Six Teams in Softball Rupert Fi-Uay. May Daiiy New? 2a. 19C1 ('i. 13 G.M.C. 8'j-TOX TRICKS All trucks in good condition. Frank G. Dickson, Box 518, Anchorage, Alaska. Phone 31472. (125i Opener Next Week Between Fire Department And Watson Island Home teams are responsible for the selecting of plate umpires and the away teams pro- LONDON P The bench and j RUG ELY. Staffordshire. Eng-counsel, besides the prisoners, land 9 With me at as short as were all in the dark when power it is in Britain, passers-by were failed at the Old Bailev police intrigued by the butcher shop court. The courtroom, whiih has 'sign that said: "Closed from no windows, was dark for five Saturday to Thursday for stock- BASEBALL The Civic Centre Softball As- vide base umpires, sociation, in session Wednesday The team representatives de- i a nop bucy - Chc Pen p.m. . j HOLLYWOOD For Action Advertise! Amazing White Sox Are Unbeaten on Trip East jnigm, deemed 10 open me -- M(d that 25 o collectioil8 'son at Gyro Park next Wednes- , . , from games would be aslgned to !day with a game between the Fire Department and the Wat- umpire pool, this to encour-I son Island entries. There are age more umpires to help in mak-'l'our teams definitely entewd in in the game-interesting for j the league. Rupert Radio and both players and spectators. ! Rlprtrlp. will nlav North Star in For Outside Orrttrs : Ctar-PSafe and arnu oiler you The amazing Chicago NEW YORK (CT) WVii'tn nv eof imii' t, r i' v i.)u.i tcnsriJi, nil uuiii tho fmol ctfv,, ,.f MW,. winning Eastern trip Thursday by knocking off Phil- adelphia Athletics 5-2 to remain two games behind the , the second game of the series 'hch will be held Saturday oi . week Entries are also expected from Co'op and the Hawks ??,d f lit i t n I'uVinrliiln -(11 V- fMlVlluH early next week fur the first jen games of the series. Rain-. out games will be played at "nd of the schedule berore second bracket is started. j Civic Centre Playground Direc- laM-sLi'pping iev 1 oi k ianiees. Eddie Robinson's seventh home run led the White Sox 11-hit barrage against Joe Coleman and Carl Scheib. Although Kxu- dy Tumpert also gave up eleven j nius ne lasieu ine rouie. mg. jne win puiiea ihe mauns. tor Ian McHardy will act as The Yanks used homers by up even with the .500 mark in a i-ague registrar and will be the Gerry Coleman and Joe DiMag- fifth plase tie with the slipping S0e authority as to whether igio to back up Joe Ost'rowski in Washington Senaturs. games are to be cancelled be-' an 11 to 1 romp over Detroit ' The St. Louis at Boston games cause 0f inclement weather. I Tigers. ' in the American League were WATER tells the truth about... WHISKY r"";" :.::::.:.r:: t Put SeagramS "83" to ihe wafer test. For water (plain or sparkling) it your most reliuble guide to the who! truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, de tractj nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say S FAG RAM'S and be SURE . , of the ftief 3s - "83 I. -JIM to 4. Pirates' Wally Westlake his thirteenth homer of the year in the fouth inning. i The victory advanced the Brooks two-and-a-half games ahead of the Chicago Cubs wh" 2 to 1 to the New Y-rk Giants. Although outh.t ten io four, the Giants won on a :io:m r Monte Irvin. I The Cincinnati Reds got out' the cellar with a 4 to 3 victory over Philadelphia Phiis :n ; innings. ! St. Louis Cardinals eked out 6 to 5 decision over Boston place tie with Chicago. i In the only American League game on Wednesday, the Bust on Sox climbed into a third" place tie with Detroit Tigers by, thrashing the St. Louis Browns to 0. I Detroit at New York, Chicago Philadelphia and Cleveland Washington were rained out. ThiJ advertisement it not published or liquor Control Board or by the Government of BfW ADVEHT1SINO IN THE DAILY NhW3 BIU.N'fJS Kl -rl n fi l individual individual taste. taste. I Be a wise host tcir-riol. Mill rtgularly at , I Classified Advertising is payable In advance. P ease refrain from telephoning. Class: Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Curds of Thanks, Dr. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. , Bl'SINKSS 0FPURI FOR SALE CAKI) OK THANKS Cotnu Hll r.gulorly'ol t5 ! L J1L J ..a.i.n j ll i fl I J "(.rr," ar. r...,,...J ,V-.. J. ' lfl f SiTlM I ' BUSINESS OPP05T: I'OR SALE - Fuji $2200 for J lauiuni. oviuz " Red 892. LOSt LOST-Budsle b gf-V W illgS. P.Wr Reward. Mr and Mrs. A. N. PavllikU for SALE Odu pieces of fur-and familv wish to thinK Dr. vV. nlture all in excellent concli-S. Kergin. nurses and ttaff of Phone Red 813 alter 6 the hospital. Rev. Basil Proctor Bm' il24pi and visitors during the recent -' ' illness of Mr. Paviiikis. Utei FOR SALE 2 bovs' blcvclts in ............ stood condition. Phone Oreen FINKRAL NOTKE I 727. il2iz) JOHNSTONE In the -it V for SALE Bed chesterfield for Wednesday Mav 23. 1951. Wil- quj,.K .saie. good condition No. liam Jonnstone age 68 vears. of 0 Cow Bav (125pl taking. ' r , I ! , sponge cars I SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 21? MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. II. G. IIELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCB Phone 90 Evenings" Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 minutes. car-washing Johnson's "Beauty Kit" for 'C77 V"W!i! Cvr" I Vfc3S ' Ni I J1! ; fl' teaftj-r- IA "lobnumV. '(r-f l.,tt" S. C JOHNSON & HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 603 colussi's . music store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED St.. Ph. Black 39 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block rhone 387 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 , PERSOMl I ttJfr tlg I SON. lir.. Branrford. Ontario. I ., ... 'J2 I Next time Vt : buy ' AXiW. - BURNETT'S 1 FOR SALE- Nine piece walnut wn , :d dmlna room suite. In good con- WILL min u n'v inui vjx ljivii ail- thc ,1 , I ed fift Cleveland Indians ripped into ed Washington Senators lor nine- he teen hits in a 1(1 to 0 victorv be- the hind Bob Feller's two-hit pitch- rained out. 11 In the National League Jo? hit Fresno, st. Louis cardinals rookie right-hander, set back Cincinnati Reds with five hits lor an 11 to 3 win in the only National League a:tion yesterday. lost He had a no-hitter going ior 6 1-3 innings and allowed only one hit until the ninth when the Reds scored all then-runs. by WtUNESDAY of Gil Hodges got his fourteenth homer of the season on Wednesday ten to lead the Brooklyn Dodgers in a 15-hit atUck which a swamped the Pittsburg Pirates i j BOAT S f Oll SALE 'Red KENT'S j EC'S Finest Yacht Bargain j ; 12 EXCELLENT CONDITION IMMEDIATE SALE at FULL DIESEL ULTIMATE IN at LUXURY 58 FT. HERE IS one of British Columbia s linest cruising vachts. ex-iremelv welljauill and furnished, sne is known not onlv for her beautiful lines. Dut a3 an excellent sea boat and one that has cruised to Alaska, worked mi tne cnaiioltes. eic. Power is from Cummins Diesel lust broken mi air-cooled licht- I ms plain, plus electric charger for snore comfort. Hot water ; heating and hot and cold run- rung water under pressure: two; bathrooms one with tub. Sleeping accommodation for eivnt I ne nle in comfort i owner's stateroom has double bed. Furinsn-1 ings include china, cutlerv new! a r i o j I., mattresses, linens, maoes. louiiee furniture, etc. This cruiser is PMiiiooed iih BENDIX CONTROLS for one-man handling, so a crew is not , p..MeHriiv needed. ULTRA- I MODERN gallev with Cvclos oil. I range. Lustrolite (trainDoaros, r.m si,)); tao and other unique 'features. Fire fiehline svsiem, i charts dinehv on davits, com- ib-'s se ircnngnis, raaio, etc. an included Thi? shin must bp sold imme- Iri'a'elv. We invite Private Sur-i vevs. EXCELLENT COMPANY SHIP I.', ill Kinrnin Prir Sit Mid 00 . . n n 3 Cannot be CtUOIlcatea in B.u. nu i r no i : KENT REALTY LIMITED 715 View Street Garden 0584 Victoria, B.C. (123c) SI n0 ma. 1 H3cf5g; I Tlill jdvtrtiicmcnl i not publnhcd or diipUytd y A Liquor Control Board or by tti Govfrnowol oi8ri Columbia. Hf PORTRAITS H'ilms Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE "HANDLER'S STUDIO 210 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 339 Prince Rupert Steam Baths OPEN 12 noon to 12 midnite Phone 658 Corner 3rd Ave. and 6th St. H I nn Fhnni (irpin KM I n """" motlicrs. Vii'ipii Ave. Black HI (124o BOATS FOR SALE 'GIVE the folks at r mm inift ruin FOR SALEOneg-ft. trolling boat, "Qlga." Phone Urren Ltd. Phonfw'tt 803. ' 112301 '(-ash for scrap c . . .. .1 K.,ttarliS it FOR SALE 32-it. -troller. gura- o" ,1 ies: needs entrine. What of- Phone MH1 ! BURNETTS LONDON DRY GIN Because Burnett's is an EXTRA DRY (unsweetened) ! Gin, you can add or leave out sweetness, when mixing drinks, and suit every serve Burnett's. ' i i TVil t.rrunrtlf mrne T lint nutlllKh',d ' or displayed by the Liquor Control j VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam May 25 ' B p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, June 1, 15, & 29 j 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent ( Third Avenue Phone 568 rT THE BEST I CTll QUALITY K Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your. Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK fer? Green 154. (123p) FOR SALE $2000 Cabin cruls- r "Oriole 40' x H H" x 4 ft .: 90 HP Universal 6 with 2'.-l reduction. 12V auxiliary Usui plant and 12' skiff. Moored : British Colitinbla. - - - i unMrPvfrr. MAIlGAtlKT McLEOi) Tfr1fcfe' l! HOME bkliVICL til iTvTU ! optometrist wMv li GENERAL CONTRACTORS Room 10 j If ??Xff ffffcl A 11 Iiulldim; and Repairs of all :tone HUILDINQ . I ffA m WY uT4 I; It, m"mm jcMMA HOOPS CHIMNEYS : xaciu uiud; owner aooara ; . ' pOR RENT-SiW 1 ing room. 221 S''t WANTED cellulose when you buy StntaMonal gift offr mad to I irttroduc you to . . . Johnson's Car-Plate th no-rub way to wax your car In 30 ImT fniitwtt I Reader's Digest told the world about this greit new chemical discoi.ry from the Johnson s jx laboratories. And c IjM lummtr millions of car-owners hae w4ied their urt thi tJy no-rub may. Just iprtad Car-PUte over the clean finish ... let it dry . . . and ipe lightly. I hai l all. In 20 minute? your car tparklt nh a "diamond thine": , Johnton't Carnu mm Mk ttf way t c( yew wail rnu quickly remoe all the reasy tudd grinit that the most thorough washing i ao'i hudfte. Lease i perttu. (lean surtace tot waiing with Johnson s (,ar-Pla(c. 1942 B I 7i4fi744 For Your nAiM-riM- PAINTING ond j DECORATING . See SPENCE&MATIUK Oreen 917 Phone Black 215 (evenings) ' i SCOTT McLaren-chartered ACCOUNTANT James Block 008-3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SHAND, C.A. 353-3rd Ave. W. Box 1247 Phone 655 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all 1 its branches 204 4th Street. Phone 655 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service r: W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1026 For genuine pav ts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Saws V.. Will CUt cl leaner, m7 truer, fter when tild un mfg .rvi on all ' brinK your today. Old MM retuuiiied. WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID lor scrap iron I "ritmT - sleet, brass, copper, lead, etc "i rooms Honest gi adinu. Prompt pav- I ?'',,' rt ir suit oil hurners puone rilONES , BLUE 593 Black 752 ked fi'J4 , P.O. Box 1070 P O' BX 1184 j i . . . -1 merit made. Atlas Iron after 12. Matolc f IH 9f,ll r-vinr Rt Vail- V3J- " . - couver. B. C. Phone Pacnu- FOR RENT--r. 1 iid zna Ave. west. ttev. t. a Wright will conduct services at Granville Court Chanel at 2, nm mtv y.ii n .PP.. ment to lonow in Fairview Ceme terv. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements iltct FOR SALE FOR SALE Three Piece chesterfield suite. 4 piece bedroom suite. desK with chair. 2 book .stands, kitchen table and two chairs. All in good condition. No. 2. Mossalem Block. Phone Red 926. (123pi ! MTiriM4irv ifKinwM Hiiirs Ling-belt Soeeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglines; Adams Road Graders; Littleford Bros. Black Top Road Mainteriam-e Eauloment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock GraoDles; T, L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklilt Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumus: NaT tional Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Sci-ens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. (tf) FOR SALE New ana used furniture, hardware, end tables, chests of drawers, beds com- nlete. Hpririwim ttnirnc isnicill s7,e carpets, field elasses. u.sed . loeeing boots, sewinc ma-' chines, radios and bicycles, I also other useful household: articles at lowest prices. See B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. ttf-c) FOR SALE General Electric washing machine with automatic puniD attachment Excellent rond it ion. $130.00. Phone Black 294 after six ociocK. (122p) FOR SALE Drop leaf table with 4 chairs and kitche ncabinet Phone Black 4K0. . 1 122c I FOR SALE RCA. combination radio. Three months old. Can be seen at 1035 West 1st Ave. J U220I BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 26-ft7 boat '"Stella Maris." Can be seen at Aero Club, Seal Cove. Phone Green 155. U26pl FOR SALE $500 Barpp "Driftwood Queen": iq- x 8' x 1",'; 2 vears old Has North 111 anchor and Star marine conversion read" to instal Moored Yaeht Club: see owner abo-"-H "Oriole." (tf) CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE -condition -1937 Chev. pood $600. Phone Rp'l 29G. (123di FOR SALE 1939 Chev. 4-door .erlan. Good mechanical condition and trr-od rubber. For oulck snle. $450.00. R. Smith. phone 72. 9-6 p.m. (123cl CASH for aulok sale Austin A40 Eood shniie. Low mileaae 6357. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Furnished 4 room house. 1345 1st Overlook. (12701 FR SALE House six rooms. two lots on 7th Ave. East, near hiiih school. $5,000 cash, rnone Bla -k 205. Owner. Early nos-session. 123p) r'OR SALE FRASER HOUSE Bli'uest. little wpll-estab-li.shed hotel business In Northern B.C. Forced to sell owing to bkp and Illness. Mr. and Mrs. E H. Hicks. UiLL I FOR D SALE-Remodel T1ZaZ ed 5-room wartime house. Rood condi tion, near school and .pus-Telephone Green 145. tl24ci City. FOR My FOR R ENT-4 row furniturp lor si Green 727. ROOM and Boari: west, uu'4" ed house. Box iTTilVK CAS 711 ureii"" , j WAN!0 WANTED wren. - small dog. Bwm Newlvieds. WANTED 389 bfforeJ :.,.4,W-pn TO W IIELK WANTED KBF" ' nnrwon pw,MPlIi?f.? sheet mf' teed. FOR SALE i for uv'lrrv in r Sl room wnrl lme house. Partly Please aUP'v furnished. $5 500 on terms. ,KTED - O $3,000 down. Immediate occu- WA piionf , r ,. f.... .....n, hmiw ex- r,,Lll, Tprnll- -iC 1VU1 Wtti nine '"",v- ' utti , rjai 161 HU cellent. condition. $3,700 cash -u nr 3 pnn mi terms. Occupancy ,irlT1 rare!0!. end of June. . hmne. Kcd Reconditioned wartime h':; u-jNTEC' terms. $3,000 down and mime-, & co. h--. n nip npriinnnpv - -- n - ur- Section Two Seven room house WANT t",ne ef- and bath $," 750 on terms. hookm - FOR SALE OR 'TRADE -One- sr .half .section eotxi iarn, on, vv"''", ,n n Peace River ruuiinv . nnnA inrt Kit. in Rupert. Annlv 1040 Einhth Avp'ie East. (123PI ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Tax sppplHlist. H O ' Stone BuildlnflT Red 690m, PRECISION SAW FILING l.M.-i PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B. (Agent: Bus Terminal) Phone Blue 992. (127p)