am waited or. hand and font." ! Prince Rupert Daii India Jealously Guards Timber The Indian fore.sle.- arrived in f i iday, Ou I Frince Rupvrt from Queen Ch;ir iotte Islands with David Monk, , Conservation is Big Problem public relations oflicer of the ; I D C. Forestry Departrnfnt, and & India takes forest farminir as seriously as tne;llimb!a cellulose Co. p:ip miu I average greenhouse gardener looks after his plant , "S , (CLOSURE TLME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Pieaso refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per luseiiion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards cf Thanks, Death Noticed, Funeral Notices, Marriage iu:d Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE i'RICE. in Canada and every stick of timber is recorded and jTliey leIt t0dav for prince George' and other interior p ilnts to visit "counter-checked." CARPENTERS Hav H of your ixw WANTED On a six-month tour of Canada, S. H. ' Muhalaha, deputy AN l NCK.UENTS FOR SALE our urprwum the bidder. The bidding is wry j logging and sawmill operations.' furious and the sometimes fabu- i Latei. he wlu t()ur souhern in-,ou, transactions that are made, company with' in a breath attract huge crowds Erl DrULe- another Forest of onlookers. . In most cases, these auction Branch public relations officer, i Lutheran Tea, October 13. FOR SALE General Electric Mcrh&nicHlly i-i'url juml. " hiit. til in in J triltnK. They'll tut clr" V, truer, jfc' waslr with pump; excellent after 6 Phone 569 condition. WANTED $4,000 for a fh'.st , conservator of forests for the mortgage payable at 6 per cent government of India in Jabalpur and bonus for 18 monlhs. Box ; "(a Dosition corresponding to dis-221. Daily News. (240pi tr;.t orester here) said today MALE OR FEMALE HELP j that "there is no waste land, nor WANTED ! a vaste tree of any kind in In i240pt o'clock. MARGARET OPTOiaTEn-Room it KTONE build: PH0NI BLUE 593 p o. SOX lit PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PKidOTT PLACE Bux 1011 Station B " (Agent: Bus Terminal) 1erre Riiildrrx Kupplt dia and lie looKea wistrully at THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CIVIL SERVICE REQUIRES A CLERK GRADE 1 for the Department of Finance, Government Aaency. Smilhers. Salary: $167.30 rising to $203.05 per month (including Cost-of- days are mace municipal nun-1 days." says Mahalaha. When the contractor obtains his forest tract, he will find that every' tree has been marked, bowing which can be cut. and wlvih must not be cut. "Forbid-e'en" ties in tliis selective cutting fystem. are clearly identified with a brightly painted ring a mmd the tree. VU'ST KEEP LAW is can led out according to the the timber-clad mountains nearby. "Our difficulty is not in finding means to log our timber, but to conserve it." Yet, India is one of the first countries in the world to have Eabekah Bazaar, October 20 T.O.B.A. Fall Eazaar, October 26. ' Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, October 31, at home of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 4i)'j Fourth Avenue West. Sonja Bazaar, huvcmbtr 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 16. Cathedral bazaar. Nov. 17. l.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar movemoei 22. "St. Peters Fall Bazaar, No-ftuiber 29. ir United Church W. A. Fall Bazaar, Dec. 0. New 30-lb. Rail 20-LB RFXAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL Transformers, and electric power-plants lor immedlute ihip-ment. Car loails of 2. 4 and B-lnch pipe?. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. New D6 and 8 Caterpillar Trac- Iits. CHood Shovels- F"r immediate delivery from United States stock! S10 Beach Ave. Vancouver. B C. ( 244'' I Living Bonus and Special Liv Announcement Fell and Winter SCHEDULE Prince Rupert - Terrace BUS SERVICE Eftective October 15 1951. busses will leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays & Friday at 9:30 a.m. local time, to airivc at Terracj at 1:20 pin. ReturMng the same days. CIIIROPKACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Bcsner Block Thul.C Dlue 442 im Allowance). Duties: To j inaugurated a system of scien-perform under close supervi- i title foiestr management, which sion duties of a repetitive na- i ut;,,an early as 1862. EUCTRuLf S:il and &. R- W.COLL Phone E:t r,i t for RMiuineparij,, phone or writ i; Pel louicul checks are made by Mre requiring me experien-e ; AllU f0nuwillg tae Waste Land of responsibility. Qualifications: Hih School graduation or equivalent; plus a minimum of two years' clerical experience. Candidates must be British subjects, not over 45 years Poles Ac, 1879. a workable plan ; forest rangers to see that logging of sustained yield forest farm- j i -. capi-'d out according to the ing was developed. 1 lei tor of the law. As all timber U Mr. Mahalaha's area, as dep-' ciuintei -checked in record books, uty conservator, is comprised of " 1; a simple mutter, relatively. 22 districts in ihe province of to whether or not a "forbid-Madhya Pradesh (dormer Cen- den" tree has been cut. tral Pnvincesi which is covered If an offender is found, he will scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608-3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, BC, BOATS FOR SALE TERMING MESSENG" Phone U40 All ili'livorics luiiy for men. 4U Tor women except in the case of ex-service per- ?horve 347 P.O. Box 374 FI NEKAL NOTICE M illiCl VWl" cw.. , L.. J,i. .!.!,.. .... ; ..,,! f FOR SALE-40-foot trolling boat "Myrtle V." For inspection apply boat K.O. at Fairview FioaU or phone Green 968. (249p Apolication Forms, Ob- : u per i-eiii uy '.n, uie ar- w S' a a. ii... 6. u. ence lainable from the Government frst-t'oresteti area in India , M int 13 sun auujci, iitiy w a are Uvaming, if a ' reasonable" ex- All fortst lands in India busses will leave Terrace at 5:30 p.m., arriving' Prince Rupert at 9:15 p m. The above schcdul." will be maintained as long as road conditions permit or until further notice. Subject to consent of Public Utilities Cummissl-m. For arrlvul fiiul tlcimrture tlmrt .:t IntttrmettluW! jhmita rtit'M' to notices puHtt-d in Hie rorn''-i!iy'n rl. pots ut Prince RilMTt Tt rruce A'lent. Smithers. to be completed and returned to the Chairman. Civil Service Commission Weiier Building VICTORIA. NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 23th. 1951. (ltd "BAETLETT In the city j "Uiursday, October 11. IMol, Ai-1 bert Goodwill, ase 73 years. 10 months, beloved husband of Mrs. Stella Maude Bartlett, 329 7th Ave. East. Canon Ba-sil S. Prock-ter will conduct services at Orenville Court Chape: at 2 p.m. -Saturday, October 13. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Boll, CA. 325 4th Avenue East P C. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 FOR YOUR... Brick. Eloiie and E Tile Sciiii.g ar.d P Phone K SGE: Ulue m ali. CAKS FOR SALE ONE 194D Docile panel truck,' 2-wheel trailer, 1949 1-ton Chevrolet pickuo and one re-j oeivin tank. Industrial VVeld-j in-, ro Phone Green 881. Ufi i ;n.v, is given. "If the rule are broken delib-eral-'y, howtvei, the offender is punished." And this means either i $503 f na in minor cases .tnd a "blacklisting" in severe cases. Those on tlir blacklist can never again do any logging in India. owned and managed by the state and perhaps no other laws are so stringent than those covering th. logging .industry. Reason that, there is no un-mmketable forest product is simple, fays Mr. Hahalaha, "when you consider that electricity is so High in cost the av MALE HELP WANTED I B. C. Undertakers in charge 'if 4rraiif.',ements. iltci FOR SALE or Trade on Hoas' Mahalaha, who arrived at Colussi's Music Store Agents for Hip In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn Kt Ph. Black 389 iVANTED -Reliable man a.s Raw-leieh Dealer. Exoerience not necessarv. A fine ouuortunitv to steo into Drofitable Business where Rawleiah Products have been .sold for years. Write Raw-leiah's Dept. WG-J-166-163!4. WANTEC1 Watchman for East sawmill. Contact and inurmt'uiutti points. WATSON ISLAND STAGES LIMITED C. McINTYRE, President and Manager. 238c HANDYM-' HOME SER. GENERAL COVH Luikling and Rep. kinds KX)F3 - nr.- OIL BL'BNL erage person cannot use it for Montreal two months ago. is a hrating and cooking." I lvpicentative travelling under Forest growth, therefore, which ,(,,, Colombo Plan of Technical 1:. not used in building, is widely Assistance, which in turn, is u:rd for firewood and charcoal : under the auspices of the United fuel. 'Nations. The on-. thing whL-h AUCTIONS KEEN has niost Impressed him since This closely reglmer.tJd system ' coming to Canada, "is the won-of fcrest manegement introduced i dcrlul co-operation I receive 1951 Pontiao torpedo style two deor sedan, healer, radio, cigarette lishter, clock. , white sidewall tiies, fender .skirts, etft covers, low miieaue, excellent condition throughout. Apply R. H. Dawson, rear of Style Beauty Shop, between 5 p.m. and 11 '243pi FOR SALE 1935 Master Crev. ;edan. Phone Green 785 af'.er 0 p.m. 240pi FOR RALE 193! Dodge, gootl Gordon Little, Terrare, B.C. (243c i I'EKhO.N IL. THE FOLLOWING w inning tickets were drawn at the Ro-' Ury Men's Tea, : Thursday l', alternoon; Burns bacon, 3327; bathroom set, 2ot)3; frying pa.i, 3739; figurine lamp. " 2142; barometer, 13; .jubscrip-. t.on to the Daily News. Ii2; 'cake mixer, 3H9; half ton of "coal, 3151; bedroom slippers. ',4431; smofted salmon, 1040; Canada Packers bacon, 1643; " thre? chickens. 43511 43 gals. '; stove oil. 1968: Swift's Pre-;'' mium ham, 734; paint for one room, 139ii; Tudor Rose din-" tier set. 701; towel set, 2343; :." Russian .-quirrel RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS At AUDITORS Besncr Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 in India also a "by-product" ! wnerever l go. HELP WANTED Manager for "You people are very kind. , PHONES P O Box 1870 cundition. S4U0.OO. BlacK i Canadian Legion, Prince Rupert. B.C. Duties to commence November 1. Ability to prepare (241p) which is now famous throughout tie world and a source of great j competition. It is the yearly! timber auc.tinn.on-. of w:hich is ! held each July in every forest j financial statements in recog- i nir.ed form. Some experience I in staff management. State .salary expected and details of I experience to Box 628 by Oc- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Three Sisters Cafe. YOUR CHOICE district t)f the country. After two months of regular advertising in ail Indian news- cheap for quick sale. HELEN'S f EEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Us branches Illness selnns. ( 242c I SIDNEY GC OrTOMEle: Complete Visul OFFICE HO 9 am. kS; Oeo. CiKik's JwwS tober 29. i nsiners tlip timhpr nrens offered 1 owner s reason ior Apply on the premise KEPAIRS HELP W ANTED FEMALE ,-Qr faW the parcrts of land on ' OF 2 REAL RYE WHISKIES of fine quality and priced to suit your pocket Yom pay or age.' See that you get ill l 204 4th Strw-t Phone 655 wh.ich "evei y big and little tree" j has be-n marked and counted, WANTED Waitress for full-j time work at Civic Centre Din- on the auction block. : ing K",om. nppiv ai uunus : g, ro-jm or phone vun. iiu ia;',b ui iHiu uiuuriA una WANTED- Exoerienced offico offico as many as 1000 attend each auc- " neckpiece idoor prize i, 4502d'2. -Winners please contact Bill! "'Simmons. Canadian National; Z Telegraphs. iltc) j JASY MONEY FOR YOU Earr. , highest commission selling , Name-on ChrLstmas cards ana , Evervdav card' , assortments j wonderful values, over fortv ' items incluriins 25 rard Christ- , mas fer.. re assortment. Be- loved Authors stories a.ssort- ! ment. Velvetnne and Star- j brite metallic a.s.sortment.s ! ,. Canadian scenes Christmas ' . cari.1. Mountain scene Dictures and cards, oersonal and re-m jiious cards, gilt wraooines ! m dinj dnn bel!.. nTilar com- i ic.s anrt 5nimi.e'l Viuiniro'is , clerk or construction coot-; t'en. fays Mahalaha. , MATK' I'PHOLSTC' Phone Biue 128. P 234 3rd lv Prince Rupe: iv.mi iffip Ityliwt. Vi:ivp short WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Biue 939 FOWLIE & RATTLE Exoert Fur Repairs and Remodelling Fine Work and Service at Low Cost All Work Guaranteed Phone 522 today for hs vl Ao:)'' ,i" wrilinsr to Box Every prospective bidder is re-207 Dailv Nev.s. Hi) j ouircd to make a deposit of $100 .. . - - - as a surety, before he is allowed IIOCSES WANTED TO BVY I to bid. The upset price of the DUQunvdiPii! Mmtiv needs two I i'oresk tvacts are not known to A fin quality Real Rye Whiiky made from choice grains including pecially select-, ed Rye Grain. Fully aged and matured in oak . caiks. 5 YEARS OLD I LI i n 9 H. G. hflg: or three "bedroom home immediately, either on lease, buy or straight rental. Phone Green ' 723 t240pi UMITE REAL ESTATE'' QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Aire. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Estimates I 1 WATCH REPAIP.S Prompt ef i lu-ient service. Georee Coo! carHs kiddies Christm-'s books - and cut-outs a':so Evervdav f- o linrtmen' s vh-it fr- citnlni)'e "id sam- n'es NOW Wntrte-nn P'st'on'V rnmnj"" T imitd pnt, P4. rr,nm'F. Yonue Street Arcarl" Toronto. - H A REAL RYE WHISKY, sp.-clolly selected for ill f-jll body and exquisite flavour from old reserved stocks. REAL ESTATE Phone 96 EveniSf Jeweller, batislaction nurt.n teed. i V1SC01WT FOR SALE Semi-furnished one room floathouse with oil stove. Also small float. Phone Black 1 232 (242pi I St TCKD "M.tnnPd bread from Runert Baksrv on sale at nil 4 YEARS OLD Train Scfci i FOR KENT j FOR RENT Light houskeepin-s room. 221 5th East. (240c (tf) p.i'ocery stoles. FOR SALE Wartime Six, semi-I I . . s. -I B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214-4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Sid Alvxander I furnished. 1451 Piggott Place, j (241pi FOR S.:.I.E For the F.a t Daily ex.'rp: Su: From the Fast Daily cxicyt S FOR RENT- One room for light 'nouspkeeniru' hentcrl "Rinp FROM COAST TO COAST IT'S 409 (240OI i THE EXCHANGE BLOCK SitU- aied tittht in the heart of the p.m. JOR SALF,- Dinette suite, nat-, ural wood. Table, .six chairs - and china cabinet. Phone Blue " 34ii after 6. (240pi 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41 711 Orenville Court, UD MELCHERS DISTILLERIES, L I M I TED J TOR SALE -Hot point refrigera-iR0o.M FOR RENT-Gentleman i tor with 2 2 years" guarantee. .onli'- 1021 2nd West. (243p) 1950 HILLMAN MINX Low mileaRe Like new Has shelves NOW- is the time to plan for in uooi. ' ' FOR RENT-Sleeplng , , , room fori Busute.-s District oi the Cilv oi Prince Ruuert. Attractive nrice makes for a Rood investment A 9 Room residence.with full cement basement. Situated at 808 Fra-ser St. in Cilv of Prinze "Rupert. Price is verv attractive Vacant lot on 3rd Avenue in City , of Prince Ruoert. This is a Kift. For particulars annlv to: JOHN GURVICH A Black 308. mi pt opnt pman Ann mn This advertisement is not published or displayed by the tiquot Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 4th West. i240p) STORM WINDOW SEE FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive phone 530. Bus Terminal. 2nd and 2nd. (24Gdi FOR RENT Cieneral Electrio floor polishers. $1 ner day Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec trie. (tf) TURNITURE for Sale-Bedroom ' rugs, radios, chest of drawers. - airtight heaters, chesterfield r beds 'complete, cribs, etc. Low-" est possible prices. B. C. Fur-m niture Co. Third Ave. (tfi 'BOYS' ALL WOOL jackets and - windbreakers, all sizes, " than factory prices. B. C. " Clothiers, Third Ave. . (tf) 1947 PONTIAC COACH rrivately owned Phone 32. or Red 511 Prince RuDert. B.C. (241D) GREER & BRIDDEN Li FIRNACE OVERHAUL 215 1st Avenue West WANTED TO RENT r.n i l'hone S09 FURNACES A faulty furnace can make your fuel bills soar. Let us overhaul your furnace General ' URGENTLY Required Fu-nlsh- FOR SALE 5-tube cu auiie ui UU.U1H uv 'uun-J, 1948 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage quiet couple. Phone Red 438. Non-drltkers. 238p) now so vou will be ready when the southeasters roar. Thorn Sheet Metal, Black 884. (tf Oil HEATING SERVICES -Lawrie Mackav. Mgr. . Phone Biue 187. P.O. Box 687. Tne service that's different, clean pffieipnt. workmanshin com FURNISHED suite or house urgently required by three vounfi businessmen, employees of Co - Electric table radio with rec- ord player attachment. Phone ; Red 548 or apply 813 Fraser - Street. 240pl FOR SALE Prince Ruper Ware- house 8 ft. 2 X 4s. $55 per 2 thousand. than 8 ft., $25 m per thousand. (240p) FOR SALE 1947 Indian motor- - cycle. Call 723 6th West. (240pi lumbia Cellulose. All offers ' BAIPTONE The WONDER PAIN' In many attractive colors Thompson Hardware Co. considered. Box 219. Dailv News. 243pi ..s. lrtnr c iimHini n- i-- "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan $300.00 WANTED TO RENT Construc bining a thoroueh knowledge of eauinment and r their attendant problems. (This ad. temporary pending oneninp- of shoo and disolav room. Watch this space). (tf) tion superintendent desires two or three bedroom house. Long term lease if desirable. Box 220, Daily News. (243p) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income tTOR SALE Model 70 Winches-ter. rifle, .270 calibre, K4 h Weaver scope, detachable top mounts. 309 2nd West before Z 3:30. (242pi t iFOR SALE Trolling boat m "Overtime." For information write George White, Port Simpson, B.C. (242pl Wanted to Rent Tax specialist. S. . Fur. Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) RUPERT MOTORS Always Leading With the Best in Watches NEWS ADS get RES fbTch!0 LIMITED 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Ihone 8G6 and 5G6 UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT Required by local machinery firm for employee being transferred from Vancouver office. ;JATIONALLT KNOWN NAMES Linu-belt Soeeder Shovels: Cranes: Draglines: Adams TIMItliK K.W.K X-.V!.V1I BLONDIE There will be offered for sale by - Phone 577 or write Box 1 324 l( GET WD OP IT ) LET t? A, ; give me that y GUM BEFORE "S ( I GO CRAZV y Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Too Road Maintenance Eauinment; Owen Clamshell " Buckets and Rock Grapples; T L Smith Concrete Mixers. Z Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Z Bucket Loaders for Stockpile andnow Removal: Rice Pori-m able Centrifugal Pumps: Na- t.ional Drai'Hne Scraners nnn t.s- Nalinnal Alt Steel lllliWI1. " STOP POPPING ) ' that (.z drtj (tf) WANTED Public Auction, at the OtTice of the District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. at 11 a m. on the 25th clay of October. 1951, the Licence X-52531 situated Newcombe Harbour, to cut 801.000 f b m. of Cedar, Hemlock. Spruce, Bnlsam and Other Species of Sawlogs. Provided anyone unable to be at the Auction in person, lie may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of Auction and treated aa one bid. Three years will be allowed for removal of timber. Particulars from Chief Forester. Victoria . B.C. ; District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C., and Ranger S. T. Strimbold at Prince Rupert, B.C. (ltc) " O a s o 11 n o Hoists: National CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop- Pbrtable Sawmills: National per, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue TAKE NOTICE that I, Rudolf Braun of Crtppen Bay, Digby IhIhiuI, occupation farmer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the iul-I0WU14 lands: Two fet westerly from the S W. corner of Lot one 1 aubtlivislon of part of Lot 1993 Rane Five (6 Coutt District Plan 1442. Thence west to south east corner of I.R. No. '2. Approximately 20 chains. Thence north and parallel to the east boundary "f I R. No. 2 to shoreline at high water niark. Approximately 29 chains. The net sniiUi cj.v-:r!y aloii'; shoreline at lil;h water mark to north west corner of Lot one fl approximately 26 chains: thence south 100 feet to post of commencement. KUIXJLF BKAUN (S29, 05, 12, 19) West. Citv. (tf) Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. (tf) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest grading Promot payment made. Atlas Iron it Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St Van ' W r --if v c-ib fw l.a hCJl Jr :L M J i JOR EALE Registered purebred Black Labrador puppies, eight " weeks old. Write Mrs. A. E. Z Zorn, Box 43, Smithers, BC. (244c) couver. B. C. Phone PAclfic ClJissiflpds in the Daily Nw.s bring quick results. 0357. , (tf)