1 OCT" ill AR V CABS .Into insp.vrriiEO imii" " r-i m . . xy X;,- , PROVINCIAL LKiMAHY I' - 9 T.f 113 ,5$MES IC703IA, B. C. . "DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great North west Phone 81 I VOL. XL, No. 253 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1951 PRICE FiVJl cents CHURCHI ii mj 0 Seat Now j Only One Impact Wakened Captain Eccles Ottawa to Name Radio Committee OTTAWA A committee of Parliament will be appointed this week to study the operation of the Canadian Broadcasting Cor-; Left After Voting VANCOUVER- Capt. William' Eccles told a court of Inquiry1 .here late last week that he was' t almost thrown out cf hU buiik.'oj Young Hoodlums Spray Man's Face With Acid VICTORIA Search is being carried on f-jr three young hoodlum- who seiiousy assaulted Edward Vincent Smith Hiey arcoatecl Smith seeking for Hallowe'en hand-outs. When Smith suggested it, was a little early, they produced water guns and sprayed his face with acid which caused painful bu:n and may leave scars for life. The young hoodlums are believed to be from ii to 16 years old. LONDON. The new Conservative government Prime Minister Churchill now has a working nere ne was asleep, early In the; ;mo-ninR of August 39 when his' majority of 18 following the receipt of latest election V pmauon ana its financing, i I Effects of I ! ! returns. siiio, me 'Prince Rupert,, collided! with the Princess Kathleen1- north of Prnce Rupert. i Unnrorf fllrtlAf The standing is now: nun Conservatives 321 Labor' 294 Capt. Fcles told the inquiry! that he had retired after the' Prince Rupert had sailed from! Prince Rupert that night but, had been advised by his officers! from time to time cf fog patches, j The radar of the ship was in : good working order, he said. I Heading East Met Veterans at Rivers Church at Saskatoon I.akchead Today ! Storm Felt I Prince Rupert is still feeling the effects today of a two-dav rain-lashed week-end which , halted all tele-communication and disrupted rail and highway .services through washouts and slides. Ootsa Lake Settlers Angry With Aluminum UiLTt to Mackenzie King's long yeans of devoted service ,.-,(. j and Ins fellow Canadians, and in recognition of his for the humble homestead at Woodside, the property , nig restored to Its former beauty and plans are being p:ps ne it as a national historical site. To Canada it yut Mr. Roosevelt's Hyde Paik House is to the U.8. The ifc.i be furnished with some of Mr. King's personal belong-,c family heirlooms. It will also feature a gallery of f primings and a library that will Include books that tf Liur.d by Mr. King as a boy. The Mackenzie King ( Tiu.it, Kitchener, Ontario is receiving contributions. I always held the heart of William Lyon Mackenzie was the "main Inspiration" of his lifetime of service to "f line, the man who guided Canada to a proud "' 'quality among the world's great nations, is shown I' -in,. (I for brief enjoyment of the familiar views from ,-. hciiiestead. ' Liberals 8 Others 3 Deferred 1 Western Isles, west coast of Scotland, and Argyll were the latest seats to report, the former returning a Laborite and the latter, a Conservative. The deferred election is U Banisley where the Labor member and candidate for re-"lection died between nomim.tion and election day. It is expected to return a Laborite on November 8. i RIVERS, Manitoba ff Prin-jcess Elizabeth and the Duke of j Edinburgh were welcomed back : to Manitoba Sunday by a cheer- ing throng of 60,000 persons, in-j eluding 120 wounded veterans who travelled 135 miles to see them. The royal couple flew into the Match Makers Found Guilty MONTREAL Five Canadian fJet No Satisfaction From Government j Up to Alcan, They're Told ! VICTORIA (cP)The Aluminum Co. of Canada RKSCT'E STORY . Fuher particulars of a flood rescue and the general situation at Prudhomme Lake will appear tomorrow in a feature story. ! is using "high-pressure tactics" in an effort to force air training centre here from! I settlers to accept unfairly low compensation for the euiity today of operating a t Saskatoon and left an hour later for Fort William. ; lands to be flooded by the Alcan power development. 177 a to s Hitler Blundered bor been relear night and sunny skies ves- ul dn "Oisa .L,aKe delegation Which lett Victoria months ' 'made at military hospitals d ur- Terrace Mill Strike Vote Majority finding of a conciliation board in a dispute as co whether Little, Haugiand & Kerr logging and sawmill operations at Terrace should be covered by the rates of the interior or coast I . ofrdrambU nZtn '"n"," inches Saturday f r an interview with Premier Johnson, i - oi ram, pouring out of soggy i , . .. : clouds in 3ti hour, enrimo Hati.r. ! i we u stay mere until our ing the visit of the royal couple to Winnipeg October 16. Government and Army officials, therefore, arranged the special trip to Rivers and the royal couple doubled the length of their stop to visit them. Tying 55 Divisions to North Italy Fight day afternoon, left in Its wakejCI j flooded roads, crippled railroad ! 5 1 Vl Brief Victoria ' Session Prorogues v. ml-ivo aim na&llcu-UUl Ul lUgeS. j furniture is floating around our ; ears unless everyone gets a fair ! settlement," said Buster R. Harrison, veteran guide and lake-shore property owner. The delegation said thev got Trains are expected to move AT SASKATOON VICTORIA (CP) Special ses fl0. (CP) A calamitously blundering During tire visit at Saskatoon yesterday, the Princess and Duke j contract of the International Woodworkers of America has been rejected and Local 1-71 IWA has been authorized to no response to their demand sn of the British Columbia that the government put pres- Legislature, which opened on ture on Alcan for more gener- Thursday, prorogued Saturday. ;ous payments. They said they Five bills were passed Leeis- attended divine sertvee at St. mI a highly suspicious Tito are pictured by irshal Viscount Alexander in his report, lay, on the -last five months of fighting in Johns Cathedral. The bishop, take a strike voie when such Over Hart Road South ! VANCOUVER l Ralph Thorn-' fen. publicity committee chair-' man of tlvj Dawson Creek Chamber of Commerce, is the first man to drive a passenger car over the John Hart Highway, 832 tonight, CNR officials said this morning. Tonight s' train east is expected to pull out on time. Telephone, telegraph and CBC lines have been restored temporarily. Highway to Terrace is still closed. Public Works Department estimates two or three days for clearing away a huge slide 40 miles east of here, near Kayex Rt. Rev. S. C. Steer, took part in- action is deemed advisable. were told It was a matter be- laiinn pnoctpH t.r vtnH ni.n I tween the company and them- age pensions including increased selves. payments for the blind. -i s. too. that he got i down 55 German divisions in the 'Uoli-otf when i,e 'Mediterranean area at the 1944 k las strategic plans ;rrisU period of the war and con-irt tie nearest -Ruu-ftrUButed, ImporUnUy to. victory me service. Application lor the govern- From Rivers, the royal couple ment supervised stake vote has went to Port Arthur, where the been applied for and machinery night was spent. They paid offi- Is expected to be set up within cial visits at Port Arthur and the week to take the vote. Fort William today, assemblages The oniy point in dispute is of children, at. both .placet .being . which couuact ihuuid. apply in the feature of the occasion. the Terrace operation which inis The Princess and Duke walked so far been ' ocen oIiod ' al- Says Minister Should Resign to Kiver, and repairing . .several ! miles Iiom Dawson Creek washouts of bridge approaches." aneVuver.' n the spring of 1943. even though "perhaps not very The railway is also washed out . cvnmunrw i-afiien.4 many or lliem (Allied soldlersi Harold Winch Challenges IX uglas Turnbull uteuic plans realized how vital was the part ncar Kayex and at other poini the iron-bound and they played." j ong the line. o Hitler, forcing I 1 he soldiers included Canada's Locally, two mam sections amcng some 8000 children who though paying the interior scale. Wir.cn, i had assembled to greet them. A conciliation board, sitting in ViCTO.lIA Harold During the trip, Thomsen drove tho car through 30 inches of water in Parsnip Creek. "I Just sprayed the spark plugs with a special kind of rubberized rubstance and they kept chugging along," Thomsen said. Alaska-Seattle Troller Missing The tumult of applause lasted Vancouver, ruled for the interior for fifteen minutes. Damp, cold cale. The board cansisted of leader of the CCF opposition, said Saturday that either Hon. t to fight a "totally j l5t Corpstwo divisions and an have been without telephones contest in northern armored brigade. j lor three days. Affected are some i lie could have Ob- CONVOY ATTAC KFD 200 Nillln Avenue phones and A. D. Turnbull. Minister of weather did not detract from the Stuart H. Gilmour, Vancouver rottx tlAKUX Koyai canaa- Health and Welfare, or the. B.C. ! enthusiasm. lawyer, chairman- Hnrvev M... u Miuiiai nuinoer in oeciion twj ia.vi divisions for vital fronts, which . '.;" V; ,.i , . ana ' city points. Water .seeping into cables aie shorting . v ...... iiv-c VJ ,111, VdlinUlUlU lOSk C( ' comment : u....i.. . sliMuidcring limine, u. naiy aim uieir nans- lines and "popping out phones ian Air Force air-rescue plane Hospital Insurance Inquiry i From the lakehead cities, the Diarmid, Vancouver, for the had to return to base yesteday Board should resign. Princess and Duke continued by company, and Ray Eddy of New on account of unfavorable wea- Wincn claimed that Turnbull alrcraft to North Bay where, Westminster for the IWA. ther from a search over Queen had cast "aversions and ridl-'lS a brief stay, they met the! There is a considerable differ-iCharlotte Sound for the Seattle cuje.. on the eforts of the board Dionne quintuplets. jential between interior and coast troller Pluto, with two men f .i,ih h, m-ii, . n,m.: Late this aft Pearson to Meet Eden i'', ho ' ,, , . iet to France starting in Pebru-' a mUe mil. a m,nut' minni sam aii -rtinhnn Telephone now is Canada s ; orv hn, rt., aiih,( i """.Superintendent Eric Janes to '-ueral doesn't av to, ;L ,-,l:",la""ul"""eu ue&u'uyers were k 1' n 1 t rt th day rTthat he Vu Htllw i ?f.atf? attemPt , t0 Long distance telephone serv- Pearson, , aboad- whlch has ben rnisslng ber due at Dorval airport for their $1.10 flat for common labor and LONDON Hon. L. B iu it wct-K. iiie riuio was uii us fla nnrln 'e min icf or nf ovhrnal Dissension became apparent visit t0 Montreal. Then there will , the coast scale $1.29a plus U from Alaska t0 Seattle affairs, way will' call at Foreign oe a trip to Washington. DC. . cents cost-of-iivine bonus The 'lie war in Italv bv1?. . Ice has been restored. Telegraphs here in useless bat- i? - P' 5 nTg" I ar slow and interrupted, oilh ,u,, h s!orn' an?. Marseilles,! m the Prudhomme Lake area. Office tomorrow to meet Rt. Hon i a . , I . T ' " .i"hcre the highway flooded Fri- Anthony Eden, the foreign sec- ' with Winch's statement that J "Health Minister Douglas Turn-j bull should resign or he should j ask for resignation of the inquiry j.board." ' Winch's statement followed before a week -end holiday In the , differential varies up and down Laurentians. jln different calegories. A 75-mile parade through city j About 100 men are involved streets will follow the arrival in in the dispute. ' Montreal. Monster fireworks and I . . IlluminntoH rticnta,. n.in I n fact, .say the di- j 1 1' first committed to i Ti u v niht t0 about three feet in retary. Mr Pearson is on his ,h i rt . the third to flight. places, the roads are dry and in way to Paris to attend the gen- B Th rpnnrt suv that. A pvan. Ll . . Liberals Not Joining Gov't turned the tide j ......... passaoie conauion. jne nood erai assembly of the United H thai tens of thou-i t , T ' u T ne isolated a family returning Nations. presentation of the inquiry a oreat nl"M,r.Tfh. I German., poured in U L h.T ZltS X ' lo "mce i " ' v " v, lor, . nMiaal Acquittal board's interim report to the legislature. The interim report i "v ana causea near irageay wnen A golden map of the city will be HlUUIlldl III LONDON. Clement Davies, ?: 65 ixvi'K tanir rnv- :, . - , f u'"" a small English car, with three p:e:riueu. Montreal neaaquar- British Liberal leader, called to strongly criticized BCHIS, par- ters wW be at the hlsiric win"j iroin December ! , r'-V" .,, . . men' was cauBht in the flood- Ship's Death Truce Coming But Not Yet ..v ..... waters, except the Russians into his, Meanwhile. Central B.C Air- ' f 'in Held Marshall ' 'm,vun,a i sor Hotel . Two million people are estimated to be assembled in the city or the occasion. "T : H; ,.'"t country.' ' lines filled the hrearh hv lnvinc T ' l'ie Meaner-1 ju iuwiung oiieet uy riime .wiait iui its tutuug t.n liic Minister Winston Churchill, de- : budgets of hospital boards. The clined an invitation, to join his minister defended the adminis-party in the new government j tration of BCHIS. but assured Mr. Churchill of sup-! "He ithe ministeri" said port by his party of all worthy , winch, in speaking at a CCF legislation for the benefit of the meeting here, "cast aspersions lahiiinn. rtu in 1 . """..'".on iour extra nights between m ic 'wtlfrt 1.000.000 Ger- i .87n7 ?,yH . TerrJ5:e 8nd Pri"Ce Rrt.! WASHINGTON DC General :3"'ii their I VANCOUVER Mr. Justice A. :D. MacFarlane, at Suprfme Court assizes here. ccmnnn'Jed the jury which brought in a I verdict of a:r,uittai m the case 'of Winifred Stanfill Young who i had been charged with mu der in connection with the death cf 1 Sidney Joseph Ferguson in the arms arms in iniof I ..m i,,.' nst ,tH" neighbor 7 ,,uV . to VC the I carry 1 B Pas!,engers ana prior- i Collins. United es fmy Ita y. It M..i-h.,i Tnihiiirhin-. ThiM i ty y expresscaio p f ? TOe e two p 8 cnlef of s,aff' r predicts a truce Mar ukhin Third M rfalestVs uic.stys t -. i? . , s j were operated by pilou Bill ; wln be reached between the Ukrainian Army. Army. Alexander Alexander bar-! oar- : coooer Coooer anri Hav Rav Oliver Oliver Th-v Thm Zj. JDS,lf!"..! , ..." nation. and ridicule when the board was Murder Charge In Burns Lake l8f by His ; continuing. Its work." ed his plans but the Russian mu,u '5 alm ,,,., ,,,n. came came in in together togetner vesterdav yesteraay ai- af-' 0ver the war in Korea but It may wasn t talking. ternoon from Terrace. not b for snmP 1 tlmp 6 6' Alexander has good and bad Canadian Pacific Airlines" BC Men Hold 'Sluice in London and ' Wi-v shiliinRs, '' ' Nation, says Alex- ll (t a 20-month cam-'"' hilliiied its "sub-" preparatory strat- '" as a "holding at-f iiiajor scale," tied inings to say aooui me uer- canso. grounded at SandsDit - TIDES i Sween Hnrses mans. Their morale was excellent even when the Fatherland Friday night due to poor visi- i bility on its return flight from! was obviously crumbling, a fact Vancouver, returned to Prince1 Tnperisiv Orinhor m losi Dock Strike Unsettled I'nion Chief Would Break Picket Lines Trouble Looked For British BURNS LAKE Jack Barrie galley of the steamer Washing-has been charged with murder tun at Ocean I alls June 2S last, following the death in an Ed- The judge called it a "just de. monton Hospital of Peter Nei- cision." son, who was victim of a brutal The defence succeeded in est- assault after which he was ablishing that Ferguson's death flown in an unconscious condi- had been accidental. He im- tion to hospital n the Alberta paled himself on a butcher knife captal. It is said that Nelson during an altercation. Young had a thumb and ear virtually was a chief cook and Ferauson he considered "astonishing and! Rupert Saturdav about 4:30 D.m I Hioh ' n-so '. w VANCOUVER. Three hold tickets on : admirable." Neither propaganda . First flieht to leavp for Van-! iot m'r t . Columbians nor "our crushing superiority lnlCouver since Friday morning de-iLow 5 6 feet' non nuauivaia i5weepsta'ie 011 the Cambridge-' 2 1 feet parted Sunday forenoon. 19:19 suue otaises tu oe run wcunea-day. Each may win $150,000,! should their horse came in first. Miles and miles ! "chewed" off. was assistant cook. NEW YORK.- of New York docks are still tied up as the wildcat strike con Those holding horses are John jley lood 'H'd llisi, water I l or This I'U. W. Skelton and John Carrer of the air" could sway them. But their commanders were caught by surprise by every major Allied offensive and were "very ; Ignorant" of amphibious war- hire. ' I Hitler, however, was the blg-gest cross they had to bear. I His orders to hold all ground on all fronts were "particularly hard lo justify in Italy." By tinues. gypt Mobilizing Vancouver and Hector Herna- j mon of New Westminster. ! Although the president Of the New Atom Bomb Puts Bright Sun to Shame LAS VEGAS, Nevada (CP) A dazzling new weapon in America's atomic bag a medium-sized bomb with a lazy aftercloud dropped over the Nevada desert Sunday. I abandoning northern Italy in ' International Long shoremen's i j Union said yesterday that plans I were being made to send men i , through or over the picket lines, j no such action was taken today, j Police forces have been strong-' ly reinforced against the possi- I ; bility of trouble. j Japan Takes Wheat Here last Rites for Audrey Viereck . Preparedness .Move Over Suez and Sudan ! CAIRO CP' The Egyptian Sta'e , Council Sunday approved genera! mobilization of manpower and drafting all Egyptians between 1 and 5 "in case of war or threat ;'v i ?e Dally those last five or six months the a dm 1 s and Germans would have broken off r i,!,. T I8, twenty-j wnat was or UlPm ... totally oiiin'l t Vnd of irrelevant contest." would have r feUh. n il. ' ris6 freed up to 21 flr!it-class divl- I Funeral was held here Saturday afternoon for Audrey Bea- mvei , sions oiuiio tor tur more uiuie uiijjm Imoortant laui, tight- hbuu- ilen t ii. i ine uuxuu, appaieuuy iioiu uii of war." It also provided for the setting m fr Th n,veT- ins and would still have guar- Air Force B-19, exploded with in,, ?m the south ianteed protection for the south- a huge flash and afterglow 'Kiev here, was alas .. ... . n ' . ...ui. a .. - trice Viereck. who died at quille October 21. Service con- Eden Calls For Envoy to Iran I According to advice from i Vancouver, nine of .nineteen j wheat cargoes bought last week by Japan will be moved out through Prince Rupert, probably j In Japanese bottoms. ! Olher customers for wheat, up of a high council of war Actors Killed In Plane Crash j ducted by Rev. H. O. Bird was hcao-d by Prime Minister Musta iic-m Hum uieuvwe v-napei. a El Nahas Pasha. Organist Mrs. J. C. Gilker To become law this prepared- LONDON - Foreign Secretary ieini!i 1?a(.,ed ,on thls coast- re ' " cin iimm uy inucn auraiici luiucs , wnicn was visiuie nines away. jjt"im 1 In the Alps. 1 For several moments it put a Ifv ,adwaters Instead Hitler's "irrational bright morning sun to shame. an i it reikwa have dictation" nioved to its climax The flash was considerably tim "f et"y h'Kh ln refusin8 to allow the Ger- greater than that of the baby I of yettl Old-! mans to withdraw over the Po A-bomb which was unveiled at i.ivi l ''emen,bel R'ver and escape a disastrous the Atomic Energy Commis- lii hB Vel t,efo'e defeat In a battle they should sion's grounds last Monday, ll'osr ifIC9 as to never nave fought. i The odd, zig-zagging cloud I e ba"l of the! Hitler's constant reinforce-'which stretched for miles across ..',,,.. . . , . yeu ijuiiis. wearer My ness move In the British-Egvp- GUATEMALA p- A troupe of God to Thee," and "Safe in the tian dispute over Suez and Sudan Guatemalan s a and radio Arms of Jesus." needs only approval of cabinet artists were all but wiped out Pallbearers were Harold Hamp- ministers. They draftr-d the mo- K.i 1 1 1 vfi a n in Ilia n'o,'h nf a mi Tl- , .- ., t i n . ... " Anthony Eden has ordered the n T , .eat BrT,lam' British ambassador In Trn hnm. ! iapa.n- Sout Africa, India, and from Tehran for consultation on ' lr,Ue' 's'11"1 the situation arising out of the i lana oil dispute. This was the first. ... .', iiiuiuus uu;ii, Aiex ijeary, bilization bill Guatemalan Army air force William Dyer. Darrow Oomez and When the Egyptian Parliament j plane that killed 25 of 27 persons Norman Hebb. Burial took place is in recess as It I, now ! calm, on board. Twenty-three of the at Fairview Cemetery. Arrange- mm r-nn i'. -ii h T'i w:atmkr PrinpA Pimcpt tt.,... omciai act or Mr. Eden since la,., . iiient ui uie itauan iiuin uu-;tne oeseit ueiuie uioiiiLcgiatiiig waicott, "V'p trains. w actors on board were ' ments were in charw'nf nr. u. ,-,,,i,. . ' east Piously excites Alexander's won- was seen by hundreds of early taking back the office of foreign cool. Central interior-Clear and twenty -fl I (Continued: on Page 2 j morning risers. i secretary following the election, colder. killed. 1 Undertakers. stances."