1 1 1 I fell Ol JMtU (Continued rroiu jage D U lri , , , , (tl,,i e.elyl,lM)y , ;hav,ng a big )auKh. I siayed riaay, beplemoer, 21, 1931 , ; Ul Ilve minutes." f n,MUH. in Tl- a J0"'!0" .-v how they ! A painter, George Hamilton.1 "" ""lur. away tor a ald he had been ..r t.h ! Macs Lead In Bowling lew minutes again. " then come back '.on one-room apartment that: i PORTRAITS wwd and Printed m ii PROMPT SERVICE (IHNDI KKS 8TIDIO SUect Box 645 i till i I'h.mc Oieen 389 I i-rliwe Rupert nil nlf anu naa seen ewanso:i Then ni.-n wit" d,d you k'avc- , siraiiger" tT ;rolner come , ; adanappointn,entat2:30.!iuto"rOm """"'j MiTfk in haw takf n thi "Old waJI 111 the '. you see Vnrtr. .7 .ry8t i th .,nrt. !' ( ' . ; V - V v: and again" asked Mr. King. ' - Zir ,' f Bowling Yes, I aw him about 5:30 ' n, "The ' , ,tuff ,was aU over the j League, A Division. They scored Suiui-ay morning-he was load- "t.mH, It J fl ,", VLry blg rm-i a clean sweep thi.-e game victory I f, li ,hey Were- I Savoys after beating Stars . ns wUh "This s " 80 mu(:n '"ggage. caper y you were nolnif They 2 ' ,,. i lllH. v,pk t Pull on Mr Beige'rtcl lttU8n' " j to McKay', made you think he was going to take VARIETY OF ITEMS their second clean sweep ol the "n,? . I Produced in court 'is exhibits I "asun Hig Sisters after i "'tended to annoy ; by the crown, were the items al- ' having done likewise to Rupert IL mTh " aUer ' t0 have been stolen-eignM Ro I week. wards 1-r'..J u MLHlal1' I W travellers' eases filled with I H'B "gle same scorer In oain.t mush, yueen Char- dry goods articles. Including 1 Division this week was M. iT-,. i. rBlior' "ld he also! men's lurnlshings, boxed towel Kearley of Skeena Grocery with i wnt l ltle table. I sets, belts, ladies' hose, men's i 3I while A. Pierce of Lyons had 1.7,1. . MmaJl, lie said, andiiox, ankle sox, suspenders, plas- i the high three game aggregate ooui the accused. H uiiui i,i ii m.i. . ... FOLDING COTS with Spring-Filled Mattresses $29'' INLAID LINOLEUM Lancaster British, sq. yd $2' IINOLEUM FELT BASE Lancaster British, sq. yd 73 C . CONGOLEUM RUGS AU sizes In Block QO Oft rrited from- ?JOlf A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A gold place to buy ovvsr ft quarter of a century" 3?7-3rd Avtuufc thane 775 The Reliable and ' Prompt Service You Know PHONE numerous omer I " there had been talk about a Joke to be "pulled on Helgeison. ' That evening, Brush said, he had gune to Swanson s place at arucies and a radio. In "B" Division T. Dell of A salesman for the owners, Sanson's had high single garaj James Morgan, lirst crown wit- j 01 23a and high three game ag- ldenutieu all the articles 1 B'egate ol 591. ir K'pilrB anil Alterations ua ;ud .;,'"'ere ne 1 tOU1 they Wtre val'' '"J lie roum looKed old to me " . lie said, "there were things sea' u - I fM"ran said he had left eisht1 . ! of the 14 coi-es he had with htm rhe team scores were: "V Division McMeekin's A. Ritchie 434, B. Emerfinn 431 C Rvllumu a"4 I. Mh&ElkinsLld. . ; i commercial Hotel P.O. Ifox 274 To- McMeekln 392, B. Hardy 503. vu cu ii, auveru;,e loom lor storsioo wn.n h iT ro lit. New. classified. tiiriifd. Hiinrmu iiii,, i v.o . j -uws "JJ. i ''. ; V ' " ! -''1 ,;j r.. - 1 l-E-L the cases miasm B and hd been ',fv-f' Kn- aiarmed. Harold Helgerson ; sun 277' p- Blown 452 B- Mc" lutel manager, then phoned 1 ,Ches"lt'y 425' R- McCallum .343. police lotaU t69. 722, (j0. Const. Robert Ross, RCMP.'r'rnSr "a 52,' ,ne f iaiTIMII 1 SUPERTWIN TO CAFFEIN-FREE ( ANt SWITCHING TO Walker 534, K. Franks 228. Totals 867, 978, 852. Luekv Strikes E Moilpv S32 ly alter he received it at 2 p.m. faunduy. At the hotel, witness ,wm POSTUM I'M SLEEPING I SAVES US MONEY saw he inspected ihe samDie' an..., r, POWER CHAIN SAW A LiqM ONE-MAN SAW with a HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER It.? enduranc;cnd dependability are "field-proven." Whatever the Job, your ... MUCH BETTER I n TOO! yi room and lound the .lndlJ """"""" ". D- ouen mduw!A. Smith 431, M.Price 339. Totals .. . 8(i7, 84i. 892. Evidence from both Harold i Annettes-B. Wuidle 478, N Helgersun, and his brother, Les-! stone 4G3, McM.ekin 537, Smith U, bar manager, was that guests : 602, Dickens 588. Totals 789 832 or unauthorized-persons were 1 945 'uLTM the VTu f ' i'Pi , I RoSa LeNekon 533, McKln-1 T'.i hallway behind ; nou h2X A McLean 577 N. Par-but h admitted, hat at times , s)ns 677 G. Maundrell 537. Totais "51 SL'PKB TWI.V takes in it its stride. Some of thj features are: Dyna-Torque siiile engine NOT ON THE TEAM Harvey B. Teller, retired recreational director from San Francisco, hooked this 932-paund, near-record tuna at Wedgeport, M.S., on the eve of the International Tuna Tournament. This Nova Sotia Information Bureau photo shows Mr. Teller at Lift, with his wife, formerly of Wcstville, hS., and the giant fish. Unfortunately, Mr. Teller was not on the U.S. team tin the tournament, which didn't boast a fish in the first two days. , (CP PHOTO) 3,n5fi' plckwood 378-To-' Jack Fuller .uum .iv 111 uy iiiisuiKe.j 925, 955 gsg SEE IT! - 1 ue noiei manager said he Lyons A Pierce 721. P. Knew ooih the accused lor some time. He knew Vandervaet for Thompson 520. V. Anderson 381, J. 61ienU)n 480, V. Wrathal 720. Totals 918, 1010, 894. , aooui a year'' and to Mr. Collins' question said he had oeen T KV' 1 av stTT utoverleats K. Johnson 428. on "tnendly;- terms and knew I M. Antone 455, O. Newton 519, n! Cook's 82 on Sunday W. Duncan 305, M. Careless 427, him as one likely "to play prac C'ddes 492, M. Penny 392. Totals !"avls M , 9 Automatic Spcers 407, J. Hicks 418. Totals! r. 3. Fuller of First Avenue, 722, 78C, 783. war veteran and local pioneer, Sunrise O. Wilkins 562, S.l11 be eighty-two years of age clutch and rewind starter. (58. 729, 909. Gordon & Anderson B. Smith 443, 8. Ramsay 455, I. Oarner ucal pranks on people." IMUNKINU PARTY Mrs. Amy Kasper, proprietor of Inlander Rooms where the eight cases were later found, told a sfory of a "drunken Barrle i Downing 455, M. Richards 476, I. i V" u'mfy' "JP"0" :paikhouse 413. J. Adcock 428 1 looks hale and hearty' says he 49..-, L. Anderso.1 38a. U. 511.,lotalr 835. 842. 831. feels well, and Tecalls earliest Bkeenn. Orocery W. Slater : Totals 792, 828, 719. Balanced design for easy cutting and carrying. Only 25 lbs. without cutting attachments. Cutting attachments from 14" to 18" ?9li.k"2; K 8,! Manson's-T. Dell 591, N. Janes bor'n in nglan7' and Tnu 7 oo "T- "a 10-:r hi. X- Montgomery 1 477. Totals of long and active life 793 i h v t f " v. 5! 1? I j ft,. f-sV '-. V. . i:" n 4- -, !'" eij ' : Canada was spent in Western ' and Prince Rupert. Wrathall's B. Peterson 409, i 875, 921. hi. Pett 373. R. Long 550. E. Mc-i MrK' E s-hintrif anu tut party" and of a room "all tousy-turvey." She said she entered the room of Mr. and Mrs. Swanson on Sunday afternoon and found nobody there. "But the room was all topsy-turvey," she said. "It looked Fill in and mail for full particulars: Nam,' , Address Nabb 343. D. Hamblin.352. Totals Fulton 422, H. Schmidt 521, L.i AGILE ANIMAL 771' 787 . 841. McKay 495, R. Raymond 471. The antelope of Central and Stars O. Melntyre 514, H. Totals 985, 911, 833. South Africa is called a Spring- furncss 4h6. J. Dickens 470, K. Bit- Sisters E Bnnrt 49B M ! bok because of th inns riUtxnnH like a big drinking party had orimble 502 L. Keays 521. Totals Bond 452. Mrs nipkenn 37! if i it can lpn -'-. INJOY SOUND SLEEP SWITCH TO POSTUM! 708, 893. 901. Dealer: RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. Wietmer 303, I. Muncey 413. Totals 784, 871, 803. "B" Division 75 Taxi E. Mulder 429, B. Mc Disi.: Pt'RVES E. RITCHIE & SOS LTD. 658 Hornbv St.. Vancouver. B.C. Shentnn s D. Ardern 401. wmm -- m m r Shenton 588, J. Roford 345, 1. Mc- ' rV Hi' V ' p m vvlPMBsMHrasjsm w . Stcwart 403. Totals 730. 782, 827. Commercials J. - - Helgerson "What I say, I con't . wish hnv nut l.i -rititif ueen going on. i saw the suitcases there and goods scattered all over the room. The radio was sitting cn the dresser." Stie had entered the room again, early next morning, :n company with police, she said, who "took the stuff away." On Sunday afternoon, after the theft had been reported, Sgt. L'. A. Wales. RCMP, called Van-deryagt in tor questioning, he iald. Accused then had made an oral statement. He hud said: i. ;,. : k. ' . 457. Hoban 354, M. Cross 525, rf - ; : wS .suppased to have been a joke on L. Smith 415, 1. Stewart 403. To- i talr. 663, 818, 739. had toW Bi?t. Wales. Accused L ,f-p-Rn h,:l,Sten,s,e0n ,446' P' further told the police- sergeant f; I I ne was a marr ni:in nnn more"Caffein Nerves" ulcnyou drink POSTUM! 4.ile lols of folks aren't lathered by caffein in ea tl coffee - others suffer rifc-plessness, nervousness, indigestion. Postum is 100 tein free - contains nothing that could possibly make Jfi nervous, spoil your I'iep. Pottum cult btveragtt costt of much at ?i Gcrt the big 6 01. size oi Postum ... it makes up to 100 delicious Cups . . . more than twice as many cups as a full pound of coHes, and yst tt costs much leas. Yea, pocket these real savings order Postum today I A delicious flavor! The whole la mil y enjoys Postum's distinctive, hsaity, giaiu-rich flavor. i. Si talr 702 . 709, 905. Ruprrt Radio C. Wilson 363, 11. Cilmore 399, E. Christoff 275, A. Jeffries 323, C. Parlette 455. Totals 763, 691, 727. Toilers T. Rossi 453, B. Elll-cr 349, C. Dorish 463. J. Hill 470, K. Wide 463. Totals 747, 838, 718. 7th Ave. Meat Market M. Shier 31G. D. Pallent 512, D. Pierce 4?V. B. Pierce 421, G. Rice 289. lotals798, 741, 832. r ft I !j , I GEORGE DAWES I AUCTIONEER a painting contractor. "He confessed that he had been involved in this case with two other men. There had been a lot of drinking, accused said then," recounted Sgt. Wale.?. "As a result of that conversation I placed him under arrest." BIG JOKE . Defense Counsel Collins told the court he intended to prove that the "whole thing was a Dominion Day prank Just a big Joke." Mrs. Jane Ramsay, employee of Brown and Harvey, Prince Rupert solicitors, and court stenographer for the preliminary hearing of this case, said she recalled prosecuting counsel, T. W. Brown, KC, say after the preliminary, he "agreed It had all been a preposterous Joke." Crown Counsel King said ne could not see how Mr. Brown's attitude could have undergone such a change "and certainly the magistrate had no such feel-ipg or this case wouldn't be here." J Phoni Green 810 nd Red 127 x! JjA ,1 fi I I Good Used Cars And Trucks ' 1S49 METEOR Coupe 1919 PLYMOUTH Sedan. 1949 MONARCH Club Coup S 1147 WILLY'S Station Wagon 1913 PLY.MOLTII Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS 19.-.0 FORD 3-ton 176 W. B. 1919 FORI) 3-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FORI) 3-ton 158 W. B. 1939 t'HEV. Sedan-delivery. All reconditioned ready to 10 Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Ruptrt, B.C. ( instant postuav h -mi- . . i ' t , - 1 1950 HILLMAN j ;iifS MlNX - mvmw i Uiwrnileare . I TX h 1 The Lov'sh r 1 tlwimti on You Want . . . :S0 1947.P0NTIAC COACH ifn Privately owned r J jTH J 1948 DeSOTO UB COUPE JSKHI RITISH COLUMBIA U Kh livij Inttmttisntl ptomlnanc In many brtnchti of triculturt. B.C. Applt Crowctt have dc vtloptd the woild'i moit advanced maikctinj iyilm lor thtir famtd eropt and thil Provlnc leads all Canada In the quality and quantity of its annual berry production. Our certified vegetable and cereal seed wet shipped to all war tones In the last conflict' and played a vital part In Britain' survival. Cattle raited on B.C. ranches have repeatedly captured national championships and trst grade B.C.! beef is accorded (he country's top quality ratinj. In recent years the world's highest honors in wheat, rye, barley and oats production have alt been held by I.C farmers. The roster of accomplishment inter JOHN H. BULGER Ofilometriil John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ' "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" i-; &-i. could be extended indefinitely. It Includes significant contributions in dairy, poultry and egg production, vegetable and flower culture and many more. It is an outstanding record of enterprise, skill and entegrity essentials in every worthwhile achievement, and for many a happy wearing season to come. Here for you now in a large, fashion-worthy selection. Come in. i "Tomorrow's Styles Today" Annette Mansell Ladies Wear 523 3rd Ave. $300 00 I mm && 1 4W THERE IS 10 SlIBSTITITE .for QUALITY Breuer$ and Bvtlleri of Beer 654 Wi Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor St'CAPILANO RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone SWi and 666 BREWE1Y LIMITED CSIU IlirllC .Clf4TIOM uri r r $ er tmm rests J WvaMiMlnnl l al BtiUltiitd or Phone 640 220 Sixth St. mt Uvm Carl M W I Tail dvertitcateDt la net peeliifted er diialiyed by the Lieut Censret (etrsj er bv l Oevemaant el Intnii CeUabiir ii I '