rr ize ‘ Cy Nea. BOARD w A. W. EDGE CO. DISTRIBUTORS ue 2nd Avenue - Prince Rupert}. BEAVER BOARD Without fuss or advertisment % FOR WALLS OF the movement to this end has CHARACTER gone on, gathering streneth and fresh adherents everywhere People wlio a Tew years ag rt frained from playing lawn tenn on Sunday afternoons now Bg J n thannels and with rac- juets rhree months ago P. I Warner, the Middlesex cricketer presided ovel an enthusiast« neetinge called to discuss the for atin f a Sunday Games As sociation \ Bishop has publicly ap- proved of Sunday games in a re If it hasn't the Beaver cent newspaper article; and the other day the Brentham | Faling tradotmark it isn't Garden Surburb decided to per- Beaver Board mit organized play. on its recrea- *s ~ 1 of your attic—partition handsome, more san- * off a room in the basement—put new B walls i t garage. Do it with as the result Pf a referendut ; ee oe shee taken on the subjeet, an exampk face, for peur Rew home, for e ‘ ‘ . i ‘ i ae on e ort 2 offes~ ener _ that other communities faces f Tt takes the place of lath, plaster and with the question of Sunday i al paper, gives you better walls and games should follow. itary, more durab'e. Tx Ls evcty rece for—and mene against pour In many places the matter has ff weee Beaver Board. Get the gennine. It got beyond academic discussion : ray yee to Se particular. ’ q and shall be settled by vote A. W. EDGE CO. i Distributers, Prince Rupert — 2 a ae . youn — t As. | ? vm . SELL TOVE ing stoves in 1843. Still in tinue them. in: civil life. the same line of business A Dull Day 1919. Hundreds in use in At present Sunday in this Prince Rupert. intry is rather a dull day He as, he added, “dead against a Se i games during church hours, but ON SALE AT ter church hours he failed ts Fred Stork’s see that healthy recreation was fferent from reading or smok- Hardware aa tanical ideas about Sunday ans SECUND AVENUE zive the boys a chance. Phone Biack 114 There is no doubt that spme of the old notions about what is right and what is wrong oi ™ Sunday are dying fast, an it before long the playing of midoor games will be a recog- nized thing, evoking ne scandal- zed or condemnatcry comment. Pool Room Opposite * The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO ; P.R.FEED Co. Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a, Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. | The Gurvich Transfer Phone Green 548 SUNDAY GAMES IN ENGLAND): the London Daily Mirror. tion ground on the Sabbath Local susceptibilities must not permitted sires. selves the complete right to rule vorth ‘-hurch hours on Sunday were the said. Gurneys commenced mak- " ing. We must get rid of our pur- Speaking for myself,” wrote Bishop Welldon lately. “aithough inday has always been to me a moved to ae 721 Third Ave. }|** ‘ountry, William Pollack it says This last decision was come to Local Vote : to override local de- So-called old-school Sab- itarians must not take to them- he roost; they must be prepare« o bow to the spirit of the times f needs be. The very same remarks which ‘aptain P. F. Warner made a’ he meeting just referred to are quoting here. During the war games after throughout the Army, he The men who had played ese cames would expect to con- “ule Bishop Welldon not-.wearisome or irksome, delightful, as recognis- ing that it is the excellence of yet, of the citizen's whole nature, in hedy. in mind, and, above all, ir spirit, that ought to be the true ybject of the State in such leg- > islation as may affect the obser- vance of Sunday. I should not feel able te condemn unreservedly thietic sports on Sundays.” Common sense could not have t otherwise: and so long as Sun- day games do not clash with ‘-hurch going, and do not in- rolve the employment of others than those playing them for rea- of health and enjoyment, their growth is all to the nation- suns ai good. \ Sunday afternoon spent in playing lawn tennis or cricket w football or golf is better than me given up to idling indoors, o7 playing cards, or listening to the eackle of a Bolshe- ‘park” orator. nischievous vistic Will in Future be Royal Canadian ®ounted Police if Bill Before the House Passes. (Special by 6. 7.P. Telegraphs.) Ottawa, Oct, 2.--The Northwest Mounted is to have a change of name. In the House, Hon. Wes- *y Rowell presented. a bill to imalgamate the North West P.O, Box 102 Office, Fraser St. We: Sell : Coal Mounted Police with the Domin- m Police to constitute one fed- ral police foree, The name will be changed to that of Roya! Can ‘ian Mounted Police, or V THE DAILY DISTR ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT CHARLOTTE KEPNA QUEEN TAKE notice that John Joseph Penerty ctoria, B. &., occnpation grocer, in- | to apply for permission to prospect) he following described lands for coal and | ’ ends roleum ' Commencing 41 @ post planted about two! miles east of the mouth of Coates Creek) which flows inte Port Louis) Graham Is-/ Writer in London Daily Mirror) jand; thence south cighty chains, thence! east cighty chains, thence forth Says Very Scon They will be chains, thenee West eighty chains to the point of commencement Everywhere Throughout JOHN JOSEPH- PENERTY, the Country. Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. July 14, 1919. are? it is not at all a rash prophecy] ore, LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF to say’that very soon Sunday af- QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS noon Will be the great time] rake notice that William E. Simmons, for playing outdoor games in this]ot Victoria, B. C., occupation inspector, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at a post planted about forty (40) chains south of the mouth of Coates River, Graham Island; thence west (80) eighty chains, thence south eighty 80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains, thence north eighty 80) chains to the point of commencement. WILLIAM EB. SIMMONS, per Albert Jacobs, Agent July 14, 1919 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that A of Winnipeg, Man., occupation engineer, intends to apply for permission to prospect | the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted about twe miles east of the mouth of Coates Creek) whieh flows into Port Louts thence south eighty chains, thence west eighty chains, thence nortD eighty chains, thence east eighty chains to the point of com mencement A. HARPER McKECHJAit, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent __ July 14, 1919 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that John J. Fenerty, of Victoria, B. C., occupation grocer, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted about one and one half i% miles north of the north shore of Otard Bay and at the south ast corner of Coal Licence No. 10028; thence north 80 chafns, thence east 80 ehains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement 4UHN J. PENERTY, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. July 14, 1919. DISTRICT-—DISTRICT OF ISLANDS. SkEENA LAND QUEEN CHARLUTTE TAKE notice that Walter Govan, of In dian Head, Saskatchewan, occupation farm er, Intends to apply for permission to prospect the fetiowing deser@ed lands for eval and petroleum :— Commencing at @ post planted on the shoreline of Port Louis, about one-mile south of Queens Island, Graham Island; ibouc south 80 chains, thence west 80 hains, thence north 80 chains, thener 8¢ chains to the point of commencement. WALTER GOVAN, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. _ July 14, ved. e Som SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that Robert MeCaubrey, of Victoria, B. C., occupation merchant, in tends to apply for permission to prospect the following d@eseribed lands for coal anc pe :roleum :-— Commencing at @ post planted about eleuty (80) chains east of the mouth of West River, Graham Island; thence south eighty (80) chains, thence east eighty hains, thence north eighty 80 chains thnece west eighty 80 chains t the po.at of commencement. ROBERT McCAUBREY per Albert Jacobs, Agent vated July ii, 1919 SAEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that Edward Charles Francis Allen intends to apply for Tinission to Prospect the following described lands for ‘al and petroleum:— commencing @t &@ post planted about forty chains northeast of the mouth «f Jo-eph_ Creek, and at the §.E. corner of cL. No. 10149, Graham island; thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence West 80 chains, thence rmorth 580 chains to the “oint of commencement EDWAKD CHARLES FRANCIS ALLEN, per Albert Jacobs, Agent Dated July 12, 1919. SAhEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Qe rAKE NOTICE that Louis McQuillin, o« cupation sccountant, and C. Norman Dai ghish, occupation barrister, of Winnipeg. Men, intends to apply for permission i prospect the following described lands for coal and petroieum :-— ommencirg at @ post planted about on< quarter of a mile from the mouth of Can nell River, Port Channel, Graham Isianc; thenee east 80 chains, thence north 6&0 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence seuth $0 chains to the point of commence Be ot LOUIS McQUILLIN, C. NORMAN DALGLEISH, Ss per Aibert Jacobs, Agent SKEE.... LAND «.sSTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that A. J. B. Bookey, of Victoria, B. ©. occupation retired farmer, intends to apply for permission to pros pect the followiag described iands for coal and petroleum -— wnimenctng 21 @ post planted near the shoreline of Port Channel and about a mile #est of the mouth of Connell river, Graham thence north 80 chains, thence west ehains, thence south 80 chains, thence east #0 chains to the point of com Mmencement Istand 20 A. J. B. BOOKEY, per Albert Jacobs. __ Datel July 15, 1919 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT oF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE Dotice that Kenneth Sutherland of Winnipeg, Man., occupation agent to apply for permission to prospect following described lands for coal petroleum Commencing af 2 post planted on the shoreline of Port Channel, about two miles east of the mouth of Connell River, Graham island; thence south 806 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east $0 chains to the point of comnn thet KENNETH SUTHERLAND, r Albert Jacobs, A Nated Juty Pet 1919 _— SKEENA LAND DISTRICT Agent the and DISTRICT OF Port Channel. Graham Island; thence north #0 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the poimt of commencement. : > L. SANDS, ber Albert Jacobs, Agent Dated July 15th, 1919. jSSEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF QUEEN OHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that James V. Connell, occupation medical doctor, and A. Leith, occupation Meucal doctor. of Regina, Sas kaichewan, intends to epply for permission t® prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum:- -Ommencing €1 & post planted about two miles and one half east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is land; thence north 80 ehains, thence cast 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence ment. JAMES V. CONNELL, A. LEIrH, Harper McKechnie, \ Intends Vie.» CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that M. L. Sands of Vic- torta, B. C.. oecupation undertaker, intends © apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum — Commencing at a st planted at the mouth of Mace River’ whic empties into NEWS OO can Underwe Time THESE COOL MORNINGS REMIND YOU IT IS NOW TIME TO BUY YouR WINTER UNDERWEAR. As there is no part of your wearing apparel that demands such carefy| selection as your Underwear, oyy range should have your attentioy. It is chosen with an idea as to com. et ar | ee per Albert Jacobs, Agent Dated July 12, 1919. SLEENA LAND DISTRICT—DisrfricT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that John Mair of Vic- occupation retired farmer, ermission to pros a lands for coal toria, B. C., tenis to apply for th following descri pe iroleum :— ommencing af 4 post planted at the uth of Mace River, where it empties inte Port Channel, Graham Island; thence north 80 chains, thence west $0 chains theece south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of colmineacement. JOHN MAIR, per Albert Jacobs, July 15, 1919 and ™m Agent Datel SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that Robert Dowswell, of Victoria, B. C., occupation retired hotel Keeper, intenus t© apply for permission © prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum ~apimpencing at a@ post planted on the shoreline of Port Channel, near the mouth Connell River, Graham Isiand; therice south 80 chains, thence west 806 chains, thence porth 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commencement ROBERT DOWSWELL, per Albert Jacobs, Agent | Dated July 15th, 1019. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT rm T OF wreeN CHARLOTTE I8LAde TARE notice that Isaac Waxstock, of Victoria, B. C.. cecupation billiard room menager, intends to apply for permission to prespect the following described lands for ceal and petroleum Commencing 61 @ post planted about a mile west of the mouth of Connell River Port Channel; thence south 80 chains thence West 80 chains, thence north 8&0 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commencement ISAAC WAXSTOCK, per Albert Jacobs, Agent Dated July SAEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRE 1 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that John Moffatt, of Vix toria, B. C., ocecupation retired farmer, in tends to apply for permission to prospect the following descrt lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post lanted on the shoreline of Port Channel, ar the mouth of Mace River, Graham Island; thence east $0 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to the point of commencement. JOHN MOPFATT te19 r Albert Jacobs, Agent __ Dated July t5th. 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT.._DISTHICT OF VEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that Ester Mabelia McMillar of Winnipeg, Manitoba, occupation grocer intends to apply for permission to prosper! the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing a1 4 post planted about on mite east of the mouth of Steele Creek (Port Louis thence south eighty chains thence east eighty chains, thence sort elgty chains, thence west eighty chains to the point of commencement STER MAHELIA MeMILLAN Per Albert Jacobs, Agent 119 July 14, DISTRICT ISLANDS SKEENA LAND DisThIC! VEEN CHARLOTTE a’ botice that Harry McMano of Victoria, B. C.. occupation carpenter, in tends t apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum ; mM Commencing at & post plunted at the mouth of Steele Creek. Port Louis, Greham Island; thence south #0 chains. thence east 80 chains. thence north 80 chains. thence west 80 chains to the point of commence. | ment : HARRY MeMANN : Per Albert r Albert Jacobs, Agent pe Dated July 12, 1919. Jacobs, Agent : July 14, 1019 - - > pee , ' fort and wearing aualities. . . > . Light or medium weight woo! wu: joy its at $5.00, $7.00, $19.00 Qos ‘ $12.50 a Suit. naan atti inal —-— = _—-- - SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF ooo==———m See re aE a ae VUEREN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NUTICE that James V. Connel! Phone 37 ©. Box 1704 occupation medical doctor, and Benjamin Whitham, occupation medical doctor, of Regina, Saskatchewan, intends to apply for ‘ permission to prospect ihe following de For Comfort, Courtesy and Servi e sc; ibed lands fer coal and petroleum :— immencjng at a posit planted about! go to two and one half miles east of the mouth} of Cave Creek, Ingrabam Bay, Graham is- | T H E S V r . land; thence south eighty so chains, | a i thence east eighty (80 chains, thence er eer er Or eres re Or rer Oe re er eres eer i north eighty (806 chains, thence west E ' eighty (80) chains to the point of com PF. T. BOWNESS. Maneger tm ocement. . + . j JAMES V, CONNELL, Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. BENJAMIN WHITHAM, per Albert Jacobs, Agent —— _ Date July 12, 1919. il ae . . — Nome Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, = a TAKE notice that James V. Connell, ox r cvpation medical docter, and A. W. Sher = —— wood, occupation metticai doctor, of Regina, Se-katchewan, intends to apply for per mission to prospect the following described — is for coal and petroleum — INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC ommencing at a post planted about) two and one half miles east of the mouth | e Royal insurance Company, Limited of Cave ( k, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is- | on mined land; thence north 80 chains, thence west | Northern As urance Co., Limited 80 chains, thence south #0 chains, thence London & Lancashire Fire insurance east 80 chains to the point of commence- | e Co., Limited mm ot. os —— . ‘ JAMES V. CONNELL, Rendon @ Lancashire Guarantes 6 A. W. SHERWOOD, Accident Co Fidelily-Phenix Fire insurance Ce General Real Estate Agent Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. . — Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY $ Prompt Attention a Motor Delivery POL OOEOETETT THEO COLLART, Notary Public with 5 orm > : Tth Aver West, $1,800.00 Cash, $800.00 f $350 00 Cas FOR SALE ix $800.00 REAL estate MARINE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE re ee ee ee sci t bed lands for coal and petroleum Phone Red 69 Westhoime Theatre Block Pp. 0. Bort occecrttre DESO D DEDEDE EDA EDEL OOOO OOOO OOS cele SAEENA LAND DISTRICT--—DISTRICT slid eeeeengeaooconssomgm ‘ QUEEN UHARLOTTE ISLANDS n 3 i : TAKE notice that hn Wesley Conn L ; and Albert 8. Lock, both of Vict 2 e ° RacTOR ‘ occupation brokers, intend apply a ANT ? permission to prospect tb wing GENERAL CO . ; scribed lands for coal and pelroicun Office and > , mimencing at a post planted ab : ; wty (40) chains In a north easterly a Sas ‘ rection from the mouth of -Rock-ru® Creek sll int : Kennels Sound, Graham Isiand the nee —_— ‘ south (80 eighty chains thence West ; elgbty a0 chains, thence m eighiy io a 4 ~ ; 8°) chains, thence east eighty §& hains Bens , to the point of commencemen ; JOUN WESLEY CONNELI : ; ALBERT SCOTT LOCK Fst TAKEN } fr Albert Jacobs, Agent NDER ‘ Dare su 6. 9918 REPAIR WORK UNDER! ; na — - Phone Groen 200 ecoeet SAEENA LAND DISTRICT.-Disti rig QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS —_—_ ponceesetent, POCCCOOEOO EOE OTTO I TTE ‘ TAKE notice that Charlies Roudolph Paredis, of Regina, Saskatchewan, occupa tion medical doctor, intends to apply for SA permission to prospect the following Cc Ommencing at & post planted about one¢ Seve ‘ , , , ‘ , , ; an? one half miles east of the mouth of . , Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Island bath and y 3 thence south eighty (80) chains, thence i ; 8 \ , ‘ east eighty (80 chains, thence north Newly pa : eighty 80 chains, thence west eighty 0 ‘ 84) chains to the point of commence $2875.0 : ment, , CHARLES ROUDOLPH PARADIS Very Easy | 7 ; s pet Albert Jacobs, Agent , ; Date July 121 : eh Se 88 on06 SUTHERLAND 3 VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRI pou ; Or COAST RANGE il : ' aconeeel AKE notice that Emma Sanal t |B cmeeponensoooorerrrrs am Palle. B. ¢ : upation married w ee a bat niemds ft apply f permiss = eoeeeeeneneee ‘ le the f Wing described lands SPPDODODOOS | ; mmencing at a post ple : . Ww Hote : th end of & sth sland the ¥ GC ad : e of Choked Pasiige, West rr rat vie ; mad, thence « th 40 ehains, the “ : : 4‘? chains. theere werth 4 chains " » ; ea t 40 haing to point if oom _ M : awl wiaining t¢ acres, more r lees Rox . : EMMA SMABY : cen By Mark Smaby, Agrot ’ eorere Dale September ith, 1616 Sonnoooeorret