(QVT SArveperey ; =| THE DAILY NEWS : : TA XI Phone 76 and 36 We Never Sleep ™ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO Manag 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE | ———— _— OW — . 4 ee —_ — — — —e . x, NO nat « PRINCE RUPERT. PR. ¢ PR DAY, OCTOBER 3. 1049 PRICE FIVE (1 Ee a a ey special to The News London, ne of a settlement of the rai pointing: , from the tloyd George Issues Message To Nation Regarding Strike Not Fighting Trades Unionism but to Prevent Extremists of any Industrial Body Attacking Life of Commuity and Bringing Untold Misery to Innocent People; No Settlement in Sight. via G.T.P. Telegrapnhs.) October 3.—Although it is premature to abandon Ilway strike, the situation is dis- There was expectation of some arrangement result- numerous confereroes yesterday and today between or representatives and the Government, but the position is gall grave. According to reports issued by the National Union of Railway- the attempt to reopen negotiations collapsed owing to the ysal of the Government to go beyond the previous offer. The wort stated that other unions than that of the railwaymen were ntinuing their efforts at mediation. While the strike continued, »men said, they would do nothing to hinder mediation. Every motion picture screen is exhibiting a message from ime Minister Lloyd George which states that the Government not fighting trades unions, which are a recognized feature of dustrial life. The Government is fighting to prevent extremists any industrial body from gaining their ends by attacking the eof the community and so bring untold misery upon thousands innocent people. gir Eric Geddes met a very hostile reception when he proceed- i from the office of the Ministry of Transport to the conference Downing Street. Great crowds of strikers hissed him the ole length of Whitehall. The Government has closed stribution of milk. London, October 3. jlway men, AT yf ANDREW'S are Given to Old Country Brides of Returned Men at Social and Reception. wie St. And | ' easant social was held| ew's Hall last even- | Une nl auspices oO} \ndrew's Society and the es’ Auxiliary if the associa-|} pose being the wel-| é members recently re battieflelds of welcomed were] Peter Kerr, H. Foote, | J. Clapperton D. Macdonald, giving ress of weleome, afte duced the speake *ning, A. M. Manson, A s tl ley s solici the ceurse o (Noon). ich operates the buses and other vehicle traffic of London, is lotiig today on the question of striking in sympathy with the Regent Park to the public and susing it as a clearing centre for market produce, frozen mea d fish, in the same way that Hyde Park is being used for the The Union of Vehicle Workers, SENTATION {CHICAGO WINS THIRD GAME IN WORLD SERIES Comes Back at Cincinnati With Score of 3 to 0. Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs,) Chicago, October 3.—Chicago Jurned the tables on Cincinnati in the third game of the world series Lhis afternoon by shutting the visitors out by a seore of 3 to 0. Chicago made two runs in the innings and one in the The batteries were Fish- second fourth, and{er and Raridon for Cincinnati and ce and Schalk for Chicago. s opened by thet Chieago, Oct. 3.—Hard digging started today for the Reds. From the soft home grounds where they have been making the dirt fly, the |steam shovel of Pat Moran rooted into the gravel at Comisky Park. Farly this morning the Moran ed each of the|Helewation invaded the strong- rs with an hon.|hold of the White Sox for the > detrph membership to|three games that they hoped f “Yy tn the form of a beau-|avould end the series and bring Moh A 1 seroll, the first world's championship », ..' Wo of the members|banner to Ohio. Just a little be- d from the Old} hind them the White Sox team i f “ih brides presenta. |btaged their homecoming, but it des ‘ ~~ e consisting of | Was far different from the trium- hiy, .? D@King dish and|phant entry planned by the fans ha a "ig silver spoons were|of the Windy City. Today's bat- ee Mrs. J. J. Little |ting order was: Mile a tM " : ¢ N. Kelly. Mr, Chieago—J. Collin, r.f., E. Col- } to Selly made suitable |dins, 2nd, Weaver 3rd, Jackson Messing thy, : ; entations, ex |éd-f., Felseh e.f., Gandil ist, Ris- PENS of est = *Clation of ae s.s., Schald ec., Cicotte c., Fa- At . er p. *¢ by em * given fol.| Cineinnati-—Rath 2nd, Daubert FNdered yy W. Songs were | {st Groh 3rd, Roush e.f., Dunean WY, Mrs. yy Millen ay James | lf. Kopf 8.8., Neale r.f., Rariden “Tun, Mrs, y \ p irs. WR.) ¢., Fisher and Eller p. P steen, W. Rows 3 son | Se EE Do * “inelan CONSUL Sie ne ae aa ®VE and Mie’ duet by Har OVES OFFICES Robb gave Stephens, cane M VES he - ' ecitatio Satie the 4 and large os then The United States consulate has Mdulged , “Od dancing 28 lbeen moved fram the Exchange Wrellent n 0 the strains of the | building on Third Avenue to the ot Wing a Provided by the | house formerly occupied by *. and Merc “eS Of the society: | mitenell Albert on Fourth Ave Cameryn JaMOs Loe Mrs. DD. Consul Wakefield will live in part nd Robert Arthur Jor the house and the other part i y8mnth Coa) ’ | Will be used as consulate offices e . -___---e— —— Dery Coai Compen eat Prince | Roard of Trade Regular meet hone 16 -|ing tonight. CONSERVATIVES TURN DOWN FORMER MEMBER AND CHOOSE FARMER (Special via 6. T.P. Telegraphs.) Toronto, October 3 The Gon Servative convention vesterday re. jected Charles R. MeKeown whe for has been th Conservative member for Dufferiy and whip for the Hearst Govern Ment in the Legislature his place John rmer. WILL SELL KARL’S SCANDINAVIAN BANK OBJECTS OF ART! 1§ ORDERED CLOSED ‘4 (Special via Mere: twelve years and chose Reburn, ¢ (Special via 6.T.P. Telegraphs.; Vienna, Oetober 2-——Official an- nouncement was made today of the Government's proposed plan for the sale of the objeets of art 6. T.P Oct. 3 Telegrapns. ) The Seandina- n-American Bank with liabili- vie | igs aggregating $1,000, 006 tirouch which the aetivities of fermerly owned by the erstwhile tt Non-Partisan League has been Royal family. These treasures fifaneed, was ordered closed to. nuclude paintings, tapestries and : day by the North wakota Bank many priceless historical relies, img Board, whieh declared the omen penton bank insolvent and charged the Board of Trade Regular meet-{dipectors with violations of the ing stafe banking laws. GOVERNMENT REFUSES INVESTIGATION INTO McKENZIE CHARGES (Special to The News via G.T. P. Telegrapns. Ottawa, October 3.—The House of Commons, voted 79 to 56, giving a majority of 23 in rejecting Db. D. Me- Kenzie’s motion demanding the appointment of a parliamentary on a division committee to inquire into the manner of taking the soldiers’ vote at the Iq@st general election, as well as into sending a code tele- gram under the signature of Hon. Arthur Meighen to Sir Robert Borden to the apportioning of one thousand votes in Manitoba. the division was preceded by McKenzie produced the origina seivsvan and Mt Meiahen, after SLIGHT MISTAKE OF soldier much excitement when Mr. looking it over, declared it was} not his handwriting and that he VANCOUVER WRITER had not written or seen it. eupnenieinganty The minister declared the tele- Rk. W. Douglas, writing in the gram as produced tobe a forgery.| Vancouver Sun of recent date After the division, Hon. C. 1./says: “Canada has been made the Doherty claimed the telegrat | poorer by the loss of so many of | produced by Mr. McKenzie had | her writers. Mrs. Coates (Sarah become the property of the House.|Jeannette Duncan) is in India, He maintained that the document, | \s a matter of fact Mrs. Coates so far as it could be examined,|is not in India, She was here was not what MeKenzie elaimed|during the summer for a couple it to be insofar as the signature|of months and she left for New intending to visit also in Si: Robert Borden was concerned. | Brantford, Ontario, her old home, McKenzie replied that the docu- | before proceeding with her hus ment was a photograph ef the}band to England where it is un of Mr. Meighen or the address | Bea original and that he had i |derstood she expects to live, Her tabled it. husband, E. ©. Coates, is repre After some discussion the;senting Reuter’s News Agency speaker upheld Mr. MeKenzie’s| vith the Prince of Wales in this contention, country. $400 GIVEN: IN ‘CASH PRIZES Ou Monday the Daily News is commencing a competition and will give away $400 in cash prizes. ist Prize $200 Cash. 2nd Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash, Special Prizes, $50 Cash. These prizes go to those who secure the largest sumber oi new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decide: by points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows» City Circulation. Out of Town Circulation. 4 Month, 75e. .....- 75 points | nile 6 Months, $4 ..... 150 points { Month, S@e@.75..... 50 points 4 Year, 88 .....-- 1,000 points 6 Months, $3 .......350 points 2 Years $16 ......2,000 points ( VoaPa i> icon tees 800 points Renewals, City or Outside. On every dollar collected, 50 pts. whether the winner of the four big prize Every competitor, , , according to the amouni or not stands to make a substantial sum collected, Nominations for the with and its receipt at the offies points, Nominate yourself or a friend, be nominated only once. The contest manager 6 each afternoon, when eve! competitors. competition should be on the form here starts the competitor with LOO but each contestant can will be in the offiee only from 4:30 to vy information will be given intending NOMINATION BLANK » Deisa : i hereby nominate as a contestant in your Prize Competition: Name Address Nominated by Special Committee (Special to The News Ottawa, October 4. Establishment Messrs. Grand Army of Canada aj known that Gothard an Vaner committee, times. The message stated that (he same grilling that Flynn he PRESIDENT IS. VERY SICK MAN SAYS DOCTOR Phisycians in Consultation This Afternoon Over Condition of Head of United States Government. (Special via GG. T. P. Telegraphs.) Washington, Oct, 3.—President Wilson is a very sick man, and his eondition is less favorable, said Dr. C,. T, Grayson, the presi dent's physician, last night. Washington, Oct. 3.— Eminent physicians are condition of President All matters of «state are being witheld and his daughter, Mrs. rayre, bas left Cambridge, Mass., White House, for the MARRIED YESTERDAY BY REV. DR. GRANT Miss Elizabeth Thain Becomes Bride of George Place and Will Live Here. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Thain and George Place took place yesterday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church manse, Rey Dr. Grant officiating. The mony was performed in the pres ence of only the immediate friends of the bride and groom, Mis. J. Fraser attended the bride and the groom was supported by Williem Thain. Supper was served al the home of Mrs. Ave. and lat& the new lv married couple left for Seattle and Tacoma where they will spend the Roath bride and many friends in town tended their congratulations Thain for many years past has been on the staff of the Hotel Prince Rupert and was deservedl; The groom, Ranee comes from Tacoma, Prinee Rupert Fraser on Hays Gove honeymoon. groom lave who ex Mis- vopular, Place and has fished out of for some time past. On their ve turn to town they will uD their residence on Ninth take Avenue ASK TO PROHIBIT (Special via G.'T, P, Telegraphs.) Sarnia, October 2.--Members of the Great War Veterans have asked Mayor Nesbitt to prohibit the labor meeting which bas been called for next week to hear an address from Rey, Mr. Ivens, the Winnipeg strike leader. NOTICE The Cadet Corps will meet on Friday evening at the Borden &t School at 7 o'clock to be measures for uniforms and to reorganize ifter the holidays. J. ©, BRADY, Instruetor. Some new Snappy Invictus shoes for men, Family Shoe Store, . : Soldier Witnesses Join Campaign for $2,000 Gratuity had a series of galvanic shocks when it Noon). this af- ternoon in consultation over the Wilson. LABOR MEETING gets Galvanic Shock on Hearing of Course taken by Gothard and McKenzie. via G.T. P, Telegraphs.) The special committee on Soldiers’ Re- became d McKenzie, delegates from the yniver had left to join J. WH. Flynn the tight for a $2,000 gratuity and would not come before the They left a message for the committee which was lelivered after the chairman had called these witnesses several they did not intend to go through ad been subjected to and would in him in his course of publie meetings, NEARLY $100,000 TAKEN AT BALL GAME YESTERDAY Chicago Hit Viciously, But Fed Fielders Were There to Re- celve Them. | Cineinnati, Oct. 3.—It is an- nounced that the attendance at che mateh yesterday numbered 29,690 and the total receipts were $97,136. The players’ pool was $52,453.44 and the share of the baseball commission amounted to $9,713.60, the clubs getting $34,- 988.96. stowed away in the fourth and when that inning arrived yester- day the fans emitted a roar in demand for an encore. The Cin- cinnati batsmen responded, but the person who really took the demand to himself was Claude Williams, the Sox’ left hander who was on the mound. He passed ‘vee batters and three scored. An aviator flew close to the grandstand at this stage of the proceedings, but if he was looking for Williams he flew altogether too low. From where Williams floated, the 34-storey insurance building looked like a speck on the landscape. In the sixth he passed another runner and the latter scored, but the tally was not needed. The first three were enough. It was noted that all four of the Red runners were counted by players who passed to first. The Chicago's two runs in the seventh were the result of two hits and an error. The visitors garnered ten hits scattered throughout the game. They hit the ball viciously at other times but the Red fielders were there to receive them. PRINCE OF WALES IS CHIEF MANY SMILES (Special by G.T.P. Telegrapnhs.) Lethbridge, October 3.—The In- dians here invested the Prince of Wales with the dignity of “Red Crow, the chief of the tribe be- stowing on him the title of “Chief Many Smiles.’ The order of the Red Crow is the highest honor which Indians can bestow. LITTLE GIRL WAS BURNED TO DEATH (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) Vancouver, October 3.-——While asleep in her bed Dorothy Wentz, aged six, of 615 Hamilton St., was burned to death. Two babies who were sleeping in the same room at the time were carried out safely. BLEW BANK SAFE Asolin, Wash., Oct. 2.--Bank robbers blew the safe of the Bau- meister, Vollmer & Seott Bank and stole 83,000, aeceording to Edward Baumeister, the president, Wednesday's game was safely est 2 ‘ » a ? =< < yf zg : “e au. ek: | op