1 '. i , " f f is f CB of C. vs Annettes Brown- ALASKA INVASION Prince Rupert Dai;y m, Thursday. March , f''5 Prince Rupert Sending April 10-Rosa Lee vs Stars I lC t ,,'! ; Strikes, vs Lyons. Wrathairs' "i'. Surprised Over No Cadet Corps Surprise was expressed by Rev. A. L. Giilard of Esquimau, west coast command chaplain, that with th? naval facilities available in Prince Rupert, there is not a Sea Cadet Corns in this Two Basketball Teams H April Us Toilers vs A!in?tte, C B, of C v MciueeKins. Manson's vs B. Cats, Wallace P I m 'T8: North This Week-end VS Rock- t ... savoys, bnenton vs Commercid. ?."8t ettes, B.C.G.E.A i Prince Rupert may send two basketball teams northtbis week-end. They sail on the Princess Norah naps vs B. SUers. i Is 'vo;,'s- t-'W McMeekins. March 27 Belmont vs Lyon;, Brownwouds vs CB. ofC, L. Strikes vs Stars, Rota Lee vs Wrathairs. McMeekins vs Annettes. O & A vs Toilers. Commercial vs Savoy's, B. - tum I? iwlr ut t U C W!lll(l.e P B. Cats. Manson's vs She:i- , Ion s Oinceriiiiaos vs Skeena G., E.C.G.E.A. vs Battier, .vs Aril 3 Skeena G. vs Shen- ton's. B.C.O E.A. vs B. Cats. Savoys's vs B Sisters, Ginger- ; snaps vs K.x-ketlcs, Battlers vs Ma n son Commercial vs Wai- lace P. ,vs W j) ii nil's vt An net res ft j. - Stars. C B. el C. vs Lyons, i McMeekins vs Brnwnwoods, Roa ' Lee vs Toilers. I.. Strikes vs Bel- vs IT'S CASY Am il 17- -BaUlers vs Po-.ln.ii,..: U '. p'r;nit , ' it KW Battlers . vs vt, . H'm's t , Wednesday afternoon. c'7i,i ' Chaplain ,1 o-n u Giilard. who rchnns rt 'LSt, winiakm?",;! tour of Sea Cadet Corps ' in the province. Awaiting i'B word word from from the Navy, Shenton's vs B. Sisters. Malison's W-illa- p8 CoHirtierciaJ. B.CX5 E A. vs le ' A'WaJlaw P., C.ingersnaos vs'o, y r.KH'n.i n Savoy's, . B. Cats vs Rkena C. lers. flm. McM"-kin.s vs Iyons, Tulle? Brownwoods, Rosa Lee vs B"l Cntnmi w T il J.iwera ships durirfg the war, HvirQ ! ,,eXet'U 6 0f"Cei' 0,!?aid. "thi crass will prove both itlip: it's pRor. THEY PAY OFF tomorrow al return next . ' Tlle JeLs are slated to play Friday and Monday at Ketehi- "an ana , Saturday and Tuesday Booth Memorial will send their BoMeHi team for a scries . . . al both' Pr.sburg and Wran- tscll high schools subject to school board approval. The Je'uj will be couched oy Aiex Bill and Fred Calderoni of the Civic Centre staff will be team manager. The nine players who will make the trip are Jim Flaten, Ray Spring. Don and Syd Scherk, Rupert Hoikestad, Sonny Beynon, Bob Gill, Harold Marshall and Art Olson. Last year the Jets lost two ttames to Mellakatla and broke even in their Ketchikan series, losing one and winning one. Tiiis year it Is Coach Alex Bill's ambition to beat Mellakatla on To Use DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED A! Write Them Yourself on this Handy form .cm, cAjjiauitu io me chaplain that they will be read J - It's Sure Good Beer COMPARE . . . English Dark Beer with any other beer . . . any time, anywhere. Just Sav: IHmjltiili tiuri; invitio!; them to play. The Ala.-.kaii teams were not able to guarantee quite enough money and the Student Council was unable to supply additional funds, so the boys each decided to pay a substantial share or their return fare and the trip was on. Coach Jack Evans will have tlie foliowins players on his .squad: Bill McChe.iiicy. Bud Ratchford, Lawrence Kristin: n- son, Fred Simonson, Derek Lr-Mlii tourncau, Dick Nieker.ion. Morrison, Darell Youa;;. Ih iny Kl.ukaljy. Detroit And Boston Tie ! standing. ; Toronto Mople Leafs play the jCanadicns in Monlreal tonight j and New York Rangeis will in ft jthe Black Hawks at Chicago. The league slainlings: ! W D L F A P's' i Detroit : 34 13 12 100 -120 81 j Toronto .. . 32 13 12 17!) 118 77 i Boston 19 1G 24 147 1C1 54 New York .17 18 23 138 105 !)2 M-ntr.al . ... 19 12 27 134 154 50 Chicago 13 10 30 150 213 30 heir own floor, a feat that! BOSTON Del roil Red Winw liasnt been accomplished in;aiMl B,l;;tun Bruins pluved to a many a T.ie year. MctlakaUans,on,..a tlraw in the Na.i.mal iavf just won the All-Alaska ,.ea(.U(. hore last, ni!h,. b? niohfv'' aShUSUal- .t,!?ey The Red Wins nov-have a lour-will i be mighty tough opposition . . . .. '' over Toronto Maple hen on their home floor. njar,,,,, ...i ,ii uuiooi tit-n jiuim wards was being arranged in a hurry this morning alter Coa::h Jack Evans had long-dlsiance calls from Wrangell and Peters- This adverlisenii iii is not publislied or displayed bv ,P I.iqunr Control lioarcl or by the (invernitient of British ( olundiia. :!il'J .... 4 '; Everybody's Talking About This Great Razor Bargain ! k. mm iiili lOIIC' COMPLETE WITH 10 GILLETTE Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, insertions for price of four. Minimum charno, 50:.) Name JJERE'S the greatest bargain in shaving history! Ifj the new Gillette Rocket Razor and the amazing Gilk-tte Blade Dispenser, now packed in a permanent Styrene travel case. This razor changes blades instantly, shaves like a dream. For tops in shaving ease and convenience, buy a Gilli lie Rocket Razor Set-only $1.29. Phone No Schedule Of Ladies' Bowls Ladies' bowling schedule for f tHo ..m.. i.- C announced as follows: vs March 13 Rosa Lee vs CB. of C , McMeekins vs G & A. Belmnm vs Tillers. Stars v Lyons, L. . Strikes vs wratnau. urown- woods vs Annettes. Manson's vs B. Sisters, Ginser-snops , vs B.C.G.E.A.. Coinmerci.il vs Battlers, B. Cats vs Savoy'-', Wallace P. vs Shenton's, Ro.-k-i etlf s vs Skeena G. vs Marcn 20-Battlers vs Walla:'" P., B. Cats vs Commercial. Slrn-ton s vs B.C.G.E.A., B. Sisters vs Skeena G., R ketU-s vs Savoy's, ! Minion's vs Gingersnaps. L. Strikes vs Toilers. Belmont , vs Stars. G & A vs W.. a: hall'--, ' CPORT OHOTS j The rules committee of Hip Canadian Rugby Union adoptrd . the forward pass at a meeting in Toronto 20 years ago. The move followed years of discus-; sion on the question and led io! opening up of the Canadian j game and import of many Unit- ed States players in fol'owii yea rs. Frankie Genaro of New York outpointed Pancho Villa of the I Philippines in 15 rounds at New York 28 years ago to win thej world flyweight boxing . chain- j pion.snip. .uenero lost tlie title to Fidel la Barba in 1925, won it back in 1930 and dropped !t again in 1931. HOCKEY SCORES National Detroit 1. Boston 1 Hie). Pacific ( oast Portland 6, Seattle 2. Pacoma 4, New Westminster 2 Okaiiagan-Mainliiitt Vernon 6, Kamloops 2 i interior round-robin series i. J. Ru.sel, J. Cain, E. M. Binney. Capt. J. PurU'll, SStt. J. YaU-s' Tulhs. Io Stewart ilodavi--J. Mirott.. fo)RfPo) rvi r r ni i X m m m m X. I - iJvcrtiHMtnt i ot piliilttd or dupUycd by LiMkr Cortid ftswd i by th Govtrnmint Bntiih Cgluwbij. f fg SbrunqiAl feivt suppoi i io liie r sivjuld it. be formed here. Chaplain Giilard arrived here aboard the Prince Rupert yesier day on naval duties. Navigation Instruction Instruction in navicaUon will i - i ri i uim riA iinti rfii'Ti in r"L'S Cl!iUham w Sundtty even - Tr' r;w t r- n Lfnt. ' , f A cxw'-ut,.ve served ., n.J,;',-- . . l.S " interesting and vahnhle to the v.. L -ff -I.1" V' --t ""- i :Hf.u x, til it-it. Enicrprisc Brewery Ltd. Revelstoke, B.C. IE-PIECE RAZOR ILUE BLADES IN DISPENSER! BIG $2.00 VALUE For Only a tic MATTKON'S UlHOLSTLRING Phnne (Hue R13. P.O. Box : 33(1 Second Aveniif, Prince Rupert, DC. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all il.s branches 204 4th Slreet. Phone (155 KLECTROLUX Sales and .Service R. w. ("orjjNS Phone Blue 970 Box 1020 For Pennine parls and service piione or write above. M. J. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rock and Concrete Work Phone Blue 939 P.O. Box 711 Trince Rupert PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CIIANDI.FR'S STI DIO 216 - 4th Street Box G45 Phone Given 339 Prince Rupert ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY Address Advei li.sinr Ls payable k a r -v r s . . .T ' - ; k-- r-i .....iri...t In advance. Pi a.se icfrain from t. 1c,i.iiimi worn per Insertion, minimum charge ftOc. Birlh Notices 5ilc. Cants f Thankv I Policial Notices, Marriage and 12 ittacmenl Announcements SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE i t TRAINING AGAIN Frank Frednckson, left, and Fred Cyclonci Taylor, famous centres in pro hockey in the past, are shown train ni; for a benefit game in Vancouver Feb. 27. The former Ol-iiimule men are expected to limit themselves U) shorter v retches on the ice. I KKUt FOIt SM.K FOR SALE I MA'1-Ri.MAIJ.v KNOWN NAMES - Line-bet Sneeder Knovels; Craiu-.s. Di-ii;iines: Ailann liii.ui Clraurrs: Littleford Bros. FOR SALE-1910 Dmlue 4-door poH BALE Vsedan. Piione Red 143. (53l I diviiU-a uifiE I i,. ,i,,ii in 6 roleSMona FOR SALE - Baby bilRey. as j.,, fjiwir u..v v,i, iiu.iii ivi.iiiiLrii.iuer new pearl crey 1IIH1 cnroine. wiuioineiil : (iwen Claiushcll Phone Red 217. taict BucneU and Kock Uraooies; I". L. isinith Concrete Mixers; FOR SALE New and used fur-Clai KoiKlili irinKs: Nelson: niture. hardware and clothing tin. Kel 'mailers lor Mtockuile i at the lowest pos.sible prices, aou Snow .'temovai: Rice Port-1 B. C. Filrnilure, 3rd Ave. W. line Ceiilriluual Pumus; National Dragline Scraners and FOR SALE Smith Corona port-li.UKi'th. haiionul All Steel able typewriter in uood condi-Uasoline Hoists: National, tion, S05 00. Phone Green 8411 fortahip Sawmills; National after 5 pm U2pi crease - Best ouahlv. For .sale at B.C. Furniture (tr; PF.KSONAL DID YOU KNOW that, McRae llKlllilT D..I Afroi'V public Arro. Tax siwi-fci!!4 Stone Huw!a- BIlUUKSt1' PLUMBINOan:' Hlieel Hi'111 ' e ravel nwl Wo! I'll'" aiidjS. PRICKS I"1" slecl. brat " Honest era-, mcnt nw Metals If-'. coiivtT, o. " 0357. , WANTED- ; hv O'lanr- pre leu. FOS Bros, sell all appliances at thel same price as Vancouver? No WANTEP Instant Blade Changing RboI Shaving Comfort Doubla-Edgs Economy En, HneiS MAIICAIiirr Mrl.KOi) OPTOMETRIST Boom 10 iTOMi: BUILDINO rilONF. HLUK WX P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNIOY (J0N1CK OI'TOMKTRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 A. P. GARDNER &-C0. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C A. nnd ROY KIIAND. C.A. 324 .Second Avenue Box 2(i3 Phone 88 HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Pi lncp Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 . i ; f : f -'.iJ.'. ' r !v' - X: k". .Nir 1-.V11J HENT- ttSSaitjvr G. From Vancouver (Wednesday) Mr. Bowker, W. Robinson. J. Iivine, H. Steele, F. W. Scott, K. P. McCliue. Mrs. L. Bolum, How T'.MiK, G. P. For,!, ,T. A. Ford, W. G. Klieardown. From S.indMiit ( Wednesday I L. Keith. To Vancouver (today) Miss Mess, A. McEwen, Mrs. A. Mc-Eu. n and infant; W. O. Taylor, ! W. O. McKay. J. S. Lindsay, C. F. Bnddon, II. Helin, G. Currie, W.I II I I i. n r .ir j w mtm a . PV s.7 vll' V i'TLT M, " L J f r .?', i:- tr:44 I B urn bwmbmv This u.-vertlsi'ment is not piihl!.':hrd Ikii or illspliiycil l,y (ii,. I, ,,!,. control Hi inn I or hy tlie riovi-riiim-nt l I lr, Itl'itl.ai t.'olunilila. of Jlie Pioneer w ill DI'IV vvoi'kin? ; 1 West. Plu'W. FOR REJTMJ suite with oa.; 48, Pailvf FOU RENT, for tsirl. ll.' HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE CI'NFRAI, CONTRACTORS Building and ltepairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS' OIL BUiiNKRS niONHS Black I Red 094 P.O Box 1070 if; o. iiei;erson LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black C99 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL colussps music store Artonts for the finest . in Musical Instrumenls PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210-41 h St. Ph. Black 3R9 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 NfcWS BRINGS RESULTS. a M ROOM "'or. rf; i Full inlonnatioii Irom kiwuai m.ieiinieiv O. JUluuteu, Vaiicouier. B.C. ttn ATTENTION to Fishermen. Steel sit.ll.il ion rritii.-il C k, m .. t guarantee delivery date except for small tanks un to 50 gallons and lariie tanks in tlie 316 and 4 plate size. Thorn Sheet Metal, Black 884. (52c) FOR SALE Complete trolling tiear for small boat. 4 spools new Lemco gurdies poles, blocks, leads, etc. $150(10. 4 h p. dutch and reverse near, also converted auto transmission. Blue 924. evenings. I53p NEW LUMBER PLANERs74" x 13" lour side, round heads, ball bearincB, all cast frame, last leea.s. very reasonable. I Marathon Machinery Co., 3842 ; Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C. (afto) FOR SALE Late 1949 A"in V.H1. uood condition, only 7000 miles. Selling account need lamer our. Full price $1295 ou i cash. Apply 724 Alfred St. i eveninas 5fipi I FOR RALE 27-foot boat with j Hits Of rnhin sn'inn Piiitmr,, with 45 hp, Simplex marine endue. Phone Green 447 be-lween0 p.m. and 8 p.m. (51pi FOR RALE 2 Whi!etrucks7 tan- uem dual drive yoo rubber 214 wheelba.se. Worked 3 months. Terms. Aoplv Albert Houslon, Dawson Creek, B.C. (63p) FOR SALE 3 piece chesterfield suite. Excellent condition. Apply 1348 PiKEOtt Ave. (54c) FOR RALE '41 Plvmout hTrndio healer. $075 or best offer An-nly tloat house. Sourdomrh Bay (Seal Cove I. (55p) FOR SALE '39 Plymouth sedan, j j.juo. nooiv james Kitcnie, Empire Barber Shoo. (55pi FOR, RALE 1938 Chev. Sedan witn heater Good runninR condition. Also Rood rubber. Phone Blue 721. (51p) FOR RALE McClarv coal and wood ranee in A-l condition. Phone Black 408 after o pm (tf-nc) lilacs oi- . i f elf S 41 ir-iwH.'.. ; j . iremnt is added. Did vou also know that vou can buv name brand appliances on tlie bud-net plan? (54.' i CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper batteries and radiators Phone 543 -call 029 Uth W, City. (If I NORTHLAND Dairy milk delivered 2)'. per ouart. Why pay more? Phone 18 for dailv de-liven' service M-29 TASTY TEA ROLLS can be obtained todav and everv day at the Rupert Bakery Ltd. Phone 043 for orders. UP RF.AI, ESTATE FOR SALE Furnished duplex house. Lower floor rented. Immediate oecunancv. 233 7th We.st. Phone Blue 828. (51pi FOR SALE -House for' removal or demolition Tlione Black 801. UP FOR RALE-Wartlme four, furnished or unfurnished. $2000 down, balance as rent Phone Black 608 after 5 p.m. (55ci FOR SALE Five room modern furnished house, like new Good location. Immediate possession. Phone Green 491. Call petween 4 and 0:30 p.m. 52pi FOR SALE Wa7timefour7ooo condition. $3500.00 cash or $3900 00 terms Principals onlv. Apply 724 Alfred St.. eveninCs. (5fip, FOR RAT.F A Prtnm wnrllmp house, full cement basement and Raraee. 1440 8th East. Phone Green 008. (53pi HERE IS very Rood value Small four, fullv furnished. Full price only $3000 with $2000 down. Almost immediate occupancy. For this and other real estate buys see Armstrong Aeneies Phone 342 or 207 (eves.). (52c) 711 I""' I KOOMJ FOR lor routes DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 WTTHfi fMei't .jewelk'f' u Italic !