THE DAILY NEWS oeeee 8 ORR BR eee i SS mail. SCHEDULE * "as vuncottie, DAILY NEWS PUBLIG «J *"“reaeece”**"! First of the Month Spec; Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. ih ae + 4s . jyrdays at 9:30 a, m. 7 gry ei Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ANNOUNGEMEN From the Gast. P. & G. White Naphtha Soap Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- : 80¢ fH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpIToR. Fresh Ground Coffee saaeipsssieMicnaniiiaielnntns avila - nonatindiieme days at 7 p.m. ‘ $1.2 menial Crisco . : ; 35 §SUBSC RIPTION RATES: Th Mussalilem Grocery u ‘ aa aN ; ; : ini legetable S ) City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Co., Ltd., (Reonomy Store Saturde om nr 2p. m Dominion Vegetable Soup - a By Mail—Canada or Great Dritain, in advance, per year $6.0). wish to inform the public Senda ick Oca eee "40 p.m. Special Bacon, by the piece ve To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.5 a oe. oe error Tuesdays baka vaveedens 5 p.m. Peaches for Preserving ; $ 60¢ 2 the whote o 1 StOCR ane ‘ 1 ~% TELEPHONE 98. i fixtures of 8. Mussallem & err =. Camneneee 10 p.m-j] AlbertaEggs - : ; - Sp 2 - e TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. |} Co.. Ltd., from the assignees ae s veseeese £0 p, m[} Dessicated Cocoanut - - Sp. and from now on will run §i-" oes oe — : ; 40¢ es Contract Rates on application. that busines in conjunction §| Wednesdays ......-- 10:30 a.m. Mazola Oil for cooking yo ——— > — 7. i i if with their own. eee Times soe +s .¢o See Big Assortment of Ap; DAILY EDITION. a in Friday, October 3, 1919. aturd@ys ......+0+.+ 10:30 a. In. nen = Old eustomers of 8S. Mus- ; sallem & Co., Lid., are here } For Anyox: ow, Thorn in Flesh with invited to continue l Sundays ee eer oe 10 p.m. S Of American People. i trading with us and we can | Vednesday8 ........+.- 10 p. m. * ins m4 om. . ; ; When the negroes were brought to the United States by the assure them of lowest prices, ee. WE EERE EL 10 p. m.| T . if 1a . wo Stores. ; sae slave dealers and purchased by the owners of the big cotton and} best quality and prom} From Anyox: Phone: 45 and 034 other plantations in the south it was not imagined that in after SOT VIC. aie re i Sadie wit, edhe Saat > a a 3% ‘i PUPEGRTE ciccccccetstecy -m. : - years they would become a thorn in the side that would cause mT Give us a Call, or “hahah eh fe a ‘as : sorts of trouble in future vears. That is what has happened, | PHONE 199 19 36 however. One big war has been fought because of their presence ’ or tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, e a ; , and now there is a race war on, almost throughout the country sisi | UMGAYS ..++- eee cocse 10D. M. Parkin & Ward le Ea The negroes were brought to the country against their will From Pt. Simpson and Te i ec ric ’ c ‘ol Mimeealliam ftiraprary fl csdays ..-.--- m. " and in virtue of that fact they have a perfect right there and olf Mugsallem Grocery |) '°22"s ginccsn ‘cea eas Rit LIMITED P —_— fee ; anship. ¢ squal treatment with the . - privileges of citizenship, and to equal treatmen | Ltd. ; polate: Electric Engineers and Co tractors ; whites. E St Fridagm® .§...s«0- decee 10 @. We carry a full line of Electric Ranges ‘% Keen on Having conomy tore From Port Simpson and Naas Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates Treaty Signed. 417-419-423 Fifth Ave., E. : toe Pointe: Toasters, and ow i : ; : SatUrdayS «1. eeeeeeeeres D. m. Estimates furnished on House wiring a: Some of the people of the United States seem to be very keen ,) , on having the Peace Treaty signed. They are so worked up over . Queen CNarlotte Islands: seRETSE _ ARTMENT iy F : Agents for the matter that they refuse to hear speakers who are opposed to it. a ' s ae For Massett, Port Clements and * To throw e at the speaker is not a dignified method of ex- pany RECs s ave | Upper Island points: Regal Gasoline Engines for tro|)ing 3 o throw eggs a re speak iot % Sections 36 and 134 | Wednesdays 140 a.m Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries a ; . ~ forcel and effective. ter sdays .....+.+- see . mM. pression, but it is very forceful and effective Re Application No. 11,044-1, File 6,198,] "tom Masset, Port Clements and ie ; — Spark Plug Belgium’s King ; & that application has been Upper Island points: The Plug that was chosen for the 1 made to register Jim Postulu of Prince h d m Our service department will hel; Arrives in States. Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee under a aa Thursdays ........-+++-- p. m. canteen Quclettent A full lit Belgium’s King has arrived in the United States. He and the of | bony Rupert, benrine ane, ine ia | OF Skidegate, Queen Seqeeutye store a: anelaston Su tel wm i “- day of December, 1918, of ALL AND] City and Lower Island points: orag . » Vwiten boards queen are being well received and they deserve everything that]siicULAaR that certain parcel or tract ot] . ; ’ e iand and premises situate, lying and being ortnightly. is given them. In these days when there is such a tendency tolin the City of Prince kupert, more par-| From Skidegate. Queern Charlotte ° ; ; : ticularly known and described as Lot ma : discuss Who won the war, credit must be given to the little king-|seven (7), Block twenty-five (25), Section City and Lower Island points— Seven (7), (M 923); Y p lip j dom that Albert represents. If any country won the war, more] {o contest’ the tlaim of the tar purcusser |e ortnightly. Lamps, Searchlights We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage Batteries charged and repaired your battery is being charged, we have on: Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 1 : within 35 8 from the date of the se ae than another it was Belgium. At a time when she might have] fice or this notice (which may be effected Yuk ell pleaded dipl atic expediency the little country went out to |2Y, Publication im @ daily neyspaper), and For Skagway and the Yukon. a well pieaded dipiomatic expecrency re 11ttie COUNT ent ou Olyour attention is called to section 36 of Mondays _— > cl 4 " . sie - : ‘ the “Land Registry Act” with amendments, ¥ . ri fight the giant and al) the glory of David is hers. Belgium won| ana to the following extract therefrom. From Skagway and Yukon. i the war. That settles the controversy. “and in default of a caveat or cer Saturdays ¢ tificate of lis pendens being fled be et . ~ ' vw fore the registration as owner of the | Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp See ALBERT ©& McCAFFERY Football Season person entitied under such tax sale, Point. ali persons so served with notice, before you purc hase til Comes to End. ree _ those claiming through For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m. ' , 5 hal ‘ rounder them a ; St. Andrew's Society is to be congratulated on having wor = ue micrest im the land by virtue ber of good games in the series and the Callies have held their not registered under the provisions a. the land by virtue From—Saturdays ...... p. m bd ° . ° , the Mobley Cup in the Football League. There have been a num- e- on ae ae eee me ee n ID in t e lll in ne : ae ‘ the “inad by Gescunt ‘whose tte ts MINERAL ACT o , e > 7 . les s . . r of this Act, shall be for ever es ERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS s own well. The two strong teams, the Callies and the Sons of topped and deberred from setting up ' we We handle . England won a game each and there is keen rivalry between them. any claim to or in respect of the NOTICE. Pp : bi ; , : ae “ee a cane ee nae Regis Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, Jim p . R t S ’ oss y eve vet ¢ ate nay » arr , Piwee 23e \ : sna egister ie rson en Fraction, Rob Roy, and Nephin Fraction C L b a ssibly even yet a match may be arranged between these two fitied under such tax sale as owner | Mineral Claims, situate in the Nees Mining rince uper pruce o. $ Lumber a that would prove of great interest. Both sides have some crack of the land so sold for taxes. Division of Cassiar District. “ney ° : AND WHEREAS application has been| Where located:—On the west side of 1 $s ir ty y players and if an afternoon match could be played it would prove [made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title|Granby Bay, near Anyox. to the above-mentioned lands, in the name TARE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague of > a great attraction. Possibly another year some of the other teams Jor Jim Postolu, rs the city of Duncan, B. C., acting as agen Lime Cement Plaster ANDO WHEREAS on investigating th |for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Simeii of the city will have strengthened their line up so that the prescni | title it appears that prior to the 10th day|ing and Power Company, Limited, Free B . k Shi | L h . 7 3 of Uctober, 1917 (the date on which the) Miner's Certificate No. 32188-C, intend ric ing es at s league leaders will not have it all their own way. said lands were sold for overdue taxes),| sixty days from the date hereof, to appl) a you were the assessed owner thereof to the Mining Reeorder for a Certificak EEE = - a — —— FURTHER TARE NOTICE that at the/of Improvements, for the purpose of ob same time I shall effect registration in/taining a Crown Grant of the above clatm y Lt pursuance of such application and issue a And further take notice that action, us Yr Cc a ery , Certificate of Indefeasibie Tithe to the said| der section 85, must be commenced before lands in the name of Jim Postolu uniess|the issuance of such certificate of im = one = you take and prosecute the proper pro | provements. ‘ ceedings to establish your claim, if any, Dated this 3rd day of July, A. . 1919 ‘ 4 m to the said lands, or to prevent such pr H. N. _CLAGUE, 4. c. 8. - The goods on our sheives are all priced in large posed action “on my part. a - ae a DATED at the Land Registry Office. MINERAL ACT = plain figures to aic: you in your shopping. — a oO ae LINZEY’S GROCERY fo Robert heater i Saeed | aly $.S. PRINCE RUPERT a ese | -S.S. PRINCE GEORGE — I] Bull No. 1, John Bull No. 3, and Drum “CREDITORS’ TRUST DEERDS Lummon Fraction Mineral Claims, situak in the Naas Mining Division of Cassia: ACT,” R. 8. B. C. AND District. SAILIN oN iG a Where located: —- Approximate ly twe — u ie AMENDING ACTS, miles up Falls Creek, Granby Bay 5 rah ’ - mapmncenee TAKE NOTICE that L, H. N. Ciague of THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OOEA ; , GIVE .,| the city of Dupcan, B o. acting a8 agent © NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that Rober VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. ; ; Sine! Lawrence, carrying on business as a con-| [OF the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt - oF a6 Prine r ritish € ing and Power Company, Limited, Fro WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX " tractor at Prince Mupert; British Columbia. | Miner's, Certificate No. 39488-C,. intend - Prince Rupert, B. C., broker, ail his per a oe om Se a — ern $.8. PRINCE JOHN AND PRINCE ALBERT sonal property, real estate, credits anc |‘ Re ining | Meoondtne ; : For Stewart Wednesday at 2 p.u ¢ . of Improvements, purpose of ob ects, which may be seized and seld un taining a Crown Grant of the above claim Massett, Port Clements and jer execution, and which assignment bea And further take notice that action, un ‘ » 48 y of September Sout , harlotte Istend #y ey . oes ‘a oe . pce ng | de? Section 85, must be commenced before Siete Qecem cee cat for f the creditors will be held at the office oa oF euch corumenio..9F--im TRAIN SERVICE top Sonithertt f Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, Scott Block P Passenger Monday, W*dnesday and Saturday 4) . | wT Ts . Tr “at y a ‘ ‘ statutory declaration =Yerhed PY) TAKE NOTICE thas Northern BD. C. Fisb- See Miesmatien end recrvat at NOTICE is furthe iven that. on a erles Limited whose address is Winch Third Avenue. Phon® 20 . after the 12th day of October, i91s, th) | Building, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for Ony Viehet @Mes, 688 sssignee will proceed to distribute’ the/® Meence to take and use 4 cubic feet per rince u e ru 0 ets of the said Robert Lawrence among! Send of water out of un Un-nar . the’ persons entitled thereto, having re-) creek Which flows north and drains into gard only to the claims of which he shai} Steamer Passag,e about 200 feet west of Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. then have notiee, and that he will not bef *est boundary Lot 40b4 ‘| ; liable for any assets or 4 ar — we fate yj e jertec 0 e PHONE 134 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attentton P.O. BOK 25 Be ictuteh ee kay pci aBtrt, "hereot | stream at a point about 180. feet NW. of claims he shall not then have had notice. | Me $8. W. Cor. Lot 4954 and will be used DATED at Prince Rupert, B. ¢., this] fOr, Industrial power purpose upon the 20th day of September, A. PD. 1919. land described a8 Lot 4954, Range 5, Coast MICHAEL P. MeCAPPERY. District. e Assignee This notice was posted on the ground Westholme Block, Prince Rupert pc [oR the 6th day of September, 1919. A copy on , of this notice one aw 4 plication pursuant! CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILW car ints Lowest Rates to all Laste! n a via Steamer to Vancouver ane ® Canadian Pacific allway | eer) PACIFIC PTS, ae Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ; onin ni ; thereto and to ater Act, 1914,’ QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS-| will be filed in the oMee of the Water Ne FRICT--RECORDING DISTRICT OF corder at Prince Rupert, B. C, SKEENA Objections to the application may be , . , Steamer WILL EDMU NDS P : t S pen filed with the said Water Recorder or with Meals and Berth included on otc ’ roprie or TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of |the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia —_—— Prince Rupert, B. C,, prospector, Intend} ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within MARY “Everything in Music.” af apply = a licence to prospect for coal, fifty days efter the first appearance of 8. 5. PRINCESS ALICE 8.5. From Prins Rupert LATEST POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS 4A and petroleum over the following de-|this notice in a local newspaper, For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle from Pri’ seribed lands on the West Coast of Gra NORTHERN B. C. FIS S$ tiMrrer . ’ AND VICTOR RECORDS ham Island ae , rE” seamenns September 9, 19, 26; October 6, 1: trom Prince Rupe Kepairs to Vhonographs, Violins, Ete. Bows rehaired, mules morte af “ihe re — : a The date of u 4 bs bit a tts ~~ Ss on Seem Sevens See ao : s 0 0 io orth east corner o ate Oo ne et pe n is : ss manta 6 reese Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted. Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence] notice ts 8th September, ‘Dally I “News, September 4, 45, 22; October -, | tHe ese" Snows Tones Prince Rupert Academy of Music in Connection 50 chains west, thence 80 chains south.| Prince Rupert. . SERVICES MARK in swomr With the Store. ease 80 chains east to point of com er CANADIAN PACIFIC GOAN Sf noncement PETER PIOMBO ; IN PROBATE. For rates, reservations and %4 ¢. The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs Loeated July 27, 1919 . mm THE Ot ee Ft ee OF SRE W. ©, ORCHARD, General Agen B.C. North of Vancouver Dated September 25th. 1949. Prince Ruperts The H 11 TEE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRA 3rd Avenue and 4th Street e Heintzman & Co. Piano NOTION TION ACT Pet The Weber Piano : IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF : = . IN THE MATTER OF an application for NATALIE CONDO DEC EASED INTES O the issue of a fresh Certificate of Tille & TATE : . Thomas rgans Lot Nine (%), Block Thirty-one (31), time en (7), Gity of Prinee Rupert, TAKE NOTICE that in order of His ‘3 P Honour F. McB. Young, made the 24th day ms NOTICE !8 HEREBY GIVEN that it is of September, A. D yu a my iptention to issue after the expiration Roministrator’ to on sheane nd e meeton ea e of on® (1) month from the first publica-}Condo, deceased, and all parties having were = 309 SECOND AVENUI All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. tion hereof, a fresh certificate of tithe tol claims against the Said estate are hereby E. L. VAUGHA Expert 7 = ’ ey eden nen nee | the ane, ss required to furnish same, properly verified ’ R staurant : ; SC ph ce aI net ot iat Tas Busingse Man's vere on sm Prince Rupert Music Store oa niest YACLEOO, ‘iit amount of their indebtedness to me forth REAL HOME COOKING. 8 Always on - Land Kegistry OMe, JOHN H. MeMULLIN Home Made Bread and Cakes / Prince lhhupert, B OmMeial Admini t 2nd day of nepiomber, 101%, Dated this 26th day of Septe: aber. 1049,