M 4 Prince Rupert Daily News I Friday, December 21, 1951 OVHt SHVUNTV i Continued from page 3 i r LAST-MINUTE Christianity Democratic Mrs. John Vlereck being chosen y ...4 .. ...... IJ E1 llfi; sey, vice-presiden CHRISTMAS SHOPPNG short time was f -Jt. f,u . Loca Among the ear a who spoke for a n i Christmas Spir.t Progressive Anil I'nlimited The Christmas spirit is the d PERSONAL i J V:3- ... I nu. Gondii. f.COltcr Witon Ru3J' 27' 185 Mrs. Anderson, whose husband, the late P. W. Anderson, was a contractor here. It was not until early in the J", evening that the -assembly, y which gathered at 2:30, finally jj broke up. 5" The number of old timers and friends who were present total- y ied 70, " "5 Mr. Stephens, in the course of the proceedings, thanked Ki-v. Nodi Tavlor of Masset. after i Caot. and Mrs. A. F. Davidson '"lclu""t'1 w uemucracy. w is pending a few days in the city, and son left on today s plane ' tn sp "t of progress and has s returning by the Chilcotin to- for Victoria to spend Christmas ; no hmltations. light fothi? home on the Queen and New Year holidays. j Bishop J. B. Gibson held this ".hariotle Wands. I theme in addressing a Rotary : . ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Adkins, who lunch" meet-In yesterday as Hay Liiidner, serving with the have been visiting in the city, ".f11 , on ths spirit with Wiiton Ruq. 36x63 2'S Beth MaC. 27 51 rf T.-.kiJC ai.. x -S0 G. Sieber for his courtesy in 5 Jui;nrc Ponwt i . J,,u 4 Mnadian army at Churchill on are returning tonight by the """- ludson day. arrived in the city Chilcotin for their home at Mas-, to make waV Peace 011 eartn- luring the week -and is sailing set. i "The world is a series of eou-i unidit ' on the Chilcotin to I tradictlons of joy and sorrow,! ' " ' "w,cH'u, irom 4,. permuting rmitting use use oi of the me church cnurcn J Kcsr"iorc and Soring-hlled MaHrcsscs 35 qq - pend Christmas and New Year F. A. Genin, engineer for Auto- j happiness and pain, peace and! hall. The pastor, who had pronounced grace, assured the ,club that they would be wtk-ome again next year. 5-r srs. uilidaya.-al Masset with his par- nts. ilr. and Mrs. Kurt Lindner, jj A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd ... ..., 'A boikI nlace to buv m - a :! ! niauc tiecuic, wuu is m jiiviiig a war. ine oeast is snaring tne survey of the local telephone ; stall with the Babe in these ' system, left by today's plane fori times we look onto the Christ-Vancouver enroute to Chicago mas spirit for peace." I At Christmas time, differences On the $280 per capita taxation collected, by Ottawa tlii.s year. $110 is for defense spending and 1 10 for other purposes. to spend the (, nr..-;' mas holiday season at his home. Lo;-i shocl pupils sailing to-iiglv.tn the Chilcot.n for their lomcj, on Uie Queen Charlotte ? 3:7 IU.I .4 vviitie , ' Phone 115 are forgotten, and friends of long ago are remembered all over the world by a simple greet- . Island to spend the Christmas O. Stout of Port Clemt.its, af- ind 5(,w Year holidays include ter a brief visit to the city, is ing card. This also indicated the .vl ssc. Andrea Stout and Anna sailing on the Chilcotin tonight ;l iwai for Port Clements How- for his home. Accompanying him "frit . f fri the Chrtetmw Christmas ird Lindsay. May Lindsay, Irene is his daughter, Andrea, who at- njL .a orfi I .illd.- M.irilvn Mnrinep anH t.BnH .hnAl h anH ic oninv . """V """"" ' cou W. F. Bar- 7,,..' ;., n." ,, ,. r , ' ': letter from Primate home for vacation. SEAWAY NEARH REALITY T he St. Lawrence Sc'away and Power Project moved a step nearer reality during 1951 with decision by the Canadian government to proceed with construction without nid of the United S'.ai. s. Lcsfclutlon wu pcd by Parliament and a power agreement was signed with Ontario. Hero Piime Minister St. Lament, right, and Premier Frost of Ontari: sign the agreen. T.t while Kobe t Saunders, chairman of the Ontario Hydrj Commission, looks on. iCP PHOTOi T- i V W H .'A K . lit" Ii H Fl ?? Ill I HUH Wirm FOR foot, relating recent experiences in Korea when he visited Canadian troops. The Primate called Korea a place of more misery Some of the mony useful gifts on display in the store are: 9 QVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM 'than was ever seen in history. ' 5? He saw it as a place of hunger, f poverty, filth and dearth, but wherever one iw a Canadian j Jj soldier, one also saw a crowd , of hungry children waiting for 3 something to eat. j A And they got it, too. Canadian ; soldiers saved up their own ra- ;' tions to give to the starving : Koreans. ! 'j "That also Is the spirit born ! lAr Bedroom Slippers Ar Outstanding Values 9 p.m. Sunday, December 23 Public Invited in Luggage 1: ' v i u of Christmas " said Bishop Gib- I ..s.i.i.. ?.i.i.j.j.5..;...s, ii xuMMXiikti,( son He jjpjj all Rotarians to' attend at least one Christmas church service of their own de- ' nomination. ! If FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON 5 Ladies' Hosiery IT iir Ladies' Handbags I ic Men's Socks For quick, convenient buying see FASHION FOOTWEAR TAKE a gift of cash is always welcome-give Royal Bank Money Orders Available in any amount of oil branches. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 'rjt Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bridden. at- i ter a visit to the city, are sailing j tonight by the Chilcotin on their J return to their home at Masset. I Don Prevost arrived yesterday by plane to spend the Christmas i season with his mother, Mrs. W. McKinnley. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hay- j wood and child left by air today i for Vancouver to spend the. Christmas and New Year holi-j day .season visiting in Vancou-; " ver. j FOR GRANTED FASHION FOOTWEAR 4 S KXVXItX'lXXXXXXX'iXV.X'tXXXX.XXXX'4.XX.'VlXX'iXXXWX-tX'tXX-- ,. It you want to sell it, aJvertise j Neil's classified. I "May the true spirit or Christmas always DWELL IN THE HEARTS OF MEN OF ALL NATIONS '. 0.ir office and plant w;l K3 closed from December 2 4 to January 2 fo- saff holidays. i -i & - . Wishing All "! Comolimcnts 'r Season. DISTILLED A N u BOTTLED BY WILLIAM GRANT & SONS LIMITFD DUFFTOWN Scot&uf . GLASGOW This adviTtiseim Nt i nut . imlilishcil iu IikhIv..i i. . i. ,. .. MMITFI) fu-- n, " '' V J I 1 1 J ' (' - i iris Contractors v,nt,l ,,:,,,! . i. v fi... . . ' '" "!"" - '-' ' ""i iiint'iH ()l 111' II itli Cohi'ubia Hr Y w --' l-' v - - - V Jj J price i ' Hiram : sss. . walkers 'J'rJ : (A Down through (lie years', Christmas in Canada has aiways been a time of family rc-unions, a time of goodwill, a time of rejoicing. As we celebrate f.hristmas this year, the great family of United Nations is gathered arouud the conference table to reach a goal of world understanding. It is our fervent hope that the spirit of our Canadian Christmas the spirit of peace and goodwill, will prevail. With this in their hearts, nations and peoples will resolve their differences and, once again, rejoice in "puce on earth, goodwill toward men". CANADIAN WHISKY DISTILLERS LIMITED, Amherstburg. Out. . rue frr . .. This advertisement is riot published or di' nlaved hv ih.i in ... 1 y."' t " - vwiihui Duura or Dy lue Govci'iiiiienl of Canada. This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ii