Contest Winners 'Arrive ft V.X Headquarteri Prince Rupert Daily News As I Sec It MEN'S and BOY'S ClOTK Friday, September, 21, 1951 and SHOES at SAVING British Election ray Reflects and Reminisces I don't like to talk with people who always agee with me. It Is amusing to coquette with an echo for a little while but one soon ti.-es of it. Carlyle. For SATURDAY and MONDAY $h0 more 'HE "Festival of Britain" year suddenly has become a General Election year. Prime Minister t: MEN'S PANTS Large selcK-tion for lreSi Priced uiid ' MEN'S M'lTS Ail wool, perlect fit MEN'S l'NI)EKWEARTwo-ple,e and cw.fe, ' '' makes . -Mai MacArthur Menare WHILE THE attention of the world was focusscil , i rt n MEN S ALL WOOL Ol'TING KHIItTSpmm $8.30 While there may be another soniewiieru. we do know of a seven inch car.'ot with cireum-lerence of about un inch's grown tn PrinJe Rupert. It 13 irom the Ninth Avenue garden of a pioneer citizen whose unalterable modtity camut permit publication , of Identity. The ground is just muskeg, aftti- having had a few years of simple attention, and results are commencing to tu-pass fondest MEN'S DKESS OXFORDS Good fit MEN'S WORK KHIKTS-BeH makes, all , ion tne &an rrancisco peace-signing- ceremony, General MacArthur made : an ominous speech in Cleveland which foreshadows a fight which is bound to arfect us here in Canada. I in efieo. MacArthur allied ' himself with Senator Taft in the ! "StcD Eisenhower" move now MEN'S T-SHIRTS All sizes, ulilte I Attlee is appealing to the country on Oct. 25. With all the hesetting difficulties Britain Jias faced during the past few years, and with a scant majority of from three to nine votes in the House of Commons, few Prime Ministers of any country would have had the temerity to carry on the government. Whatever may be one's political opinion, none can fail to pay tribute to the steadfastness, courage and integrity of Mr. Attlee as Prime Minister of Great Britain during a most hectic period in her long history. The Conservative party, led by that great wartime leader,. Right Hon, Winston Churchill, will be the main opposition to the Labour Government. Not-v ithstaiuling defeat at the last election which followed the victory in which he played so large a part, the magic of his name still has tremendous appeal to the voters. But problems in peace time, and in days of a cold war threatening to become another world war, are different to those when Churchill was heading a BOVS FTI.I.Ol'EK SWEATERS Fancy Three of this year's 10 winners of the international essay contest organized under the auspices of the I'nited Nations Department of Public Information are greeted upon their arrival at V.N. Ilead- quarters by Benjamin Cohen, U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for Public Information. They are, left to right: Dr. Amil Chilaty, Tehe- . a . . , - ,... r'unviA. l,.fi RELIEVING A FKACTI RE William Andrews returneJ BOYS' H lVDIlltl AKEKS Priced irom AH sizes. Almost hail si.;: ran, Iran ueorge n. nun, uxiora, r-iiKianu. a..u ..... . . V'day rt I , J m m th me .liia. Monrovia. Liberia. The theme of their essay was "The United Na- home. nial .I ..j ,k.i; ; f ..tornaiinnal Solidaritv Hal where his left e had been t ii3 n iivi n v rtviu'iuh iic v wn j' - . , in a cast lollowniB r-""L k BOYS' PANTS Dig selection, fur dress or scUjA I f -acture of the right ankle." priced irom afoot in the U.S.A. The general was! vague as t3 whether he was backing Taft for the Republican nomination, or asking Taft to back him. But he lef no room for doubt on the ' more important point he is s gunning for Ike. i A New York Times report cfs September 9 says: j "At Cleveland he specifically i ! assigned responsibility for the iise of woild Bolshevism since ( the end of the second World . load. Our average is below the Malone (N.Y.I Telegram. , 700 K W. mentioned by Mr. Bcnnycastle during the opera- FELLING LANGl'ID? ! tivc period per day and at each ine kuke and Du:hess BOYS' STOCKINGS Good makws, pair . LETTERBOX i normal daily inoperative period Windso.', one learns, plan I maximum flow to the city sys- visiting Alberta sometime aluii WATEB AND POWER Editor, Daily News: BOYS' Kl liiilR KNEE BOOTS-AImast half m Moke lure that you are in the right ft Look for the Big Sign! tem is available. Thu available ln mid-winter. Its only wruu flow should therefore normally there and at that season, thty We note statements appearing be well in exc-ss oi that men- are really in the north. Olhe in vnnr issno nf R.-ntemher n tioned by Mr. Bonny-castle pro- ; times. lt' ranee or the Medi- uauuii at di. uo ryy ,War t0 .OHr political and mili- u nt,,n4V, tv.. "aw nuvtv r ic oi 1 1- fminifm siicn i i !. .,.. ,..v,. n... LUC rW Cllti 111 UJ. Wl V M". I uiy icaucic ttiuuiig wuuin , VlCling iriLUOIiai losses uiiu uc- lchhuuii, aiijwucit ou j cit city water main us soutn. in time, nowevn, hop and ave at strength lies in the protest vote rather than in the of a ZmToFZ ,0 "e .erSm prepared m the party: Continuing food shortages, keener austerity ue and flow. i will come a craving, mere win i ..- iimhl. if a i-ouinch a u.vl : . ,.: t .... notn consuuinu eiiuuieeis nuvu nwu5..u - oiewari, ctmsuuiiig BiiBiuecrs Lii , , ... ,. ,-.,,..,. ... hraino hlnt from the tt TS worth notinc that Senator , Bagea oy tnecny. i , t. ,,.. r,,v sn.,P Bear Lake and hotcakes for McCarthy's most frenzied , After consideration of records, ' . . cou)d not lve Ut.. breakfast. smear-mongering of the past flow sheets ana inspection, Mr. mile igules i - year was directed against one Bonnycastle s opinion was that j The propoilj advanced of lay-I It may not be realized that m of the most respected figures in : the limit of gravitational flow I jng a new main 3Q . in diameter the second great wj;, more civil- , the entire world -General George i to the city distribution system rQm the "recently installed 24" , ians wre killed and injured I C. Marshall. j would not exceed 2 25 million ; ectU)n th 45- penstock is than were soldiers. Meanwhile,; That smear compaign fell flat, , gallons per day. If as stated the esUmaU(d by Mr Stewart to cost tha fact remains that toduy more For EW CONSTRUGIC and REPAIR W partly because the big newspaper diameter oi me io cuy wuier ; apProyiniatelv $307,500 or $492.- civilians appear to know more son mthP da'ni The Dronosal to about the expected approach ofj chains of the U S A , which have main has been reduced Dy Diis-not hesitated to publicize in full ters and accumulations to 16" most of the fevered fomentations the estimate arrived at by Mr. of the McCarthy mind, simply Stewart of two million gallons played down, or ignored alto- ' P day appears quite liberal. acouire dam, penstock, plant, another struggle than do the etc., could definitely not be con-j soldiers themselves. Anyway thy talk and write mvre. f dered as mote economical than , SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LI than in war, reduction rather than increase of the family rations and inflation have undoubtedly made people become antagonistic to the government of the day. On the other hand, welfare measures instituted by the Labour government, have eased many burdens .upon the masses. Whether the remembrance of those benefits will counteract the protest against the existing burdens will be only known after the election. Human nature is such that benefits conferred are quickly forgotten. We live in the present. Only our current problems are considered. People usually vote against a government which has not solved our current difficulties which we feel at the moment. And they vote for those who hold out the promise of benefits to come. Hence the edge would appear to be with the the difference in cost of the ex- ; " " gather, the anti-Marshall blasts, j from Mr. Bonnycastle's report tension to the dam. IIS 1st Avenut West rou Phone 909 HE ! But let nobody run away with it is asserted .that the Shawat- j thls proposed 30" main Is the idea that Eisenhower will be lans plant could carry 700 K W. (nsta'led there stiU ivmains the! ; handled indefintely with such continuously and still leave for prubiem of increasing the un- j kid gloves. delivery through the 18"- liiw derwater crossing at Shawatlans I I Already the whole United 1.75 million gallons per day. Mr. passage otherwise the fl:w ac-1 States and Canada is b.'ing flood-: Bonnycastle further stattfd that cordirig to Mr Stewart is limited' ed with anti-Eienhower scandal if waste and leakage were film- to 3 a : miilion gallons perrday.j sheets, some of which brazenly , inated in the city system the th , next difficulty is the city prddle the anti-labor,' ant!-' power plant should be able to system. Mr. Stewart states as fol-1 Jewish line, that characterized operate at 750 KW. and that jc.g. . 1 th- Hitlerile propoganda in pre- booster pump operation would 1 feel it might be advisable' : war Germany. not be necessary. ito emphasize the fact that the! I Eisenhower is dangerous be-, Th(, record, 0f this company pipe through the city and be-, cause he is "the man most want- 5h0v;tnr, MOijrt In. emnrrfwiSy Iwcn the supply line and the ed by the Zionists" says one Call- ; the plant dueai not operate, con- ,. - forma smear sheet. General . maximum 4) tinuously or carry (Continued on puge Eisenhowers first political . . - 1 ROY Tits edsiesf-wrifini fsffabk ml: f enss cant Only Portable With MAGIC "XT MARGIN 1 use crutches CLEAH, QUICK FOR COOKING f& fJ W I w'" w fpei'ch after the war must have surprised many Americans for he chose a CIO convention at Atlantic Cit v. for his audience.'' THERE SEEMS to be two' broad I trends in American lifj today. These are mt absolutely distinct, for they slop over and intermingle at the edges. But they are moving towards different destinations. ! Both currents are determined to "block Russian expansionism " But it Feems to me that the one current, typified by Marshall, : Ei'-;nhower. Acheson, is sincere when it declares that the above i:- its whole aim and that it is willing to negotiate a sincere world settlement wtih the Communists but one which would oVrive from western stregnthi not weakness. 4 4- ; THE MacARTHUR school frankly I believe; in a go-it-alone policy, ' based on a forced, even aggressive military showdown with Russia and China, and, conse- We've li-jrd from a iw over there u Imvc iu lt-g niui.i(til, but gris loiig ciuia- uurly mitt 011 ii new uiic : uiif ol jIumiihumi. W lirtlier nr l tills jrlilu mI It g kui moilv iti tiMdijil ulu-e wouliln'l I.IHIW. I'eili.,,t it whs, lirtjUM we do il.HilitL one tiu.tittT ttt tlu kuilii i it:jply. 1 lui iiiite a lilg tiling lot (.an.ul.i. Ii iiK jm pil l"r C.iu uli.ou. and iiioncy limit jl, 1 1..( to ijv lor (iiu-iniMirt. Ri:;lit iw.w t me lurd at wotk on eilriiia (injfiu in QJut lxt und Hritmh ( jjlninlii.r, Inr we intrml tn go on nl..Mri(( mil (Mil in ! 1 1-ing C ;in.'d.i grow. Aluuiiiiuin C : 1 1 1 1 j .1 1 1 y of Ciida, Ltd. (Alcn). TAPPAN GAS RANGES . ' At Rupert Radio and Electric - HERE TODAY Tories, who have not had to meet the staggering difficulties" met by Labour. Within the Labour party there is the shadow of Aneurin Bevan hovering over its destiny. Bevan wants a more vigorous Socialism and less re-armament which he thinks has been imposed upon "the' British by the United States, a country whose policies he dislikes. The Liberal party, whose leaders are Mr. Davies and Lord Beveridge, famous for his monumental report on social security, has ceased to be a major factor in elections since it committed suicide by continuing the Liberal-Conservative coalition after the first war. Nevertheless, it polled 25 per cent as many votes as did the Labour party, yet by the out-dated voting system got only nine members in the House. Should the alternative vote become law in Britain, the Liberal party could become a contender for office. It is unlikely however, either the Tories or Labourites will bring in such an act. ' No matter which party wins, the government of Great Britain continues to face serious and perplexing problems. Inflation ; rising costs of living, of materials and consequently of export prices that will meet the competition of Japan and Germany in the near future; rations and austerity; wage increases; loss of oil and its huge investment in Iran ; loss of gold and dollars and the financial difficulties of buying raw materials and food from the dollar area; the vultures all around the world who are picking at Britain in her extremities; all these and more will confront any government with problems that will test the wisdom and sagacity of her statesmen. But after the election is over, we know the British people will continue in steadfastnessin quiet determination and in a grumbling sort of cheerfulness, no matter what further sacrifices they are called upon to make, to meet their difficulties and overcome them. Britain, perhaps in false pride, declined further McRAE BROS ! 1 quently an utter indifference to I ! the wishes and Interests of the present allies of the U.S.A. Mark Gayn, in his masterly book "Japan Diary," came to the conclusion that for MacArthur, liquidation of Britain's interest in the Far East was an ever more primary objective than was his zeal for checkmating Russia saving n0 . vacation va s for next year If the Eisenhower school of Start h;: f thought wins out we can work out a real Atlantci Union, and the" nucleus of democratic world government world peace under world law If MacArthur wins out look around for a nice dry cave, you Canadians for you are going to need them in the war his policy would surely force. Now is the time to start plimrunlf. fur nMt holiday. Decide what you would reulh llkt" do next summer, how much it will enst- open special savings account at l'ie u'' earmarked "For Holidays Only"- : ' day WW whatever you can afl'ord every p)' ' , n''r u "Ji' v- hAi '-ytsi THE ,d fetW your vacation fund grow. It's s i'm dy when holiday w11"" hav cash all re Marshall aid last year. The spirit of the younger Pitt still lives who said when Prime Minister in similar dark and sombre days of trial, "Britain will save herself by her own exertions, "And Europe by her example." p ROYAL DANK OF CANA YOU CAN OPEN A SPICIAL "VACATION" $AVIN0$ ACCOUNT AT ANY (RANCH Of THl