THE DAILY NEWS es ee @8 @ ee eee eee = : gg | ES: BANKOF MONTRE |: For the East. . ESTABLISHED OVER 100 Years ¥ THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ae yi : if « = ‘2 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News | , a ae and Sat " Oe oa _ : ; ve a :30 a.m. aN Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ANNOUNCEMENT — ° oe Ben. N M ° h 4 . ev ail Cas a - : ; \H. F. PULLEN, Manacine Epirtor. 8 sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- er 4 : icine pein - sepia days at 7 p.m. jit ; op . annem oney Orders, issued by /_—! vk 7% ISUBSC RIPTION. RATES: The Mussallem Grocery For Vv wer M f Ma 1, y mes rs . City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Go. Bil Economy Store atianl ancou a ini ate The Bank o' ontreal, are / / ; << ‘ : Saturdays ...ceseees oe Mm. “ de By Mail—Canada or Great Dritain, in advance, per year $6.00. wish to inform the public teary 10 p.m a safe, convenient and eco-/ 1 ‘ , the the have *hased eu SVS cscesssessee : ° : To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.5) that : 2 a oe DB ruesdays eS Dm nomical means of forwarding‘ | iit Lx the whole o ve stock and Sa Pe ee Mt | s 2 oa. 4 Ths - ‘TELEPHONE 98. fixtures of 8. Mussallom & f/ Thursdays... ....... 10 p.m.) J} money toall parts of Canada |) it r am ms ° : ‘ wtd., from the assignees and , TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. a eel RE oi PEPOROIE .,. 0c .ceceees 10 p. m. abroad. Never send | : ' ane rom no : . ore Contract Rates on applica ion. thet business im conjanction Pi Wedtieedage ........ 10:30 a.m. money in a lefter—use Bank oa a — with their own. ae te eees teers iS nen Money Orders instead. i, i if CUPERFS. woe eee ee :30 a.m. ai Saturday, October 4, 191! a ; . DAILY EDITION. >=: day, Oke bdntediiile MEM ten. : , eth sallem & Co., Ltd., are hb For Anyox: H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, ‘ P oe ae Bran ) id Refusal to Investigate with invited to continue BUNGNTR Pal and Hon. Arthur Meighen by D. D. MeKenzie in regard to the service. PT UOOEG oss bow ce teesess p. m. Fs ot of s ors’ ss il g a duri! the last election. | *hureday . B k E : juggling f soldier votes in Manitoba during wi ont: ¥ Give us a call, or ae SEATS 0s! <9 «0's «mudd ae « yo e oya an of “aiid a We know nothing of the right or wrong of the charges, but the a a 6 a 005 66 6 Oa 0 68k p. m. refusal to investigate breeds suspicion and leads people to think PHONE 123 8 or 36 i begs to advise that it has for rent there is something to hide. If everything is correct and fair) ’ | Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, SAFETY DEPOS iT | OXES , why fear an investigation? To clear up the charge would simpy inpiinetiait SO « ss Kd dds caense 10 p. m. ALS = . ci ; >} > t » throw back the odium on those making it. As it is the leader of | from Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. || They are recommended for the % et the opposition has scored heavily. : Mussallem Gr Tuesdays ...... . p.m. lary of valuable business o1 “iVate rs Good to be Scotchman ocery For Port Simpson ‘and Naas River ||. Bonds, jewelry, et Co., Ltd points: The Manager will be giad to furnish part : in Prince Rupert. ' a IP ridays 10 a. m.||| Prince Rupert Branch - A. W. C; yy It is a good thing to be a Scotchman in Prince Rupert. The} Econom Store . Por : si mt Fat eli a8 { pe , + Lameron, Mer. ee . ; 4] o } ‘ > i people from north of the Tweed have a club all their own aid y : rom a : Gutihes an aas 1 — hitplannen " . - ~~ an organization that not only provides a social centre for «ll 417-419-423 Fifth Ave.. whehil ve : orm mal fellow countrymen in the city. but also welcomes those who 1 ; MATUTGAYS ..6666. eeoteees p. m. : a turn home from the war. Every man who fought overseas and SCRE Sa —— ~ ae Bs: brought home a bride was presented with something valuable io|™= = ‘ Queen Charlotte Islands: “al 3 AL . ———— + al help in setting up housekeeping and every man who fought was LAND REGISTRY ACT or Massett, Port Clements an See BERT © McCAFFERY ro given an address of appreciation and an official welcome. It is Bectsene 06 ond 106. = cron poiats: - before you purchase ae indeed good to be a Scotchman. The Northern folk-are to be — rrnnge vance aa epg nn a ee congratulated on their organization. Re Application No. 11,044-1. File 6,198.) "rom Masset, Port Clements and ale pe R aon ud tnat application nes been} Upper Island points: nh in in ne ul ain | ine t made 0 egister im ‘ostu o Prince 4 Can Unionists Hold Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee under a Vax} Thursdays .............- p. m. 4 ie ig Together as Party? poe an mg my By ine 8) Sor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte ——— A ° *- - 0 rice : ri, i " 4 F The Victoria Daily Times which has been since the first a} day of pecember, 1918, of ALL AND City and Lower Island points: We har handle s ‘ter iInionis i or 2 ; as < jp | SMAGUL that certain parcel or tract of} ».. strong upporter of the Unionist Government ind was no small |iny ana premises situate, lying and beiag| OTtnightly. P . R S , , factor in helping to elect Dr. Tolmie and C. J. MelIntosh for two Oe Fay, Seas eh ae — From Skidegate. Queen Chariotte rince upert pruce 0. S Lumber -. ie a own ic Ss Le . eee says: seven (7), Block twenty-five (25), section City ard Lower Island points— B C Mill’s Fir ON 7 ; ; > *t< at ar > Z > rats j-h | Seven (7), (Map 923); ou are required] y : , Notwithstanding the efforts that are being made to est abli Nl io contest’ the claim of the tax| Ortnightly. : the Unionist party on a sound basis, there are so many obstacles] within 35 days from the date of the ser enemgenanenty Lime ° Cement Plaster ‘te « : > , ; > - vice of this notice (which may be effected . in its path that it is a bold prophet who will venture to pred: i|oy pupiicawon in « daily corepaper cna} For Skagway and the Yukon. 4 with any degree of certainty that it will be in existence a year age A OB A, FO Brick ' Shingles Laths F P “Ls egistr c wi amendments, " - , . from now. It was an expediet dictated by the exigencies of war jana w the following extract therefrom From Skagway and Yukon. eee in f and, like most expedients of i's kind, it is exceedingly difficult 4o ‘and in default of @ caveat or cer Saturday adiu t h A iti , ? tificate of lis pendens being filed be saturdays. adjust to the conditions of peace. fore the registration as owner of the itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp rt Cc a ery Ltd. oor 2 g itw Par ‘ are ’ a person entitied under such tax sale . The war mentality and the peace mentality are two abs.- all persons so served with notice. Point. ’ lutely antagonistic things, an! war governments seldom survive ‘ ‘i those —— through For—Thursdays 8 p. m.} & ’ : : or under t and al rsons cla ee . ? more than a short time beyon | the peculiar stage for which they ing any interest in the hand by virtee From—Saturdays ...... p. m. are created. They are invariably composed of elements which. of -— sareqiotered instrement and = e > sons ¢ ad , bierest i while united on war policy, are hopelessly irreconcilable in the land by descent whose title is MINERAL ACT respect of the problems of peace. The high protectionist and = i a oe he eo _— » os . , / > , " ‘ ‘ PRO ‘Ts low tariff members of the present Unionist party at Ottawa can- Loops a = = a trom setting us See 1 IMPR or, Wu S. S. PRINCE RUPERT cm i Ay oO i spec 0 , not find a common understan ling unless one or the other groups land so sold for taxes, ne the Bentee Beaver seneen ne Clerk. Jin GR throw their convictions and prine iples overboard, in which ca: ine a ed ee ee action, Kob Roy, aod Nephin Fraction ats * « - f » 0 ¥ er ‘ : . 3 s f hee they will find it hard to square themselves with their constituen!s. of the land so sold for taxes.” hivieton of Cassin District. ae S. S. PRINCE GEORGE a Leadersh of the Gove ¢ oF » te —_ AND WHEREAS application has been Where located:—On the west sid t oor p . e Governm , therefore, is beset with formi:- made for a Certificate of Indefeasibie Title iranby “Bay, near Anyox. Mihi SAILIN able complications and ealls for qualities which no member of . = _ SreeEee lands, in the name TARE NOTICE that |, H. N. Clague of the Cz ‘ ee ‘ : ae of Jim Postolu, he city of Duncan, B.C., actir s eu he Cabinet, from the Prime Minister down possesses. AND WHEREAS on investigating the/ for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Sax it THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS a - it appears ns peter to the 10th dayjiog and Power Company, Limited, Fre« VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE a —— - of October, 1917 (1 ate on which the! Miner Certificate N« 32188-C, intend SDA ty said lands were sold for overdue taxes), site ennp pony che non “Ea, o aaea WEDNE Y and SATURDAY MJONIGHT FOR ANYOX : you were the assessed owner thereof » the Mining Recorder for a Certilicate ; FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the|.¢ improvements, for the purpose of ob &.8. PRINCE JOHN AND PRINCE ALBERT * same time I shall effect registration in| jsining a Crown Grant of the above clat: For Stewart Wednesday at 2 p.1 pursuance of such application and issue 6 And further take notice that action, ur Massett. Port@élements and Buct : Certificate of indefeasibie Title to the said| jer section 85, must be commenced before oe Y Saeteee ; ands in the name of Jim Postolu uniess|:ne issuance of such certificate of im Southern Queen Charlotte Isiend I+ you take and prosecute the proper prv-| orovements. ist Prize $200 Cash ceedings to establish your claim. if suy,|° Dated this 3rd day of July ete TRAIN GERVICE 9 os a to the said lands, or to prevent such pro _H. N. CLAGUE, 6. € is Passenger Monday, W°dnesday wd Saturday «) || . for Ss 2nd Prize $100 Cash. i Te Lap 7 ome penne ——- Prince George, Edmonton apd Winnibes,. making ie 3rd Prize $50 Cash. Prince Rupert, B. C., this 19th day a MINERAL AC . ali points eas! and south Special Prizes, $50 Cash. AGO, &. By SEaS. oP IMI ate : ne These prizes go to those wh t pistriei Revistres of Titles Contuncets OY WipnovamneTe ageney Ms a © _ ; 8 , who secure the largest number of To Robert J. Abbott, Esq., NOTICE. For information and reservations apt tei su ae to the Daily News. The competition is decided Prince Rupert, B. c trom Bug, Blue Jay, ome ry fone City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. Phone 260 iy pol whi are earne ew pj es ‘ oe eee ————~—~ | oull No. 1, John Bull No. 3, ar ruin I aos Grectiston. do new subscriptions as follows: “CREDITORS’ TRUST DE EDS Liman Fraction Mineral "Claims situa . : org: + » ‘ ’ . 0 doe » ‘Stents *y : Out of Town Circulation. ACT,” R. 8. B. C. AND vistriet. — nth, 75¢. ...".. 75 point : ————_ AMENDING ACTS Where focated: — Approximately 80 | ss 6 Months, G stei {50 points | 4 Month, 50c. ...... 50 points mOTAKE’ NOTICE tk 1 aN. tlngue of PPP i Yéar, $8 te eeeee 1,000 point 6 Months, $3 .......350 poimts| NoTick 18 HEREBY GIVEN that Robert | {De jl TY My : = 2 Years, $16 ...... 2,000 points | 1 Year. $6 ........ G60 points (er See feet tee See Tes and Power company. Limited, Free A FIC R 5 tractor at Prince Rupert, British Columbia Miner's Certificate No. 32188-C ‘intend ee wad tel eee te Prince teers ’y Micmac! P. Mccallery of | sixty days from the date hereof, to apiris rr pe On every dollar collected, 50 pts nal ; — 7 = to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate WP eet . ° som property, real estate, credits an f Improvements, for the ~ “4 P ts rr effects hic ‘ euitinn ; ; = 0 ° purpese of ob > < - ‘ castern Points Every competitor, whether the winner of the four big prizes |[3%°% “ue? Ta whe mal, Ana sold un- | taining a Crown Grant of the above clain PACIFIC Lowest Rates to all Ea = ad the or not stands to make a substantial sum, according to the amount oe i, —~" of Sé poomseer, $088 aor suntan Oh ‘Soave bo commenced bole eee, ° bs Steamer to Vascouver ae coll oTit is further given that eetir ” : aan nen . amncr ailwt%: , P a ‘ for 4h I : we ereditors will be held at the oflrel wovemsare? | ute Certificate of In Canadian Pacific Railway oMmnavens tor the comp: tition should be on the form hnere- | 0%, ’¢*** _. stinore & Fulton, Scots Block, Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D. 191 . ; 7 F : rince Rupert, B. C., on Monday, the 61 = - [ Se, ‘ ‘ i m Steamer! vith and its receipt at the off.ce starts the competitor with 100 lay of Octoher, ‘A D 1919, ot the hour te GS AGUE, 2. ¢ & 8. Meals and Berih included o1 - points Nominate vourself or ; t eac . »«ts : f o'clock in the afternoon, for : seem re oe a friend, Sut each contestant can | purpose of giving directican hey the dis or ATER, NOTICE 6.8. PRINCESS ALICE §.6. PRINCESS MARY — swminated oniv once. posal of the estate All claims must be _— ' _ let le from Prince Ruper’ - ; . led with the undersigned, verified b -—- j For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattie he contest manager will be in the office only from 4:30 to | stattery declaration : — , rae =e that Heaspeve B. C. Pish- | September 9, 19, 26; October 6, 17, 27 ‘ G each afie csaare hon errant eae ‘ NOTICE is further . in eries Limite whose address is Winch} : . ; » Prince Rupe eee ri ynen ever iformatjon will he given intending ana sunt c raveng tnd ce one Building, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for | Per Ketchikan, sunees, Wrangell, Skagway, Gieshe, from Princ my sors, ; assignee will proceed to distribute’ thef ® licence to take and use 4 cubic feet per) September i, 15. 22: October 2, 13, 23 assets of the said Robert Lawrence amone oe < A out a un UN-Har : Re ee eet thes ae Wadd ede 604 1'W Oe b-bd 66 0 ob oe 0 0 boa eb de bees ihe persons entitled thereto, he ». creek which flows north and drains into | ERVICES MINAT 1ON 8 NK are - to = claims of which be’ shall eames Cee fae 200 feet west of | i ute =— ee = NO LA then have notice. and that he will not b O 2 , S, rere : s us ° : lable for any assets or any part thereat]. The Water will be diverted from the W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. : } so distributed to any persons of whose a wv wy ee pa poe! ays 2 Rupert B.C. -ee é * is : t : : 4 . . § ’ “0 2 » . 5. . Cor. Lo see 2 ’ ereny hominate as a estant in your Prize Competition: |"OxTep we prince Rapeee” 84 2otee- | tee industrial” power purpose upon. th 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupe 20th day of September. A. B. 1910— land described as Lot 4954, Range 5, Coast a ae ine Sicetee en tanis tenet District i ee ee el Resilience is notice | was posted on the ground I Westholme Block, Prince Rupert, B. ( s a oy and. an application. pur ant -———- pentttnendlipeaanell o u B ‘ on ursuatn thereto and to the “Water Act. 1914.’ a bi ae a a i“ ‘scat ANDS LAND DIS-| will be fled in the office of the Water he } DISTRICT OF corder at Prince Rupert, B.C SKEENA Objections to the application may he TARY puBtic a2 nea filed with the said Water Recorder or with INSURANCE NO TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, o7|the Comptroltier of Water Rights, Parlia Limited Prince Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend|ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within Royal insurance Company, “ to apply for 4 licence to prospect for coal,| fifty days after the first appearance of s As urance 00» Limit = it and petroleum over the following de-| this notice in a local news paper. Herthere ashire Fire Insurer? scribed lands on the West Coast of Gra-} NORTHERN B. C. FISHERIES IIMrrrn avi a S London & Lane PENSLA ’ ham Island Applicant e Co., Limited ann @ Commencing at a post planted at three By W. A. Bauer, Agent London & Lancashire @vA miles north of the north east corner of The date of the frst publication of this “ nt Co Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence} sotice is 8th September, Dally News, Acoident ™ insurance © 50 chains West, thence 80 *chains south.| Prince Rupert e e ent Fidelity-Phenix Fire thence 80 chains east to point of eom- ; . mencement, . ‘ b IN PROBATE > reel. Located july oF rene, ene IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Gor. Second Avenue and Second St Dated _September 25th, 1919. oe am a ne Mareen OF Tas abieusTes r for NOTICE VION ACT : ee baa ee r an — ; IN THE MATTER OF 1 ‘ Colds, Coryza, Influenza, Bronchitis, etc pd, tite MATTER OF an application for NATALIE CONDO. penne te ne : 35 Lat Nine “ e Soe Thee =, wave : gixih ; ‘ d « Section Seven (7), City of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE tha fulton and M 92: , th hat in order of His . Fu c. per Box NOTICE. Is HEREBY GIVEN that it is aoe Se, “eum, made the 24th day Phone 524 Cor see ny intention to issue after the expiration A duediotratns ‘to ten ote poncmiee ” of one (1) month from the first publica-| Conde, deceased, and all vartie nae o 0. tion hereof, @ fresh certificate of title to claims against the said estat ~ ~ = cer rince u ert ru the above mentione! lands i, the name of} required to furnish same rene > pereee n g 0. — ‘ eens: ome Rte atv of titel to me, on or before the o6r8 aay of Gane SPECIALT TY Was issuec me 22ne arch, 1911, andiber, A. D. 1019, and all parties ind bied * Third oe ee Second Street. is numbered ant ited to the satate are. required ilo oan ten VEGETABLES A PHONE Mall Orders Given Prompt Attentton P.O. BOX 215 District Registrar of Titles. | with “ee 5 Oe ore ? Land Registry Office, Moto De Prince Rupert, B. ate ee. t . livery 22nd day of Sepiember, 1919. Dated this 26th day of September 1919.