ee THE DAILY NEWS Opening of Frizzell’s New Fulton Market SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4TH, 1919 Appointments Second to None on the Pacific Coast OR TWENTY YEARS on the North Coast the firm of George Frizzell has kept abreast of the times with clean, efficient service, largest and most modern markets, combined with quality and dependability of meats. The opening of the new Frizzell’s Fulton Market marks still another step in a constant effort to provide for the ever growing trade and rapid expansion of the Prince Rupert District. With three times the present sanitary cold storage capacity, augmented staff of clean and capable butchers, together with double delivery service, our pre-eminent position in the meat and provision trade is assured. If you are not now a customer, call at either market or phone 10 or 25, and give your order; then have peace of mind and save energy and worry. Our personal interest begins with your first order and knows no stopping place. For twenty years we have fulfilled our promises and retained the confidence of our customers with trustworthy service. Most people know this; why delay? Charge accounts to worthy folks. Our constant study of the exacting requirements of the discriminating housewife, extending over two decades, with progressive improvements ever keeping pace with the growth of the city, has given us the leadership which we promise to maintain. The new added facilities and increased capacity gives us a marked economic advantage, which will accrue to the benefit of our customers. Qa the opening of our new Frizzell’s Fulton Market we are pleased to be able to anaounce substantial reductions in prices, the clinching argument why you should immediately place your orders with Frizzell’s. Veal We have been specializing in veal. After passing our rigid selection, the finest calves are*slaughtered at just the right age and sold at prices no higher Bulkley Valley Beef There has been no drouth in the Bulkiey Valley, the cattle have known no worry, fed on pea vine to their heart’s content, then topped off with nature’s finest grain, the richest that grows, giving Bulkley Valley beef that incomparable tang and snap— beef, once tasted it is never forgotten, it will make you always want it. Mutton Direct importation of prime mutton from the famous Yakama Valley. The very highest degree of excellence. Fore quarters especially reasonable. Butter and Eggs No risk entailed in your purchase. If eggs or butter fail to please just phone and back comes our man with your money. We have excellent Bulkley valley ranch butter too. Pork ie purple stamp of the Government tor on all our_meats including the lt means double insurance for Cooked Foods Prepared by the most exacting methods conforming precisely to your own cooking ideals, wholesome and fish. delicious. They satisfy. Including Roast Pork with dressing, ham, tongue, head cheese, etc. Fish We have our own sources of supply to insure the freshest and best fresh Our crab man brings fresh, large, lovely red crabs twice a week. Try Rupert’s famous smoked Black Cod, economical and delicious, Oysters ¥ We are exclusive agents for the West k Goast Fishing Company's Eastern Oys- ters. Largest size and fat with that in- comparable deep sea tang. Always fresh for they are delivered alive in the 3rd Avenue and Fulton shell. FRIZZELL’S ROYAL MARKET 3rd Avenue, near 6th Street Rupert Brand The well known standards of the North Country are Rupert Brand Hams and Bacon, cured with scientific care and sold at prices lower than others. If you want to be perfectly sure of meat goodness ask for Rupert Brand. Maclntyre Building Frizzell Building Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Lowest Prices — ——— Also at Stewart, B.C., and Hyder, Alaska J. FRI Absolutely Independent. No Connection with any Corporation or Packing House Also at Stewart, B.C. and Hyder, Alaska LL. —- — _—$——$. $$$ a W. D, Moxley, conductor of the; Seo Hoo and Lamb Wong, two If you have something to sell rhe Prince John arrived f | passenger train, made the through Chinamen, accused of being in an'and want more than it is worth, o'clock last evening Pron, re ™ eters - H. D. MeNeil of Graveyard | | bocal News Notes Point arrived on the train last} Stewart at 6 a \rip to Prinee George yesterday.|opium smoking resort were dis- | dvertise in some other paper, a nae sal night, sore © Phillipson arrived in the city . “4 <-s : jimissed on appearing before Mag-| the News cannot sell it. —* Dull is expeet A building permit bas been | las! night from the Skeena can-| The piles have been driven for) istrate MeMordie in the police . +9 i ¥ dnive eee ie Mt i Women for & | neries. a cottage whieh is to be built for|court yesterday afternoon. With the present indications of ake em addition to bie residence on| a te Vie McCutcheon on Third Ave. tata re rain there will probably be snow fue te. C. I Bloomfield. | F “ * 4 W. Garter and J. E. i the |}near Ninth Street. Chief W. H. Viekers left last}in the hills before long and the last : oe Me, werg arrivals by ourth penne me. | a cea oom manneryme! <= evening for the south on his holi-|country will look quite wintry MUS tra Rupert The regular monthly meeting|days. He took with him three|again. This, however, will please | r " Che Princess Mary arrived from |registered at the Prin evening \iotel. f the Municipal Chapter of ! |prisoners for New Westminster|loeal hunters as they will nat Daughters of the Empire was held and Okalla, Walter Serimgeour, | have to aseend ‘so high into the | > \ fair pdasenmer top the ae aie to the north| R. E. Marlow of the Grand/tast night, Besides routine busi. guilty of selling liquor, Dan | hills on their quests for the wary ME fipgy —" reported that|has faller off almost entirely but| Trunk engineering staff at Smith-| ness that was disposed of, it was\Sutherland for moonshining’ |deer. The reported presence of Vander) Of the Season fell | ean; — ’ ma a ht acuth ers, arrived on last night's trai ecided to hold a dance on the/and “Inuoye, the Jap guilty of | wolves will probably 100f yout, ;Capacity lists are brought seu : af ‘ne intesior {7th of this month, \Aheft, ‘oO 3 . the south at 6:30 last Niet ne rom the east| with a very light passenger lis' list, pa. make the ds : : ideeer even more elusive, ‘day morning.' from the Alaskan points. <= & 2 Fy * é €i. t #~ > | ~ Pn al / tke a y ~~