Prince Rupert Daily News Tueaday, March 8, 1951 i i! Railway Wage Rates Settled Condition of Salmon Dock oca April 1,- 1U51. Tlie contract cov- EARLIER EXPLOKEK crlng both wages and rules is Land wnicn Captain Nathan and PERSONAL ial Palmer saw in 1820 now is recognized as having been the Antarctic continent. for a period of one year from April 1. While finding that conditions MONTREAL It was announ-at the Canadian National Rail-ced yesterday that negotiations way's local salmon dock are by have been successfully conclud-no means satisfactory although' ed between negotiating commit- Mr. and Mrs. William Malcolm sailed by the Chilcotin Sunrhiv niuht. cm t.hnir return til oCEILINGS fj Butedale after a brief visit tolst,P8 are now OClIlg UtKen U). tees iwnrr.wnt.inir Rrnthpihrmri li. E. Mortimer, real estate and Insurance, has moved his office to 353 Third Avenue, UO Dr. A. W. Larue was elected a member of the Prince Rupert Chumbvr of Commerce at its meeting last ninht. the city. .reciny uiem, me port and marme ' committee of the Prince Rupert Regular meeting of the , chamber of Commerce, reporting I Women of the Moose, Wednes- to ihc chamber at its meeting , day the 7th. (56c) last nlght( took lne vleW liiat Ule Mr and Mrs. Alf Rlvett and matter , was something that did son and the Misses Frances andnot strictly come within the jur- Joan Cross, who sailed for Van-M, , ul ule "amoer ana. EDUCATION WEEK Parents and Friends are invited to -OPEN HOUSE - WEDNESDAY Borden Street School 2-3 p.m. King Edward School 2-3 p,m. Port Edward School .-. 1-3 p.m. (S-jc interviews daily in Daily News) couver Sunday night, will make; a motor trip as far south as Longbcach, California. ! uierciure, recommended mai no action be taken. The matter of serious roof leak-aee at the salmon dock, as a re- WE CARRY A of Locomotive Firemen and En-ginemen, Order of Railway Conductors and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and Canadian National Railways governing the services of locomotive firemen, helpers, hostlers, hostlers' helpers, conductors, trainmen, yardmen, switchtenders, yardmasters and assistant yard-masters. Central and Atlantic regions, including all employees in engine, train and yard service, Newfoundland district. The agreements provide for rule changes and increases in wage rates averaging 142 per hour. The revised wage rates are effective from December 1, 1950, and the changes in rules from Members wishing to attend Canadian Legion W. A. Banquet phone Black 330. 59c Miss Margarvt Harris, who arrived in the city by Saturday night's train from Hazelton, sailed Sunday night on the Chilcotfn for a trip to Victoria. Annual meeting Rupert Rod and Gun Club, Civic Centre, 8 p.m., March 7. Election officers. aplete supply of high quality w nc-ui u sanuer uri nave yuui iloor sanded by experts. Phone !)09 for Greer & Bridden Ltd. (63c) suit of wht'h ennned ralmoa in cartons stored there was being damaged, had been brought before the Chamber at last month's meeting and was referred to the port and marine committee for report. Presenting the committee's report, A. P. Cawley told the Chamber last night that an in- B. M. Sprinkle was the ablegate of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night. T. N. Youngs Ladies invited. Films. 5fle Young Gorry Alger from Ter-ra?c was recently admitted to the Oene-al Hospital here tor special treatment. will represent the Senior Cham- ber at the next Jaycees meeting, spection had been made and it materials were on hand and half ?HONE 116 - 117 or 58 Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce recent approval of , the idea of a single transferable vote has been transmitted to' nn titimiiuinlS partj Catholic Hall, I the nrmriinrintv a ut hnt-H ino T ' Card ert & McCaffery R. E. Mortimer Moved To:- 353 Third Avenue, West Next to 3 Sisters Cafe T. Harvey, chairman of the na- March 8. tional affairs committee, told Lutheran Tea and Home Cook was iounn mat, some thirty per- of the job was to be done this cent of the roof was leaking, af- year. Suggestion had been made fecting possibly about seventy to the railway company that the percent of the floor area and whole job be done this year but sonro of the cartoned salmon the committee was informed stored therein. At (he time of the that this would net be in lin j inspection it was found that 85,- with railway policy. 000 cases were stored there and C. G. Ham took the view that, during the past year 240.000 cases the ocean dock being a port facil-had passed through the shed, ity, it was quite within the juris-Damage claims amounting to diction of the Chamber to ln,ter-$1200 had been paid. Tarpaulins est itself therein, had been provided to cover the W. J. Scott questioned the wis-cartons but they were not en- dom of a policy of paying claims LIMITED i the Prince Rtinert Chamber of inB. March 10. party. i Commerce at its monthly meet-' Canadian Legion card l ing last niuht.- ; March 14. m m The King Edward School P-TA t ' u . ;lnn Attention. Meeting to be held White Elephant sale and tea. Friday. March 9. at 8 p.m. in vlarch 15, at 2 p.m. Civic Centre. Prince Rupert Lo- j Legion Auxiliary St. Patricks cal Fishermen's Co-op Associa- Dance. March 18. tion. (57pi 1 Conrad School P.T.A. card ; tirely meeting the situation as on damaaed goods rather than at water was running along the least building stands to keep the PHONE 909 For Efficient Building and Remodelling YOUR floor. . j goods off the wet floor. The committee1 also informed F. J. Skinner agreed that it the Chamber that the roof of the i Was a matter in which the Cham-shed was about to be repaired, ber might well interest itself. Vorh Ai i mini . I Party, Friday March 16, 8 p.m. W. r J t e a j Scotland G.C.Mitchell j st''patrick Tea and card , .1 HPP?inted delegate i rtyi Catholic Hall, March 17 of the Prince Rupert Chamber; s.O.N. Brothers evening March of Commerce to a highway and 17 Sonja iadjes, members and tourist convention to be httld in escorts Invited Vancouver March 28, being fol-l 'orange Ladies' tea. and sale, lowed by a session of tire As-'March 21 h alive Scholarship Is Innovation BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS This Year . . I K, wi Q I rH UnarHc ,,f TfOrU rf Y. T- i., i GREER and BRIDDEN torn passd through the charitable hands Bri Columbia lf be ' This sujyerb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup j Xpert's Imperial Order, Daughters of the'hcld 1he uay following. i Queen Mary i.o.d.e. Daffodil P.O. Unx 731 Prince Kuprrl, B.C. l.i .... u l ,.:.. ... ' n"a. marcn o. was iectiiiti at me aiuiucu liicetiiii' vi ivcyuimig ui the publicity . Spring Calnedral saiei March ttm a n a m rw Chanter in the Broad wav Cafe last nitJ . ""l 29. YV?l S II II I 1 ..' and , . " .. M,e nuPerl c,,moer m Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, Wanted To Rent :cnt .secretary Commerce last night that Public April 4. u;il Chapter to be burf,h chapter; Miss Sharl Beth I Relations Council had plans In' th.. next miTtii.K. ,.. '.; .., .o ....,.. . "u... r r.--.i k"b nVi ' i uuuk. niviio nuiuu iiiuull'i. nunn mr iuiiif'iiii' nun nm-. t? ( Art uuvc uiir I Highlight of the evening was I duction of a new publicity pam-; w.O.T.M. Spring bazaar, April phlet of the city. Cof.imR'-ees 20. the singing of a King Edward mm I'Si'iit, Mis. G. R. were working on the matter , St. Peter's Spring Sale. April with a view to having the pam- 26. The Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. requite immediately for their permanent operating staf f, HOUSES FOR RENTAL. Please address replies to: Personnel Supervisor, Mill Operating Staff, Box 1000, Prince Rupert, B.C., or call Supervisor at Watson Island. m'ul. Mrs. R. W. School quintet of Dorothy Wick, Jessica Nelson, Shirra Halliday, Gail Redpalh and Beverly Cal-derone, trained by J. D. Goscoe. Accompanist for the evening phlet in production at an early. United W. A. Spring sale, May 3. date. ' Sonja tea. May 12. nit, Mrs. iTi'lury, Mrs. K. Withers. . K. Bar- Mr: PRINTING M'l-ii'tiiiy, Mrs. .1. Experience T, Mrs. M. J. .. SS u PURPOSES w Quality Vcrsotidry was Miss Barbara Teng, regent for the Halda Chapter, who played the piano. Over $300 has been given out to city and district schools by the local order for the year, Mrs. Blackaby said in reviewing the year's worts. With the introduction this year of an annual university sehutarMiip for $100 to be given to a native youth, the local order sets a precedent for the province. The regular municipal annual scholarship of $100 was presented to Robert Jones, Mrs. Withers said in her annual report. Although asked by the other members of the order to con- sccn' Mrs. " rc;,d Ijy (hp Irra.siirer.s of Dibb Printing Co. I'll opini ii'j: rere-1 Jacks were para.l- I'llONH Ml HKSNKII HMH'K I t:ih!r by Mrs. M. bearer for tinue her work as regent, Mrs. v unpen Municipal sfi Hilda Gillis, Ufc Chupicr; Mr.. Mft.-ckin. ca mbre 1 W J. Linrham. Blackaby declined. MUS. BLACKABY 1IONOKKD A gift for her services was lii ii- Mrs. K. John- presented to the retiring prcsi-Eclin- (Continued on page 6) Duchess (if SPECIAL a, uu oj.ji DINNER ROLLS runchv hy They're really rity nJ no (rouble t ill to make, with new 1 IcMihmann Knyal Fail Rising Urr Xctst ! Gives you fast action liht dough and none of the l)iher of old lime pcmhablc veait ! Get a doen pai'kagcs keeps full strength uilbent ttfrigtration! 32 Piece BREAKFAST SETS - $8.95 . 58 Piece DINNER SETS SI'.K ICIi H)H SIX $25.50 V.; -; " pr'x fty CRUSTY DINNER ROLLS Mcusure into a laigc bowl 12 c. litkewarin water. I giaim-lnteil siiL'ar: stir until sugar is dis Yoir choice of 4 beautiful colors: Green, Rose, Blue or Yellow GORDON & ANDERSON Science against pain solved. .Sprinkle with 1 cmeloie Heist hmann's Roval Fast Rising llrv Yeast. Let stand 10 niins., TH F.N stir well. Add c. lukewarm water anil 1 Isp. salt. Add. all at once. 3','2 c oiMe-sittetl bread Hour and work In with the hands: work in 5 lb, soli shortening;, knead on linlilly Homed board until smooth anil clastic. Plate in greased IhiwI. (aner wilh a damp cloth and set in warm place, free Ironi draught. l et rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough in bowl, old over, cover and again let rise tin-til doubled in bulk, turn out 011 lightly-Hourcd hoanl and fits isle into 2 eipial portion: shape each piece into a long roll alHiut W" ill diameter. Cover wilh a damp dnlli anil let rest l! niins. I sing a homed sharp knile. cut doiighy 11110 U" lengths and place, well apart. on ungreaseii cookie sbeels, Spi inkle rolls willi and Science froprcssts: For 50 years we have useJ little white tablets acctylsalicylic 4cid for the relief of pain. Today this familiar pain-killer is available in a new form without the disadvantages of insolubility, ' acidity and bitter t.tstc. It is called DISPREN. Why tok DISPRIN? DtcauM DISPRIN is sslublt and substantially neutral. When taken in water as recommended, it enters the stomach as a true solution and not as undissolved particles. It is therefore le$ liable to cause stomach discomfort. 1 DISPRIN is readily absorbed, because it definitely dissolvcs,(not mcrclv disintegrates) it permits speedy absorption and gives quicker relict. 1 DISPRIN is palatable, liven children will take it readily. A FASHION FIRST! Tli" shapes . . . lt-allii-rs. falKti'.s rti'! cold's crrmci mmi fMsition-w;sr for iDi-mg '51 are licit' now in our wiilf si-lcftioii o( value priced luinuba!',.s. DISPRIN is now arailable tt ytm Diiiiiii.i. Pottles of 26 tubiett or Hamly Pocket Folders of 8. . Science, steps forward with let rise, unnisereil, lor i. Hour. Kriish with cohl water and let rise anoiher !2 liour. Meanwhile, aland a broad shallow pan oi hot water in the oen and preheat oven 10 hoi. 4'Jj. Remove pan of waicr from oven and bake I lie rolls in siram-hlled 01 en for 1, hour, brushing tliein with told water and sprinkling lightly Willi coriuncal alter the hist 15 niins., and again brushing llieni with cold walcr 2 minutes bctoie re- SKK THEM Ttl).V! SAFE SPEEDY PLEASANT muviiiE baked buns from t lie asmon uootvear oven. Yield 18 rolls. BY THE MAKERS OF 'DETTOL' ANTISEPTIC . . . RECK ITT 4 C.OI.MAN (CANADA) LIMITED, PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISION. MONTREAL