Prince Rupert Daiiy News Knday, December 2i. 1951 readers jTypos Elect I New Officers Bishop Instals Six Rotarians Aboard Slear.u i fllf FUDIIC Liurary win Close1 j o'duck Monday, December I Mr. Stewart said it was with eenuine regret he was leaving izaaci annual Old SweaU Pre-J Gyros farewelled Mr. and Mrs. Prlnc.e Rupert after three-and-Grant Stewart at a party last w., ., herp ! uiinam Priest of the Prince Six new members were off! '(SCSI istmas pany in me iegion recreation room of -"-" - J - . t ... , 1 a,io affaire News was elected eially inducted Into Prince Ru-' Rupert Daily nl nt in the : president of Prince Rupert Typo- pert Rotary Club by Bishop i. tne team mer Prince aeorge aboard which thev sailed for nave nonoiea mr. aim o.c- 3oreqaft araDhical Union last night. He unison at mursuays iunu, 'liners wn meeting. They were: I Vancouver to make their future art prior to their departure. er heads a slate of new officers. Jim uruce, iisro.a mom, trine nome Paulding, Keith DeWitt, R. W. Feature of the proceedings was li p.m. (300o prepared Lutefish for sale at J prince Rupert Fishermen's f operative Store commencing I !3v. December 21. 299ci I whether you -are a 8UPER-Vrj customer or not, you will Over Scvenlii 3)i Other officers are: Vice-President Herbert Morgan. Secretary-Treasurer J. Doug. the presentation by Gyro President Don Forward of a hand ' 1 Gardiner and Eddie Gladding. Bishop Gihson eharged the new members with their respon- nner WATCHES some silver serving tray. Regret Standihifj 8ergeant-at-Arms-Vincent J. ability In carrying out the duty was expressed by Mr. Forward at . Some were close to befog over eighty at the Christmas party and dinner held last evening under the auspices of the Women's Co-ordi Daly iiiramuru iy n.air. the departure 0 Mr. and Mrs. Btan Pullen, who has Joined nd goodwill to others, and stcwart At tne same time satis-the staff of R-egal Printers, was "service above self." faction was voiced at Mr. Stew- Mr- DWt wft appolntea M; ts distlnct promotion in the - .i $39-75 i prices un iwu.i uiiiiiig uowii Rupert. For this you can sUPER-VALU (tfe) 9,j,iK Your Missus Nl(?ht at Lesion Auditorium, Friday fill- introduced to the members. Hit The occasion, in the United Church Hall and known! wife andchiid are pwted early official pianist for the dub, banking service. (He has been In the New Year from Regina. . "8 un8 "anaing neea ui-e appointed manager of the Rob Clill wd E. Jenkins, now in the llie departure oi Koutrian u. son arld 0ranville Street branch as me uver beventy" event, can be said to have been an outstanding success. Residents of Prince Rnnert, traoi'r zi. Auiiuuance Dy , nber.ship oard. Members, employ of the Dibb Printing - D,"K'dDy- i of the Royal Bank.) reported f:r: was Initiatid a a new mem- ""non ,s ami guests ar welcome. (298c) ber. heie since before incorporation, $315 had been netted from the ! recent Rotary Sunday concert' $-5975 mmw he said. and manv nlhpr wh ,.m. ,JU"U JuuBmeni, and would be turned over to I yuu are invnea to a cnoir i the Canadian Natiunal Institute J Sh .,,rt at the Lutheran Church . pvenliiB at 8 o'clock. (ltd reel e .on pa lor the Blind. Mr. Youngs suggested mat Rotary should spon- n icjft turn ttiirVi pnneprts 'ittle later, rejoiced to meet one ,,",- TT a ?rV 300 another and chat and laurt'i fl?8me?t; " they mm ,-hed one of the finest t ? - "? 1 rleilds f the Yuletide feasts ever prepared. ! t The rooms were brlKht with! Alderman George B. Casey seasonable lighting, Includine a marl. t,, . ......... urive and tournament Ladies' and Gents' 17-jewei Fontaine Watches J i . ...i.i : U-(t ' Exercises 4 ( urday, December 22, Moose , .ipie Everyone welcome. (299c) compieie wirn expuribiun uiui-cici OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL CHRISTMAS At both Conrad Street School each year, both as a means to Regular meeting oi we g " of the Mooe was lit-IU W'd- g raise money lor cnaruaoie pur- pos and as a means to give nesday in the Moose Temple, a v local talent an opportunity to Christmas party featuring the J large Christmas tree In a corner ; Hon one felt in being' again sur I i 3 i rhui'ch of the Annunciation 'and Seal Cove Sshool, the clos of the stage. The premises were I rounded bv so manv of those ing exercises lor tne nonoay excharme of eifts and being en- w aauriK-a with the national colors, ! who had lived her. sine, the' "B . ,. ' '. . , he heard. consult cnurcn page ior Mirus Masses. Confessions i . . . ... , .iu , 7 , , , ... V ' season consisiea oi nappy - hi wen u a i7rfnoiMr i rimminno i. A vote of thanks was offered joyed by a gooa auenaance vi y GEORGE COOK PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE C- Saturday, buntiay ana Mon-iJt partles held ,n eaCtl r- 0 ,.K)k(,d effectlve waa"o0d thesTfaminar I t n , , I ii mi 3 to 6. also on Saturday , ..,,. ... i K,, .f I The class rooms were beauti- A feature of the faces. He f ,. f,, tit o program was mentioned Mr. and ,.,. iauim,j ,r ih. r-hrut. Mr Youngs and Walter Smith members. Winner in a lucky box J for their effort in arranging the drawing was Ida Paulsen. Mrs. j -T.1 ,r r..H n Tweeri was the winner of a V v.. c ui "". u:ui5. oinue retire- ' juuiih ueuuie, . season, Thr inc phliiiri-n ..o.t.. r-!nveH uwc' i teveral of whom Tonl.rih.nt t. ment thev hnri hpen iivinv (n ' mas p.ayea m.mPn. 0f Broaa- raffle of pillow cases. MaMiiMmMMiiAkaiMkMMMa- S..tH'e-The well-baby clin- the musical entertainment, these Victoria and were now visiting I entertatnment consisting of re- ay Cafe for an "extra bounti- wwwil(HWWWWWWWww i WKH IK canceiiea weunesaay, "'t.uuiiiB a viuun soio oy jean- uicu luinier uome city, as ior i citations musical numbers and Iul luiiciieon, c"""""s j finb'1- Mi, at me rrmce ku- oparKs, ana accornion soios iiiii.seu, ne naa two more years , ,nristm carols Refreshments i"rKey. ig Health Unit, and Thursday, Dy fcaaie CUrone. Mrs. Peggy An-1 to fit as an alderman, and wish- wer enjoyed in true party spirit.' " I riiiix-r 21, at Conrad School, drew and Mrs. Ralph Smith d to emphasize that questions' highlight of tlw festivities AIR BREAKS t (ltd' gave songs. The piano accom- of outstanding importance to the ! .. u ... o rii.. An n ti Oilando, m inn Fia., ria radio rauiu air'. Danlst war Mrs J S Rlaelr : communitv were certain in arisp , i nnunrpr nlusirine a drugstore's Dairy Cullinc Ihp oalh.'Hno in nrtiar 1 In t.hA flnv tn pnmp All Pitt rt.ut 1 . . . . i m flBnarlmpnl Wound V.ti-ntion, Northtand :, mers There will be no the Dresident of the Old Tlnmrs' ed with the dutten of conduct inir L ' .i. i,n- i hi tvoical of the scare r.. r - i . . . "pave eacn emiu in nic buiwi a r rU on Oil -.lUl&l llUa UHV I li I. C!.AnlAr, n l r. .1 ..... k... k .,11., ; . gift, from the Parent-Teacher and kill shown by the Strauss Drug Store." in di iivery I BxiiiB Day. r extra , ftu pn-ase jiove Mrs T Norton Younes nresident aware of this Association. UK ueuveieu uu of tile Women's Co-ordinating! In a few words of appropriate day Uicember -Wortn Council, who extended a wel-1 comment Mayor H. F. Glassey conic. It was a pleasure to have spoke of the enjoyment he felt 1 2119: 1 ; .1 Dairy. 9 9 9 t .. . I them and to one and all. best in being among those present. I One walking doll Christmas wlshM and compliments of the lit was. hj 'could say, a happy FOR LAST-MINUTE SHOPPERS; We Still Have a Large Selection Suitable for That Last-Minute Gift :ici'e'ft,itfif,J',c',r'i"e,e'!'S',fice,t'ticfiitictcfrt,t,,,t :i. mature animals, china. "I i A A " A A i !,S :1 A "A A A A -2 1- '' A 4 ..-.ii i A A season were cordially expressed, association. Christmas candies at i vemrs. Mr. Stephens .on behalf of the ' Mrs. Gillis, who was first pre- is I Piter Pan Gift Shop. (299c i Buli'.-r's carry Wallace and club, fittingly acknowledged how i sident of the Women's Co-ordin- nll nnnrpeial.rd th hnnitnittu atfnir foiinril aae heard In a matlulial Sterling flatware nH itlnrtnejis If wao their diviH ! few words snitahle tn tho rvea- Do You Wish To Have Space In Christmas Eve Edition?' . Advertisers desirous of havinq space, in the annual Christmas Eve edition of The Daily News are requested to have their orders and copy in the hands of the advertising department without further delay as space is now limited. )p.n slock. Various patterns. forlun , hare wa . d d glon we nan tne weu-Kiiown a privilege to once again assemble XV pattern In sterling, j as Christmas . drew near and lllc' once more reaiize the goodwill of 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 ( the Women's Co-ordinating The dinner conveneor was Mrs. T. J. Boulter, end committee members Mrs. Thor Sollien, Mrs. M. Waksdale. Mrs. Leo Doiron, Mrs. M. J. Keays, Mrs. W. C. Poulton, Mrs. Heige Erikson, Mrs. J. Garon, Mrs. M. Haines, Mrs. Haiold Helland. Decoration con ANS'Ol'NCEMENT ER ASER : I Council. ALARM CLOCK RADIOS CHRISTMAS CARDS RONSON LIGHTERS STEAM IRONS FOUNTAIN PENS BEDROOM RADIOS WAFFLE IRONS ELECTRIC KETTLES Alderman John Currle, who l'YVi: wish to announce that store will adhere to regu- ftr business hours riurinr the I first came to Prince Rupert in ; 1 the pnrlv fitivs rpmnintner in thp Ovinias shopping season. The clly fw man a ypar and whQ l.i hi has been a busy one and. nft(,r n abs(.nre ln Vancouver, I '"""'s-to the sta"- fh0 have had returned here, Mr. Stephens venor was Mrs. H. V. Tattersall. Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mrs. Carl Strand and Miss Joyce Tattersall Mcculloch 19 i 9 I ' 9 9 : 9 ! 9 ! 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 " '"'-invited to s))eak. it. to the public, our regular, "i sut in the city council with urs will apply, 9 a.m. to p.m. Alderman Currie. in early days, A s s .-I. rj . A .: ! MV1AU fi'jv, aitiruay ana monaay nri ,.nn rf,,.:il, nn nn- .hn wlts gave valuable assistance. The program convenor was Mrs. J. S. Black, assisted by Mrs. G. Ciccone. Election of officers of the "Over Seventy" Club resulted In (Continued on paee 4i ERASER & more conscientious, or possessed fsristmas Eve). f.nsr. ... " I It I 1 " i i ' ' I ;:! I'M Hi Vv (300c I f itv'!'f'Cftrtttcl,,, And Many Others at AAcRAE BROS. LTD. tw(tir(ifitii(wt CHAIN SAW Weighs only 25 Ik. COMPLETE! 3 hp jasoline engine! Siws FULL POWER in any position! y 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0? m A A . ft . iiticitieieiiwitieifit!S'eirclteii!t'eiicicieieiit,e'fffiefe,fetff FOR YOUR - LAST ' MINUTE SHOPPING Employees and children of At-lin Fisheries Ltd. and Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd. assembled WedJ nesday night for a gay Christ- A A A A A A A 5 A A A A A A i A i mas party which featured Art Light-and powerful McCulloch 3-25 takes the work out of cutting wood. Has automatic tlutch.kickproof rewind starter, built in chain oiler, many other features! M A A A i 5 There is still time to wire or mler those Christmas and "'' Year flowers and plants jT the folks at home. i Williamson of Atlin as Santa Claus, centre of attraction. More than 170 people attended the evening party ait the Sons of Norway Hail which was suit-ably decorated including a Christmas tree by Atlin Fisheries staff. Comedy films were See the complete Mcculloch Line! Complete service on O. 5 shown to the children by T. See the McCulloch 7-55 wit '.i all McCulloch products. CUSHIONED POWER! PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A A A A A A i A Bateman. Santa then handed out bags of treats and gifts from two oversized stuffed mailbags. Further 'refreshments of icecream, soft drinks and coffee were served. Following the company party, employees conducted a dance to the music of Mike Colussi, greatly enjoyed by everyone. We carry Spare Parts for all McCCLLOCH SAWS ' Authorized Sales and Service Pacific Electric Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 9 9 5 5 V 9 9 9 B'x Slfi Phone "71 A A I Yama cloth, . Arolustrene Priced from PAJAMAS - Broadcloth . and Rayons. : 9 '1 4.95 10 14.95 ARROW DRESS SHIRTS In both Solid Colors and Stripes. Colors to suit all tastes. Priced from V SPECIAL X3 ! 9 9 9 4.95 Come to the aid of the party with . . . J-1'. A A reof Ry Whisky at a popular price. Made from Rye Grain mashei and matured In oak casks under controlled conditioni. 4. QS-. . y&& v : I Stel A P I L AN 0 BREWERY LIMITED A VSir OF ONS OF TNI tOIHS W CHif SWINC O C A S f t A Tt OH f .. - i r "T! Breirer. and tattler, of fj0EKS Btr NECKTIE S Fifty dozen to choose from . . . Satins, Foulards, Nylons and Pure Silks. 1.50 t0 3.50 HOSIERY Ankle or Full Length, ln a wide variety of patterns and shades . . . . Nylons, Pure Wools, Cotton and Wool Mixtures and Nylon Blends .1.00 to 2.95 mi an I LONDON DRY GIN Distilled from grain mashes and rectified over finest quality im- ported botanicals. The ideal Gin 3s.. Fine quality White Scarves, Lined and Unlined Dress Gloves, Hickok Belts . . . Wallets and Suspenders Linen Handkerchiefs. w l for Cocktails, Collins, etc j r 9 mm i OPEN I'NTIL 8 O'CLOCK FRIDAY and SATURDAY Evenings, Dec. 21 and 22 WATTS & NICKERS0N MEN'S CLOTHING 3rd Ave. Phone 345 f0m coast to coast it's melchers eichers Distilleries, limited C 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 s Tkll ii pukliilitd ml ditpltyid ky lk LiM Cnlrl titi ky K Gotrantrtt ( IMA CIiiUi. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by fhe Government of British Columbia. This jdvcrtiscmenf is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government ol British Colwmbr.