much tighter league. and struck I two bases on balls oat 10 with no rung. N 0 JOHNNY COME TO HILO ; ; The new achedule will start next week with the first game! fwld ui O & A went completely 'j to po; after the fourth Inning. I In all. 10 errorj wcre counted j ir. three by 3rd baseman Hiit-jwlg; loar by shortstop Don ' Scherk; one by catcher Careili, I and two by left fielder Marshall. on Wednesday, July 4. O ic A Sunberg, lb .. hartwig, 2u .. Marshall. If Tonight Rupert Radio and Columbia Ceiiuiose meet In ft u wane tier, u snake her, U shake ! BUTTim tjl 4aJiriA t io t trot hotf .titi i R 0 a o o 0 0 0 AB 3 3 a ... 2 3 ... 3 3 2 two clubs the Cellulose boys won ! M thai eirl ivitn the blue dress on. j Matthews gave up eight hits, Scherk, D., ss 8-1 and will be out to repeat. 11 . .... .. I only two runs of their six were earr..'d by Commercials. I The game started out fast with Careili, c . i Matthews, F-rd, 2b ry U Johnny come io tlilo, poor old man. ; fw For over 2 century Lamb's Navy ! .w.. Manager LePage will probably start fastballer Chuck Teachman! on the mound while Rusty Foid of the Radiomen has Monk ! Aft rmn..u Spring, Uf 2 both pitchers showing good control. But although 15-vear-old 1 1 Sundberg, ieny Ford and himself all ready to start. j V has been the call of those who know i i nl eood rum. Smrtnth and mpllinu it . 0 0 0 R 0 1 1 10 H E 1 7 ."7" 1 m NiKft O.inineiru.1. in Prince Ru.-ts B..,. ball League Is Larry Wa. ner, 31, with three wins to his credit. WaVne" born and raised in Smithers, pitched here dnrln- th. Wd Z vZ"lT1Z f Dr dock and Aii-Sfars-In he W yeal'S after that Ior oliver ' the ith Olivet TT I"ternat,"nal ue. He was awarded Ihl O iver Hotel trophy for winning pitcher of tte Wgue in 1048 which Included five American teams Matthews thiew a good bail with Total 24 only one base on balls against commercials AB him he got little support from g simunUson, ss 4 the f)eld- .M.Simundsen.cf 3 The best showing Matthews Gunn. 3b 4 1 miide was in the last of the third , Windle, 2b 4 o when, with bases loaded, he j Warner, rf 4 2 pitched two strike-outs one after I Hawryluk, p 3 2 ite omer to cnncn the inning : Desonnler, lb 2 0 is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demerara Rums. ji toll's If ivy Bum I This Jvcrtiscment not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bond or by ihe Gevernment of British Columbia. An Old Sia SWji - ' ( without a score. Linney, If 3 o PEANUT GARB j A new factory in Scotland j estimates 1951 production of a! new textile from peanuts will bJ around 3.C30 tons. ! Morgan, e. 3 0 Friends in Box Derby 1 0 8 1 Total ... . 30 0 With three assists already to his credit, Matthews gave up two hits, one to Morgan, the other to Bruce Simundson. Desonnler got on through a fumbled tall by third-baseman Hartwig. QUALITY STORE (PETTENUZZO'S) 521 FLLTON STREET Working late? Tired of cooking? Going on a Picnic" LARGEST SPECIES J L . oicpkicu "" ; Columbia is the largest of 8ev- the .....w a wi n;au 1UI uir ara spruce species,' sometimes height of 250 feet. reaching a We. have salads, cold meats, etc. Specializing in Spaghetti, Cooked Chickens. Phone 470 Salt Lake Ferry Leaves Cow Bay Float THURSDAY 2 p.m., 4 p.,m., 7 p.m. SUNDAY Continuous from 10:30 a.m. WVather jwrmitiing I Billy Wattiiough and Richard Bury both are sponsored by the Kinsmen Club w entries in the Soap-Box De;r,y tonight. "But I hope we don't have to race agrtinst each other," said Billy. Both boys have been working together on their cars the last few days. And they've been jiving it everything they could. Billy, who is 12 and hns just teen promoted to Grade Vlt, u -. his car well on the way some time ago but his pal Richard got into a little trouble. So the two of them got together and started from scratch ten days ago, rebuilding Richard's soap-box. "We've been up until 10:30 every night since then," said Richard. "We've really been . working."' So far it has cost, willy $5.50 to build his car, end it's cost Richard $4.21. Richard will be 13 in September and his hobby is building model airplanes and collecting pictures of jet planes. He's never Ci, Dependable Auto Service ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD. Tomorrow is your last day to get your Eleclrolux at the Old Price New price effective July 1 PHONE BLUE 970 .ui ior wun Das-s loaded any kind of a hit would bring In a run. And the pitches came, one-tw;-three all strikes. That made two away, for Linney had looped out to left field. Left-handed Gunn stepped in next and I'epeated Miner's performance before him. The crowd loved that and rose with a mighty cheer. But in the fourth inning, the same got away from Matthews. Benny Windle dropped a curving loop into short centre for a pingjj. Warner singled again. Hawryluk got on by a 'fielder's choice when Hartwig threw home to put out Windle coming In for the run. In a last play between catcher Carelh and third. Windle woe run down. Wi'h two men left on, Desonnler walked and loaded the bases once more. Up stepped Murmn and hit the first pitch on the ground, fumbled by shortstop Scherk. Warner came in with the first run. A hit by Bruce Simundson deep into right field brought In Hawryluk but a long peg to home from rightfielder Chop Suey - Chow Me;n Open 8 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. Tires, battery, radiator and crankcaso . . . thr-y need constant service, and they get that service here every time you drive up for gas! Be wise. Drive up hvre for expert service today and every day! f HOLLYWOOD CAFE i JOHN H. BULGER Fur Outside Orders Phone 133 , nt Oric clrlit been up in a plane before he says, but "boy, i sure would KEEP IT RIGHT Inside and ir out. THE "PUNKYDOODLE" DRESS Styled by HONEY CHILD Only Infunt's Dress with matching Pantle For NEW CONSTRUCTION I ; and REPAIR WORKj; SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. f ( I John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue o DRIVE UP AT The Slork Shoppc 215 1st Avenue West I 1 Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 u Blue 810 like to," and is looking eagerly forward to the race tonight. "I had a plane ride once," said Billy. He explained he" won a star recognition contest In Sunday school which gave him a ilight to Sundspit and back. Besides building soap-boxes, Billy collects stamps and match folders. Both boys are scout members. At the Derby, Richard and Billy will be wearing new jackets with Kinsmen crests on them, provided by the sponsors. They will wear the regulation Kinsmen hats during the race. Two other entries, Maurice Levacher, sponsored by the "Holy Names Society, and Jack Rudolph, Canadian Legion .candidate; have ''their ca ready to go today. There are eight entries n ail, and the race will be run in .even elimination heats. For the MEAL that REFRESHES Superior Auto Service .WATER tells the truth about.., WHISKY '-- k t NEST ) . BEST OF '.'i.iii'iii.. FCOD.!ilUai:C00KJNG ) ' M, A y j LIMITED ' r- N . . 1 tudeboker end Austin Deolers Third Ave. at Park. Green 217 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE ft m GREAT COLLEGE A charter for McGill Univer-lity, Montreal, was granted in 1821 and teaching- began la t Put Seagram't "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE . . i of the finest : "83" 2 e&jafladtan mm : i "1 9 WASHING CARS TIRE REPAIRING . GENERAL CLEAN-UP We specialize in servicing for long trips Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH. FARGO DISTRIBUTORS ! Thl. advertisement is not published or displayed by Ifie liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ?, . i " Kits ana meununj in lo,. JSWEETCAPS fnTrfflHTH"1) x SJf-A CLEAN AND FIRM WlTu iT6 ,,,4:3- SATIN SMOOTH ,h,s Ik VX-v-r"r" GENUINE CORK KUDO OR IV TMI AaVtlWMINT, Of - I I II ' ltUM COtUMil . I ' . ( ca I ..tin Qmq f'i- tit: j A ' tjS new ! ! M VS FUR COLD . LUGGAGE ORMES i protect K STORAGE tfaufr Phone id I FUfIS The Pioneer Druggists TOP QUALITY at RIGHT PRICES For Men and Women Both fashion FOOTWEAR 97 & Free rick-up Service BILL SCUBY FURS I PHONE 8 1