B Prince Rupert Dailv hJews Thursday, June 21. 1951 7 p.m. - 9:05 I ItlDAY - SATl'KDAY TOTEM 1IIIIBB Air Commandant j Noted Teacher By CYNTHIA LOWRY J NEW" YORK AP America's 1 iev N ). 1 Fy-Girl prefers boats, itiainr. automobiles or walking. ' 1T.v' smaller the plane, the i more I freeze.'' said Col. Mary j Jo Shelly. "But unfortunately. mv job is an administrator's. Of 1 Ililiw i r I- 1 .A. li I I ii tif n l II if 2i r Cavalry Epic Coming Here (jresorjr Peck and Barbara Pay ton Star In Adventure Spectacle With Gregory Peck in a dynamic leading role of Captain Lance, "Only the Valiant," screen version of ;he novel from the 1 n if Charles Marquis Warren, plays this week-end at the lotem Theatre. - s WHO PrXr.X.0 SIX e 1 J .-.la.? . ' Vint-, . SI HUNnMJ'K5 , UU murse I do fly when it's neces- , sary." ; f blue uniform is not strange the n'w director of women in b- A'r Force. She was one of the dozen hand-picked Wave officers cheated when that branch of the It is a thrilling and suspense ful fto:y ajoui a chapter in the Navy was launched in 1942 and venturesome history of the U S. " ' . " ia serveci until nan oi me iemaie Gob- were dvmobilizezd after the war. A pood locking blonde of 49. friend" y and informal, she looks on her new job as another step in a long career as an educationist. She succeeds Col. GTalctin P. hay. Col. Shelly approaches her rei tasks with what would seem to be an ideal background long Cavalry .hen that branch of tire service still rode four-legged chargers. Peck is a hard-riding raptain feared by his men as a ouch disciplinarian, yet admir-. : 1 ai! oi slum as a soldier. - 1 wnzr Apaches, an Indian tribe notorious for, war-. ,t and b.oodlhir.'tv actions, go -. the warpath. Peck is assigned Boys Summer; ' Outdoor ? Wear isS" est1 , MUTT -' 5 the la k of riding forth to fight a delaying action pending the evppi.rrice in i.-acumK jjuim rival" of reinforcements. The women and in administrative A WILLIAM CAGNEY PROD. DISTRIBUTED BY WARNERB8K JSKfRTS m TNDtnWEAB SWIM TRINKS TEE SHIRTS SHORTS l.AM ii.tsr.s liMMi juan CRAWFORD 7 - 9:05 in "HARRIET CRAIG" H SOCKS 1HE TOMORROW HMCS Ontario, naval train nf, cruiser, at first expected to arrive in Prince liuprt tday, will not here until tomorrow. A dance 'for the crew has been planned for Saturday night by the local branch of the Navy League of Canada and a committee of city aldermen will work with the Canadian Legion to provide further entertainment for officers and mm ot Uy? visiting ship. Rear Admiral W. B. C .cery. commanding officer Pacific Coast, is on board tne crul.ser, which is commanded by Capt. H. F. Pullen. M G M proudly pniintt tht HOWiING H IT of I ir terpid cap ain chaoses seven of ih tughet s"ldiers in his command, and action follows. Th'-'e is a romantic element irt".df-d by Barbara Payton, lively nw blonde, in the role of a post officer's daughter. "Only the Valiant" has the added interest of beautiful locales and background to enhance the story. Ward Bond also stars, with G:g Young heading the list of supporting players. A cirplrlf 3'iys' Depart- a ' H ment. lxw prl"c-d l3r Boys ' ' ... Jwi'h the usual Men's Store ' suarant .'". . RUPERT MEN'S 2 AND EOYS' STORE '( S " 1 . work T don't think that a military carrer lor women Is much dif- ' lerent from a ousiness career in civilian life" she said. "It malces -eal demands upon the individual; it provides security, and it offerr, opportunities for advance- ' " ' ment She becomes head of the WAF , a--, it -:ntors a period of vast ex- pansion. From a corps of some 6.000 enlisted women and officers it will matcn the Air Force's own ; expansion, multiplying its peace- ' t;me strength several times. ' CORN IN MICHIGAN rifles raised through the slots i above them, fixed on raiders beyond the stockades. I Toronto Aroused by Neglect By KAY REX Canadian Press StaS Writer WThedlu S are tidyven'c-ejhe f!oor has collapsed in; ,v. ,,, aj Jr, tn-.one corner of the building. 3sff TORON'IO (CP) A couple of "., ide. "" mc ","'"J -,,v J Only a couple of structures P.re : i oren to the DUblic. One is the KUliei lit lie cannon lean crazily against crumbling parapets. Broken RAIOEI) IN 1813 Standing there, in the warm 'officers' quarters and another! ls the long, low brick house ! where married soldiers and their j W1IIUUWS UUl H1C UIUCUOUOC. , .h, .... J,.f, Dividend" Francois Railway tracks and smoking " V ""T: " TaV- , cult to imagine that h day in 1813 A native of Grand RaDids. Lak( PHOTO'."' WRATH ALL'S ' FINISHING DtVELOPINGr- pklimiit. ENLARGING KXPOSURE METERS ' AMATEUR su?uij;s . Mich., Col. Shelly determined chimneys are on tne norm, from childhood to get into edu- Junk-yard and gravel-pit lie when watchers first spied the white sails of American naval vpscpb hearinff down on th ALSO ; the south. cation work. That is Fort York, original site small aicpShore settlement. I After public school, she at- A Tingley Showed SeV- tonjH rivb nnrmll echonl TKAVKI.OC.I E CARTOON - NEWS F.vr nines 7-9:05 Saturday Matinees 2 - 4:20 ' of Ontario's present capital Re . J oral instni"tive and interesting ,hen maiored in Enelish litera- The 158-year-old fortification fell to invading United States forces in the War of 1812. Then it was rebuilt to become the - r York was raided then and again two months later. But then work was begun on a stout, well-equipped Fort York. In 1814 when a U.S. fleet of 10 ships again attacked, it was driven Phone (irrrn 136 ure at the University of Oregon. i.he goj her Major's decree in Kducatrn at Teacher's College, main defence of Upper Canada coiumoia universny, ana stanea ,n ,9,4 it ,s TestoreA in time -r; families once lived. 1 A sign describes this as the ' "Soldiers' barracks, built between 1814 and 1816 . . ." it! adds: "The north portion of this building fell into decay and whs1 removed." j In one room the UEL Associa-' tion has arranged large case containing life-sized figures garbed in the dress of the period. Visitors shouio avoid st eppin close to Inspect the case wi'h "Laura Secord delivering a message to Lieut. Fitzgibbon In 1813." The floor bounces alarmingly. However, Mr. Clarry said there Is no great cause for worry Even if the floor should collapse a person "won't go down very far" because "the floor is almost on solid ground." ZZL he.r. IHmt fUr Toronto's "ntenary celcbra- lne old powcier.house stands whxh she has never had time to ( tlons. But t ha.sn.t bCen touched soadly near the centre of the crmn.ac slnce fortification, its brick walls six Laler she went on to the Un - . Tne fort now u the .subject of Pet thlck Here guldwu there nvti'-n pictures in the Community Hall la-t Thursday evening in connection with the work of the British and Foreign Bible Society of which he is District .'Secretary. Mrs. J. S. Slat r and small "i H '!ir!htT are staying at the Landing. Mr. Slater is with the Aluminum project. M'S. Crawford of Moscow, Idahr . mother f Earl Deeder, Ls staying at the Doerier ranch for the summer. cnny 01 vuicatsu, as an aut- controversy, some nistory-con-, ant. to the dean of students. scious Torontonians charge the I Two years later her progressive city with neglect, 't 'Juration interests lv?d her .to The Imperial Order, DauRh- Vermont Bennington College ters of the Empire, has protested summer school. Before long she to Mayor Hiram McCallum, ask- , went ti Bennington as President in? that speedy restoration be iRobeit LJgh's assistant, from undertaken. Toronto newspapers GARAGE HELPER WANTED k Washing Cars fa Repairing Tires if General Clcan-up Nor Afraid to Work Rupert Motors Limited CIIKYSIjat, PLYMOUTH, FAKOO DISTRIBUTORS .were guides could show visitors if there were visitors the window from which members of the King's regiment rolled the cannon-balls they needed. But tourists seldom find their way to this out-of-the-way lake-front site. And this despite the tact that Fort York lies only four city blocks east of the entrance to the Canadian national t-xnioitum grounds. ' A. G. Clarry, past-president of . which job she now is on leave of have climbed on the band- tv,-. ui 1 -1 o Tho Rid Club met Sun- nn on xhe o:obe and MuU ,ay, day at the mormng Snyder Thi f t p ience tne wnole establishment b ia Ranch and six members rode to ,,, ,.,.t, ,',, nf nM GREAT CROPS Brazilian farms In 19."0 produced 66,000,000 tons of crops of all kinds, a eain of 3.000.000 enteivd the WAVES an a Lieu- The paper warns that the tenant in 1942 and retired into ground was given to the city on Hill i on the range. All report having had a most enjoyable ride and are looking forward to the next one. olR C o) 1 K65A the Lilt" United U 111 1 t 11 CI Empire 1 1 I JII f Loyalist lAIVUllAb - As ija .1. r . " the reserve five years later as a ule unoersianoing inai tne ion, over 1949 ,.. i- o..... Return . .1.. he be kept kpnt nn up. Failing Faillnr thLs this, ail all or or sociaiion, wouia liKe one aay 10 to the 1UU l-UIHJMcI.Ut:i . servif a head waf will Pive part of the property which 1 said includes "five-sixths" of the her a one-step promotion. see uiu visiiors niciuue a lour j of the fort as part of their trip to the "Ex." I Thousands of sightseers an-, nually pay to inspect grounds and buildings at Fort George at j Niagara-on-lhe-Lake. j Tourists pay admission and , many buy souvenirs at Fort j nearby Canadian Nat.ocal Exhibition grounds could be repressed by the crown. The Telegram says renovatim of the fort is on a priority list under care of Toronto s 00. rd of control. The paper recalls that wan a a. Punky Doodle BABY DRESS by HONEY CHILD 6. 12, 13 months Members of (he Athletic Club met at the Snyder Ranch on Thursday evening in honor of Chuck Millar who is leaving shortly for the States. He and Mm Millar will be greatly missed both here and in Burns Lake where they have entered inta the sports whenever possible. Before lunch was served the Athletic Club presented Chuck with a table lighter. For NEW CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR WORK SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. I S f am The Stork Shoppy j nine tun 1 ( 215 1st Avenue WW Tha ti K nin a ma w -Uri tic liw Cmmtmi la4 t by iW GmiwiK l g- Cit " P.O. Il'n W Henry, Kingston's historical site. Mr. Clarry believes the same could be done at Fort York. STl'RDY BLOCKHOUSE The blockhouse is sturdy in appearance despite its broken windows. But barred doors prevent the history-minded from entering. Inside can be seen the stone "fire-step" where soldiers stood, tnree years ago Uie parks com-KITWANGA The Women's mittee recommended lmprove-Auxiliary of St. Saviour's-in-the- ments which would cost $148,000. Valley Anglican Church here Barring location raoway held a garden party and sale of tracks, chimneys, all the busl-home cooking and sewing at the ness of Toronto's west-end in-home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl dustrial section surround iw-Hobcnschlld on Saturday after- the outside appearance of the noon. Weather was favorable fort is not unpleasant, and many p."ople called to have The lawn is green and neatly a good time. 1 trimmed even if U, Is dotted riiiine 9l!t A - m 0m. a Houston Beats Francois Lake RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE G AS AM) X " IXM TRIt UANGES , fhonr Blur 992 PACIFIC ELECTRIC FRANCOIS LAKE Francois Lake ball team played Houston in a double-header on Sunday at Houston. The first game re-suited in 5 to 10 in favor of Houston, and thvry also won the second game 16 to 15. At the end of the seventh inning the score was a tie, so they had to play: overtime, when Houston broke the Vs. 11 ,p.,..Waf!.r;,lW1,,,,,,il, ,,11.,. p ,,. ,1 1. auiry-i' y y.mwr---- , 4 r,' K'fig l V I I I 01 . (iiloniifj It Drive the neic convenient ) i) um 11 1 II I! FOUR DOOIt SEDAN! Ladies and Gentlemen LING ihe tailor SERVE 2" .Sixth St. Phone 649 LOMHWDRY 1 I 4:Door Sedan $1700.00 In Prince Rupert TME BIST QUALITY PRINTING Rear Irntr Jnr Bnrkufat Vatnenifrn'. This "latest convenience plm famous Morris styling and iip-to-t lie-minute engine features umke thin the most conifortalile, easily-lmiulleil e,onoiny car you can buy ! For town or country! Drive it yourself TODAY! famous since 1750 1 7 1 tP TO M MILKS PER GALLON A-Mille 4 drmr atyle IMner's rat adjualahlc -Irkhel byciraullc lirakra "Miino-roiiBlrurlifm body - Huat proof - LarK l.unKHKr romparlmrnt At ytmr nfitrent Itetilvr' ' OXFORD MOTORS LIMITED H Hi.trihutnrt for Urili.h Columbia and Alberta VKKIRV LONDON Dr CIN It llttillel ll CiiKi tit liitrititei Ii Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems I'lIONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK Phone BA. 2133 2211 . 4th Ave. wpiiitntiaitEEi Ilrilifth Car On I re Calvert (CANADA) UMITED T - f Prince It u pert Dealer for Morrla Ca EjuablB i ifaa 1 1 r ..ir DAN'S SERVICE STATION This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Gmtroliw ,by the Government of British Columbia. ThU advertisement u not publuhed , or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of i Brltlih Columbia. 1 322 Mi It HIDE SITtt-KT PHONE GREEN 6M5