1 J PROVISCIAL LI3P.A3Y, 113 O&MES ICTOHIA, B. C. 'DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY-.; v I STAR V "ABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Btni QISPATCHFD Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 01 J VOL. XL, No. 145 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 . PRICE FIVE CENTS AT COLUMBIA CELLULOSE MILL OPENING Still llOOilS Jjwffi f, IWIIWWailiiiwpiiwiMiiMTOiiiijiijMii nullum I Coast Seamen's Strike Averted Allies on Long Move But Communists Expected To Rnw Offensive In Korea By Next Week VANCOUVER 9) Strike of seamen on ships of three coastal companies has been averted for Demonstrators Range Streets; Confidence Voted in Government British Planes Alerted in Iraq For Use in Case of Emergency TEHRAN (CP) Crowds roamed through the streets of Tehran today, smashing Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. signs as Premier Mohammed Mossadegh went to Parliament and received a unanimous vote of confidence in his "no compromise" fight to drive the: British company out of Iran. Lack of a quorum In Parlia- - lira time being at least. The Vancouver Seafarer's In ternational Union (AFL) an TOKYO Allied patrols nounced that the strike order for roamed far beyond their lines Friday midnight had been with- today on the western front In drawn following new offer which Korea where officers predicted has been made by the companies the Reds would launch a "limited involved. I of tensive'' by Monday, the first Vote on the new offer is pro-1 anniversary of the Korean war. ceeding today. United Nations patrols twice Federal Conciliator G. R. Cur- entered Kaesong, 25 miles north-rid said last night that ':'strike j west of Seoul on the main high-notice by the Seafarers' Interna-, way to Pyongyang, capital of ticmal Union has been withdrawn Communist North Korea. Thous- ment at first blocked the debate but the Premier demanded another session this afternoon and as a result of a further offer by lands of Reds in the, hills made lit was then that the vote of the companies involved. no move w intervene. But, for the moment at least, I I Ll'ESTS AKRIVE Prince Rupert crowds greet steamer Prince George with This is the most westward push of Allied units ' since the Reds swept across Parallel 38 In the i no one Is divulging the offer. g name visitors from United States and Canada. Mr. Currie said he was making INSPECTING PLANT J. D. McRae, M.L.A., Mrs. McRae, Mrs. Frank Skinner, Fred McKeen 'Vancouver), Frank Skinner, R. L. Solloway (Vancouver). ' hit announcement on behalf of April 22 offensive. confidence was accorded. He told the Majlis (Lower House) that, If It refused to meet, his government would not be responsible for any incidents that might occur. The Premier's Indirect warning of a nationalistic disturb Canadian Pacific, Canadian Na- j Rain clouds forming over Kor-tianal and Union Steamship Co.jea cut air attacks down to a lines. minimum. Double Trouble At Alcan Site A double emergency at Kildala Arm and Kemano Bay called out a Queen Charlotte Air Lines Norseman from Prince Rupert this morning. The plane was' piloted by Norman Jermyn. , Report from Kildala is a serious case of pneumonia. At Kemano Bay a man is reported to be in serious condition following a heart attack. . A Prince Rupert physician is on the emergency flight which will return here some time this afternoon. . i-, . r g????? Reds in Defence Industry ance was made while his supporters were travelling around Tehran smashing company signs and shouting such slogans as "Death to the Oil Company" and "Down With the British." A British embassy spokesman said that demonstrators invaded the main Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. headquarters and Information office but caused no serious Screening Going On to Isolate Them I OTTAWA (CP) A defence production official said yesterday that screening of some 25,000 industrial workers has shown some subversive elements, including Communists, have been infiltrating into kiy defence production plants in Canada. ' . . . , l ' -. if I 1; damage. An official diplomatic protest will be made to the Iranian government over the In cidents. E. S. Perkin, 46, director of Broken Wires' Stall Traffic All communication wires to the east and to Vancouver were disrupted this morning at 11:30, causing traffic to pile up in telephone and telegraph offices. Cause of the trouble centred between Kwinitsa and Skeena, was not Immediately known. Linemen have been dispatched. industrial security for the defence production ' department, said In an interview, however, that the number of communists and fellow travellers was not BRITISH PLANES ALERTED Baghdad reports that Royal Air Force planes have been alerted at Habbanlyah air field in Iraq, close to the Iranian border. It was understood they were called to be in readiness to pro Auto Burns On Highway tect British lives and property I 1H - large about 250. Nevertheless it Indicates that the Reds are trying to get Into " "every industry in Canada."- in Iran should the need arise ifcWmiri-A-ifttiMmiillliiriiMiliiliiwiiw -Tiniin in iiiiimriMiMii nil II .... , The screening takes place be-. A 1949 Pontiac car, belonging to"Lee W-CarralL employee-of Columbia Cellulose, was believed a total loss today after having caught fire on the highway near Lake Oliver. Carrall was driving Into the city at 11 a.m. when he smelled AROI.D BLANCHE SPEAKS President of Columbia Cellulose r addresses official opr-ning audience at Watson Island. fore the department issues secret TOOK LEADING PART George Schneider, vice-president, Columbia Cellulose; Harold Blancke, president; Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests. blueprints and information to plants undertaking to handle" I smoke. He stopped and pro classified defence production work. If an "undesirable" Is found working in the plant, the con ceeded to investigate, as ne threw open the luggage compartment, the whole car burst tract is held back until either the communist is fired or else given work that isolates him from any part of the plant producing classified equipment. Bremerton Cruiser Wins International Race After Battle With Heavy Seas Only boat to arrive here up to last evening after completing the 600-mile course of the international yacht race from Bremerton, Washington, to Prince Rupert, Ray Hart of Bremerton reached port at 5:15 yesterday afternoon with his 36-foot diesel-powered cruiser Donolie. i T - With an error of three hours Ed. Shell, a United States Army and fifteen minutes for the dls- active reservist, the official ob-tanw the Donolie was assured server. The visitors were honqr- Into flames. A fire extinguisher proved ineffective as did aid from Miller Bay Hospital. Carrall was not injured. It Is believed there may have been a leak In the gas tank. 4 V Shells Kill US Marines Curb on Meat Prices Sought VANCOUVER Iff) The federal CAMP LEJEUNE, North CP) Two mortar shells burst Photon by FUlon AT I.I NCIIKON Four hundred official guests attended luncheon when dedicatory speeches were made. government was asked yesterday short of their target and explod ed at a dinner dance last night in the Canadian Legion ' Hall with President Dr. L. M. Greene of being the winner of the race from Bremerton to Prince Rupert although final computation will ed among unprotected troops at this sprawling Marine base yesterday, killing eelven and Injuring at least sixteen. A public Information officer not be made until other boats v!celPref ent ' P- Craw , I ley as hosts. Prince Rupert Row aiienrierS ing and Yacht Cltrb pennants Two of these the Carmellta fr,m Vancouver i Wednesday)! said Marines, on routine train to take immediate action to control "ridiculous meat prices." Federal curbs were asked In a resolution sent to Ottawa by the rncat dealers' section of the Retail Merchants' Association. Earlier the Vancouver Trades and Labor Council (TCL) demanded an embargo on beef shipments to the United States, one factor blamed for the higher prices In Canada. Ing exercises, were eating lunch CPA Plans Terrace-Prince Rupert Flight Sunday Schedule Begins A thrice-weekly scheduled passenger flight from Prince Rupert to Terrace will begin August 1, if and had congregated aroimd a company command post when shells exploded. Last week a mortar shell ex fs A. Moslier, MIrs C. Mosh-' L M. Felsenthal, G. KellettJ HikkI. Mrs. Norberry, C. Nobel, D McRae. E. Brown, Mrs. H.j " Mins J. Webber, D F.I "' M. Masher, A. Beli, M. r'z. N. Caesar. ' 7 Sandsnit (Wednesday) I, A M n.., n Kit-it. ploded at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, killing one soldier and Injuring twenty-seven. Halibut Landings Corvettes to Be Whalers VANCOUVER ffi Three former Canadian Navy corvettes, built In World War II, will go to Germany as whalers. The ships Nanaimo, Moncton and Shedlac have been in storage here since the end of the war. They are valued at more than $100,000. The vessels will be converted to German registry and used in the Antarctic. Baseball Scores WEDNESDAY American - New York 2, Chicago 1 Cleveland 14. Boston 8 Detroit 7-4, Philadelphia 2-5 St. Louis 1, Washington 5 National Oipiinnt, Mr. Diewere, Miss official permission is granted '"' J Williams, 8. ClaHe, D. F. Alkinu W. A. Chambers, assistant superintendent ol traffic for Canadian Pacific Air Lines, announced I' Vancouver (Wednesday) to the Daily News today that application for extendi 'wt. A. Dressel, J. O. Mc-V.A MaoD'mgal, C. V. Sahlln, Harvie w Cat slon of the present Vancouver- , P' Sanrisv.il rlr.i r, "(maid. c. Vecara. 8. Chiz-!' L. Richord, A. Bell, C. "TO. Mrs. M. Anriprsoiv .T. Pnk- Yanks Win-Narrow Gap Prince Rupert flight had been, made to the Air Transport Board. , Decision of the board Is expected next month said Mr. Chambers, who Is in Prince Ru Fulham Wins Over Celtic MONTREAL ffl London's Fulham last night downed Glasgow's Celtic 3 to 2 In an exhibition football match here between the two leading United Kingdom teams: Ocean Falls Newsprint up American California, 20,500, Pacific, 23.7c, 17c, 15c. Canadian Zapora, 53,000, Storage, 25.1c, 18c, 16c. Helen, 38,000; Tramp, 21,000; Viking I, 18,000 all to Co-op,. H. F. Wearmouth, living for years near Victoria, was happy to see Prince Rupert friends not long ago. Once Bert owned a small Island, Just across the bay from Prince Rupert, where he had a flourishing poultry ranch. TIDES - - Friday, June 22. 1951 k were presented to the Donalle. In winning the race, the Donolie is the third to take the handsome City of Prince Rupert trophy which war put up in 1930 and won that year by Jack Powers' Madie. When the race was renewed in 1949, ; the Aileen of Nanaimo was the winner. Competing for second place In the Prince Rupert stage and the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club cup, are the Carmelita, Capt. Norton Clapp, and the Nikenus, Dr. Wing Graham of Seattle. Carmelita is a 67-foot vessel with twin 165 h.p. Gray engines and was here In the 1949 race. The Nikenus is a new 34-footer with a 110 Crown .Chrysler engine, owned by Dr. Wing Graham of Seattle who was also here in 1949 with the Spunky II. A local committee will compute the logs to determine final winners. The Donolie left at 10:30 this morning for Juneau. The Carmelita was to leave at 3:51 this afternoon. ON CARMELITA With Mr. Clapp on the Carmelita are Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wheat of San Francisco, Thomas Youell of Seattle; Gilbert Wbeat Jr. and two sons of Mr. Clapp Roger, 11, and William 9. . " Official observer is Herbert Rowland of Seattle and Walter West of Seattle Is cook. Mr. Clapp also experienced bad wfi,hr which he onid wug responsible for his delay in reaching port. It was also impossible to maintain radio contact. and Nickenus of Seattle were due today, the Carmelita arriving at 11:30 a.m. There was no word yet of a fourth boat in the race the 48-foot Aileen of Nanaimo skippered by Capt. (Joker) Patton of Victoria and there was some uncertainty as to whether or not she was coming through. The Donolie headed on for Juneau at 10:30 this morning in the hope of leading the field In the second stage of the race to the Alaska capital. Speaking of the roughness of the trip from Bremerton to Prince Rupert, Hart said he would never forget it if he lived to be eighty. (His companions disclosed he was the only one to be seasick.) However, he said that he would never miss a race as long as they were held. In spite of an almost continuous northwest storm, tttey kept on coming, braving waters into which experienced fishermen, staying in shelter, advised them against venturing. As it was they hove to for seven hours in Neville Bay and Growler Cove in Johnstone Straits and for two hours at? Scarlet Point before entering Queen Charlotte Sound. The Donolie left Bremerton at 9:57 Saturday morning. She ran late Into all eight control points on the way here as she dived into heavy seas and quartered off. "If we hadn't been travelling stag, we would certainly have given it up." Hart admitted. Hart's companions are Milton Benson, navigator; Ted Phillips, radio man; Marx Llbby, cook, and NEW YORK (CP) Eddie Lopat nerformed an operation and pert after examining the airport at Terrace. 1,1 Vancouver (today) L. P. mior, Q. H. Todd, W. Smith. m, Mrs. Zorn. L. Smalley, inflow. K. M. Brown, G H. V. A:,Kohonen, A. L. mK: W. MacKelvie. "Saiulspit (today) Miss D. Miss A. Williams. Offices and radio station would be installed at Terrace, he said. At present, there is no control Hank Bauer sewed it up yester- day as New York Yankees crept to within two-and-a-half games of the league leading Chicago White Sox. With Lopat hurling his tenth triumph of the campaign, the Yanks defeated the Sox two to one before a crowd of 29,940 at Yankee Stadium. In another American League tower at the airfield. Canso amphibian planes, such as are used" on the Sandspit- 'an and Wife i. oi VANCOUVER Mills Hlh Hlgh fl feet -Pacific Zl 18 tne latest pu'p and paper I'Xl i company to Increase Its price of mw L0W 0 9 feet 'l newsprint. The company an-. 6 6 feet ' I nounces Increase of $10 per ton Prlnci. Rimert flight, would be Phiadelphia 1, Pittsburgh 0 Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 2 New York 2, St. Louis 4 Boston 9, Chicago 0 ' Pacific Coast Seattle 5, San Francisco 0 Portland 3, Hollywood 4 Oakland 5, San Diego 4 -Los Angeles 3, Sacramento 4 Western International Salem 4, Victoria 2 (llinnlngs) Tri-City 3, Tacoma 7 Wenatchee 1, Yakima 9 Spokane 7, Vancouver 1. Tl'ESDAY . Western International Spokane 6, Vancouver 10 " Salem 9-5, Victoria 4-4 Tri-City 0, Tacoma 3 Wenatchee 11, Yakima 0. ouble Suicide used for the Terrace service. Mr. Chambers made another announcement of importance to Prince Rupert. The two-fliRht daily schedule of the CPA will include Sunday fly- game, Cleveland inaiaiu. outlasted the Boston Red Sox in a slugfest at Boston. The score was 14 to 8. In the National League, the 'WCOUVER Frank W. aged 50, and his wife, , sa' 44, died yesterday in Baseball Tonight 6:45 p.m. ABEL & ODOWES to $115 In Vancouver and $116 in New York f.a.s. Ocean Falls. Two days ago the Powell River Co. Ltd. advanced Its price $6 a ton to $115 for both Canadian and American shipments. (The Increase in newsprint price by the British Columbia mills affects the Prince Rupert Dally. News directly). inr, commencing July 1. Bds-nued room in a west Increased ' Boston Braves whipped the "The amount oi i rwmtng house. A short time Rupert Chicago Cubs 9 to 0 behind War- f fin hetween Prince e ne bodies were found, the lacly had snmrf o "nntfno and Vancouver is making this GORDON & ANDERSON Admission 35o ran Spahn. It was tneir iirst j start under their new manager. Tommy Holmes. i 'te" under the door. Police 1 service poslble," Mr. Chambers u l"e deaths as suicide. . said.