Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, September, 21, 1951 j-crSonafd Morale of Citizenship JUST TWICE A YEAR WE GET EXCITED and DO things Sons of Norway Whist and Dance, Friday. September 21 p.m. Dancing 10 to 2. Music bv Rotarians Hear Impressive Plea for Democracy In an impressive adrirp! h Mike PnlllSsI,. Everybody welcome. (222c 11 it may be, than Communism.' I The speaker deflrred democracy ' as being based upon several chief Rotary Club yesterday, Dr. W. O. "''- iZ oM. Iwm bar. .! -1MlH, Northern Liht h lacwrs uuvern lble at Prince Runort thu , wt M,c iSKJlllUll'.JU lOVem- j uonsuiuuonai """"fimnunoi ment drnjirtmnn nf --m ui mpnt thrnnph t.h plortpri irnrp The time is between eight and r --r--- viLiriiaiup Immici at ion. rime? a vt sentatives of the Dponle. the rule nine ana iney can be observed clearly. theme the "Morale of Citizen- j of law Liberty to all, blended ship." with controls to ensure liberty Di. Black mentioned that hp did not become license to destroy was not a stranger to Prince j tne ''berty of another. Our Free-Rupert, as in his vacation days 1 doms manifested in freedom of from -fhf TTniacit.. n-i.i . Ifinffh speech, Bnmhlu assembly, nmuc ralitrinn religion like this . . . In the Spring and Fall of the year, when (lie new "UPPER 10" Quality stjic d ample come to un, we get carried away. This Kuon, with good reason, we are nioro excited than ever. Every sparkling colour, .every thrilling pallern, every exciting weave seems to outdo the one we have just looked at. We want you to he jifct as cxiite.1 anil to make it worth your while to COME EARLY while we are pulling on this iil'ECHL OPENING OFFER. fHE ARBORITE COMPANY LIMITED J!5 lo(Uf Aw Vill U talk, MntrMl U Qu. AND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES I - - - - press, and the Anri In the vuiuiiiuia, ne worked In a can- nwy on the Naas River onrt underwent an operation by Dr ' W. T. Keruin in th. n i Just received a new model of the famous Rolex watches. Self winding oyster waterproof case. Shock -resisting 17 Jewelled $135.00. Of course we also have the lower priced models. Bulger's Jewellery Store. (itc) Prince Rupert Ski Club will hold its annual general meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27, in the Common Lounge, Civic Centre. A special invitation is extended to new members. Begin to prepare and think now ol a winter's enjoyable skiing. (224c) George J. Dawes left by air Ad Ivy f m, value we place on human life, human personality and of the individual person. "It Is, this Democracy of ours, Infinitely better for human 'beings to live in than is any sort of totalitarian state, which Inevitably becomes a police state where the Individual personality is crushed." Dr. Black continued "that Democracy in action meant service, duty, the acceptance of respon ORMES UPPER-10 . MADE-TO-MEASURE hospital here. He paid high tribute to kindliness of Dr. Kergin and of the hospital staff. "The creed of democracy," fald the speaker, 'lies in our way of life and It is in great danger today fioin the ominous threats of a different creed. It will not save Its-elf by merely making democracy adopt a defensive attitude. It must be aggressive It is not enough for the democratic nations to contain Communism. They must emphasize that the democratic way of life has some-thing better, imperfect though sibility - for the public - welfare QUALITY The Pioneer Druggists "J ,m,uuiCi CUIUUbe LU and that fraternities and service Winnipeg to attend the funeral institutions are facets of de-'of his brother-in-law Thomas mocracy's way of life." Owens ur. Black concluded his ad dress with high tribute to Cana- aa s piace In the United Nations and to the Hon. L. B. Pearson, whose foreign Dolicv Is enrinrri All Tyee Lodge members wishing to attend the constitution of Mount Caro Marion Lodge at Ocean Falls Sept. 24, PHONE 8 1 'nnouiiceminli by the three major parties in please contact W parliament Presbyterian Church Tea at the home of Mrs. Georoe Mitch 'Canadians must rievoinn mnr Cruickshank at CNR tirltet nf. ell.' 333 5th Ave. East fw, mm ber 27. Women's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. OTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS political consciousness," he said. fee. for rates and reservations. "The mass of people's outlook Is Party will leave via Union 6.S. heavy as lead. If we can only get Bunday Sept. 23 and return 25 percent of the people to be CNSS Wednesday, Sept. 26. aroused into a political con- (223c) seriousness we can develop the morale of our entire nation We Miss Alma An6"5, U N., and Canadians must grow In know- Mrs' Eve'yn Remphrey, R.N., ledge to enthusiasm and in ac- graduates of Royal Jubilee Hos- tJnn If n,a or. a 1 . Dltal. Victoria have arriveH in Catholic Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. Men's Rotary tea, October 11 Civic Centre. Lutheran Tea, October 13. P.ebckah bazaar, October 20. L.O.B A. Fall Bazaar, October 26. . .. c y- w ucvciup n Allii - ' ' " greater morale and e clty 10 'oin tne """'ng staff " " " v, a a better wclvci - e cltiz-enship." He pieaded for a of Prince Rupert General Hos- 1 he extra pair gives double the wear doubles the value and satisfaction. COME EARLY 2 Weeks Only. nizensnip Day on May 23 each y"al- if you have missed your paper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, call the office before 5 p.m. IK 1 Alan Laird, Green 153 M!La"uicJtor2' 10 TxWmV Motors; Fulton Strc-t M-m, 6th Ave. West 600 and 700 Blocks Women's Hospital Auxiliary j d "Sto ta P"nce Rupert School Board Fourth Avenue West. , ?Xe? oLl?Ti I this year It sufficient pu- Sonja Bazaar, November 2. of the influential Commonwealth ' ?B,,e?roll Last lear cl?sse1. were and of the still greater United i Jn P- bookkeep-Natinn. u""a!ing, English and woodwork. A WATTS & NICKERSON class In any subject can be held i fTE 2-Ralph Ofsen. Blue 728 ii nueen persons want it and If teacher is available. The fee Herman Street; 1480 6th East -to Seal Cove. WJomen'i Auxihani for twenty two-hour sessions Is! ITE 0 Victor Maskulak. $10.00 payable in advance. If I Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 16. Cathedral bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar Novenibej 22. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 29 United Church W. A. Fall Ba-Jaar, Dec. 7. 1 J4oUi Dint Pari 1st Ave. West 248-1077; 2nd Ave. Weat 041-1028 lnclud-mMtl, Street; 3rd Ave. Frlzzelis Motor, to end o' 3 you are Interested, phone 641,' or write the High School. (222) , RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 Former Local Boy Returns Dr. 8. J. Oillis, Vancouver chiropodist, who is spending a week here, is no stranger to Prince Rupert. He lived here as a bov and attended Anmmria. were: Bridg-e Mrs. H. F. Glas-sey, Miss Poay Astoria; Cribbage Mi . Wright, Mrs. Larsen; Whist Mis. Griffith, sr. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Myra Oilchrlst who acted as convener. Tiie committee members were Mrs. Pat Anderson, Mrs. Pearl GIllls and Mrs. Mar fTE 4 Donald Husvlk, Red 902 ith Ave West 704-1427; 9th Ave. West 102-809 806-861; fulton btreet 700 Block; Tallow Street 805-823; Comox i The , first card party of the Reason was held Wednesday evenlng in the auditorium of the Canadian Legion under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary. There were nine tables. Winners School Band Talking Tour The Booth M e m n r I n I Hfirh Xion School here I E 5 Jimmy McLean, Black 506 garet Gomez. Nth Ave West 100-445; 5th Ave. West 105-515: 6th Ave 308-539; Dunsmuir Street 21I-4W- Xuti, mi. ilo, Emerson Place; Agnew Place. HINESE School band had its first practice Thursday noon. Fred Huber, the bandmaster, considers that E 6 Eleanor Walker. Green 929 For the Young Ladies nth Ave West 105-537; 9th Ave. East 110-270; McBride vueet 113-708. the musicians are doine oulte DISHES well after not having practiced fTE 7 t.lendon Smith, Blue 9J1 all summer. Stepson of Fred W. Moersch, pioneer local business man, Dr. GIllls left here in 1926 at the age of thirten with his family for Saskatoon. He took his chiropody studies in Chicago and now makes his headquarters in Vancouver where he Is attached to the staffs of Vancouver Oen-eral and St. Paul's Hospitals. Mr. Moersch. who founded the branch of Swift-Canadian Co. here and later went Into the grocery business for himself. Is now located In Ouelph, Ontario, where he follows the life insurance line. All of Section 2 If the band makes satisfactory progress, the Dossibilltv of a tiur BE I Jimmr Johnson. Green KC1 Chop Suey - Chow Me in Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 is being considered for next year. VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coqultlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun waterfront and Pacific Place; (CNR-Flshermen 8 floats p. "But, says Mr. Huber, "the students will have to work much 3E 9 Melvin Bjornson, Green 113 harder than they are doing now." ALICE ARM, STEWART AND the ever popular i Penny Loafers ' ! Wine Black ; Grey & White i "h Ave. East. McBride to Hays Cove Circle; McBrkle Street 111-815. Band practices are now taking place at noon-hour on Thurs-) days and Fridays, and at 8:30 to I The ankle is the most commonly sprained joint because of the rigidity of its lateral 9:45 on Monday evenings. I Later on Mr. Huber expects to ; form an orchestra. ! PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam September 14 and 28 FOR SOUTH QUEEN . E 10 Bruce Roald, Green 719 f r'aVno ?ASt,23773B; 5th Avp East 301-719; 6th Ave. ,WeM I95M4-l-J01-829: Ha Cov" Clrc'e 2-67; Cotton JVnuiBtrert. reen SUeet 4U"418; Ebert 'Tf' 11"-Mil'ha'l Powers, Black 934 Ip!""" Ave-: lt and 2nd Overlook; Herman Place; AA, A, B, C Widths Richard P. Kilborn. ss. Coquitlam, Sept. 7 ankl O n m W i E 12 Sammy Alexander Same Old Price $6.95 fashion footwear FRANK i. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 RAVES ABOUT FISHING It Must be Good When Joe Scott Says it Is Joe Scott has seen a lot of sport fishing but he had to go to "virgin" territory to see something like he never saw before. That was the coho fishing at Bag Bajf in Burnsby Narrows near the southern tip of the Queen Charlotte Islands. "Yes," says Joe. "I never saw anything like it. To reel in m' - Ti iv. I ! 189.50 : 5 I f Specials op SATURDAY-MONDAY LADIES' CREPE. SLIPS Lace Trim Regular $4.95 Clearing at only PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Greer 136 oi 47 fighting coho salmon running about eight pounds at the rate of five an hour is really good fishing." the ardent local nim-rod enthusiastically avers. He used light trout trolling gear and a simple spoon. Scott's companions on this latest exploit were Ted Boulter and Stewart Donaldson, v W. W.' Wright. Pi-ogressive-Conservative organizer, returned Wednesday from a flight to Stewart. i "n Ave. East 333-1865; Frederick St.; Sherbrook Ave. E 14 Ronny Eby, Green 258 li i-U-22o. u rrSt225,"247: 2nd Ave- West 137-341; 1st Street Market Place. "tf: I'" Alleyn Ritchie, Black 888 hrJiVu- We-St r'35-735, 741-745; Borden Street Frascr .reet Bigar Place. RIE lfi Frank Kilborn, Green 977 t;' A.v" ft 124-234; 5th Ave. East 101-246; 7th Ave. ' 108-658; jr Bowser Street. ml: "-Ierrk .Ulan, Blue 120 wL.1 21-53: 'th Ave. West 120-537; 8th Ave. 04 V .. 8; Lotbinitre St. 721-728; McBride St. 413-Tallow St. 625-733. R'"tK ,R Stanley Boshler, Black 953 i, iAVrnn B,ock 80'8th Ave. East 915-976; 9th Ave. 13 1 Tl 44; 10th ast 800-1130; Alfred Street; f''ton Street; Donald Street. "'ITE 19 Jimmy Johnaion, Green 1 f'li Ave. East 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. '. TE 20 Ross Murray, Blue 275 I'll Ave. East 1036-1944 ft TV 21 Jimmy Moorehead, Red 335 t,wV,We-st "35-1314; Park Ave. 1005-2279; 11 til f'Mt. Water Street; Beach Place.. ? "-tarry Parent, Green 487 '' West 615-735; Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. 24-H,ian Roberts. Black 480 ,tAnPWest 716-3rd Ave. and 6th Street: 3rd Ave. j'.h uaiiy News-Watts and Nickerson's (5th St.). t 25-Kerry Parkin, Green 660 t'1 Ave Eat 1141-1476. f 2,l '"rnkle Stewart, Blue 716 981-1086: "03 Home; Cove ve ' 98 " nl Wdley Hays $ ?SSE ARE THE DAILY NEWS I UTTLE MERCHANTS Their success depends on you KIDDIES' T-SHIRTS Perfect tea is so easy to make with Sizes 2-4-6 To Clear at Two for 99c Full-Six Circulator! Smart new "Imperial"styling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from every drop of oil. Money-saving Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft Minder. Fully Coordinated Controls. Power-Air Blower for forced-cir-culatiou optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for 1 to 6 rooms. Buy on ferms of ' GORDONS, ANDERSON "(3 A a m a " D0MS' Dept. Store McBRIDE STREET and FOURTH AVENUE TEA BAGS l