WtMtnm lay. , illy i rr ' '' ' ' J '" - 1 - , t 1 . A . ;' . ' ' ' . -.,'..-.'. J f r .xr v" ,? , ( - - , ? 4- v w - - i y 1 '4 - -. - ; . .. " v SATURDAY Western International TrS-City 4-4, Vancouver 2-5. Yakima 8-4, Victoria 17-9. Pacific Coast San Francisco 5-4, San Die-o 4-'i. , c Seattle 2-1, Oakland 1-0. Las Angeles e-2, Portland 5-4. Hollywood 8-1, Sacramento 7-5. , SUNDAY H'pstern International Salem 8-2, Tacoma 4-5. Wervatchee 6-9, Spokane 1-7. Pacific Coast San Francisco 6, San Diego 4. Portland 5, Los Angeles 2. Hollywood 7, Sacramento 5. Oakland 2, Seattle 1. MONDAY Western International Victoria 3-2, Yakima 2-0. Trl-City 4-4, Vancouver 2-5. Salem 3-9, Tacoma 2-6. Spokane 8, Wenatchee 7. WEDNESDAY P M. ! 4:00Star3 of CBC Opera Co. 4:15 Music bv Goodman 4:30 Favorite Stories 4:45 Stock Quotations ii Ini 5:00 -International Comty. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 0:25 -Canadian Open Oolf Summary 5:30--Tli. Question Box 5:43Sonv. thing in JUrmony ' L:6& CHC News M.UU - Cupper .Vi-fimde 6:11 Tlirt-i Rons l:SiI -MiUjCttl Varli'tlet mi t:ii(. N.-j , ?:15-CU2 New.? Roundup . . I 7:Bv Albei f. truly 8:CG-.Tho Bartered Bride 0:33 The ItubiUy taof Omar Khayyan 10.00 -CBC News !0:10-CBC News Hound-up 10:15 Let's Kind Out 10;3O-Vocal Recital ll.OU V.'tallier Kepoi't i Fish Arrivals 11:00 -Sign Off i T4r-1 L 0 X D 0 K R PATH OF DESTRUCTION Path of a twister that hit the Barrie district of Central Ontario is clearly defined In destruction of tree plantatljns at the forestry station at Midhurst Damatrt to the station was about $50,000. Total damage caused by the three-minute twister was estimated at $250,000. - t CP PHOTO i Dry gin ' James, C. Zarelll, T. Palant, Mr. Johnston, C. Skene, C. Sander-ton. Miss E. Moore and Miss M. Monte. TH O 1 : Tr l.l- Terrace Wecomes Rain After Heat aiivntjeri R. H. Cruly, F. J. Creey, R. r, s- ' how, C. W. Sutton, H. Smith, F ! Forch, C. W. Bjomason. Mr. War- 1 Bowker and Mastpr R Bowker. . For Vancouver (Saturday l L. N- Apper. J. Ptajson, F. Rea, TERRACK Reilef from the long spell of heat came on Mon - day evening "lien some light rain fell and cnnt.nucd until early Tuesday afternoon. Ter- " This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control B05H or by the Government ot British Columbia. arrivals (Prince Rupert) W. H. Blancnard, Long Beach; :Miss Agnes Olson, St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Weasles, Chicago; V. H. Barrincton, W. C. Cle-j menu. L. E. Harrison and T. H. j Corbett, Vancouver; Mrs. Mel Burriston, Edmonton; Const, and Mrs. C. P. Crouch, Prince Rup;rt; C. D. Forbes and R. J. Cooper, New Westminster; A. L. Clark, San Males,. California. race was crowded with visitors over the week-end who all ffem- Jed to find the heat uncomfort- able. On Simrlav f hn temrora. 'turc 'soared to 90 with a hleh ! record of 102 decrees in ihe j shade at Hamlin and Thomson's lp)Bce. i FID UW ner, W. C. Clemenu, R. Ulicks, L.,Oecrge Vincent, G. Rowley, Miss Harmon, J. Stringlesla, H. Ing-1 N- M:Leod and J. P. McKenna. ram, H. W. Jefferson, R. C. Tay-! " " lor, G. J. Dawes, Mr. Corbett, J. ! Smith. , I )FF LI IS KIT IMRfiJIE !E FIZZ JORY Gil Careful selection of th finest I Orlentxl herbs and botanicals milk Silver Fizz Canada'! finest London Dry Gin . . . Dry and distinctive, you will like it ai summer refreshment." o o ' i HiUKKDAI - A.M 7:00-Musical Clock 8:0i?-RC News 8:luHeiVs bill Good 8:13 Mornmg Kong B:30-Moinlng Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00-BBC Nows and Com'ty ! 9:15 Music for Moderns 0:30 Runrlse Serenade I 9:45 Your Music Appointment :s-Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15- Morning Melodies 10:30 "This Week's Artist" 10:45--Invitation to the Wait. 11:00 - Man and His Music 11:15- Roundup Time 11:30 -Weather Report j 11:31 Messaca Period 1 11:33 Recorded Interlude 1 1:45--Bcandinaviar. Melodies j !Z;00- Mid-Day M-rodls i PJ. ' 13:15 CBC News ! i2:25 Program Resume ; 12:30- B.C. Farm Broadcast U:55Rrc. Int. I 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:00 -Easy Listening 2:30--Records at Random SHIPS AND WATERFRONT I Having been delayed for sev oral hours at Alice Arm loading J 75 tons of concentrates. Union . : steanwr Camosun, Capt. John i Botlen, did not get back to Dort : until 4 o'clock yesterday .after- noon from her weekly voyage to ! Stewart and Alice Arm. The vessel sailed at 6 p.m. for Van- Two hundred and ninety-two paxsedKers, practically all of them round trippers, were aboard CPR steamer Princess Kathleen, Capt. Oraham Hughes, which was' In port from 9 to 11 o'clock Mon-1 uuy jiiumiihk, rioruiDouna iromi Vancouver to Skagway on an Alaska cruise. Disembarkintr here from tire vssel were Mr. and Mrs. Otis, Mr, and Mrs. F. Goodwin and Mrs. J. Erlckson. Proceeding north from here were Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Stork and Miss Wetr to Ketchikan and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hicks for the round trip. ' Union steamer Chllcotln, Capt. Harry McLean, which called here last Saturday morning northbound, will he here again this Saturday on her way south and 1 will spend the evening here &ML J H2LS JOHN H BULGER 1)111 ( hist i John Bolier Ltd. Third Avenue 7v i Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE Fur Outside Order Phone 133 DUALITY STORE (PETTENU7.ZOS) 5?.l FltTON STREET Woiklni; late? Tired of cooking? Going on a Pintle? We have salads, cold meats, etc. Specializing in Spaghetti, Couked Chickens, Phone 470 VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) I'OIIT SIMPSON Eumlav, Camosun, 11 p.m. Kilt NORTH MIT.KN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam July 6 and 20 9 p.m. LOU NOl'Tll Ql EEN (HAULOTTK ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, June 29, July 13 and 27 9 p.m. FRANK J. (SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Sail Lake Ferry Leaves Cow Bay Floor THURSDAY 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. SUNDAY Continuous from 10:30 a.m. W -at her permitting PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Elki; P.O. Box 274 RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormes AIL MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY 8tlck Always Moving and Fresh PORTRAITS Pl, lms developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STt'DIO ""-I street Box 045 Phone Green 389 Princa Rupert f-jaa"1 To Vancouver (today) WJ LanKford. O. Futcher, J. Hughes, i A. L. Clark, M.Ui McAleec. Miss : Godln, Mrs. H. 3. Parker, D. Bollis, H. O. Blaney. To Sandsplt (today) T. Barbour. v From Vancouver (Sunday) A. Davidson, A. Phllipson, T. Woodward. T. Leder, Mr. Bremner, R. B. Howell and R. Russell, . From Sandsplt (Bundayi E. Scott and J. P. McDonald, Sandsplt. From Vancouver (Saturday) ,T. Blizzard, J. Chernkov, A. Thompson. W. Schllnder, R. Koj-tu!k, J. McGill. G. Gouyh, W. F?nton, D. McMillan, G. Lesur-ler, W. Naslaski, P. Lindseth, J. Ml!n.. J. Carl and G, Askln. For Vancouver (Monday) P Fallant, A. Dewton. O. Bafteen. J. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. 'Vane. Mrs. R. S. Eden, B. Brad- i ford, Mrs. Richardson. D. Rirh- ardwin. W.. Lyall, W. Reynolds, A. R. Holland, P. Woodward, Miss Smallwood, L. N. Dyer and W. C. card. For Sandsplt (Monday l Miss V. Collison and P. Williams. For Vancouver (Sunday) Mrs. J. McLeod and child. Master Mc- Leod, A. Bernier, C. Stevens. W. Girling, M. Hayes, Miss E. Sedge wick. H. Sharp, C. Sjodin, A. , while nnrtv nf Ts!m Ti Shriners from Seattle and their wives, the group totalling over 100, aw entertained here bv the local Shrine Club. The Shriners are now making the round trip to Alaska. , Motor. , ves-ci: Garland of An crjcrage-was Here 'at'the' weekend .to pick up the Crescent Shows outfit which will mate stands at Ketchikan and other Alaska pplnts as far as Anchorage and Fairbanks. The outfit is due back here at the first of Sep- tember and wlll then make a stand In Prince Rupert Speed your way to a fine career in modem aviation: act today to join the Royal Canadian Air Force ! ( For young men who can qualify as Air Crew, the R.C.A.F. offers a training in aviation that is unsurpassed. This is your opportunity to fit yourself for a lifetime career and an opportunity to serve your country in a vital arm of its defence. fee eligible to train as R.C.A.F. Air Crew you must; Be befween 18 and 24 Be physically fit . ',' . " t i M "-.I I Have Junior Matriculation or equivaen : i s ,-i rr; . 1 jjrje.j i PHOTS RADIO OFFICERS-NAVIGATION OFFICERS. III : ccfDAivi -i- ho, on a "J V 'J- needfor p ,7 A 1' young men 70 i-ym " - " P 5 rax i REASONS WHY To OR MAlC a m . its your best f: A . V, ' U W-- ri en"e. Eri a'Iaee tti GIN BUY j--'''"5;i:".-.r 1 "Mitt,, joijj fas JCCXTOrT R.C.A.F. RECRHTIXG I' NIT, Wallace Bids., 9921 101A Avenue, EDMONTON, ALBERTA. Phone: 42658 ACT TOW CQNSUVT THE CAREER COUNSEUOR AT: r 1 1 i xr 1 m m mm w a HIRAM rr lVALKERS DRY GIN O I S t I l l I D AND lOItll P IN CNQ wqiuiio;) qsHMH jo -uauiluaAOO t H - P-oa o-luo3 This advertisement is not puDIIshefl or displayed by the Liquor