10 , Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 6, 1951 '.1 '"u ils a 1, ,r,l Unt" Pol If Totem Musical Merry, Colorful ling of the millionaire and thus I is able to hold off his creditor's ! until he can open hi.s show, i Further complications enliven I things when the millionaire i lindr. himself enchanted both by the girl's charm aim the excite-I merit of backstage lit c and, pos- . LONDON (P - Accused in a (he. remark: "I'll have that one." court case here, th- man in ths The chosen lawyer replied: "I'm drick was given his choice of sorry, you can't have me. I'm bivycis and pointed to one with prosecuting you." cWlwn thT"i,,ns-'"illionaire. """"Itln Absolutely . . . t.'lWl", . . ....., .'Tir K . THE LARGEST AND MOST NOVEL STOCK OF DECORATIONS IN TOWN Concerning the plight of a bemused millionaire, a baffled chorus girl and a bill-laden the-atfical producer, "Happy Go Lovely is the Friday and Saturday feature at Totem Theatre, a sprightly, tuneful musical, In color by Technicolor. David Niven, Vera-Ellen and Cesar Romero co-star. The characters depicted by the stellar trio are plunged into hilarious situations when local gossip misinterprets an incident, that of the girl arriving at the theatre in the car owned by a local millionaire. In reality, she has thumbed a lift and been accommodated by a friendly driver who ts merely trying to gel her to work on time. The producer gets ideas, the girl Is elevated to stardom, and the millionaire,- utterly battled, Is the recipient of strange bills for feminine frippery. The hard-pressed producer, quickly taking advantage of the situation, represents that he has the back- WAVES POUND BARGE The Oreat Lakes barge John H Pric is shown as powerful breakers 5iuu.h against It during the recent gale which swept across tlii' North Atlantic seabord. The . JAMES MASON f'WI tnuJi SIQlr Of i ba:gc. grounded oh a reef near the Gaspe Pen nsula harbor at Ste. Anne des Monts, Que., -".-mci fell part after a 12-hour beating in near-zero wcathor. Its iew of 24 and captain escaped one b one in a bos'ns chair. (CP PHOTO I lissnii!!) Cortoon Nw, rvening Slums 7-9:03 Saturday Matinees 2 - 4:25 ..Housekeeping. lODAY ONLY Russian Student Exchange "BKST OF TIIE BA!jmTn JINOIE HKAI)lNTERS 1-8:30 p.m. National Federation of Canadian University Students. HOW TO BUY AND COOK YULETIDE BIRD TOLD HERE The festive bird may be roast The turkey with the new look turkey, goose, duck or chicken; ! can boast a broader breast than each is very fine eating. In most; his predecessor, large Canadian cltt-s, all poultry! 7here arc fur nulln ,ypps lf is sold by grade. The wise but-: turkeys on the Canadian mnrk-.-i RKO's MUSICAL RA1NIG! Lazurc was chairman of the International Activities Cum- OF 10VE AND IMKS TORONTO Eighteen of 21 mission of the NFCUS, but he was talking unofficially when he Iord Calvert faculties at th.? University of Toronto last week voted in favor of a system of exchange visits with Russian students. In favoring the plan, the stu-denls bucked the opinion of their these days. Young hen and torn turkeys and old hen and torn turkeys. It should be rioted that the word "old" In graded turkeys means "mature" birds rather icher knows that the discriminating customer likes to buy by grade so he Is anxious to handle graded poultry. The grade mark Is easy to see because it Is al- ways shown on the breast or than ajT?ri lines. The rltffvrpni-p I 'r:l(lrr wlin Votf-ri ntiuitiKt fhp wing of the bird. Certain colors ; between young and mature birds j scheme at a conference In Lon-designate certain grades. Fori depends mainly on the softness i don. Ont last Sentemher. instance, Grade Special is the i 0f the bone. In a youne bird it Denis Lazure. a McOill st orient. - Served with pride LJ riTMxt .Li WM-tua is somewhat pliant. In an old started the idea when he asked bird it is hard. . Russian students in Europe last At Christmas there will be i summer if they would co-operate Lon those special occasions J 1 1 ...i i.. .1. . i'. top grade for poultry and it Is always tagged with a purple lag. Grade A, the next grade, is tagged in red, Gradj B in blue and Grade C in yellow. A top grade ird is one which has a good proportion of meat to bone, plenty oi broad breasted torn in a stud.-nt exchange ii i ikii uiuy ine iinoi : t Aim After consultation with Rus I . t .IrwW IT III ...rr: fc turkeys. They are big fellows from twenty to thirty pounds, and are good buys for tiie large family. . Tf IVlO fomill. ir 41 sian authorities, the Russian students agreed. But trouble started in London at the annual conference of the i is well shaped and has been fat asked the Russian students to visit Canadian universities. When Lazure asked NFCUS In London to ratify his proposal, the federation voted overwhelmingly against It. That started what has b.'eome a Canada - wide controversy among university students. A meeting of MeGill students voted overwhelmingly In favor of the exchange plan. Student newspapers campaigned for reronsld 'rat ion in a seres of editorials Most of the editorials wanted the vi-its as K;mn as possible, probably next year University of British Cihimi!u students wired the Russlau minister of education suggesting an exchange between UHC and a Russian university. There lias been no reply. Students at five other universities arc in favor of the Itii-sian student visit; at two they unopposed, at. iinotlv.r dozen they haven't decided. Those w ho favor I ho exi -hnge say it would foster east-west friendship. The opposition savs thai would not be achieved since the stu tened for tenderness and flavor. A A Grade Grade C C bird bird may may have have lesi tessi'u .. u "j . " "4 "-o Uf uu-tiiy ui Mliuill'l meat or may have pin- feathers1 or discoloration. 1 birds which should suit perfectly Half turkeys will tj available be purchased toe. and thev arc id ml fnr nrp- poultry may Cranberry stuffing is delicious and very appropriate at this season. A good guide Is to prepare about one and one quarter cups of stuffing for vach pound of poultry. This Is based on the dressed or in a new convenient narin? Christmas dinner for form, ready-to-cook, either fresh lour, or perhaps five or six. ?L ;fi1' r!h " drCSd bhd E -me v i of the biggest joys of the i ma Z, y , e 11 Ytiletide feoson are the signs of eviscerated weight. When the T1C A . h .nt '"itlel'ght when tlv Christmas t..r-1 "'! Is rea.ly for the oven it I l.ady-to-eook ...riv t u.J m, blld is r m , k.v or fli''keii appears at the ' shou'd be placed on a rack In 4 fully drawn. I Tender u.-..ll .,nwn., .l shallow, linr-nve, ,.,1 nun it i. 1 MLEM- j the pin feathers have been re-! gaily garnished with sprigs of j usually placed breast down to al-bright green parsley or perhaps the fat to run down Into the moved, the bird has been thor-! ougn'y cleaned inside and out vti'incr nf hre:lr Thin LfT.L. Il.n tfl n tffi r h t f fl c nw.l-t paper ruff.vs on the drum sticks, i FuI' the last hour or so. it should packed in the body cavity. In be turned breast side up to brown. i the pride of every cook dents svnt by Russia would hi ether words, the housewife saved all the diqastesful ft l Execrated poultry' should .h of 300 's , hand-picked for their ,1, t e !cldV0 PUl '" thP VPn' bl" HtTsV Z Z 7 ?' ,r0'n1,Vfe thinking and wouldn't dare take '" 0 sl h(ll's for f'"en to flf-; still wi.se to check to see that! ,)ack aythlnK bu cliU(sms of 11 " nit nnrtc f n, i.,.,o ., i ...... I teen pound turkey, and six tni, -.- ures of preparing a bird for oven. , ... nt mi. bo, ijuinua alio ! iCanittia. flume CeonnmlsL tl- lie Ih-if : " . vninn , li..n.c , f,, rn, the modern turkey has chanewl 1 S! on- ha,c removed. It pi.,rn ' inrt " ,"! Syd Wax. student. at the Unl- -TOTEM over the years until it is now I should be washed and dried and mnv be cooked at n,rhtt! v.erslty " Toronto and this year's I vi'iiini; Sluiws 7 p.m. 9:10 p.m. I quite a new bird. Poultry seien- , the inside of the hirri miKnri hleher )pmi.r9i.,r. . nt c- r 1 1 "airman oi wttua, said: CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED AMHERSTBURG ONTARIO A FAMOUS PLAYERS TMVP -" " , n nit Ml. J4,,J r ,, Ml- "Idealistically, the idea sounds usis nave reaesigncd the turkey, j with salt lowing nin e or iour hours lor a five to seven pound bird. To tvst lor doneness. run a good Pract'cally It would accomplish nothing." ! Here are extracts from two 1 finis aJvcftiscmcnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Contiol Board or by the Government of British Columbia, It seems that the buying public : The family's favorite stuffing prefots a bird which is smaller ; . hould be packed loosely in the and which has more white meat.' bird to allow for expansion. kewer or long fork into the thick I I student newsptip.-r editorials: '."ti v f V f pait of the thigh or breast. When A MAN'S CHOICE FOR CHRISTMAS " western uruar 0 done, the meat is tender and the juice does not show a reddish ' S f 7 "''.".i1" a". '"- tinge. If using a meat thermom- I uZTSL"1, ' "l" ' "V V. " . to break el r. it should read 190 F. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE down a small part of that barrier against free communication . . . Wc may discover that our common bond of humanity is more r.ai. more basic, ihan atiy of the If yoa want uj sell it. advertise It. News ehussified. MM? mm I artificial differences spin ting the 1 world Into warring camps." ! The University of Manitoba Manitoban -' Even if a Russian student came t- realize that, all westerners were not imperialistic j and Intent on war. he: would most certainly not be allowed to spread his knowledge among his fellows I at home . . . Russian students P 11 flip yr-N i tv if IU v &&as " r- if If 111 1 2 " A, yii ! nB ( IN BETTER USED CARS I, would enter Inlo a scholarship rencme wnn suspicion and hale II they entered at all." For the slippc"1" wonfs. . . Don't our comfort-gt'i'S iclcction. Vanderhoof Gets Public Building VANDERHOOF A public building Is proposed to be erected here for the federal government, and lenders on this work arc being recelv.'d by the department of public works, Ottawa I Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd 5 Box 737 ' Phone BlocMj SPORT SHIRTS! CANADIAN LEGION Pre-Christmas DRESS SHIRTS! iSrP- These cars are older models but they arc in good condition . , , and most important of all ihcy arc priced so that you can aff6rd to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedan 1950 Prefect Sedan . 1943 International Pickup in very good shape 1938 Ford Coach 1950 Austin Sedan with radio 1948 Thomcs Van 1937 Tcrroplanc for good transporta-ion' VOTE DEC. 13 Wc Hove Them All for Grond t-hnstmos Giving Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Give him the gift rhal s tops on his list . . m M m m n A shirts from our selection of hundreds ond hundreds of different styles .... fobrics, colors ond at wise budget prices! SHIRTS HATS BATHROBES TIES SLACKS SPORT JACKETS SOCKS GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS BELTS SWEATERS SUITS SLIPPERS COATS UNDERWEAR Friday, Dec. 7th 10to2-$2.50PerCo RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE Superior Auto Service Ltd. 3rd Ave. W. Ph. Green 217 m m 9RI I