Prince Rupert Daily News . Wednesday, July 4. 1951 Loca a n d PERSONAL Salt Lake Ferry running every Sunday and Thursday, starting at weather permitting. (tO George J. Dawes returned to Legion Women's Benefit Dance A well-attended benefit dance was held by Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary members last Friday night. In charge of arrangements was Mrs. G. V. Hanley, president of the W.A. Music was supplied by a trio of Mrs. J. S. Black, Bert Camer on and Mike Colussi. Receipts are for benefits - in connection with veterans' Carpenter's Union meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Special business. (155c) Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Berner returned to the city on Sunday night's- train from, a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Berner combined vacation with business. They visited Vancouver and Seattle. hi X ' i 4 - " . ? , A ' , '' "' ' ' ' 1 - - I Sidewalk And Fence Cedar At Attractive Prices PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 Albert & AAcCaffery I LIMITED IkilTrn m the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Stan Hopkins of Powell "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Thone 17 for Orders. To Take Out Commodore Cafe If you want to sell it, advertise It. News classuieds ' River arrived on the Prinoe Ru- Have you seen the Royal pert today to visit her mother, Wedding? Then be sure to see Mrs. T. Hamilton, 518 East George .Cook Jewellers display at seventh Avenue, the exhibition, Naval Drill Hail, i (158c) I Constable C. P. .Crouch, RCMP, ,,, , . ,,, 'transferred from Stewart to W Jham m Robertson of the office Prince Rupert and Mr3 Crouch, If,, le Trbrit SUver mlne a"ived the city from the Was a PassenBer north.on the Camosun yesterday aboard u the Camosun yesterday .afternoon afternoon going through to Vancouver iud tha United States on' Jude and Mrs. W. O. Fulton a six weeks' holiday trip. j left for their summer home at Lakelse Lake to take up residence Mrs. Archie Earley and daugh-: for the season. Their son and ter. Gail, arrived in the city on daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. the Camosun Sunday night from Rupert Fulton, were there for the New Westminster and left by , week-end. ' ArlaT:' led" will hiiy"' sHI '"or h HE LEARNS FAST Bambi, an orphan elk. caueht on fast to human traits after being brought to Edmonton. Here he busses Elizabeth Jones, who brought him to the city from a lumtrer camp at Hinton, Alta., 185 miles west of Edmonton. Bambi is thriving on a diet of four quarts of watered milk a day. (CP PHOTO) Alex Mcleod . Passes Away John Alex McLeod. brother of Mrs. Mary McLeod, Sixth Aven- il-Piece Breakfast 95 SOUVENIRS ' POSTCARDS TOTEM POLES (Hand Carved) LEATHER SOUVENIRS WOODEN SOUVENIRS Sets L -Piece Breakfast SO QC Monday night's train for Usk Olof Hanson Recovering Oiof Hanson, pioneer district timber operator and former Member of Parliament for Mrs. R. C. McDonald and daughter, Mario, of Edmonton, left Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to continue a holiday after visiting here with Mrs. McDonald's sister, Mrs. L. G. Seiber. Mrs. John Bremner sailed Sun jue West, succumbed Saturday : nlRht in Vancouver to serious ln-I Juries sustained last week when I he was struck by a car which I collided with the bicycle he was j riding at the corner of Twelfth ! Avenue and Burrard Street in i the southern city. where they will visit with Mrs. Earley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Adams. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Clough and son, after several years' residence here, are sailing on the Princess Louise this afternoon for Vancouver and may take up IMNMinHpMHMP Maurice Dahlquist Cedarvale, Passes One of the central interiors Lest know industrialists, Maurice Dahlquist, prominent tim-berman of Cedarvale district for the past 28 years, who specialized in the production of poles, DOB Sue sm - ! -piece Bone $-1 ( QP China Tea Sets A '' nner Sets, from $nH 63 pieees at. .. tU I nr'uding beautiful Wedpe-wood and Couldon King's Plate) SPECIAL Enplish Bone China mm day night on the Coquitlam for future residence in New West- i Mr. McLeod was very well Skeena, after a serious illness, : known In Prince Rupert from the ls now doing very well, accord-! early days when he was identi- inS to C. A. Berner, divisional minster. Mr Cloneh fnr the nast Vancouver where she will attend two y has been with the lne mar"age oi ner son, Stephen ... .. IH.xSPM HTI;OW MET lhliri'n mr in U Vilia jars IlsAIS liflfll Will l.Ilf" passed last Thursday ified with railway construction jupennvenaent, Canadian Na- r; 8 away n,:;7n' "hi tvpocraphical staff of the Dallv Bremner, to Miss Bella Porter of (work including the then projec- t"? h mj j e tol? I Vancouver: The bride-elect is a CITS AM) SAI KKS at ir:u une uj muiuiii irom me ' , ,, - . j ! ' v,mi home lOrand Trunk Pacific. He was eneral Hospital. It was ex-back in Prince Rupert during pected J-hcn that Mr. Hanson j World War II with the Northern would, be able to lcave hospital ac Construction Co. and again lastx0l"JU lur ,lu"'e- ' year when that concern had the Ninth Avenue West slster of Mrs- Jock Bremner. who ness. Funeral services were held on to in the Anglican church at i Clifford Nilson. , is married to another of Mrs. Smithers on Friday with Rev. C. ; . , , , . Bremner'5 sons- The marriage, T 0 u A. Hlnchliffe officiating and in-!nAH " J31 cn " hlef cTlerk, ln wlU take Plac ln Canadian terment took place at Cedarvale '. Bntiiii ?ol"mb Housfl Ldn' Memorlal church- Vancouver. , on Saturday at ternoon . arrived in the city on the Prince Stephen Bremner is with the , Rupert this morning Irom Van- Royal Canadian Air Force at' ThA The late it m, TirMm,i t Mr. Dahlquist was i couver and Victoria in the course Halifax born ba years ago at Sundus-; ' ! of a tour of the province. Mr. yaal, Sweden, and emigrated S-itchell is proceeding east on Rev. and Mrs. L. G. Sieber and from there to the United States !tne evening train family left Sunday for Terrace at the age of 17 years. He came j where they will pay a brief visit 69c fl ,97c I'l .M IIHOWI. SETS 7.95 MANSON'S China Shop Queen CanJitlatt Construction Company on ore e "" wmcago as a young uafe vuiani, puunc ma- as the guests of Rev. and Mrs. P man and was engaged in lum breakwater at Fairview Bay under construction. His last visit here was on the occasion of the dviath of his nephew, William McLeod, several months ago. Mr. McLeod was 69 years of age and was born in Scotland. Besides Mrs. McLeod here, there is another sister. Miss Barbara McLeod, in Vancouver. Miss N-etta McLeod, local niece, who went to Vancouver last week after the accident occurred, will attend the funeral which is taking place Thursday afternoon. tions officer for Aluminum Co. H. Mallett. Mr. Sieber and Mr. of Canada, left by plane at the Mallet were at Hazelton Tues-end of the week after a brief day for the Induction of the business visit to the city. Peter new minister. Rev. I. Hare, new- bering at Nelson and Nakusp in southern British Columbia bs-fore coming north in 1924. WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Siding . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given A successful and enjoyable tea and sale was held Thursday last by members of the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary at which they were introduced to the Canadian Legion candidate in the Queen of the North contest, Miss Mae Newton. Convened by Mrs. W. Roth-well, the sale "featured a sewing burviving are the deceased's j Maunews ot Montreal is staying ly-ordained minister who is widow, Mrs. Jennie Dahlquist, in ; on here in charge of the Alcan taking over the pastorate there. Call 363 Oil BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing display at the Exhibition in the Vancouver; two daughters, Mi Black C(0 Blue 182 Mr. Hare succeeds Rev. J. -H. Matthews who is being transferred to Cape Mudge, Vancouver Island. Civic Centre. Mrs. J. R. Grant of Pato Antio-quia. South America, is leaving Norman (Olive) Peat of Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, and Mr3. J. R. (Edna) Giant of Palo AnCloquia, Colombia, South Am- table, home-cooking, tea-cup Larry Clements, who has been reading and refreshments, by tonight's train for Vancouver rmnldvprf nf. th Tnrhrlt mlnn at Tr Unwr, ,.,..,, v.l I erica: and two Sons T.lnvH rhl. For the MEAL that REFRESHES 4n Alice Arm for the past year, was were Mrs. J, Wallace and Mrs. ouist and Norman Dahlqutet ct j enroute home after a. brief visit, (Vancouver Island. to I ho city, She is the daughter nnouncemenU yesterday afternoon going Home-cooking table was -'ni Dahlquist was a member .miuw charge of Mrs. W. Murdock and ! of the Terrace and District Board P'e operator for many years at through to Vancouver. FINEST OF BEST OF FOOD oi Trade and wcua"""t u"-u a lcw U"J,S Mrs. F. Hill. wa3 a regular dele-' Tea-cup reading was done by, ' sate each year to conventions of a?0-Mrs. E. Keehn. In the kitchen the Associated Boards of Trade . rharles nurham who has hppn COOKING were Mrs. W. Roxburgh, Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Hebb. Serving were Mrs. Stan Ballinger, Mrs. O. Stegavlg. Mrs. Daw.son, Mrs. M. Collins and Mrs. West- ot Central British Columbia. He spendini! smoe time in Vancou-was also a member of the Prince vvn., arrived in the city from the Rupert Club and Legion Club 27. outh on the camosun Sunday 'evening and vill proceed on this Embarking this afternoon for PvpnineV train t.n Viis fnrmpr Lutheran Tea, July 21. Women's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. Catholic Fall Bazaar, October 3 and 4. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. Presbyterian Fall Sale, November 15. (153c) Cathedral Bzaar, November 17. (153c) I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 29. FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE enholme. Mrs. M. Gilchrist was Vancouver on the Princess Louise home at Usk where he will spend baby-sitter. MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Buildirs & lontrarton are Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson, ; the summer. Mr. Durham is one i Mr. and Mrs. J. Clough and son, of the t?st known pioneer resi-j Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams and 'dents of the Skeena River daughter, and C. J. Norman. : try. Are Winners in For NEW CONSTRUCTION ( ON and REPAIR WORK SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. New Swiss Disco ve Essay Contest Margaret Denholme of Ocean Falls is the winner of first prize : of $50 for Prince Rupert district in the annual essay competition of the British Columbia Products Bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade. The subject was vo- ly Display NOW!! MUSTARD MAYONNAISE 3 tcotpeons Colman'l multard 1 teotpeon salt 1 latpoen powdtrt tugar 1 tablttpoon Uman juk 2 cupt aiad i lino well beaten yolki of 2 tgSSStir mustard, salt, sugar and lemon juice. Then add oil gradually while beating constantly. If too thick, to heat, add extra lemon juice, then balance of oil. for Eczemas, Boils, Psoriasis, Leg Ulcers 215 1st Avenue West i cational opportunities ln indus Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 e-0 LORD'S tries of this province. i Bill Soloneckl of Terrace wins second prize of $15 and Hazel Thor&vn of Hagensborg (Bella Coola) third prize of $10. j In the Prince George district , the winners were John H. Pave-' luk of Prince George, $50; Sandra Macyna. Dawson Creek, $15, ' and Lorba V. Louie of Ashcroft, ORMES British Built CONSUL ..... .rV: . . - ,'' J AT $10. Jarvis McLeod Promoted The Pioneer Druggists B 'ob Parker Ltd. ! tr . r w m Flying Officer Jarvis H. MacLeod, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. S MacLeod of Prince Rupert, has I'llnop Riipcrt. R.C. PHONE 81 been promoted to rank of flignt lieutenant, according to Royal ' Canadian Air Force announce-! ment. He is stationed at Sea i Island, Vancouver, and was re- j cently in Prince Rupert. j i 5 nnce Rupert A1LS FOR fectricci I cHivh i g Is Comfortable and Economical Authentic ptiotogropa f Mr 1 (iller on February Urh. The Eczema was completely cleared up attar 11 weeks of f ,,9,,. Treatmeet. Natural way to clear up skin troubles F "99" is not a synthetic drug but a concentrate of natural nutritive substances. It is so harmless that it may be given even to infants without any hesitation. Its remarkable efficiency in the treatment of Eczemas, Boils, Leg Llcers and Psoriasis has astonished even Skin Specialists of international reputation. As its name suggests, the F "89" Two-Way Treatment acts internally as well as externally. While F "99" Capsules cr Liquid give the body the power to suppress the cause and combat successfully skin disease, the F "99" Ointment treats its external, visible symptoms. To many thousands of skin sufferers all over the world, F "99" Two-Way Treatment has already proved its tremendous value and is being used with outstanding results even on cases where all ordinary treatments have failed. Aurhtntic pkotogroon of Mr. J. Billcr on November 1 6th, SMffenftg tor 20 yoon from Iciemo all over tho body, Moro tho f "99" Treatment. PMXNENT Scientists' have discovered - that the lack of unsaturated fatty acids in human nutrition is one of the main causes of skin diseases, such as Eczemas, Boils, Leg Ulcers and Psoriasis. The modern diet, In which these essential substances- are often completely locking, have brought about a deficiency in a great number of individuals. Remarkable Swiss Discovery A Swiss chemist. Dr. W. Schmitz, succeeded after 10 years of research work in extracting from pure vegetable oils an unsaturated fatty acid in a concentration of 99 and therefore named F "99". Thanks to this hitherto unattained purity, F "99" is so readily absorbed into the blood stream, that it ha a decisive biological activity in, the treatment of skin diseases. ncouver Fire Calls in Month of June Fire calls for the month of June numbered 11, with. $1,000 damnsie when the city incinerator building was completely destroyed June 15. There were only nine calls in May but April had a call for every day in the month. ' Total fire damage so far this year is $21,000. Last year's damage to May 31 totalled $28,700. MODERN General Electric Refrigerator 1 Inlormprtiate Ports "ch Thursday J.KETCHIKAN " 'SDAY MIDNIGHT L' AU'y at Low Cost General Electric " Standard Range $499 $299 $450 General Electric DcLuxe Range 9f or Reservations Write or Call C11'V OR DEPOT OI'FICE I'KINCS RUPERT, B.C. F" fs-r Mrs. J. Connery ls sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Ru- pert for a holiday visit to Van- 1 couver. " j Is a wise investment, ln terms of family health and home economy. Col! Blue 846 PLUMBING S AANIC 1 HEATING Northern B.C. Power Co. Illustrated Booklet on F 99" contalnlni all the lnterestlnR facts concerning this remarkable new Swisa Dincovery which will bring new health and happiness to Innumerable kin sufferers, can be obtained free of ehari from anv gnod drag store or by scixUns your name anil addresa to Diva Laboratories, Ut'pt. 636 P.O. Box 116, Victoria, B. C. , Besner Block Fhone 210 frince Rupert, B.C. Two -Way Treatment for Skin Diseases Now Available At All Drug Stares Stewart, B.C. Fred Scadden returned to the city on the Prince Rupert today i plane from a trip to Vancouver! and Penticton. '