1 TOKYO TAXIS (Continued (rom page Trlnce rsupeir Daiiv News Friday, Septeinoer, 21, 1961 everything. Loads of straw, lum- driven w.iuiri switch off tiieu an fcei, eaes of soft drinks, plate engine.; so the luting motor Ki,y TT. glass, all plied on to carriers be- would not waste fuel. Som even lfu ' lurk atv ,",' LETTLIt BOX i Continued from page 2) hind the bicyclist, or lowici in swai-iieu on me iignis. "'m-lajW.,rl reservoir must be increased and and, hen you are ridiiiR in a trailing wagons. Fathers ride, Somebody once described Ihe -1 wepin. . r that sizeable expenditure will be taxi, it see ins that all eight mil their children on the handle- Japanese as me people who '""amnio,, jr , " Black a ackwood on lequired on these arteries and Hon are on the streets at once, on distribution improvements if riding bicycles; motoriycles and adequate service is to be pro-; clacking along in wooden clogs vided. In the Interest of sec ur- or eer bars. Once 1 even saw a Japan-, wnie Laumui poetry and lor-esc dog riding in this position. ture prisoners." You seem to feel Through this mass of human- something ot this in T-jkyo taxis. Uy, the taxi driver thunders In Even the most ramshackle ma-a mannvr reminiscent of an old chine, held together by baling ; : , . I By Eatley Blackwood ily greater storage Is also re-: ,, , not unusual, although at mi TW( is :in iinnronriatp hand to ftlll this series Oil! flulr;d- ,11 ls. considered of first lt u startling, to see a grin- Mack Sennett comedy. From wire, would have a mtle spray of . 1 T., . , , , rru ' B31681 Prtance that these njng japanese gentleman flying what I could see it must have flower, or evergreens, in a vase when not to tinesse. lt S not a Ilasny nantl. inert- S points be kept in mind otherwise on a motorcycle, with his meant a loss of face to slow eomewheu Inside. It may have nn no gl or-inrl ami Mam, sl'im no nu ui nine-card ie-idiu suit no 1400-noint 1 set. ' we ?an get lnl a PsiUon 'npre traditional kimona streaming aown Through me windshield been a desire for 8 touch of ,iwc have an abundance of water , M,ind hlrn. But most are lzh brlt,f Mmpsea of bl- beauty. Again, they may have X THE BEST I (nHl QUALITY L let there S a point Ot pjay Wllien IS important antrin the city main and no money on foot or bicycles, the main cyclists, street cars, startled Just been kept handy to lay on which is very often mi:;sed. ieu iu iane n irom mere io me form 0( transport. Bicycles carry laus other taxis, and buildings, ihs thesis ot Gud pedestrians. ennsumer or the reservoir." . i Vou 'would be heading straight When I first left Tokyo for the Regarding the 45" penstock! . 0r these, then miraculously the batleflelds of Korea, I breathed we quote irom Mr. Bonnycastle s "HpiWit,,, Good Food" rhatU0e4 report: "The 45 ' penstock from the rrLH fv South dealer Ntither side vulnerable North tr. Km) 8- -ti 5 2 H Q J 7 6 4 U K i 3 C 8 scene would shift and they would a sigh of reliei. I thought ' It slide harmlessly past. would be sufer. i wa wrtmg Mostly lt seemed to be accom- about that. u- I dlfln'' know pushed with the use of the horn. ' about ,-ep drivers. I once tried to count the number , of times the horn waa blown More than 3 000 convoys of nam io power piant, appears to . IJ'iXTil A 'r Take o De in iair condition with regard ; to strength and capacity. Before the wet veather comes a careful Inspection should he mart and J , 9nn during a single trip, but arter merchant ships took station off IOIIU1& ukku .ivl I nn mi a K . .u j Commodore Q Knit I Mist Hruh) S -A 8 H A K 9 U -10 9 8 6 S C J 6 5 precautions taken to prevent any "lal , , Borne drivers even had the horn durlmi the Second World War. In response to his partner's over.iall Mr. Abel got off to the oueen of diamonds opening;. Mr. ! Muzzv won on the board with j thj' k'infe. He led a club and put up his queen which lost to Mr. Abt' s ace. The return of the j reven of diamonds was won in i the closed hand with the ace. Mr. Muzzy now cashed hisi king of clubs and ruf feci his last j club on th-j board. Sto far, soj good. It was on the next play i that Mr. Muzzy went wrong. He led a small spade from the j board and finessed his jack ; when Miss Brash played low. Mr. Abel won with the queen ofj spaces. He led a spade to his 8 -Q 10 9 H 10 :i 2 D-U 7 C A 10 1 4 3 r. tl . invivo - ... . ... , .. : . i possible slides." Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BFSNT.R UI.OCK Friends 2 00 ulluii reniuvcu h ah o- Henry PreU'TZIZZ a.00 " wht'e1' and attached to the Mr Lawrie 2 00 far shift so that they could Mrs E H Moorehouse 2 00 blow th horn without moving Dr. D. R. Whltmore 5.00 their hand. With th-j co-operation of the city, the company has, as men I are available, from time to time i pel formed a fair quantity ol I work of a preventative nature. 1 mnn rJ KTX m R Gnm sun It nut nave oeen mat uus Hi.uth (Mr Miizv) 8 K J 7 4 3 H 8 5 I-A 4 3 CK Q 2 Tho hUUIlng: South West North 1 S Puss 1 NT li a AH Pass Regular patrol and inspection is friends 4.00 gversirm to slowing down " r G. W. Ewing 2.00 simplv another Illustration of East 2 U made and wh.?re any dangerous condition is anticipated in consultation with the city superintendent of works, steps are taken Friends 4 .64 econ my 1a a iand where nothing Capt. Calderwood 2 00 is wasted. It would take extra VI Bowes 2 00 usmnllno mr charcoal fumes to partners ace and ruffed the diamond return. Mr. Muzzy still liad to lose two heart tricks for down one. Let's go back to the sixth to remedy tne situation. I he Frn.nd 4.00 get started up again. nature of the ground on which swilt Canadian Co 10 00 F()r stance, I noticed wjien thi penstock is located over a w. H. Malkin Co. Ltd 25.00 jt was absolutely necessary to considerable distance between Mrs. Burnip 2 00 tt, flir rpd imht. most UU rivrtlMMnl li not pubtltlwrj or dliplntd WhjLlwtJ trick where Mr. Muzzy led a .,mll .nod. f.rms h HlimmV ' mm U. M. Olllllll - After MUS Brash played low. the dur'"e exceptional wet periods M. M. Roper 2.00, the;0r by river bank erosion slides Friends 825 king was th plav from ed htmd SUre.yyMLss Brash m J110.-! . - Port Edward . CLASS FIED i listiShaalf :Z 300'. :itneSI ! i T.v, I, nnf IiLh. r'assu responsibility for the , Magnus OUon - 2.00' fr". T tto?!''" evident deteriorated ctidi- R. Olson 2.00 lr'g "P hP of the city's water system i Len Alexcee 2 00! on the fust lead of the su t '. 2.001 C Jenkins incapable of meant the opportunity of pull- ' rwn "Irement. ' meeting of , this '.!,, Mrs. rw. Cha. Olf nrrutt utt 2 2.00 00 , four trumps before i ; enemy ;e , .. community. It s likew se appar- i Mr. Lord t uu .v. i j losing the lead. As you see Mr.i ' Friend 2 s " booster 00, Muzzy had one club loser and tnn" , ,ha, tI Donations unde? $2.00 48.71 1 (CXOSl'KE TIME 18 a.m. on day of piAlicaUon) Classified Advei Using Is payable ln advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Clan,: Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ct Thariki, rji Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcemenu $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE 1RICE. FOU KLM BIKTH NOTICE I RIFLES The amazlnglv aecu-iHie hlun nowered Canadian Ross 3u3 retieaU-r. Three mod- f'OH KENT-Omu two heart losers. Therefore ne , , , , w n Smith 5 00 Born to Mr. and Mrs Otto in the Prince Rupert eis lo cnoose ironi. unit to, litmr noiLsneri I could afford to lose I wo spaces , . " " V ! Mrs W 4 j "lt.v tta r svsfpm ptppoHh thr"iJ- " MChesney 5.00 MolaJ l. HliKtrfiterl 1 t er. 1 ftlt- rnutie Bine ssi t. t,.., t. tmiu oenerai iiosuhui a uuuv mi. u trie. i Hop 8 07.. on Seot. 20. lbs. GET SALES COMPANY. Dent DU. 27U Uurocher Street. Ottawa. Ontario. iTJ8:H Of" course 'Miss Brash could J" gravitational flow on have debated the contract bv T , orcasi"ns' V" to he "s"iri necess - going up with ace of spades and 'T! II U-DR1VE C.S :. 711 Grenvliie Cu FOR SALE FOR 8AI.K Air Passengers For Vancouver (today D. A. FOR A NEW HETC leading a third NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES i Llng-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draulinss; Adams ' Road Graders: Littletord Bros. Dtione bW. ski It. and 2nd monds for Mr. u 3uppiy tuaL lllcia ttt ll,c IUB"er u- Lsonnevie, v. nnnlH hi v nut hor in attain umanaeM. , with a high "heart for another leVCl ln the KrtaiuMt. O. Orif f ith. Mr. , FOR SALE Bovs' windbreaken s hooi shoes, all sizes well made, lota of wear, good ao-ucarance. Bov's' windureakeis $2 1 ft to $5 50 Bovs' shoes S4 .45 to $5.35 ur. B.C. Clothiers. FOR RENT 2 pje nortnern B.u. fowpr vJO. Liu. ! ftiuoie, km. uiuhuuiu, n. miwn-, T. B. BLACK, laid. N. Martlnusen, E. C. Map Private entrjwf workinz roijole 5; 743 Kth We'. IIELF ANTS. Black Too Hmi Maintenance EaulDmetit; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Hock OraDOlea; T L Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockolie and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps: National Dragline Snrauers and General Manager son, Mrs. W. Bailey, George J. ' Dawes, J. Morgan, A. L. Kin;;, 1 D. f'arquhar, D. McDonald, B. ' .... ' n:JJI. T,.. V "I.... ; diamond lead which would have i made his queen of spades a sure j winner. Bat the opponent's didn't de-' fend like that. What's the good ; of having the enemy make an : error If you don't lake advantage of It? FOR SALE 3 stoves with wick burners one cash register Phone J. H. Mair. Green 400 1 224.: I Jlf ANTED Tan fc: U2 laxi umaie, maunce uryuses, c vjui-j ntifiroTB- Nailnnki A:i Steel Genera; O a so line Hoists; ' N-jUonal FOR SALE 5tube 'OP WAGES bras. ner ine 1. 1 hie. r:ti o wnn rer- ner, v. Miner, v. Minur, j. Woods, i. C. Buckley, M. Gun-derson, J. Morg in, 3. Bellows, Constable Wit-mkin. O JOHNNY COME TO IHLO f () 'Johnny come to Hilo, 0 ivuke her, O shake her, O shake ilmt girl -with the blue dress on. () Johnny come to Hilo, poor old man. For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demerara Rums. Lamb's Navy Sum Portable Sawmills: National RoUrv Scr-ens and Convjvorg Full inlormation (rom National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. ) servi.-e oi M-jrt ! er lu mi ue.a.iaL Miher B.iv H.( cuiiiiuuuutiuiu an: ill eel Out KUU cciiimute from t;.. ran be maue. fc.. I) Giibiiltfl. Mr inlentient LOST Don't Overtax il-OverHAUL It! IN RE ESTATE OP OONZAOUE LOUIS OKNUKON DECEASED. ' INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE thut as Administrator, duly appointed by the court, ol tne entute ol Ooiikaku" Luuls tifn-dron. who dli-d nt um-fii Charlotte FOR SALE MrCKirv Charm, comulete with oil burner. Can be converted to coal and wood. Almost new. 412 8th East. i 223d i ord Dla'ver attachment. Phone Red 54o -or auuiv 813 F:a-er Street. "'i W ANTKD TO RENT RELIABLE voun eouule. buth wonting, no children, urgentlv need suite. Please have number at 801 Borden St. for O McOUllvrav. 223al WANTED TO RENT finite ot hnusekepDine room for ofllcf girl. Box 2U0. Dailv News 1 2221)1 WANTED-Ronm and board or hiiusekeeoinff rooms bv twe bank clerks. Phone 16. 223' CARS Vii SAI.K SALE 1937 Ford 2 ton City, faritlsh Columbia, on the Mtii poR SEE V S FOR . . . Hoists, All-Steel Dump Dodles Winches all sizes. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Offs. All Certified Operators for hich pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22 -1st F. Phone Green 884 truck Hou.se trailer. 18 It.. luilv furnished House UMller. "BC Breeze." 16 It., lullv lur-ni.shed. Twrt work trailers, dollvs, nrus-senaer and truck tires. 1929 Chevrolet motor, radiators, etc. Atroiv Midland Pines. Phone Black 739. itf FOR SALE-Vacuum tvoe Eaav wa.shin machine. Hi eood condition, Mav be seen ;pt 345 Biir-Etr Place or Phone Black 938. i223ui Tim advcnisemcm K not published or displayed by the Liquor Qmlrul B-jard or by the Government of British Columbia. X)ST-One laree teen bW ; prince Kuwrt t-13li. LOST or straved t Ave. Kast. female. WouK it-turn. riWOHl 0IVE the fc Utl: . net one l cakes ur iw Ltd. flione ni ML HEATING P Lawrie M.i n -nine 187. PO y )n OU Sta Shann day ot MHiTft, lwai. 1 require uii crrdlton and others having clulnis aKuinrt the aald estate to "nd tlw sarrif to me. properly willed, at the addrettn mentioned below on or before tne ISth day ol October. 1U51. alter which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. havmK regard only to such claims of which I shall then have boen notified. And further take notice that all persons Indebted to the said eotate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me lorthwith. Dated at Prince Rupert. B C Uits 12th day of September 1K51 OOkDON PHASER KOKBE3 Ofliciat Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. IS 14. 15. 31. Ml Z2 Phon (22JD FOR HALF 1948 Dodze. Black 937 alter . i For action use News classified FOR SALE 1950 Fordor Meteoi Custom Deluxe Sedan witn li. OHO miles. Good coruiitlm Heater and seat covers Phom Blue 719. 223oi FOR SAI.R 1950 Pontlac. foil) FOR SALE 300 Savage lever iictlon rifle Excellent condition. Phone Black 511. i224!)i i Ba edSionct UMllCte CMC FOR SALE New and n.sed household furniture. Sllirlitlv usd Kitchen Sets. Bedroom SuiWs. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bievcies Bedside Rugs. Cribs. Studio CoucheA etc.. sellin" at the lowest Dossib'e nrlces. B C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. Uf) For Results ADVERTISE --VmHDYMAN HOME SERVICE - door Can be seen at rnzzeu; Mutors. Can be financed 222bi FOR SALE '48 Chev enod condition Mtlenue 34 000. Cli 1130 6th East after fl. (22iD' FOR SALE '47 Far.ro v,-ton iwncl Good -condition.- Heutisr new tires. Cash wife $8f0 0P Terms nrraniied. AtiDlv 1(4" nenci Phice. 223ci ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Partlv furnl'hed six-roomed house. Red 183 i226n n Colussi's Music Store Agents for ithe finest -ln Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. , Phone Red 400 - 139 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor 8toro service that! Or etli.-ient M''1; bminq a tivf ot enuiDmpnl tendant or- temuorarv Pfr;"-: f hm Jnd (WW UiLs UHce . lu for ihrw , ine iro'ij ': ; Sent 2r.. Rr Clarke C. N. I- BOATS H' FOR" SALE-JO ' AuulvUSS' Af('0W FOR SALE 7 volume F.ncvclo-nedin. 1 vear old Ctieao. Wick burner nil heater Renarate carburettor, oil tank, aourox. 20' conner tiiblne with sediment bowl ntta"hed Good condition, best offer. New fluor-wsnt lloht rinnhlp fl Wt' Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS fixtu'-" 4 ft. length. Two 1-3 Once your engine reaches "middle age" worn parts overtax each other and the motor deteriorates rapidly . . . UNLESS you order an expert overhaul job by our master mechanics. If you plan to keep your car long, you'll save money in the long run. See us! SUPERIOR AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED hn Tamper lpcirlc motors bet condition One merii',rn i? np, wir4 fnd condi FOR SALE Larce home, furnished or unfurnished witn comolete auartment riiawlno pood revenue. Term"! 1078 7tr Eiutt Phone Bluck 298. (222m tion Phone Red 969 a'" 7 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 nm. (222d MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 8T0NE BUILDING PHONES: P.O. Box 1670 Red 894 5-4 ' ''I - ''.,' 4 i'l FOR SALE 2-bedroom house Gillnct float, shed at DodM Cove. Wht offers? Inoulrc J 8nellman. Port Esslniston i22rji scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. -House. 141 Wantam PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 t u;n .cpirr,TAr..c( Prince Rupert, B.C. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all , Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 Five rooms, nembroke bnth anc1 Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 New 30-lb. Kail 29-LB RELAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL Trail Rfnrmers. mnUirs and electric oower-plnnw for Immediate shipment. Car loads of 2, 4 and e-Inch plpen. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. New Dl and 8 Caternlllar Trac-Uirs. OkkckhI ShnvelR. Fnr Immediate delivery from United fetaten itock. 946 Bench Ave. Vancouver. BC. (244c I 'bower healalator iieeuiaee hnwmpnt concrete fOUrrfl- i,,n MarveloiM view. Price TUbUC ACC0O: snfl.1 ,ii Tax & Stone Buiidm; wtTT Honest Metals L'a pr cmivsr. o. o. 6351 " ' :ash trtfS! Phone ,"r 543. ui CiE O West. Cl- " Blf jeweller. au t.eerL; i7cYl $5500. Easv terms arraneed Wrtime four close to McBrldj" Full cement basement. h'it ' A. P. GARDNER & CO'. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 furnace c.T itoKer loven MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractor! l.,,.,- Dr wnn v.axv termf SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Gpo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 'Hront encres. "r'""' 342. Black 197 evenlnes. 223 ' FOR RALE MeC'aev oil stove not burner. Call 441 7tK i vp En st. (223i)' If you want tr sell It, advertise it. News classified. TERMINAL MESSENGER PHONE (IIO All deliveries fully insured BLONDIE He Corries No Voltaqe Wattever ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. Ij IJlJICI. J OBEVS ME X,?l'Ji T (the telephone ) j I r , ' . N Y , MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 128. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prlnca Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL FOR YOUR . . . Brick, Stone and Block Work, Tile Setting and Plastering Phone K. SORENSEN Blue 899 after 6 p.m. . . Cleaner Cutting Sowi Tew wwe will eot ttenr. mar, fatter wben filed o vr reettkin mactitne. Uuiek Mrrlce on all trpee of uwi. rla rour eaw im toUy. 014 mw reiouthe4. If' CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F L. HUGHES DC: On Vacation. Back Sat. 22nd B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Bid Alexander H. G. HFLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 PRECISION SAW FILING Mitt fIGGOTT PLACE Bex 1011 Station B fAti.nt! Pn Terminal) Terrace Builders Supl r '- i " I. , -