Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, December 21, 1951 "HAVE A MART, DEAR! Special Flight With Teachers hristmas holidnys in Vancouver HISTORIC PIPES Newsprint for New Zealand Bv J C. GRAHAM were K J. Boulter. Miss F. De- WINNIPEG (CP) One of the Prince Rupert to Be Filter Centre in New RCAF Observer Set-up lancj. Miss J. Bernhof. Mi.'s N. oldest church organs here is be A third section of CPA flights Irvine. G Ollson, A F. Hadley, ing taken down after 60 years' LET'S BUY CANADA'S MOST ENTERTAINING BOOK FOR WE REST OF THEM!" CiiiiiiUlun Press Corronoiidfnt j AUCKLAND, N.Z. P Plans to I launch a newsprint Industry in I New Zealand which will be uro- vaiH-ouviT miiay was in tne j miss Mitencii. miss v. eireu, miss service at All Saints' and St. nature of a -'school teachers' L Smith, J R Wilson. Miss E. Alban churches. Three ranks of special'' when the Landseair Marnard. Miss E. Ball, L. Math- its pipes will be used in a new pulled out late this afternoon on : en.. Miss M. Hopkins. Miss Dlgby organ at st. Albans but the rest direct flight. Booked for and F. Moore are beyond repair. OTTAWA. The Ground Observer Corps, which ducins large supplies by the niKKiie oi udi nave oeen sun- ;, is. taking as its . motto .. "I , he hyes ,, and . hars of , the ,, mu,ed to the government by, one RCAF." is rWinnin.r in tril.n uhniin it v:i :in-!New Zealand and two United V MWv . -ft i, : 111 For a Boy' S l J r li . 3ud9et hio. 'o 2.50 . M V t 1 1 11 11 1.H I J-"- .l.llfll s INCLUDING J I , , , ! States companies. The industry i.i nounced today by Air force neadiiuarters. would be able to supply ail the I Organizational progress has ; Dominion's newsprint needs and been made since planned formu- League and with civil defence of- : provide large quantities of news-tion o: the corps was announce! ficials in organizing the corps, print, pulp and timber for ex-last March and it is expected When the corps becomes oper- port Jo South Pacific countries, that a call for civilian volun- a-ional in 1952, about 150.000 The proposal has bevn made in tccrs will be made early in 1952. civilians will be eedcd to fill response to an invitation from Detachments of regular fore thc Positlolls Men' omen nlld , the government to private in-RCAF personnel have been youths from all walks of life wdl ; t,,.s(,y to submit plans for the formed at Halifax Montrea ecneully be given to personnel utilization f)f the huge state for-North Bay, Out and Vancouve-' not nt"'maly qtnHified lor rcgu- rsi j,, the centre of the north Other detachments are bein; lar "lllllary svice in wartime. ; i land. This is Hie largest man-formed at St. Johns, Newfound- Forms, pamphlets and man- ' j maib forest in the world. The land," Winnipeg, Saskatoon an l uals are being published and will government had propjsed that Edmonton. These detachment'; be distributed to all prospective a town be built at Murupara, in will be responsible for organiza- members of the corps, with full; the loiest zone, for establish-tion and activation of the corps information about the organiza-, nieiil of the Industry. TAXES Christmas THE RUPERT E H 11 H m m a "-VS E-V in tneir respective areas and "" "a le ro'e oi nmiviuuai The nlan fiinmlt Led f 1 by the hi ; MEN'S AMD BOYS' STORE for integration into the over-all ''"'"bers. national system. Training exercises, involving live? inms. however, provides for the industry to b centred at IN GAY HOLIDAY sjtr'. ENVELOP M' NOW ON SAIE or infOrmofion AT THE BOX OFFICE "none 669 or Red 1 20 I Si Kl Af p!.n:es, pu"':s' .w" will be Dc held nuu to l0. AUu being established across . , U'e existing town of Tc Puke. :. Canada, from Newfoundland to Pri'v'u,; P'H"'ai experience ana whicll lios ncarcr the east coajjt tfiitish Columbia, are filter ceil- , , 10,r8an'zaUon' , ,. 'and ncarcr the port which is to tres. into which the thousand, . . In l 1,m t0 s"PPli''enting be bl,nt at Mt ManKanui for r i ir TODAY tr SATURDAY l:veni" show j . , . Salurilav i..ii. . ' nf fiviWiin nhcorvorc .iH ....1 UU till vii o CU i Ij Bill 1 1 1 1 1 Ll IdMUl ll'lll.llttt the plant's products. ihir ...,.... , ",' system, it is expected that the --' - i M The three firms are Fletcher j Construction' Company, bluest ' construction organization in New i Zealand; Merrltt, Chapman and j Sr-olt Corporation, which has ! built many pulp and paper rnills j In America, and the Raymond' or heard ' B corl wl" be of value ' r,1lort- ' iii'4 friendly aircraft in distress. Air Force officials are not yet Heading it up in B.C. will be ready for recruiting civilian ob- Squadron Leader Cecil Hoseason, servers or filter centre plotters a Vancouver man, who was edu- at this time but will welcome cateci at Lord Roberts, Vancou- niplications when the filter ecu- vcr High and Vancouver Tech. res are set up during the com- Veteran pilot of the last war ng year. An announcement will he was awarded the Air Force h m;n U'lin.-. ann!innti..n.. ..... i . I. Prince Ruperts Really Big Boys' Department ASK THE BOY-HE KNOWS , . w ... J - I life concrete Pre Company, of the United States. They' propose forming a company to develop and exploit the forest in association wdh the Kovernment. which -"wi wi.wwa cross lor icauersniu and en be accepted. a n m thusiasm of the highest order. OM IMf Main purpose of the Ground He has already made many trips around B.C. and is gradually jwill supply the timber, build a ' railWlll. flllH ttilra i.ii-l tn fill. ' ....... i, ui yunj "CituiK the nucleus of a Srlcctcft Shorts Cartoon 3 .... u.lll V4 V . It'JVIIlVll i. null, TOTEM org aniation. Hoseason says that filter centres iiave been decided upon at Prince Rupert, Nelson, Kainloops and in Vancouver. He stresses that recruiting will not start until early In the New Joe Saggard In Hospital Observer Corps is to supplement the Kt'AF's early warn-ins radar chain by reporting aircraft seen or heard. Organization and control of the corps is the responsibility of the KCAF's Air Defence Command, which also controls the early-warning system. ALC is woikiir; closely with the other armed forces, the RCAF Association, the Air Cadet FViM VI vnts TIIMTKIt CATERING TO EVERY AGE BOY AND YOUTH ITS CPCN MOUSE fd! ii-ar wnen he has an u;aniza-tci.i re.iay to accept vo.unteeis una Irani them wiihout delay. n v m M M II Si a hi '3 w .4 u SUITS JACKETS SLACKS SOCKS SHIRTS TIES HATS BELTS UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS OVERCOATS SWEATERS WJNDBREAKERS PARKAS SPORTSWEAR GLOVES a K SI LAMtK ;hip; ANn The Christmas season brint's a j .oiourn in hospital for Joe SIhr-; ".ltd. colorful plonrvr of the Yu- 1 kon and Prince Rupert and I known to thousands of tourists i the yodellhiK taxi diiver." ! ii.r, ulio had to give up taxi : di Wlni; recently on account of .'n' had a fall on the slippery tldewalk on Second Avenue near Third Sti vet Tuesday. He ti his knee which continued to swell and Elve such na'n cz.rr. Prince George ViATERFRONT u 1 i fopert Men's and Boys' Store SAILS FOR M.u Donald Cany in "MY.STKKY SI KMAKl.VH ' 'Frank Waterhouse freighter t!,a it was necessary to remove ' llllllllB!!IKIirsaiIBBlligi3iMailllIH Island Kin?, Capt. Ray Perry, him U- hospital in the ambulance Evening Shows at :00 - ;19 Saturday Shows at !, 13,5.1 having called at Kiliinat. Ke- this morniiii;. - - , ., . Vancouver hihI luii'inii'diate I'orts Eoch Thursday l ll:l.i p in. Fcr KETCHJKAN It I.II.MiMl.t V M!IIM(.II Luxury at Low Cost Opening mano Bay and Watson Island on thc way north, was in port Wednesday nlnht. After dis-charping 60 tons of general careo here, the vessel proceeded to Butedale to load with fish meal after which she will go on mimumement! Civic Centre Notice "Old at 40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy ru,,.l.,.n rtg. ..,,1, , b.,,. , ,.'r, J"Z """n rBll "..1.1" TrF VTyM. i .anil itir ii, viitmcw hmt, n,w -f,! JTy tl,Y. NW (..,., ..IMI Aim 1-. The Civic Centre will be closed December ! t Alert Bay to take on herring tor Ueseivations I oil lor Vancouver. Write or Cai. j CUV UK ULTOT , CPR freighter Yukon Princess. Capt. A. f. Campbell, heading OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, C. north on a .scheduled voyage to Alaska is due In port tonight or tomorrow, ahead of time owing to calls at Kitimat and Ke-m.ino Bay huvlnj; been omitted. From here the Yukon Princess will o to Stewart to unload aO.DOO feet of lumber which she took on at Telegraph Cove. Then she will continue to various southeastern Alaskan ports as lar as Skagway. until 1 ;0C p.m. December 27; also 5 p.m. Mondm December 31 until Wednesday, Jonuary 2, 1951 1WV nKC CLASSES clu.s- Thiir.ul.iy, I. eenili'T .'0 a: Monday. January 7. CRAFT CLASSKS elor Friday atternoon, Dewmlw : until Mniiday, Januaiy 7. .UArtK DANCINCJ caiKfllcd iinlil January II TEEN JIVE cancelled from December 21 until January! C BASKETBALL PRACTICES will be resumed January 1 C F.II KRS' BASKETBALL GAMES Friday. Drcrnifrr Saturday, December 20. ART CLUB resumes Thursday, January 3. W4J, . ,. ! ' ' UU t H"IH'I It W..J"""VTu Frank Waterhouse tanker Ar-BUs. Capt. Albert CotiKh, Ls at Kemano Bay today from Vancouver and tomorrow morning will arrive at Port Edward. In the afternoon she Is due in Prince Rupert with stove and diesel oil for local tank.s. Southbound, tlie'Argus will load a full car-o of herring oil between the Port Edward and Butedale reduction plants. V,w UCVKK V IC1UKIA G'"nii!jnrt 8 p. in. December 23 Camosun midnight, December 30 Tuesday, i2 Noon CainoMin l II K ARM, .STFWAKT AMI I'OItT SIMPSON Sunday, Caiimsini, It p m. FUlt NORTH UI FFN ( HAH OTTF ISI NIS December 21 ss. C'oqunlaui mioniyht KOK .so I "I'll UlKliN CIIAIll.OTTK lsl.,tsns ss. Coqiiitiani Dec. 28, midnight Hl.K j. sM.vami Prince, Kuperl Aent Third Avenue Phone 568 The Prince Rupert Hote! Dining Room Opens Saturday, December 22nd Under Nlew Management BURNETT'S LONDON DRY GIN Last year Canadians spent $ll,8OC.000,000 on goods and services, more than three times as much as in 1939. because Burnett's is an EXTRA DRY (uuswect- 1 csi Christmas and ened) Gin, you can add 1 I or leave outness, when -sweet- I mixing I 1 I v New Years Dinners urinK.s, and suit : every 1 f " '-" -' -7ti ,i Tn' Kin"iT w-aa nl i W i.i i, lM. , il i I " II i f I : to 10 p.m. individual taste, lie a wise host . n i serve Burnett's. : i y crri i hriA I m r i i j and CHEF LENNARD formerly of the "COPPER ROOM" Han i, on Hot Springs Hotel JJpy WW ear : I Next time Tfef 5 buy I BURNETT'S f ! K....-iB Casual elegance in matched skins of choice sable-dyed Russian Sauirrel $35.00 1 ! I I Cm ThU advertUement rtuement is is not not published published or or displayed mspiajcu by Hie -.- M' , . . Board or by tha Oovernmeut of Brilish Ulusso J. BILL SCUBY FURS This aavertisemmi i not nnhiinhcd I w Prince Rupert, B.C. or displayed by the Liquor couirm I Phone 974 Board or by the Governiitrm. ol 1 P O Box 1362 NEWS ADS get RESULT British Columbia.