1 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. November 6, 1951 Sealed Cargo" mm mL. m V7 SHIPS AMD WATERFRONT Sea Adventure Mr. and Mrs. J. Gould and son. E R Nnlte. Mifs Peterson. Mrs. K. H. tiiScnqeri . 2r Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Grosenvich and child. For Sandspit A. Reid. i v-.i v c Wr' CFR steamer Princess Not ah, having armeu ii. pan, a j a.i.i rr v. ' For Vancouver i Monday) G. A. Bierre. Mrs. J. G. And?r-on, W. Bjulton, Mrs. M. Mark. If ou want t3 sell it. advertise it. News classified. t-!VJ Adventure, mystery and romance comprise the triple theme of "Sealed Cargo," sea drama for which Dana Andrews, Carla Balenda and Claude Ruins have the starring roles at the Capitol Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. Andrews Is seen as master of a Gloucester fishing boat who reluctantly agrees to take Miss Balenda, a Canadian nurse, to her home in a little Newfoundland fishing village. On the way they encounter a disabled square-rigger and tow it into port only to learn that the I 1 TECHNICOLOR iioai Vancouver via K.,maiio1 a.ij nitimai, sailed ai lu o cIock last, night on her return soum. t-astngt.s disembarking ru-re nom me vessel incluaea j. ciiuuat, R. Vv. Hutchinson, o. u. o.ai.ur ar.a . vu.le ti,;uii tai.s and Mr. ana Mrs. W. A. Wooa, W. J. Williams, Mrs. K. Linkiaici ana cniia.cn, i.i.. fe. umtileoy, rc. E. Chambers, U. wyaen ana Mrs. R .E. Green WALLACES DEPARTMENT STORE New Fall and Christmas TROPICANAS from Vancouver. .seemingly harmless vessel Is 'iw rnrnmv ii In -i Mimift litf; -mum it, A iA ibm i thmiihn- " JJr 54.981 All new styies and patterns. Wonderful, washable ATC Spun Rayon. , Sizes 12-20, 38-44 and 161,2-24',i actually a supply-ship for Nazi submarines. The ensuing drama 'Mi 'fV ' CARTOON - NtwS h turns on the daring efforts of CCC EXECUTIVE Rone B. Perrault of Montreal (centre was elected president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at its 22ml annual convention at the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec city. New president is teen with J L. Carson, Toronto, left, national vice-piesident and H. H. Lank, chairman of the executive council. (CP from CPR( ADDED SPECIAL NYLON HOSE , in J Show 7 -9:1 Today and W.j. " All sizes including size 11. I If the outnumbered fishermen to capture and destroy the ship. Philip Dorn is in featured support of the starts. Onslow Stevens and Eric Feldary have prominent roles in the screen ... r 45, gauge subs. New Fall shades Kvening Price: Everyune $1.00 Wednesday Matinee 4:00 Adults 75c. Children 50c i tivplv few can recall much about version of Edmund Gllltgan s ; At WALLACE'S Of Course 'what some were pleased to call, Saturday Evening Pool sloiy. lmp.ovements made on Union Sicaiusiuu Co. s coastal liner Cuiiiosun, which is back on the run alter undergoing annual overhaul in Vancouver, include the replacement of old castiron piping throughout the ship as pait of tne lederal fire protection regulations, with copper piping which presents a much more sightly appearance. Southbound from Alice Arm and Stewart, the Camosun - was ia pert this morning enroute back to Van:auver. Passengers disembarking from the vessel when she arrived from Vancouver Sunday afternoon were E. Jensen. V. H. Arney, P. M. Parry, W. W. Trotter, Russ Davis, Dr. J. B. Harrison, I. Eaton, C. Ander- y .. the start of Armageddon. Nearly I everv one was young, or of early I middle life Prince RuDert. to miniiniimiMiiii;-,!!!!!!'!!'1!!!!'1!! l!'t!l';Tr'n;";r!!l!!'f'j;:!!"U!;Ui!!,,IMV!!V!H!il;:?t''1 ' ; ',l i! 1 fill I n!"Tf11t 111 lltl nT,Tf IHI M HTI H TTH 1 1 If 1 1 1 ' I " nlilliilliiiiilliliulillUlillGiliiiiliiiiiiu! mm mtm wmmm Seasonal Fish Boat Clearance day has plenty of active 'citizens who then had not been born. Reflects and Reminisces LAY AWAY NOW Recruiting, with its undertone w. J, Scott suggested ut last of gaiety, was not delayed. Soint night's meeting of the Prince FOR CHRISTMAS Thlrtv-seven vears aao the : already drilling had thoughts or Rupert Chamber of Commerce 'on J S Hunter William Sori- First Great War broke out. Not : rewuves. uveiseaa. uii.iu., inat west cousi. usiiuig vrocia ,k.n me. t i.j.r,n ro. 'ma,,,, u hn livpH i Prim-o Pn. never before outside of Canada, ' might be accorded the same prlvileKe as those on the east Aloxeee, M. Clifton, G. Jeffrey pert then are here now. Of the uu l"c ul and Mr. and Mrs. J. Strand. present population, compara Irish Fusiliers from Vancouver marched ashore and camped n coast whereby seasonal Instead of individual trip clearances might be granted. JITOTEMlyJ (&rC4 A Famous I'layers Theatre ""i SRTS WEDNESDAY "Slj At present fishing vessels on the Pacific Coast have to clear for each trip to the diepsea fisheries. On the Atlantic coast, they have to obtain only one clearance which covers them for the building that had been the j Hotel Premier. Thereafter, you knew no more heedless strolls, or wanderings along the waterfront. Instead, the sharp command "Halt. Who goes there?" Once during those memorable August weeks, a thrill of fear swept the townsite. A cruiser I was sighted! Could it be Ger- Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nesbitt Too Had Hospital Insurance in Politics But It's a Good Thing A gift cf a Watch is always appropriate. Enquire today about our convenient lay-a-way plan. the season. The proposal was refer'cd to the fisheries committee to confer with the Industry, the fishermen and the customs on the matter. The requirements of the International Fisheries Commission were one reason wny thu CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Court of Revision Ke Municipal Voters' List !, VICTORIA.-It's too bad politics has crept into -n? Nott aii, ship w.s B.C.'s hospital insurance. Of course this was bound things over 5uo miles north, a to happen, once a committee of the Legislature was rter in a rowboal tried t0 : appointed to inquire into this most necessary social , GEORGE COOK PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE liMbiH N, lOTICE is hereby given that a Court of tndivldnal clearances were required, President J. C. Oilker suggested siop to correct and revise the Municipal V- i service. War appeared to stimulate the One wonders now whv the -vour Pmium pa.d up and must soal spirit. Dances, parades, It!0 int0 h-pital, and come out speeches, recitations, band con- i committee ' ? w. t .I was t.H appointed 5 J I with, say, a $500 bill, the hos-. crrta multiplied. All at once, it 1111, uutv. w.,.v. u, p,.. l tVin n ri'MTt I 4 .nUl "T'in.. time lJ'Li iiiaumiiti. otiic i"j" st'cnieu, a tune caiicu aihvi- lng many hours of their bill. List will he held in the Council Chamber C Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., on Thursday, Nov; ber 15th, 1951, at 10:00 a.m. R.W. LONG, City Clerk and all t.hpir energies But the ary came to town, to De wnisi-led by everybody. And soon there itir,otinr, V, mo,oi ctirrrt1 There re suggestions in legis. ,.tou.6a..u.. ...wv..., - ...... J .j.. .u.. . .1 , K. K Unma Completion of Northern Road Pressed Again Letter from Arthur M. Bout tiller, an Alberta man, inquiring if Prince Rupert was not interested in the building of a highway from Edmonton through 1947 Austin 8 Sedan things up There's not much . lauve curnuuis uiav peiuui mv oo ui" ........ doubt that, if it hadn't been for sales tax night be increased to Fires Burning." It had a catchy all this stirring up. hospital in- ve per cent, the extra two per air. And what was it that Lord surance would be working well cent going for hospital insur- Kitchener had said? Well, a man now ance, with all premiums drop- I.k ." rum can't be wrong. He had ' , . i rjed told Irvini Cobb, an American hS'towcf rycS; corresponcfent, the war would ThU seems Uke a' good sug- see do! tics This is naturaU 1 gallon. It would save the tre last aoout three years. And there enough fo?' system o endous. costly trouble of col- were those in Prince Rupert who our verv ver'ilent L"Ue? 0X1. Meeting hospital piemiums. It were guelng about It being all To say politics is creeping into 'u'tl cover everyone and two over by Christmas. hospital insurance is not to say ; Per cent added to the present ' I i .riiy "?v..-. Yellowhead Pass to the Pacific 1 1 1950 Austin Panel 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 1 1950 Prefect Sedan 1 1947 Croslcy Coach there is anything dishonest. unce per win, w i i- '"i Admiral- Craclock's squadron Coast, as being urged by Mayor Parsons of Edmonton, prompted a painlefs way of paying for' wjs sunk off Peru by Admiral Opposition Leader Harold i.l.,.u morf h r,,0' r.l a H i f . I '1lul" ""B -" ' J Von Spee's ships, and that was! the Prince Rupert Chamber of hospital '" 7,1. ..n'pamlul indeed-a big Commerce at last night's meeting to have the highway comit- that. Later on, Von Spee threw a scare into British Columbia biil. members of tt,. board and in the heat In the meantime. ports, but actually it is doubt- and fury of argument and politi- lu, lf' he sailed very far north. Superior Auto Service Ltd. Health and Welfare Minister Turnbull. Mr. Winch went about demanding resignation of Mr. Turnbull or the board, even threatened to resign himself Ircm the committee. cai mcKenng, mis importani An.wayi clestruction overtook KlrSice rSJ' a, him and his men, when Adnilral patients are concerned, is tod.iy ' Stuidce"s more powerful fleet success in British Columbia, suddenly appeared off Falkland Thfc fact cannot denied. I islands. Phone Green 217 Third Ave. W. tee renew representations lor the completion of the missing link east of Prince George in thu northern transprovlnclal highway. Mr. Boutlillier's letter emphasized the vital Importance of the highway' westward from Edmonton to the Pacitic Coast from the national defence, Industrial and tiurlst standpoints. Commute chairman Sy;i Smith was reported as boiling m Hi Insure Fxtra Long Good Looking Wear! Promise Yourself the Utmost in Comfort! mad w.th l. r. Turnbull as .was Mr. Winch. However, politics made it necessary for Mr. Smith to keep his mouth shut. He couldn t very well blast a cabi Prince Rupert Paying Four Million Dollars for Rats net minister of the Coalition which he supports and he cer 1BH 1 tainly would not go alter a m,n-lster of his owi party. Both Thr f lines ou want . . . for work or play! The quality you want that maker every dollar you spfnd fof these handsome styles especially worth while. Come in 1 today , . . see our large w Smith and Turnbull are Liberals It is costing Prince Rupert $4,000,000 a year to and, with an election not too lar away, Liberals must stick to- maintain a rat population of 200.0UU, Hugo JVraupner f tSt 8eDonr' 1 Chamber of Commerce last Brown, another member told the Prince Rupert of the board, being a Conserva-1 nisfht M Thj . v alTjve(l at from a Statistical group. ' 1 basis that oi.j rat does $20 actual damage to food and live,' coum lei, gu ai, mi. iuiii- bull. He did, intimating no cabinet minister is going to insult members of the Legislature. So, you see, politics has crept Into hospital insurance. It musi, as long as members of the Legislature, of all political groups, inquire into it. his ddvcrtisement ITnorpublTh i or d''WbiJ' jr by (lie Government ol British Co.umbu in other ways in a year. Mr. Kraupner', after a convincing anti-rat dissertation, induced the chamber to take up the fight against "the most dangerous and useless pest in the world" by appointing a Hospital insurance has becomf Prince Rupert Bratt and William Blckle, Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd. a subject for much ill-lnformeJ special cornmui.ee iu wui t K.rtm ,!.,. r, nr nimMti mack, medical H. Vina tv, riiTippr in nLS caiiiuaiiiii umno jci.., . w.v...., attack hasnital insurance. Box 737 Phone Black 69 The plain fact of the matter, to rid me city or rouenu.. however, is this: if you have! The campaign would be a A. U W!-V M I TJUK Ll I 1 I Iff vale; D. Astle, L. Peterson, M. Fischer, H. Rindal, J. J. Drum-mond. W. A. Boyd and A. Dry-den, Vancouver; Frank Clark, Prince George; Dr. J. T. Mandy, South Burnaby; Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Butedale; F. Crelghton, Blanche Motte and Ihree-pointea one; Hi Poisoning. i2i Control of domestic garbage by careful handling of garbage ca:.s. (3) Rat-prO'illiig of homes. r fJ& - l t'Tsr4C iL.t l. l.ii It was also uio.ioscd that tne Luella Goodfellow. Terrace; Mr. ii ,,,u iiny ine oeii S'.'.IZ ...r CORBY'S ) ; city should take more drastic and Mrs. W. E. Gathercole, Mr. means to destroy rata by pobon and Mrs. E. L. Johnston, R. ': powder pending more thorough Raphael, Gladys Hutton, J. A. 1 incineration. Cameron, Flying Officer R. Cul- ' Aid. Harold Whalen inform; bert, FO D. Campbell, FO R. the chamber that the city here ' Mlhell, FO D. Corker, Sgt. J. was considering' an incineration Lindal, PO D. Gilchrist, LAC F. Diocess similar to that of the Urquhart, LAC J. Broadw-ood, C. city of New Westminster. Cln'ikeiH h.ivc the rusty li.iliit of jinking enili ollici's eyes whi n they gel into a till. And oikc the llmk sees hlmid ilijy all pile in and ni.ikc it a lice-for alt. One l.umcr nnule thnu tut out the rough stulf by m;,k. iug "spedailcs'' of aluininuui foil. No more trouble! We never know vfio will think up what new use lor aluminum. But we do know that the demand for this light, strong. non-runing metal keeps on going up and up and up. That's why Allan is busy on new dams and power plants and smellers to further step up supply. Aluminum Company ol Canada. Ltd. (Ah an). Rutherford, J. M. Taylor, B. 1 Dudley, H. A. Read, Fred Fulton iand W. 8. Mclntyre, Vancouver; Rev. M. S. Young, Masset; Mrs. I C. Burrison, Edmonton; J. L. Charles, Winnipeg; B. MacDon-I aid, Kltimat; N. S. Pliner, Cumberland, Maryland; J. Blaln, Prince George; H. Berets, To- $(l 90 pr. Mistaken for Deer-Killed JMV go Special Royal (f Old ALERT BAY A man named ronto; J. Holcombe, Prince Jack Coonan whose home was George; M. Ackerman, Calgary; Selected Reserve Phone 46 I in Saskatoon, was shot and killed W. J. Davies, Queen Charlotte S while hunting near Alert Bay at City. ;the week-end. He had beenl " ' i mistaken for a deer. Weather If you want to sell it, advertise I was rainy and viability wa, p ,-tjr It, Nfe clasjifitd. This advertisement is not publuhcd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Cju6iumwH of Britkh Cohiml k. '