1 - Hi ORMES DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER j.nin tAR nlSFATrHKD V I Published oi Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the. Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I VOL. XL, No. 222 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. FRIDAY. KEPTEMRFr ion rW. - rmiE, rive 1 o r miiiiiiih j nHMDllSt Iiiianlsfeiiii u fi)w(Bu tares n vWJ - '" ! A, f V. ritish Train Derailed .... ' X X- Today's Stocks H'ourtaiy 8. II. Jiihimtnn Co. Ltd.) even Persons Killed Canadian Congress of Labor Backs Executive Bludgeoning to Enforce Views of CCF Answer Withheld oRTHAMPTON, England (CT)-The Liver- VANCOUVER American Standard 31 Bralorne ., 6.50 Luidon hxpress was derailed today, killing- at .lev-en persons and iniurincr thirtv-'five Tho B R Z Cariboo Quartz .... Cor.g.css G'ant Mascot Indian Mines Korean Fighting Still Blazing With Allien Making Big Armored Thrust i.tjvH and first two passenger coaches crushed Seen by One Delegate j VANCOUVER (CP) The Canadian Congress! 33i 1.35 .07 1.13 24 10.75 :l)-fiot embankment. I TOKYO Kn General Iheuj R m1(rllfou Dtilt ...WUU1.1 Pend Oreille -.. The first coach smashed bits and the second was cut In his answer today to the Corn-two. , jmunist proposal to resume the Rescuers pried through the ' Kurean peace talks at Kaesong of Labor, which has been wiping up its Red element for several years, yesterday voted to continue the power of its executive committee to expel Communist-dominated unions. A sharp scrap over the issue at yesterday's annual convention session saw the wingers 1ake a beating of about 20 to 1. The fight developed over a , r- - wreckage. quitted ! t Theft fearful that other "1' . , 7 L" e answer may come within 24 hours bodies were hidden underneath. The derailment occurred just as the train pulled through a tunnel near Weedon, eight miles from Northampton. DELEGATE MEETS HOST Premier de Gasperi of Italy shakes hands with Prime Minister St. Laurent on his arrival to attend the NATO conference in Ottawa. (CP PHOTOt While the move to resume the armi'tiee talks hung fire. Allied armor roared loudly along the Korean battlefront. United Nations tanks and infantry thrust into the former Iron Triangle build-up area on the central front In perhaps the heaviest armored blow of the war. 1 Ki'turnrd This ..on in Vandrryagt reasons. He suggested that putting people out for political unions are being wrecked by "bludgeoning people to accept the views of the CCF party. iuanvm Case as returned by Jury proposal of Toronto Local 539 of the United Automobile Workers to give executive authority only to suspend rather than to expel Red-run unions. The expulsion order has been on the books for a year. Several left-wingers called for a watering down of the executive's powers while executive members demanded they be re- ssifternoon today In the In Korea TOKYO TAXSS Pioneer 2.05 Premier Border 35 Reeves McDonald 8.15 Reno 05 Sheep Ci eek 1.70 Silbak Premier 50 Vananda 16 Salmon Gold 2'2 Snud Valley 20 Silver Standard 2.65 Western Uranium 5.00 Cronln Babine 67 Oils-Anglo Canadian 7.20 A P Con .49 Atlantic 3.00 Calmont 1.61 C & E 17.00 Home Oil 16.25 Mercury 14 Okalta 2.80 Princess , 1.45 Royal Canadian 14 TORONTO Athona ! 08 Aumaque .23 Beattle 41 Bevcourt .57 Buffalo Canadian .27 . Consol. Smelters 175.00 Conwest 4.15 Yankees Widen Gap Margin Over Indians lntrea d to Half-Game Bevan is Critical Railwaymen Seek Boost tained as a weapon against ! Communism wit.hin the rtnT. f i d last criminal case at :v,e Court Assizes In inan Vanderyagt, and inson were charged on A-s-thelt and retaining Jwperty-as a result of June 29 when a trav-i--s were removed from i;:crml Hotel. Day "drunken ?.imnn v hit h lauded tire two LONDON 9 Aneurin Bevan, MONTREAL Railway union leaders, representing 18 unions and 125,000 workers, said the NEW YORK (CP) Joe Collins' three-run homer off Saul Rogo- By JOCK CARROLL The first time I got into a taxi in Tokyo I narrowly escaped acquiring a pretty Japanese wife. Tokyo has two kinds of taxis. The domestic cabs, for anybody's use, and the Foreigner's Cabs, which bear a white license plate and are especially for for vln In the eighth Inning gave , unions would work for further the New York Yankees half a I wage Increases. The wages I il and brought them to Communist-dominated unions have no place In the free trades union movement, said Sam Baron of Hamilton, executive member. The CCL also turned down a resolution which would have removed from the constitution entirely a clause dealing with executive expulsion. That proposal came from Division 67 of the Canadian Brotherhood of i,,; in the supreme court game lead over the idle Cieve-! agreea upon last year, it is con firebrand of the Labor Party, today was the centre of the first storm blowing out of the campaign for Britain's October 25 election. Bevan's pamphlet, published today, assailed the Labor Party's national executive, including trade union leaders, and claimed world events have proven the Bevanites' contention that the government was 'wrong in de land Indians yesterday in the ; tended, are now away behind the li charges of theft and V " 4-' , . r. . ' 5, :Kl tight American League race. icost of living. Collins' blast provided the j ' As the agreement reached last Yanks with a 5 to 4 edge over year has another year to go there the Chicago White Sox on the (can be no strike. f sioien property, was ; i the 12-man Jury to- 4i;i.ke. all a big joke a drunk- eigners. The drivers of these have to know a certain amount of English. What this amounts to is that they know magic phrase that would bring enough to tell you what they events to a halt without anyone want to do, but not enough to losing face. What I needed was understand what you want to me Japanese phias meaning do I "A terrible mistake has been Donalda 47 Eldona .20 East Sullivan 9.15 Giant Yellowknife 12.10 God's Lake 40 eve of their Important three- Howevei , informal talks will Railwav Employees in WinniDee game series at Boston, tv held with railway executives! J. H. Gibson of Division 67 k." claimed defence S. Collins In his ad-!he jury. "These men fence budgeting. Bevan says the The game-winning blow by the j and it is expected there will be ! aid the resolution was put up i rearmament program will wreck part-time first baseman Irom ! a sympathetic reception. 1 because that branch "oppose j British economy Scranton, Pennsylvania, may : I stepped into one of these out- made. li.teiumn of stealing at vantvd to pull a Joke side the Toko Correspondents' I All l was immng were pnra-ses Club. The driver was a smiling,' like "O tsukaital desu" (I want Hardrock 12 Harricana 9Va Heva .14 Jacknife 10 Joliet Quebec , .60 Little Long Lac 1.14 manager. Knife King Going Under Lvnx 151 turn out to have been the most important hit of the season for Casey Stengel's gang. The victory went to Bob Hoguc, third of five Yank pitchers. Uei worked mly Innings. j In the only night game, St. Louis Browns Shaded Washing-1 ton Senators 4 to 3 as Satchel Paige struck out five men in aj three-inning relief chore. j ; d$ anise out of an lncl-i ife 1. when James Mor-T.an tor Mi-Kay. Smith 3. it Co Ltd.. returned to .'iiereial Hotel to find vitviie cases he had stored -l!lg. rui Helgerson, hotel man-oiii.ed the sample room n SI": can and then phoned , I """"" ' - V ' 11 ! polite Japanese named Nikimo-ito eat with chopstlclsi and tc. I told Mr. Nikimoto where I "Goku chikai stiinchuugun wa want-d to go. From my direc- dochira dvshoo ka?" 1 Where are. tions he must have realized that the nearest American troops? 1 I had Just arrived in the Orient, t - I finally made my scape with, because, at the first stop light, two Japanese phrases which he turned and smiled and said: (meant. "Take me to the nearest "Japanese wife, you hava no?", Western Hotel. I have been bit-Startled, I said, "Why, no. 1 ten by a snake." Mr- Nikimoto promplty took mean, yes, hava no." j Mi. Nikimoto said, "Ah, so." I"1 back to the Correspondents He shook his head sadly. "Must Club. His parting words were, Princess' Departure Deferred Madsen Red Lake 2.22 McLaod Cockshutt 2.75 Negus .80 Noranda 84 00 Louvlcourt 29 Pickle Crow 1.70 San Antonio 2.75 Sherrit Gordon 4.05 Steep Rock .". 8.00 Silver Miller 1.55 Upper Canada 1.78 Golden Manitou 7.30 LONDON (CP) The j King is to have an opera- NATIONAL LEAGI E nport the missing ar- have Japanese wife. I get you "(-'Kay. 1 wait tor you alter one 1 nt investigation bv nruoitiyii uuugeis wmeiieu uicu;,. i National League margin to four- j uon. 51 was OlllCiaiiy an-and-a-half games by sinking St. nounced tonight. Louis 4 to 3 while Cincinnati Kedsj Prlncess Elizabeth and the fine Japanese wife maybe. Nice day. house, you live inside. All rice for several days after that I P dprovered the Cases, part-"fj and in "great state of ffVin the Inlander Rooms, aliment of Larry can eat, all laundry. Maybe; u;"-u l"c cuue u mc Earlier report had said that lour physicians who examined the King had recommended an operation. The spokesman said that Princess Elizabeth Is completing last minute plans for her trip to Canada and there is nothing to suggest a change in her plans, vxcept for a delay in departure until after the operation period is safely over. KiHKxea over me runner-up iMew;Duke of Eainburgh have post. York Giants 3 10 1. nnnrH thplr nlnns tn leave for In ttrLr, K.,t lha .Qt I mils ! ' ' . i vi .di-ryagt a'nd Swanson Cardinals behind Carl Erskine. 1 arrfc-ied Itillowlng the dls-I Any combination of five Dod Canada Tuesday but hope to fly later, arriving in Quebec. The announcement said that the projected tour of Canada will still be carried out. charged with theft, ger wins or five Giant defeats would sew up the pennant new tor the Flatbush. Brooklyn has ten games w piay and the " abatement to Sgt E. A. iVlhderyagt had said "the 'li g started as a Joke" wever. following pre-' Giants only seven They do not Weather Synopsis A high pressure area off the Gulf of Alaska Is shielding the British Columbia coast from storms which are sweeping into the prairies. Forecast Prince Rupert Cloudy today, continued warm and light winds. Temperatures: Prince Rupert, 45 and 68; Sandspit, 48 and 65; Prince George and Smithers, 35 and 70; Telegraph Creek, 40 and 65. rK t i i ii ii .ui ii.ui ... mm-rt ' jfi anng, was committed1 meet. ';,ywt. i on Hodges' thirty-ninth . A h apkr" mer in the sixth helped ho-the the . , . i Dodgers but they needed Nanaimo is Not Safe Yet NANAIMO The forest fire threat to this Vancouver Island city is not completely removed ar. yet. The Mount Benson fire is springing up again and has Jumped one of the fire breaks. i run in Lne ia.si ui Liie mum New Baseball Mogul Named NEW YORK (P Ford Frick. president of the National League, wars named Commissioner of Organized 'Baseball last night to succeed A. B. Chandler. The new commissioner was chosen for the $65,000 a year post a Cardinal rally. it, k ""J!?-offset twenty-five thousand yen,- one V wr fear or uncling Mr. niki-month." - moto's grinning face, and Miss "I'm sure -that's very reason- Takahashi, at the front door, able." I said, beginning to get a1 this experience, I stuck bit nervous, but, really" I to domestic taxis. The drivers "Okay," said Mr. Nikimoto. I spoke no English, but I figured "You save much money. I gomy guide-book Japanese would now, make phone call. Girl come, ! set into less truoble than you look. She very good Japan-1 English of Mr. Nikimoto's var-esj girl, noble family. Not marry , iety. before. Her family have money I 'as wrong, of course." The before but in war come B-29 1 Japanese language is fuch that boom! boom! family now poor." a slight change in pronuncia- Before I could stop him Mr. t'0". or a few changed syllables, Nikimoto popped out of tbe taxi completely alters the meaning and disappeared into a store to of a sentence. There was one phone. Returning, he drove me tourist practising his newly a:-still protesting, to the Shinbashi Quired Japanese who asked a Station, where we were joined by Tokyo bus. driver to "please drop Miss Takahashi. I half expected me at the next stop." Miss Takahashi would be wear- ' At least he thought that was ing a kimona and the wooden what he said. What he actually clogs known as geta. But from said was 'please kill me at the her sweater to her buckskin shoes next stop." she was dressed exactly like a I ut ot his fleeP sense of cour-bobby-soxer. She was even I tesy the bus driver was about to chewing gum. oblige, when an English-speak- . "You like?"' said Mr. Nikimoto, 'm8 passenger intervened to ask grinning expectantly. the tourist if he was sure thafs , I looked into Miss Takahashi's what he wanted. .....w,, -UI 1I1K1I1C ;'7nM,L!Uh :d others theiof thr hits in the eighth inn- A fire near Lund, not far from ing with an error and a pair of walks to chase Jim Hearn with a three-run blast. Kenney Raffensberger, with ninth inning help from Ewell Blackwell, registered his fifteenth win. at a closed session of the sixteen 1 Powell River, is causing some Major League club owners. I alarm. Frick has long been Identified , L l-'Phail, Khutzematecn said he was "In ie 30 and drank beer - mmercial Hotel that Si' a table with Vander-' f-A.o'.Mm and a couple TOijiium the lnterlor '! u2kt'd up a caper we Nato Enlarges Its Anti-Red Alliance Ottawa Council Concludes With Admission of Notts County " Helgerson hofnrp he threatened to etilct us - . ti ll Vrfiotel,, We declded ei Defeats Hull with baseball, first as a newspaperman In the West and In N.'w York City and, since 1934, as president of the National League. He Is 56 years old. Thus has ended a search that began last December 11 when club owners refused to vote Chandler a new contract. Frick will have a seven-year contract. Red Vote to Attlee Govt LONDON The British Labor party Is not too happy over a statement in the Moscow newspaper Pravda today that Communists would support the Labor Party in the British general elections In ridings where there are no official candidates. BIGGER WORKLESS ' md of a caper were e m tti null") LONDON Notts Codnty defeated Hull City 3 to 1 today in an English Football League, Third Division, game. soft, brown eyes. She giggled. M0SC 01 tne aomesuc taxis are Hurriedly I dived back into my charcoal burners. A contraption copy of "Japanese In Thirty something like a whisky-still was Hours," which I had been thumb- I bl"lt where the trunk usually is. ing through for the past five far as 1 was able to under-minutes in the hope of some stand the charcoal fumes from i "estion was to hide Greece and Turkey to Atlantic Treaty Organization OTTAWA (CP) The North" Atlantic Council shrugged off Russia's "empty words about peace"' yesterday and took steps to make its anti-communist alliance bigger, and broader. mis conuauuou worsea ineir way around the passengers, past the driver, until they finally found their way into the engine and caused It to operate. This made it a pretty warm ride, especially when you were plung- Smithers Gets Federal Block -take them from the K ; Jm-;wid then listen to ,t'ani afterwards," Mc-3 ered. 1 g asked McPhail If I the party left for any jtime. I :my protracted length Jturned McPhail. Then turned on Page 5) coalition coalition, The 12-nation concluding its Ottawa meetings, pushed its military front into tne oil-rich Middle East by voting to admit Greece and Turkey and pledging member states to a new era of co-operation !n such non-military fields as economics, finance, foreign pol- fru nnri ovpn fMiltiire. Labor Out For Wages PAY IS ASKED VANCOUVER Canadian Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, in convention here, asked for an increase in the unemployment Insurance payments. The waiting period should be reduced from nine to three days or dropped altogether. It Is also asked. ! ing through Tokyo s . narrow E. T. Applewhaite, 'M P., re-streets without any apparent returned to the city yesterday ac-, gard for life and ilmb. companied by Mrs. Applewhaite I Tokyo is the second largest rit y following a visit to -his constit-: in the world, with some eight uents at Telkwa, Smithers, Mor- i million people crammed into it, mng Work icetown and other communities. (Continued on page 4) VANCOUVER fl-The Cana- .emission of Oreere and He reports continuing expan-; slon In every area along the Listen TONIGHT to R. G. LARGE, M.D. Presenting the views of the Prince Rupert Medical Association on Our Hospital and our Community CFPR at 6.15 p. m. PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL HOSPITAL MODERNIZATION FUND CAMPAIGN dlan Congress of Labor yester- Turkey is not final yet. It will day lent its support to the na-have be approved by a num- f. N.S. Because of !' trouble what ?'ns and sini.r,ano. I railway line. j "Plans for the new Federal ; building at Smithers are now uonal wage drive by CCL unions ber of parliaments including tor "substantial" wage increases, I Canada Tories Big Favorite's lteel Corporation is P one of ius furnaces uce the niit.rmf. h. LONDON (P British bettors K -m TIDES - - Saturday, September 22, 1951 (Pacific Standard Time) High 6:00 15.1 feet 17:40 17.2 feet Low 11:19 10.C feet Union steamer Coqultlam, Capt. William McCombe, is due in port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and way-points and will sail at 9. p.m. for South Queen Charlotte Island points. OTBALL - reaay ana speculations are in course of preparation. Tenders for this building will be called for about the third week in No- vember. The new building will accomodate the post office, Do-: minion telegraph and telephone, i Dominion Fisheries and Agri- j culture branches." CBC repeater stations are now ! installed and in operation at j Smithers, Terrace, Ha;;elton and ; Burns Lake. Delegates left here, proclaiming their "growing strength and confidence" and agreed to meet in Rome in late November to map out new military plans that will include some form of participation by West Germany. The last act of the council was to turn over to Canada's external affairs minister, Hon. L. B. Pearson, chairmanship of the council for the next year. The annual convention urged its affiliates to go after wage hoists to try to offset "unwarranted and - unnecessary price rises and to maintain their standard of living." A single organization of all Canadian workers was urged. The CCL called for solid organic unity of all "bona fide" central labor organizations into a single organization. , DO A k . . today established the Conservative party as 4to 6 favorites to. topple Prime Minister Attlee 's Latxy regime in the general election October 25. Reuters News Agency says that bookmakers are offering odds of five to one that the Conservatives will win. rwi NIGHT tick-oft 6:30 h' PRINCK RI pibt