i PD PL am or Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 1, 1951 As I See It indent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince and Northern and Central British Columbia, j . SUBSCRIPTION flATES: ir of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations f Canadian Daily Newspaper As.soclation jnm Managing Editor. H. Q. PKRRY, Managing Director L people) will come to a head in anything I possess that the Brit-Egypt. But my Impression ts ish will not leave the .Suez ber that most of the newspaper ' fore the treaty expires- in 1956; stories about an imminent up-' and, what's more, that not more heaval in Egypt are plain bunk, than a tiny minority of the po lr Mfl. FIT wi-triv, ,duu, in munm, iat;; n?r Year, i!v Mail. Per Month. 75c: Per Year. S8.00 I more ptibli.'.hrd every afternoon exeunt, finnrhv j.u Ana i wouia net mat about ticians expect them to do so. ? j Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Visitors' clay at Borden School during education week will be Wednesday, March 7, ltas announced at the Parent-Teachers' Council meeting Monday. A PTA tea will be convened that day by Mrs. A. S. Nickerson. A Hot-Cross bun sale will be held the Thursday before Easter. PlJroit MEN'S WEAR f ace and Rupert fe-iiiiin-iii'H""" A Back to School" program was reported by King Edward school, to give parents an insight In present teaching methods. EGYIT POSTSCRIPT KARACHI, Pakistan-Here is a postscript on my reports from Egypt. Prime Minister, Liaqua Ali Khan, has Just condemned, in strongest terms, the U.S.-spon-sored resolution by the UN which branded Communist China as an aggressor, an'l which by-parsed the peace-loving moves by the -Arab and Asian nations. THIS OBVIOUSLY growing Arab restiveness against what thy regard as the rather crude and provocative nature of U.S. plicies has, by reaction, helped the British. Privately, key Egyptians will .say to you: "We thought the British were terrible till the Yanks came to dominate the world picture. Now we realize that the British, knew their way around better. They were less like a bull in a cbin'i shop." t Whatever may be the truth i;i that, British policy In Egypt in 1951 is the last word in common sense. Outside tli canal zone, you literally never see a Britin uniform. The troops are extremely well behaved and. to ni appeared really well liked by their neighbors. ' SOONER OR LATER the economic situation (rich land, poor COMBINATIONS Men's 1st quality combinations. Usaally. sell for $3.75. Now, suit $2.50 DRESS SHIRTS White dress shirts. Perfect fit. Usually $4.50. SPECIAL $3.85 TRENCH COATS Fully lined. A real good buy. These are sold at $29 00. Get one now at $21 50 BOYS' WEAR Pants, Sweaters, Windbreakers, Stockings, Underwear'. Etc WINDBREAKERS All wool windbreakers, fancy Plaids'. Real Specials $3.50 to $4.25 BOYS' PANTS For school and dress. A large variety rinai pians were made lor a' White Elephant sale March 15. i Visitors' day will be March 8. . Conrad school reported plans for a White Elephant sale on April 14. . Council accepted nomination lr0m - - O -Jt. .k Ml 1 forthwith. But tins demand has long been a Dlank in Uiu Wafd Party platform, it was more or less routine to reinsert it. I AM NOT SUGGESTING tlyit the Egyptians do not want the British to get out in due course. Nationalism hits you like a blast of hot breath in all this part of the world. (Why not? Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.) Hence, the British military occupation, even of one corner of the country, is a standing reminder of the days of Egypt's humiliating subordination to European powers. There is no suggestion anywhere that the treaty with Britain be extended beyond the 195 limit. But I did hear and not from British Commonwealth .sources either) the suggestion that Wafd's atrosg line was takn to establish a ati'oiigtr bargaining position in regard to the future of the Sudan. The general Egyptian position is that the Sudan is an integral part of their country. The British hold that the people of the Sudan should be allowed to decide their own destiny for themselves. THERE IS ANOTHER important factor that makes the British position in Egypt far stronger uhan might appear on the surface. Throughout all th Arao and Asian countries there is a profound and growing mistrust of U.S. war-and-peace policies. While the Moslems, are, by ideology, culture and all habits of thought, as adamantly opposed to Communism as are, say, Roman Catholics in our part of the world, it is obvious that they and their leaders tend to blam? the Americans almost as much as the Russians for the drift toward world war three. In Pakistan, for . instance, the t hopond WWil Edward P-TA, as Prince Rupert's j delegate to B.C. Parent-Teachers convention to be held in Vic-' torla. ' ' It was decided that upon return ' of Miss Patterson, she would report to each school individually j so as to benefit more people. ! Because there are only three,! Instead of four active P-TA organizations, schools were asked! to raise expense account, nf thn' 5THEU well-known Prince Rupert business I In-anching out to the thriving town of Ter-I miles east, which is enjoying a big industrial on due to the logging activities of Columbia ic in the area, added to the already flourishing and sawmilling business which some 'i changed it from the traiKjuil agricultural .unity which caused it to be popularly known I'Slrawberry Town." id, added to this, may be soon the huge alum--oje.'t at Kitimat which it is conceded would the construction of a railway and highway ferrace through a' natural valley traversing :!0-miIe distance. jiice Rupert and Terrace have since the first Jiise community of interest. This became even I'lien the highway was built a few years ago. o, as both Terrace and Prince Rupert enjoy ' jg share of the new era of development and rity which is coming throughout the north jlicularly in the central interior, the two tiities are drawn even, closer together in flip and business. 8t is as it should be. There is and will be no 1 Instead itls a common and mutual advance- Broadway Cafe The debate which I heard in the Egyptian parliament on the last day of my visit had to do with a big barter deal between Egypt and Yugoslavia. The extemdy clever critic of the government's deal was Mohammed Ahmed Bereiry, and he claimed that the big cotton exporters had made huge fortunes by reason oi iiaving inside knowledge of the impending barter conviaci. DURING MY STAY in Egypt I tried my best to size up sentiment regarding tine treaty which gives Britain the right to maintain troops on the Suez Canal till 1956. Here is my guess, for what it is worth: The present Egyptian government is really not much concerned about the fact th'-it British troops will be on Egyptian soil for another five years. In fact, information which seemed to me to be most responsible, suggested that the Wafd Partv government was a reaction. True, there was a demand, in the Soeech from the Thron, that the British auit Egy;it 1 Besl Food delegate from $25 to enough to meet expenses. STEP I!P MEMBERSHIP P-TA memberships this- year were below 1950 level, it was learned from a letter by Mrs. A. J. McLennan, who asked that Finest Cooking BABY'S COLDS Help Nature To Fight Them Off Medical Sctenw dnirn there I any mich thing an a cure for poMh only Nature herwlf ran do it. So when baby's BninVs, or Htuffy brrathinu warn you of a cold'g prwnce rtMHH'ratp at once with Nature. St that baby is kept warm, nets plenty of uleep anl lake ext rs care that the boweiM are thoroughly ekared of harmful wattles. To do this without upsetting baby't 1 whole K.vKtem and further weakening it, try Baby's. Own TaMeta, Mild, yet art promptly in Kettinjt rid of irritnt in mat, rials that, nuke baby rentb-sa and feverish. One Nova Scotia Mother nays: "My bb of 'Jfi months raueht. a nanty eold so I tii,-ff Baby's Own Tablets and ahe threw thin rold off jui't.-er than ever before. I certainty am fr Hhy'n Own Tablets from now on." Kffertive also in teething troubles, cintipatin and other Him pie baby ilia. Get a package today at drugstores. 2Vf Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. -Phone 200 For take home orders -4 membership drive be stepped up. Mrs. Hardin said the Drama and Festival Club was satisfactorily financed, with a vote of thanks to city businessmen. Mrs. Hardin said that all entries for,! the forthcoming Music and Drama Festival must be in by end of March. Mrs. R. E. Mortimer was chairman; Mrs. John Denning, acting secretary. Others present were Mrs. A. J. Dominate, Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. Liixi.scth, Mrs. Bjorn-win, Mrs. L. M. Oreene, Mrs. Gris-rel. Mrs. K. Hanson, Mrs. Mark, Mrs. Tough. Mr. Blair, Mr. Wil i 4,alion-A Defence nnoimccniciit PI 1 I 1 " " t) Education Week coming up, George Drew . well said that education must become part ; ('. l;i's defences if she is to come out on top itl,j lurid-wide struggle for survival. uu son and Mr. Moore. We are expecting another shipment of Austin Sedans and Station Wagons soon. A few are still unsold. Superior Auto Service Ltd; STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue at Park Green 217 BEFORE IT STARTS .... INSTEAD DF AFTER IT APPEARS 'digressive Conservative leader, "that the t YOUTH HOSTELS MONTREAL (CP) Charles Harris, executive secretary of Canadian Youth Hostels Association, said In an address here that Canada Is the only country In the International Youth Hostel Federation where hostelling is still organized on a pure Plllill!!1 inure of Canada will depend on the kind of n which Canadian children receive in our Juir churches and our schools." f Mr. Drew: "In the world-wide struggle in c now are engaged, education will play a frail." I it is the character of its people, he adds, f determine.. the destiny, of every nation. ation will help shape that character. I.v and destruction of powerful nations FISHERMEN . ly voluntary basis. Funds are sonant 10 develop the project. through the pages of history, principally - For complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, see Rupert Motors Ltd, We have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment to perform this work for you . . . efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on, let us have that Job now. moral purpose failed to keep abreast of advantage. history tells us. too. says Mr. Drew, of the dL ... . .through the centuries of nations with little Qfl3S32EJJ CSffSI 1 tTlZZD 223 tin Rupert Motors Limited V-ealth : "The character of the' people sur-I the most severe trials. e Education Week will emphasize the I giving to young Canadians those qualities jiiml heart which are the strongest defence lie evil forces which so seriously threaten life we now are trying to preserve at great Thi famout formula, developed by the University of Illinois Foundation, caused enormous interest in dental circles because sf its promising method of attacking tooth decay. In preliminary tests conducted at the University, cae after cate of reduction in the incidence of tooth decay was reported. Now the manufacturers of Listerine Antiseptic make this tame formula readily available to you and to your family. Use Listerine Ammoniated Tooth Paste regularly, as directed, morning and night and right after eating. Lambert Pharmacal Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto. ICE 1. Chemical fjcllen rduct mouth acidity. Mouth acidity encourages decay. .comfort." IT'S SPRING! Time to give your home a fresh new coat of paint, both inside arid out. Call on us. We have the top quality paints and workers to insure perfect results quickly and reasonably. PHONE BLACK ill 5 SPENCE & MATUIK r 1 V-e Wise.. BUY NOW! 113 I ISTERINE njtlitre f-uSSatje for T)oilaij J Mechanical action cltant sur- 0 fa's as tppt h are brushed' heljw break up and remove decay-breeding deposits. r Chtmlcal action chacki actd-f forming bacteria a major I1 Christ-be not risen, then is our preaching vain, "i'r faith is also vain." 1 Cor. 15:14. LICENSED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! cause of decay. GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS $ Cft Ki With pump , 1DI'U ' GENERAL ELECTRIC SfOO flfl DELUXE REFRIGERATORS ... .. iAtJH", OffiD ammo am GENERAL ELECTRIC $ nn nvt b 1 urtc t VLLUAt KHI'fVJLJ O'WK BATCHES GRUEN BULOVA fi r;iM pni py NOW ON DISPLAY AT . Northern B.C. Power Co.L a 1 w ' -vfi"3f- i.'-N.via Prince Rupert Phone 210 Stewart, B.C. MIDO MARVIN VS 9" v.-,B'Ji-i(XjV J es Richardson & Sons y m . v Urlo.lL-Wlnule Sl,jLj ...firdoumiJ w ALLACE Indispensable to "Traders" and Investors In Western Canadian Oils 9....JLI I, A. :i,ni 'n. )n . 1 Pharmacy , vmnivil x.v. J) M Villi "tern Canadian Oils" contains the latest maps, 's and figures, relating to oil and natural c gas developments in Western Canada, together with detailed information on the many Canadian and United States Companies doing the work. This 144-page booklet is indispensable to all those hav- 4 p H O N E 7 9 HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS: mi 12 Noon to 2 p.m.' 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. u, n investment or trading" interest western Canadian Oil Companies' shares. four office""5' 9 K(luest to mes Richardson & Sons The Diamond you choose for your beloved should be the finest you can afford. Our experience in selecting fine gems, plus our reputation for reliability, assures you of the best. Come in today! UTULISHED S37 Pacific Coast Offices ft VANCOUVER VKTORIA GEORGE COOK, J e we 1 1 e r SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE I