i ! el riuiif. ninLe Kuweit UG11V iNr3 Friday. Augu.st 24. PAPER MiLL Bownte; 's pcper n.ni Trio RlaL'ArNiJ nn ? 1 12th tiny of September next the Corner Brook. Kf'id., Is THE EXPERTS jiui ... I uiictersiKiied intends to apHy to the vsi in lilt worm. wiuv.ittv;wu vi i J-JriCKjc By Eesley Blackwood ! filled" Brave which will go into their construction is being dug ; lrom pits along the river bank and it shows traces of gold. "Golden" Piers For New Bridge Usually, the advantage of making an unorthodox 1 - r Y' i uiquur control Hoard lor consent to j transfer of Bter Licence Number ! 8905, isjsnpd In respect of premiws j bemi? part of a building known as Betmrmt Hotel situate at 725 and 727 I Third Avenue West, Prinee Rupert. British Columbia, upon the lands ; described as Lota 8 and 6. Block 92. Action 1. Map 93.1, Prince Rupert Oldtimers w ho can remember SOUTHERN FU1NT Point Pelee NaUmal Park In Ontario is Canada's mo.,t suiith-i'rly mainland extension. QUESNEL t A new bridge to th. onirt r.ich rinv-i f tK ,u loml ful .,.. :. n . , e nil built I bv nv in the .... a""-,.,,.,, government- umwrmnnt. " . .T ... "V' - " lu .' ,V. . . ' l-'l'--' "lure man oiISOi l)V no ; ! . i - s, .... ' '"lb nannrn snrmi ni it i me to . t t i - if you v.- voc Miuvtru cnov ui BY KAY REX Canadian P fs Staff Writer owned Pacific Great Eastern vMderi about a ha!f-rnt in tne (iisauvantatre of ioohne vour Dartnpr aa well Hoi Hallway may prove to be a colors When that one shovelful I Ilia vino- wi'rVi U- TU,,-,-,,r M,. n ,l f.,H .,.,!. . i. j "garded with itver- ' JSTSKSi 'SSS&Z ,r,m nice at breakfast those days. : John H.ins to Belruum H..U4 Urn- Fire Kina Ov-Ul - r j& ..-w luuii. , mi. i'aif it-it :-uir i a e; :s multinhed bv severa m mn . ..... 'golden" investment. t,p L,i- the bridge piers mav J reallv J be s llKeiy Id gam mail 10 lose. In other Small wonder, when they can'. " 4l- Ran'iuii Building. 635 .... . West f li'ot-ifi : Mti-m-r Vn rmit ivr Hers lor the bridge on art f. .-i ei'ii words, Mr. Muzzy is always confused anyway s be bTht,""u" cenla " d: Cottonwood Riv. r will be "frold- worth suiiv.'thlng. British Columbia, the translem. re aj ; tjiiti-d this llth day uf August. lush as 8i cents in Jo.onto. AO. ;bsi. wiy not uy 10 get every oofly contuseii : Mr. Dale decided to open his """" mum caiy io fpj BAKE PANS PIE PLATES CUSTARD CUPS MEASURING CUP. UTILITY PANS MEASURING PlTr (club suit and. of course, his nor mal lead is the fourth highest club. However, in an effort to ; ! Mother ho longer tosses half a I belrupeht hotel limitfd ! dozen eggs into an angH-cake j ' , lor the cnurch picnic. The fain- thdrnv lnuli mrntpq jilv .seldom ees an omelet any .,,fJlr mother are almost 1.000 dWK-r- inore. words - egs! have become a delica,y. jeat knuU oltcactus plants. Tnat'j why with tongue hi; EARLY CADETS clieck-we commend to t'anad-j The military cadet movement lan housevuves a little booklet ; was started in Britain in 1859. E.ist dealer Neither side vulnerable Vnrth ( Mr. Mii7xv) a- k ist H -J 10 8 a 3 1 8 3 C A 7 Thompson Hardware Co.,l "T1 1 WATER fes fAe frifi about... WHISKY f:l:t Hrst (Ml. M;l-lTv) S 9 i II - 9 5 3 t K Q J 9 0 (Mr. Clinniplonl H - A g 7 H- A y 7 11- A 10 4 3 1 CONCERNING THE DRAFT ; give Mr. Champion a wrong pic- 1 ture of his distribution, the old boy promptly laid down his fifth ' j highest club, the deuce. Now there was no reason tor : Mr. Champion not to figure this' lead as a "standard" fourth j highest. And if it were, then Mr. Dale had exactly four clubs and j Mr. Muzzy, two. Mr. Muzzy didn't , i think about the lead at all. i I He Just went up with his kini and was surprised when it held the trick. He returned the seven of clubs and Mr. Champion wjh SSI C A 10 1 smith ( Mr. Iiiile) S .T 10 G 2 H K 4 l-7 5 C- Q J 8 6 2 blckiiag: Sulitll West lJiiss 1 Ll All pass SMALL TALK . n . i i j "S 0 I v i H J ! ' & issueu irom uiiawa, d me ccn-suiner section of the agUcuHu.-e department's marketing servlc. It s tinted a bright egg-yolk yellow. Tin? title: EOGS. there's a iuiric n-jipe ie-qn.: itig f-iK of th.3 dainties. One -for tn omelet also requites f:.i. lioth are excellent. Even if you can't afford to try them new, file them away for the day when eggs are cheaper. Bui in one wa this pamphlet is timely. 11 ccntairs hints on iv-s buying, valuable to the homemaker who wants to get the ii'.(i;l for her mcnev. GRADE MARK IMPORTANT In buying egs. leak fjr the Tin- 1 V I KT with the a?e. Mr. Dale dropping the eight spot. t 9" Counting up his winners, Mr.! " Champion saw that he hud five Remembering that Mr. Dale'.t diamonds, one club, one spade opening lead had indicated po:-and one heart. For his ninth J-essiun of only louc clubs, M: trick he could try either the Champion dimply led a club. The .spade or the heart finesse. Bat, Plan was that Mr. Dale could which He decided that running run his two remaining clubs but j Seagram's Jut "I got my draft notice yesterday ... is It too late to enlist?" i Put Seagram' "83" fo the water test. For water (plain or tpaikling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet, Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE . . j of the finest "Oh. timer, . jon've l-i how br:i v n uraUj the entire diamond suit might would then have to lead into t'ade mark "which must ap;--r "Just about then I said to myself, 'ten kids or not, I'm jolnmi; up.' " iuniLsli some clue to the right 'he ace-queen of either hear;s either on ea;h end cf the case, at play. or spades. Uie tjp uf the ca.'ton v on a tag 83 c? Very fine! Except that the old if lllt' efSs ar? displayed in bulk master rattled off three more - as in baskets." clubs. Mr. Champion followed Whenever possible, the pam ls7i(7ffC On the last three diamond leads Mr. Muzzy discarded two small hearts and a small spade. Mr. Dale shed the six and deuce of spades and the four of hearts. phlet suggests, buy ep?s from mcr.'hants whj keep them un- uit twice, then discarded the .'.even of spades. On the la -t club he was down to the ace and queen in both spades and hear,:. He had a tough guessand lv guessed wrung. He dropped the queen of hearts. Mr. Dale promptly led his 1 one On the fifth diamond Mr. Champion himself.had to make a discard. He chose the seven of hearts. , Well, Mr. Champion had learn- i ed practically nothing about the 1 location of the major suit kings. It was possible that both of thern were wrong. But why guess? .ier refripteratiaa-. E,igs exposed .o roam temperature soon drop in quality. Alter y;iu've fcousht them; k"cp esss In a cool place, prefer-f bly the refriuerator; keep them away from highly flawed fo'nl: ri; not waih e?as until just before using; leave ejus in , the riuton or keep in covered con (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classified Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Curd a 'lnanks, Diaiii Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engwmetit Annuunciiiitiits $2 u'o SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PKK'E. thi. odvertisement is not published or displayed by Hie liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. king of hearts and Mr, champion won with the blank ace. BIRTH NOTICE WANTED Mr. Muzzy had stubbornly he .1 oili to the kini? and One n;iHn HANSEN Born to Mr. and WANTED TO BUY Writ nr.: ! - -: tainer. dinner. Nut because he figured it to be n'F.Nfll TOAST WOK K W.UIIJ UHGENT- Ew tuiw w bv I! Odd mr 1JU. worker. Wni t.ikt u wiiik. Eux 11 a. ha. i ' , r'lu7 " DUt oe- This is one of the less expns- hier J'a , " 10 tus ivp recipes the booklet ccntairu. hihe.st cards. rd Anyway, he won t, m,t.. . ,,,,- h v,,..,i.r... . n. nansen at wie f rince 1 aesK with drawers and ui",eon-. nupert General nosultal. Auaust 1 lioies. Pnune Bme oUi. i2iKiiji ' ill. ll, a sou. Gerald Ernest, - weimit 7 pounds 3 ounces Moth- WANTED TO BUY 4 or 5 room ; ei and son doum well. iltpi: house. $1000 dow n. 1 a r e i monthlv uavmtnts. Or rent mi. FOR SU lT" jouuon to buv. Ked 817. ilP.'uni ; ! WANTED TOP MARKET the setting trick. when you're wondering h;w to . strt.'n two e;-' is among th'ec AUCTION SALE MONDAY, AUGUST 27 - 2 P.M. Contents of dwelling at 218 1 Hh Street (behind Lindsay's Storage at left of Morse Creek Bridge) e 3 -piece CIIESTi:KFIELI SI ITE, Wine 5-piecc BUmoOM SUITE, two-tone C 1 BED. Mahjsany finish, spring-filled mattress, Slumber KinK Soring; FOR SALE buureme SH9 tube-I PRICES PAID lor scran iron. HELP WANTED UL'SINESS is co, id W l.ko lu ernulov two r w.u reises iM-j.f j m-ison Fridav or f eveiium. Joi.nnv'i steel, brass, couoer. iead. tester and niulu-meter Mar-1 coin C-i ireauencv meter. One' surplus ladar indicator unit.! Pnone 7iH. uf i I Honest tradlni; Promut ruv-nient made. Atlas Iron it Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St. Van couver. B. C. Phone PAritic 63a7. Uf. BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS SINGER SEWING MACHINE, used three times BEATTY WASHING MACHINE, 2 months old ELECTRICAL KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Hot Plate, Coffee persons. Ingredients: two eggs; one cup miik: ime table.'-po; :i ruvar i iu-tionali; cne-half teaspoon salt: pepper; 6 i2-inch shces bread, three tablespoons butler. Blond tegcther slkhtly beaten eggs, milk, stiga -, salt and pepper. Dip bath sides of each sli P of tread into the mixture. Melt butt r in dryina-pan, browri -lires of t eal on both sid s i.i hot fat. Place on a hot platter and serve at yr.ee. .Ylsld: six More People Wearing Wigs TORONTO (CP)-Customers of Anton Wurm can let their hair down more than mast people. But most of them don't, particularly women. He makes v,is;. "Nature tells you you should have hair on your head. Wh?.i : V' 654 c New shades, brown and ttrev, 1 ,ry ' : "T itood fit. lots ot wear 8iKes CASH for scran cast, biass. con-ii to 12 vears. Real barnam. P'r. and rad.ii'ois. now S3 75 to $4.2j pair. BC i K,nune jjf J Call W9 6th Avenii" Clothiers. '-nttsK W-U Ciur. . . itfi FOR SALE Ladv's bicvcle. Ar- PERSON Al. p.v. nij rraser St or phone . 1-. : '. . . I : 'k l ..3 . II. ' K I -v '- . ' 4 - "i' - i,(1 . -J ; Red a48 between 8:30 a.m. and PHONE 18 wur Northland Dairy t : 30 o.in. for daily delivery excent Kidi- i201pi FOR SALE Dining room suite, dinette e,et Umbo, washing you lose your teeth you get fai.-e s!'r('s- ont.s, eh? Whv not hair? n Th's i5 pa'ticularly good if helps morale and vou do not yfrvt'd with hony. niarle syrup catch cold," nor dandruff he ' or ''orn svru bacon, says. ' ONE-EGG CAKE duv. Bv looking after vour milk vour mi:k will lo" after you. Keen it cool. Ail milk' guaranteed. Uf) FOR RENT Cleneril Electric fjoor uollshers. SI per dav. Phone Biue 992. Pacific Elec Perk, Kiittlc, etc., etc. HEAVY WARE KITCHEN UTENSILS, Pressure Cooker, all New. Other Kill hen equipment, Dishes, etc. C DINETTE SUITE Chromium, blue-padded chairs OIL BURNER KITCHEN RANGE, very good condition C SINGLE BED complete C CARPENTER'S TOOLS of all description PLUMBER'S TOOLS Blow Torches, Wrenches, etc. OTHER GOODS too numerous to advertise Ihesr gcoik are all like new. Must be sold as owner leavinr on account of health. NO RESERVE. Cheaues Accepted HOUSF AND PROPERTY FOR SALE BY OWNER J. H. MAIR, Auctioneer machine, vamtv and stool, I single bed. 2 floor lamps, eiec-! inc heater. Blue 397. (202p) j NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES I Here is a personal r;cipe for aa .r. C5' -,e,i?' ve me0,t:rn--j:z :d -r.kc. tric. . itii Mr. Wurtn has been making wigs for eo of his 76 years. Ha hie niLhi tlir,,,-. r,,- . Llng-beif Speeder Shovels; Cranes; DragiiiMs; Adams Road Graders; Lntleford Bros. Black Too Koud Maintenance Euulomeui.: Owen Clamsneli Buckets and Rock Grannies: GIVE the fo'ks at. home a Lrcul . . . get one of our drilciuiif cakes or pies. Ruoert ''iko-v S5e pit dotcn pid lor emptici. Plctt Illy idem rdy when the driver callt. anu even h ta, ' Tat T' b"U ocore. I teaspoon salt ; one cup eranu- Ihit dvertncmenl n not Dbl.hcd ar d.wlaw. 1 T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: ' - Ltd. Phone 64.1 for order, 'tf REAL ESTATE WANTED Taxi driver. 112 Taxi. AOI.MS WANTU CHAMt.'E OF A LIFE" DK l.Vur.PE.NDfcT' I ir.M-.l m ba-::... inns m-.i.r.. B' (te.i.i'f and inaKe m.t ill ie- time tlun vc vmr ore -e:,t mc f.i.' (lone in vo'ir .so.ire t..i !o me cii k iuJ of f lie. cied items a; i,i iowiirni'S Free rii:, re 'ur'i in til Write Art Stisiio-s. 235 ?! T St.. M-mtrea!. P. tie ONE elr! for latinflrt and cherk n-': . ni'is liable Ai-'i one wr er. Annlv Piunwr C Law. dries. WANTED Tn KfV T-WARD Mr 5-rom r larger for linni'V-i aiii'v. Preferabiv u.'.-Photie 99 Taxi Hilt KENT "OH f!EN'T- S ei'Uir.j ri nth Ave. East. cOH RENT Tn ret m nient vacant Sec'': Furniture in f""d niii'l he Dur-iiisM 'illlV. P.O Box J13. )rt RENT- feitrle Inc niom. 9,;o M A" AuDlv 221 5'.h East "OR RENT Five m't mrnt with " i' ',r Cash tnlv. Phone Liquor Com.ol Baud or by du Cmrnrrxnl muic peupie are oecommg la ted sugtr; cne 3g; thr fJBrrtiih Columbii. A3P oaiu mrougn worrying too much nuarters cup nilik; l', and eating the wrong food, he flour o.'ftedi: two level cup: tea- L '" ir.cons baking-powder. Wearin? a hat, he is .convinc- ' Use a fo k to mix this cake. FOR SALE Lake Kathlvn Amo CaniD. Aoulv Box ii. Simth-ers. BC. iLM4t)i FOR SALE-Foin--rooinlioiiseln good condition. 910 Al.red jst Green 087 alter 0 o'clork. I2U4P' uiarit f ornntt Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loauers for Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable "Centrifugal Pumps; National Dram'ine Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel O a so 11 ne Hoists; National Portable Sawmills; National Rotary Scr-ens and Conv.yors. full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.U tf) Vi ed, has nothing to do with it. Cre:ira butter and sutar. Arid I JProeAdionai "It is in your stock." he ex tidiness ana HANDYMAN rni ie- OCKViC eeg and cream all toc:h"r. Sift diy ingredients and add alternately with the milk. Bake in a aquars (clght-by-eight inch i tin which has been greased to prevent sticking. Time: 35 minutes tn a moderate oven. This can be flavored or icrrd a: desired. For orar.se cake add grat?l vind cf one orange t mixture. Ice with mixture of icing-su?Er and or.e tablespoon butter plus as much orange juic? as required. plains. In his third-floor room he sits with his assistants amid.st a clutter of human hair and wooden-block heads. The hair comes mainly from convents and women's jails of Europe. Ea-h hair which goes into a wig is knotted individually into a fine silk netting which is stretched over a wooden block. Proud of his produ:ts, Mr. Wurm has worn a wig for 30 years. Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest ' In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 2IO-4th .St. Ph. Black 389 Eddie's Beauty Salon Pcrmanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 7?,9 2nd Ave. Oppofilta Liquor Store GENERAL CONTRACTORS Bulldlnn and Repairs of all kinds FOR SALE - At a sacrifice full price $2730. Owing to heulin owner must nmke change, wilj sell nice three-room home eood location, nice view. uK five minute walk to heart oi town. Terms, $1350 down balance as rent. Immediate uo.s-fes.sion. Contact Ainistron't Agencies at once as this one will sell ciuickiv. i2()0oi FOR SALE Two fine" hurbor view lots on Atlin Ave. Price $800.00 R E MORTIMER Real Estate and Insurance 353 3rd Ave. Phone SS i203c FOR RALE Wartime-Six.' Including kitchen ranee and heater. In eood eondltl-in $4000.00 rash en- $4200 01) wlHi S'sonoo down. h. u. iiELamt- SON LTD. H!)9 m ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS rOR RENT- R.joitk. ed. .Auuiv 537 81 It FOR SALE Lovelv 10 -piece black walnut dining room suite, large golden oak library table, 2 lariie upholstered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, large commercial floor waxer and Doli.-her. Hoover carnet sweeper comulete with parts, one large electric fruit tulcer. elcctrl" massaaer and reducer. 4 electric heaters, 1 small pot burner oil ranee 2 eood oil heaters, nice pictures in rallies. 4 floor lamps. 1 table r.imo. firenlar-e with all tools, larue comulete exercisinu kit, 40 gallons of paint. Standard tvnwriler. 7 lare new French p ate mirrors. Black 823. Mr. Hicks. (tf) FOR SALE New ancTllsed household furniture. 8lleht.lv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicycles Bedside Rues. Cribs. Studio Couches etc . sellln Ht the lowest possible nrlres. B C Furniture Co. Phone BInck ?24: (tf FOR SALE Outbnnrd mntor. "nod rnnninz order. Phone Black 889 (198pl RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS fc AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1070 NAVIfMlll.K tWI KUS IMIOI I TION ( V H.H.C. in:;. impirr i in Aluminum Cnmpmiv of Canaia Limited, hiwby Rives nutlve thut n lms. under Hectlon 7 nf the suld Act. di posltt'd with the Minister of Public MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING Mr. and Mrs. J. Maftern of Winnipeg are through passengers from the prairie capital to Skidegate where they plan on .snendniir t.h nevi vct. ,.v TOi? A NEW H'tl, Phone 530. Hits W" and 2nd Tf tj-nmvFi wars ti 711 Grenville OH'1 worm, at Ottawa, uml with the Act BOATS I OR SALE Thev l My w mill 11 r.r,niin,.o continue i to n the . " ' ' "!t lputy Rrijlnrar In the Registry Queen ;oih,l. fr the nistri-t r p,uK, . hh-cnariotte Lslands by the steamer ; win. in the Province or British cn- SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block C08 -3rd Ave. W. Cuquitluin today. REPAIRS VATCl7REPAIRS--P'; fl-lellt, .servi 'C 0 .Tewllcr. Satisfartwii feed. I inmmn a description or the aiu an I 1 1 the plans of a pier proposed to b" constructed on the foreshore and bei Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 FOR SALE 30 ft sail boat. 9 ft beam, draws 41, it.. fsOO snuare ft. of sails, 4 cvlindir marine engine. Kleens three. Lavalorv oil stove and cocking uien-slls $2i00 cash Annlv "Four Winds." Prince Rupert Yachi Club. itfi Phone 347 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 P.O. Box 374 6 BOYS OR GIRLS 21-Plece Breakfast $ Sets 32-Plece Breakfast $ Sets LOST 8-95 CAR3 FOB SALE A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325-4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 m nn- r-MHi,fiiy mat OI IemaiH liUV Raiu:e 4. Coast District. Province tit Urillsh Columbia. And take notice that after the ex-rlratlon of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice. Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, will, tinder Section 7 of the aj-lrl Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at hw office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated this 8th dav of August 19.11. ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA. LIMITED. PAUL 8. WHITE. Secretary. (Aa4.31.87) 21-Piece Bone $ China Tea Sets 15.95 FOR SALF-1948 Chev A-l condition. Call at 921 10th Et it after 6. (199o Openings for boys or on Dally. News rra''' various parts of city. APPLY AT 0FFICI Special Bonus" for Good Servlw SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 LOST Pair ladv's glasses in brown leather cuse. roe-col-ored rim? Phone Blue 8)1 days. Red !59 evenings. (20(lui LOST On road between Prince Rupert and Terrnep one licence plate C-r,93''3 one B O carrier licence L-42434 Finder Pleae man to Box 1324 Cdv. or phone 577. Reward. (200c) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax sneciallst. S. O. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) BLONDIE -The Case Colls for X-ravs ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 for genuine parts and service phone or write above. By CHIC VOU'I WP BUT VCXJ HAD t A HAM-AMCJ-FCC . T SANDVMCH BEFOk'E MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAfRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL APS VOU SUPS K N0Wi WA,Tq Hrc jji:li vvhaT Kl mow CAN 1 SlELP j7' THAT WAS LAST KtNAT COULD'VE ; III l i 1 1 ! II 1 1 1 1 f D-FFFtEMCE UNI 1 KNOW p' , NIGHT ? 1 ' BHEN THE -ssv s S. DOE 3 IT J WHir TM! I? I'M , ' rri (NIGHT BEFORE PLEASE PEAE 1 S MAK" ) WJNCiPV OC K, ' ' T.'l V .--- r 1BVAMO J V--v -i HOT- Ky&'t '' Dinner Sets, from ShfJ Q(" 60 pieces at.... fa i (Including beautiful Wedge-wood and Couldon King's Plate) SPECIAL English Bone China CUPS AND SAUCERS at 68c and 97c PUNCHBOWL SETS 7.95 SANSON'S China Shop i ".an r j 4-f tsaj i I rl SLEEP- fi -t "O BcD Cleansr Cutting Sawi I MUST BE G - AWFULLY U-? HTZ Tw wwt will ent clnur, mr, fanUr when tiled on Mr precision machine. Quick Mt-vic on all tyi of uwi. Bring your Bawi in iodaf Old mws rtootlie4. jei'i! PRECISION SAW FILING CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 H. G. HFLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 08 Evenings Black 899 1 II.) PIGGOTT PLACE Btx 1011 Station B Gfi nt- Pn TrmlnaM Tcrrac Builders Supply - i ; ,k. c err .-;. l'JM,K.i(r.a.M,e.rA., In. , w .itf.-, tin-rd For anion uc news classifledx