This was the Cariboo Trail..., of Brita Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, September. 21, 1951 trei Rains Hold Up Harvest lclt i event en I GATEWAY TO GOLD, to I Co-Operation But Caution VS. Prepared to go Along with Russia But Must Stay Strong WASHINGTON DC. r-Prcs-ident Truman said" Thursday trw united States will continue to WINNIPEG During the past GREED AND of m lore in reer GLORY five days harvesting operations have been resumed over much of the western provinces but In northern Saskatchewan further Tains will delay operations an- seelt agreements with Russia but otrler three to six days, accord Settling dow n to her job at the National Employment Service office here after the highlight of her musical career to date the three months' tour cf the British Isles with the Elgar Choir Barbara Teng tells the Daily News that music will still be an important part of her life and she is certainly going to will build up Its armed stnengin tng t0 the We.ekiy crop Report At Wallace's of Course Skirts And Blouses FROM "A" TO "Z" Materials . . . Stylos . . . Colors . . . Prices . . , Wallace's cover them all, FROM -A" to "Z" See them today! Sizes from 12 to 44 to see mat mey are ciuon-cu. ot the uepartmeni 01 Agnuui Mr. Truman said mat mere i stronger possibility of preserving the peacj as a result of the strengthened arms program and said the possibility will grow still stronger if the United States goes along with the defence keep on singing. ture of the Canadian National Railways. Damage from sprouting is less than anticipated in many sections but grades have been reduced and conslderable of the grain marketed is grading tough to damp.' Weather was warm and clear In the Okanagan where fruit is As a result of the fine experience she obtained on the tour, her ambition is to ultimately lead a choir herself. She has been inspired by the "marvsl- number wh en Welsh people seem to sing everywhere they gather in church, at social gatherings and even in the pubs, "it was like one big echo as the audience (every Welsh person can sing) sang back." Barbara had the opportunity to visit at Seaford, x witn her maternal grandmother, Mrs. WALLACE'S DEPT. Store j I lous" direction which the Elgai now moving In large volume. No further damage to the fruit crops is reported from any Choir receives from lLs veteran leader, C. E. Flndlater. The choir s trio abroad was a SHIPS AND WATERFRONT source. , Peckham, and took time out to! virtual tour of musical conquest. 'Everywhere we went we were welcomed and acclaimed. There-was nothing too much the peo ' ' 1 With 18 passengers of the 102 who left Vancouver disembark go to Belfast, Ireland, wheve tin. parents of David Murphy, a loyally known Presbyterian theological student, reside. All the travelling in Ilia B.iiisii Isles was done by bus. Ireland, with its hills and greenery, seemed more like Doctor-Nurse On Royal Tour OTTAWA r- A Canadian doctor and nurse have been assigned to attend Princess Elizabeth. Prince Philip and their party during the forthcoming Royal Tour of the Dominion. Col. J. M. B. ing here. CPR steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Donald Hicks, arrived in port at 11 o'clock this ple could do for us. Knowing that we w?.e coming and were to be billeted, tney even saveu up their meagre rations to share with us. They were really won-i derful." I The tour took in England, E:otland and Wales and ther? ; were sixty concerts "with Dum- j termUne, Scotland, the most northerly point. Glasgow and : Edinburgh were also visited. The home. Th. morning from Vancouver and It's very picturesque t am-1 , I rJiR I y I I I if v mmm, J FRIDAY And SATl HDAY Mni mm I'vcninns 7-9:00 J Jf SaUiayUtee people are just fine. But I don't fia"ed a couple of hours later r r ol.nn.n,, and nnri other Viol1 Alaska Ala clra think I'd like to live over there. for Skagway points. Five persons took pas Sailing home across the the choir party had a fairly. sage from here tor tne norm. Crawford of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps and Flying h nracln. ThP raiv i,-,tr, i me PaSSenglT 1U1 CUIliaillCU the tail-end of a hurricane 1 good proportion of round trip 'Officer Ella Beatrice Mannix whiPh had wrnntrht disaster cn ' tourists. RCAF, have bee nnamed. - ! - ' -. JJ8jbV ill Interior Radio Desert Ended visit to Edinburgh, where the choir sang In the famous Princess Street Bowl, coincided with the "Gathering of the Clans" celebration where a thousand colorful pipers were gathered from all parts of the country and "there were so many people you just couldn't get close enough to see." Jamaica. In Canada the choir had a booking at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto and also sang in First United and Dominion United Churches in the Ontario metropolis. In Winnipeg. Calgary, Jasper, Kam- gional engineer for the corpora, tlon. Last of Interior Repeater Stations Installed Put Seagram s"83"to W if , Water, Vgg the water test, and Vancouver there 1oPs were London area included recitals in The northern radio "desert"1 between Prince Ocorge and Prince Rupert has now been converted to fertile listening ground with the Installation of the last of five CBC low-power transmitters. Residents of the area can the suburbs of the metropolis in-: i"iBt" eluding Wimbledon where they I Tranquille Sanitarium where ,ith ia KtnHpnis '-they sang for the patients in- B0ILT Mr Finrilater Khan the duties "ding some Prince Rupert friends whom Barbara met. plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagram's "83" 0y Seagram's wSurc of director with the leader of the students. filli-11 inn t i ntr ovtint tune a Cm I j, , o,.ri ! hear the complete program s?r Movinir, Parking, Crating -. Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Bervlce. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene arid all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Park Avenues Es .910. Phones 60 and 68 1UU1U WUlUlUt kUll"J -, .0 vice of the CBC's Trans-Canada Opportunity came to mingle with youth groups from the continent at Reading. "We san for them and then we had a tour of i Saturday Matinee 2 Evening Show 7 - 9:10 which Prince Rupert listencis heard. Barbara has promised to share further of her expeiences with Daily News readers by writing from her diary after she gets settled down again. network. Four 20 - watt transmitters were opened this week at Van-dcrhoof, Burns Lake, Hazelton and Terrace. Smithers Joined the network during1 April. These most recent Installations bring the number of small trans This (advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. the district with tnem." In Wales there was a memorable experience. We sang to them and then the audience sang back to us 'Guide Y mitters in the province to nine PAT GEROW AND HIS me, O Thou Great jenovan,- a RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR STEAMER Prince George teen. Reception is usually gooo within a radius of ten mles. The transmitters are turned LEONARD f REFRIGERATORS (Subject U. Cbanie) on In the morning and off at WESTERN GAN ' night by the telegraph agenU; otherwise they are. unstaf fed. . The work has been under the SAILS FOR Vancouver BEAUTY feature CONVENIENCE EXTRA FOOD STORAGE supervision of F. B. C. Hilton, re- I and intermediate Purts Featuring 'SWEETHEART OF SONG" CLOVER LANE ft ft. ft. $344.50 $431.50 $461.00 V,2 CU. Wl CU. Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. , For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations I I FRI. and SAT. - CIVIC CENI GET VALUE Qclu LEONARD BURNETTS I (ReJ&OtC ! LONDON DRY GIN 1 ! Because Burnett's is an 1 i EXTRA DRY (unsweet- j ) ened) Gin, you can add 1 FRIDAY P.M. 4:30 Sleepy lime Slorie 4:45-Slock Quot. c Int. 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5:30 Bill Good Sports 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 8.15 Personal Album ( d: 30 Now I Ask You 7:00 CBC New? 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Chamber Music 8:00 Here Comes the Band 8:30 Vane luver Theatre 9:00 Svmphony for Strings 9:30 Forgotten Books 9:45 American Drama 0.00 CBC Newt 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 CBC Symphonclle 1 1:00 Weather 11:00 Sign otf SATURDAY A M. 7:00 Musical Cluck J: 00 CBC News From Factory to You . Baby Chenille Bedspreads $5.25 Each Lowxst price in Canada. Beautiful first quality, completely tufted, no sheeting showing. All colors, double or single hedslzes. New center patterns in flowered or solid designs. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-bac'K guarantee. Order one. you will order more. New address: TOWN it COUNTRY MFO., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. -H Stage Show and to AT Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NORTHERN B.C. POWER Co.,Ltd. Sluiw anil Oancr Sl-K Brsncr Block Phone 210 Children Mr Show ii nly 75c Prince llupert, ll.C. rwart, B.C. I I or leave out sweet- f mi m? I ness, when mixing I jl drinks, and suit every 1 individual taste. I Be a wise host fiTa I I serve Burnett's. $E5? BOGUMIL SYKORA ' WORLD-FAMED CELLIST Clearance Sale Terrific Rock Bottom Sale WINTER STOCK BROKEN LINES UNDERWEAR . . All Will Clear BROKEN SIZES SUMMER STOCK OUTERWEAR Loaded with Values S. J. Gillis D.S.C., R. Cp. Chiropodist-Foot Specialist of 1407 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., Will Practice at SAVOY HOTEL Now Till Sept 26th Only Telephone For Appointment 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encorps 8:30 Morning Devotlom 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 World Church News i(l:45 CBC News 10:55 Weauiei and lntejiuue 11:00-Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report' . 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 licandlnavian Melodies SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 BBC Bandstand 12:30- Folk Song Time 1:30--London Studio Melodi.- CIVIC CENTRE TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 25, at 8.30 P.M. " ADULT ADMISSION - I5ESEUVKB 50c i- acnciul Admission $1.25 - SHKfnU Sepiember 20, 21, 22 Next 1 The Stork Shoppi 2 VI BURNETTS Third Avenue .TH7nn,rrHrl"i'ii'i.;,;im iij 1 in 1U1M Lv waverllhtsiiietiL avrtlhtsiiietiL l it nut nut puOUsiiea puOUsnea t ORMES DRUGS and CIVIC Vltv'j Tickets a or displayprt by the Liquor Control (222c) 11 SHINGOLEEN Board or by tne uovernment oi .British Columbia. 13-20 INCLUSIVE NATIONAL HAT WEEKi OCT NEW LOW" S'"' Ur.-hive'and Baby Wool N.wiands Sock" v,..,ionris ATI' CrC tmdtztt prove Shingoleen is a BAPCO product and an ' ideal finish for Shingles, Fences and all Rough Lumher construction. Supplied in fifteon attractive colors Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. more people wear STETSON HATS than any other brand cC3 Mr Nt-vrliiniw w (2 oz.i ' V&B Wool ' " oth'-Ts for Wool. ni" A rrriil, it"lejn,inlrnt niirvey of hats worn by Canarlian airline For the MEAL that REFRESHES anaila maior airports showeil ibal Mr twin led toe and wrr- ai iii next hraml many limes over. At Ldniotiton it was uearly 4 to 1. CMnifHlilan traveller! rh(Hwe Steton ha In, becaiiM; Sieimin uInIt, quality, ami all those other things which represent value are standouts any plm-e. FINEST OF COOKING .You'll k smai in Stefeon wallow t '5 -5 l . "vv I) FOOD i l r-t-s I ITT1 rt hi ntiiirrm "k Bv , i Other Sffrfion 1 I FOB TAKE OUT ORDERS r i i t n m ii PHONE 2011 " - i i i i p i i 1 1 Kofi from SS.95 j j J I V. , mffikwswi 3 111 Broadway cafe jjNEWS ADS get t