1 1 Restore 5 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday,' June 21, 1351 Id Church QalLrS 800 Saft- iNDON (CP)-Burned out by i n Ire bombs in March, 1941, ,-iC St. Alfrge Church In :Wieh. where King Henry His Canadian battle fig4 and memorial plaque were destroyed by the German Incendiaries which left nothing but the four scarred walls of the church standing. Rev. o. S. Mason, rector of the church, said a public appeal for 9000 would be launched and suggested support might be sought In Canada and other parts of the Commonwealth. If adequate funds are forthcoming, he hopes the work of restoration will be completed by the end of 1952. The present church was rebuilt in 1718 on the ruins of the firtt Of Air . . . jias capw-t.u aim ucuciui lip.s buried, is to be re- platinum tops. Wro. Owen, who believes slis is ! the. only Canadian member of! the "Good Ne ghbor Salt and : 1 .ppr Cluo. ;.as se s which ktok like tiny clowns, ba?s.! tkunks, p -.Hymns and sunfish. 1 There is the goose and the golden egk, icr? ci earn cones, cobs of torn.iot (logs and hamburgers. What Mis. Owen wants most now i: a kangaroo (salt) with a baby kangaroj i pepper) in the pou:h. j to its ancient beauty, is already In progress on roof and other parts of the - '? i . g x r ; 1 -j v s? v cist' 'I 't , damaged structure, but lonal funds are needed to a and refurnish the inter- j ...u uv. hiicse, uaung DacK to KINOSTON, Ont. fi Mrs. Frank Owen of this city always gets salt and peppjr shakers lor Christmas but she love ll. With 800 pairs she is Canada's lop collecto.. "It all started nine years ago at an auction sale," says Mrs. Owen. She bought a box of Junk i'pr five cents and found it contained six shakers, one pair and Vour add ones, so she started collecting them .All those In her ciuiul .on are matched except iov the original four. Lfore the bombs struck, 8t, Kor Action Advertise! e was one oi me snow '( of the Greenwich area nt famed for Its elaborate ;. by the master carver, "ing Gibbons. ensive work U also to be rtaken in restoring the ill corner set aside in mem-li the hero of the Plains of m Rpfore he departed on me mil century. Thomas Tails, master of the King's music during the reignj of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, was burled in 1585 under the chancel of the old church. INLAND SEAPORT The largest freighters afloat can travel through the Ship Canal to Manchester, 35 miles Xrom the u. ' m llirrmrmnTiB Mill nif H " a ........ . ,. m.m t lr,MMlMl' iJ 1 fcanadian expedition, Gen- The original matched pair was a .cheap . aluminum set In a matching stand. The value of the sets In her collection now ranges from 10 cents to $24 for a spL lashionud like a tiny sugar bowl and cream Jug in crystal with WOlle iiveu in uieciiitiui. 'i'OUH U8 Congressmen view thtr W ,d,,u JJnnal (lining a three-day tour "f links in the h propoi.d St. Lawrence Seaway. Accompan.sd by power officials and army engineers, they watch a freighter from a 125-foot elevated br dge. The Welland Canal, devp enogh to handle 80 per cent of the world's shipping, would be a vital link in the seaway. (CP PHOTO) seauic Engi. Timely Recipes .ie supervision ol titer District. Expert Criticizes 0 NoVCS British kitchens It r r . j Returning to rt.aska In 1949, Col. tJoycs made a thorough examination of the Alaska Rail- MONTRLAL, June 21st-Thinking make it no .... beautiful movie star Joan Bennett tl.ouulit all fare creams were alike thought her face waa immaculately clean after she'd used ,er rciui lr cleansing cream. Then phe tried the "tisme c ' and foHnd that WOODBURY COLD CHEWf floated out hidilen ,tirt t i- ti V io IU I rar Ul cast UQJi OXFORD, England CP)-Am- ud i, ' upPa"mp1nl pr'ton PrnF inhn Tn-.mn. r.... ' u KJL wiut yttii, uju ilia V-vfLdiIerenir B"':lluse jt I'" fcutten, a new miiVF ,iMMkft.4i9 ngredient that actually penetrates dretier .i n l uoie uiieiiings. I'cnaten leta Woodburv'a wonderful cleoi,.:i, V , iH-jier to loon every trare of grime and make-up! And lir n,iira, Wooilbiiry Cold Cream tmoolht your akin more eucc.i .- BAKED SALMON WITH STUFFING Vi lb. can salmon Vi cup crocker crumbs 1 egg 4 bacon slices 2 tbs. corn meal 2 tbs. onion 1 cup toiling water Vz tsp. salt . Vi tsp. clery salt Vi tsp. paprika , 2 slices stale bread. ' Strain ralmon, flake it, Bur a jar today 2.c, 45c, 78c and 15. British kltcUn, are "terrible- . Road Commissioner for reporu on Alaska led the way ! they cou.dn't be w r.se ' " ! Alask Movin l 'f "PPrt UV '"e Department I ,,,. , . , , , ' s. of Uelense of Ihe 6eward-An- What a lot could be done io JUNEAU. Announcement U chcage Road and indirectly of I bt hi en and sped up the work made by the Alaska Road Com- the entire road improvement "Mn?t kuchonf eVeH'" he Sff mission of the impending de- proiam. In IMS, he was ft- Most kitchens need complete , . , Quested bv the Secretarv ocreiary oi of the ine rcplanning " parttlre of Colonel John R. ?!'", ,y Ji" '"""s- ,,' Interior to assume the new po- I The prolessor. an expert m Noyes. Commissioner of Roads fiUon of cemmissioner of Roads "material-handling" the science for Alaska, from his present po- for Ala.ska to take charge of the of speeding up the transport sltlon as head of. the Alaska ,oacj improvement work. The itferr frtmnt For Mm because of p-a-i-n-f-u-1 cornel I've jusi n L f "foot friend'' in ULUE-JAY Corn Mauler . " ' fhtfulmmi wnata uiatf its the greatest me dniovcry in years to us people with un-v Ire'! lis the mwt effective medication ever nrpl fo corns and callunesl Took ten years of uifif rcear('ll by the Ulue-Jy folks to perfect ivlium ... and now it's effective in 93'i of ana nanaung,of gooas is equal- "oau commission io a new as- Department ol the Armv loaned mix with cracker crumbs. ly critical of British production slgnment with the Army in an Col Noyes to tne Department of the egg,. broken and stirred with methods. important position in the Far e lii urn ...I i.ke KiunxiiK R( Ornuuc ... Interior to make the as- 1 1 ucrruj "crcarav "Hlue-J ay" Corn Phutor with fAewyfiiim and end your troubleil aasi. ine exa;i nature or col. Noyes' new Army assignment siBnment possible. LONG IN ALASKA Ltu Than Hal Prir ... a "Hi Bmhat Keadrf So was not disclosed. Col.. Noyes Upon his first arrival In Ju- will leave Juneau on June 23 So Good for All Cooking! NOTHING BUT WATER i, removed from Carnation Milk. (Only vitamin D is added.) Sothii r.eau in J92K, col. Noyes met his for Washington, D.C. ftit.lirn iL-ifp. Kiintco 7im- sooner saiu ihin QUAKER MUFfETS are on the table! There's no preparation rsmeal? lis n D' ws m I unic nnd lT i ibe II- inz I VfR i i t : 'i 1n'.'-,.. " $ 'VS won ' I'-. I ' M II tVlDOBiTlO milk oti iy 0 : 1 I "Production is primarily a frame of mind that is, a philosophy," said lmmer, here to study for a degree at Oxto.d I University. I "Good production can never be obtained where the management and workers leel they are out to get the most from each other." The slightly-built, 35-year-old professor admits, however, that he has found many examples' of outstandingly good production here. During the past three years niermalli muS c and art superi Col. Noyes has headed the Al- vi,or in thc Juneau schoo',4. aska Road Commission and di- They wcre married on Marsh 0, reeled the execution of a prj- 1,J28, and now have two sons, gram of road work In Alaska Jonn Zabriskie Noyes, a student u wncre ii jm m m r prepared WS&lTiJ i:,9 just put the package out and let the nliv main- a fork, nut not well beaten. I . STUFF,INO--Cook finely chop- 1 ped onion in the boiling water 15 minutes. Add salt, celeYy salt, T a sr liquor drained from 'mo-'. pur this over stale " lilt" bread and corn meal. Cool, then beat well. j Put half the sa'mon mixture' into .greased pan, shaping like our little fresh fish. Pile stuf-.' on 'his (thicker in the centre l, shape th- other half of the salrijon mixture and place on t''P of stuffing. Put 1 striD of bacon on each little fish-shape, and cook in moderate oven utitil browned. Garnish on hot platter, erve with tomato sauce. Serves four. -. ' 1 asBicsawng u,uou,uuu. jiu-, at Ule univei's t -of ' Wa.shin-r- doubly concentrated milk u doubly useful. FOR EVERY MILK USE mil Carnation with an equal amount of water. You get velvet-smooth, rich-flavored whole milk for cooking and drinking. FOR USE LIKE CREAM in coffee ... on cereals and fruia ... in cream recipes or for whipping ... . use Carnation undiluted. So good yet so thrifty. dihr'S for us dishes that hf owt of meals in half! Just m the cost per pound of aitiiiailial fmids with the w pound of HEINZ OVEN. a RKANS or HEINZ tD pl'AfiHETTI! The i less thiin half of some ex- f foods but not the ll! Find out just how good fnmily help themselves. Not only, are these crixpy, toasted, golden-brown biscuit-good to eat, but they're good fur you, too! In Quaker MuffcU you get 100'e Whole Wheat yes. the bran and valuable wheat germ are ther with the body-building protein, minerals and energy-giving qual it ies of the whole grain. For a, breakfast that's really different try them with fruit and milk of cream you'll be back for mor and more! Right at this moment I'm adding Quaker Miiffcts to niv shopping list how about .you? What Ettrf Woman knows . . , ' et that the lighter Bouri.shing, low-cost Hems ,--J f 0 work includes the reconstruction and paving. of the main highways with a bituminous surface; the construction of the new highway from Seward to Anchorage, now nearing completion; the completion of the Sterling Highway on the Kenal Peninsula; the reconstruct.on of the Tok Cutoff Road connecting Anchorage with the Alaska Highway; the continuation of coiiFtruclion on the new road l.um the A,a.SK;a Highway to Eai;le, including its connection to Dawson; and thc commencement of a new road connecting ton, ana jJaniei Hayes Noyes, a graduate of the Juneau High ocnoul in IDjO, 'Who is now u lrcshman at the University of Oregon. Hoth Mrs. . Noyes and thc boys have a host of friends in Juneau. . Before leaving Alaska and the Alaska Road Commission - Col. Noyes faid today: "I h4ve beeji Highly ir!leg-!d to be ble to participa'u; in the, work of building Alaska. Dur-: ing the 25 years I 'have beui associated with the Territory I have feen it grow and progress to an aiinusl unbelievable ex- f ran he ! ... rue me ra lirent, 1411 Crescent D'H'rcsl. I'.Q. or your frr el "(Hen Halted Itrmn Hi"! Hum and I know, too that we women con con keep aeep a a National Parks Big Attraction CALCARY (CP) Cannda has jtn area cf national ink land much greater than necessary for her relatively small population, lays J. A. Hutchison, superlrta-dent of Banff National Pa 'k. Speaking to thc Junior Chamber cf Commerce tourist schaol here, Mr. Hutnhl'cn said that the provision of extra pa.k land showed commendable,, foresight, and as the Dominion's population crows, Canadians will b-; the Richardson Highway at Pat 'T.- r siJTt "'ona ol huni- II 'cret. For in- -jtk ,S niir R'o,iiiro great. t 7 ,f stance, does 'i'0 "'J er discretion at f':your hu-b.ind '-mmfiti certain times of I -gt- know how "grey . fj , 1 I the month. Em- I , v , your hair is 7 1 banassing detail "' Not not when you W W are :i often re- etit. Kat'h tiiii-j hereto! jrc when sans with Mt. McKinley ""JIT Vn,. 1..FI A n tr ,1 V,..., Uonal Park Much of the pav- , . ,. ,,.,.. . ,, . ,. I " " "-m'i. won wonoeriui r vcali'ii in -inn merv ill'. COI.OnTI.NT! Nestle ins work and the construction ol thc Seward-Anchorage Road was executed pursuant ,o m-operative agreements w,th the bureau ol Public Hurts. . ( - " " ' J The big road program eijuiicd gvatsful for the ri'ervation cf'a consitlerab.e expansion oi t "mi is not a dye it's safer, ' 'o ti-e than a dye. Easts rt lliree siiainmos,'vct lalh-"i'.licn von want it to. And grey mir rutnpldtly ."amifiil, youthful color. you're blonde, brunette Ihr.irl there's just the right " "I Nestle for yuu ...10 'tmg shades 6 capsules for V XFTI.F. COI.OK1NKK timer it'iuni;; yet I have always, rttuttifctl. iiifi t.iifu 1 awi suie I am coming back once again at another lime.' It has been a pr.vilege and a pleasure to be associated with this vast road piogtam now goum on and 1 leave the work with great regret but with the in nf leeling that I shall return to Alaska another time at some iiiueunui; , future date. .... I "The Alaska Road Commission has '.llrprtrlv fcpon nnp .nf .h force of the Alaska Road Cjnv natural beauty. ailks V chiffons feaiher-liglit cottons or mug-filiing so;ts togs. That's wliv 1 think vou'll find TAMl'AX the ideal solution. It gives internal absorption that completely solves mnilary prolx lem. Hasei) on a well-known medical pnm iplo anil perfected by a doelor, Tiimpax is m:n4e of pure eotlon ... it's dainty, convenient, comfortable and easy to disposo of. It comes in three absorbennes Regular, .Super, Junior. Ask for Tampax at drug or notion count ers ... a month's supply fits easily into your purse 1 ' mission and many changes In its organization. ! Col. Noyes' Army service in Alaska dates back to liJ2ei whe, he arrived In Juneau as a you.);; lieutenant to Join the force ol Canada has pioneered In the setting up of national parks an1 tho honoring pf historical site."., and other countries are following suit today, said the park ..in:erintcndent. E ascribing the particular features of various western Cana io UqUi the beauty of "ir. n rinses in ,harniooa 8 rinses just 39c. the Alaska Road Commission, fc.emost la tors ir. lue '.uwj-, then an agency of the War De- mcnt of tne lL.nlluw " I dian parks, Mr. Hutchison said partment. He served with the '" Beouir ... and onco you've taken a refreshing bath or . ' vekeloft C-l-I, fl'O.NGK, I just vm. II ngn-e! in to smooth and gcmlc to the Vril ll eien more, it adds benutv to your bath- 1, - or nw , on cm get t'-l-L (Vlltilose .Sponges U know that it wi.l coi.tin.te thc gocd work under the able direction of thn cng.neers RESujiaUsJ with me during the past thre they served as a Rre.. tourist Road Commission from 1926 to attraction, and referred to the 1928 and again on a second tour Calgary Stampede and Banff of Army duty In 1931 and 1932. National Park as ' an unbeatable Later, In 1933 and 1934, he was combination." in charge of river and harbor Last year more than 480,000 improvement in the Territory people passed ih rough the cast- while that work was under the years. tZ i . , ' n"'"'' " '"' .vour (Milhrooin ac- i" and add a ton, h of glamour (at little cost)! I f 1 v,m " 7 !'".- t;rr,'n you'" love them! c"n ll''ive a "pcrsonnlucd" mmL. m f iwnge f,, ,.,l,y , .r.in,.,aI An.i -r,,... If yau want to scli it, advertise t Innri1'",''3 1'"1'1. 20 timea their weight in watcr-and ' ?; Ak f.or, V'U' ''' Spongca-gt department, van ,a" t.v, grociry and hardware stores. em gate of Banff Park. Of this number, 52,000 were American visitors. ECONOMY 14-OZ. REGULAR 8-OZ. SIZES They Won't Pielt An Orange lr lrea-s. irove'1 of , IWn '1 n Hi a d e WTTt "); V, "'jellies. ,,, jlilirr I SWIFT WATER The Spcy River in Scotland, flowing 110 miles, is noted as the swiftest-flowing river in the British Isles. until the juice is tested on the tree! That's how particular the Birds Eye people are about their quick . frosen Orange. Juice 1 " woat c liivounle J ,rilcrry, 3 b r- r r v Plum, WITH ? w:itc ISLAND STATE Tasmania, a state of Australia, is an island separated from the mainland by the Bass Straits, HO miles wide. Kelloee's savt: -jams ,! jpiijp, nnve a more sali.-fying appeal '"I make them volir-elf. LI lu 1RU1T PECTIN "long with my favourite Md Miuar it's .so easy to on.leriuiV sure results il you don't agree these Bran Flakes are freshet double your money back!" (Mail empty carton to KelloRgX Dept. 4A. London. Ont.) . i simply follow the It's no wonder llinls Eye tastes better! Only sun-ripened oranges are used ... when the juice lias just the right balance of sweet and tart, the oranges are immedi. ately harvested. Then, right quickly, they're sorted, washed, squeezed and the juice quick-frozen before an ounce of orchard" fresh flavour or vitamin goodness is lost. I'm sure vou'll agree that niRJJS EYE Orange Juice is the 1iest you ever tasted ... and you'll find that it costs less than you'd pay for the oranges I ""nous thn honllnt. tl;f ahnl ,if a.. ..I. f . t ra. ""'' 1,0 n'.v jams and jellies 2 of the -tune of ' l'l melho.l. I actually 1 ( erio that I get up to "mount of fruit. L I'c" for Call Oecationt . . . readv-to-serve at a formal '? if V , .Jk-.. A V- f W. I rOGUEl i I I 1 WHITS 1 Thf bieeest bran flakes iimner ... its wink-quick to make Hi. I r, nuiNrvti MARGARINE in the I'cffou tJuifc bag Itxik as good as it tastes! All you do is press the colour button on the Yellow Quik bag and knead the bag gently. In just two minutes your blue lionnet is a golden, luscious-looking yellow rcudy to serve. It's to easy ... no .dirty mixing bowls to wash no fuss no Iwither at all. 1 love Hlue Runnel's country-fresh 1 W I - Canada 1 And onty KelloKg't are so crinkly-crsp. Wonderful way to get extra CLEAN AND FIRM until cut extia . wide ixuiA cf SATIN - SMOOTH GENUINE CORK bulk to help keep you regular. ,j , , flavour in my cooking (baking, pan frying, seasoning : ' Am' another thing 1 like i.bout it is that it's always fresh. .,, 60 "ikci for ho little when 1 buv blue Bonuet I find I can ""' with the money it saves mel scrimping Along" f-om pay-slay to pay-day? It's no life for ! iniiiv it,,,., 01 of my nly friends jrienos Lave l.ac been oceii rn . IN I ' K.. , f . I . I . . I Now, with Pe;so,wi rimming, the v') , ,0I,I-VREAE'S wonderful, down-lo-earth & IXV nvn" Jn '"'"S.your money, most women can nay -.f 3 navr i' ' ' r, i oiimiijc. coverfti oi nir ; proved that Pcnonai Planmj.'g feSPJFsa. it overtake rising prices and in-, V ' 't tar. mm n's a v nrf ' 'WW CI :-1 a ti,, even ,r,-uvB a on, ever lor savings. ;M(V' , n'eT HU,i 8el 1'aur copy o.' the booKlet "PEHSONAT, ' B of M v ay. It' .j as c oe t j yoj as vour n shcHurhood branch ' M ' only obUjalion is to youieUl '.