Prince Rupert Daily News -' Friday, May 25, 1951 J. oca I nnomu emenli Canadian Legion Card party, OAL and PERSONAL May 30. I SPECIAL! I Lutheran tea, home cooking, fish cakes, delecatessen, fancy work sale. Saturday 2-5 p.m. at 'the church. (lto j C. H. Orme, after spending a Alberta Deep Seam Crawford Moore left on yesterday afternoon's plane for a business trip to Vancouver. Meeting of Int. Union of Operating Engineers Local 510 Friday May 25, Carpenters Hill 8 p.m. (itcf D;. R. H. Ball, W. C. R. Jones, R. X. Johnson and F. R. Adames of Columbia Cellulose Co. left ' Lutheran tea. May 26. Card Party Catholic Hall, May 31. Job's Daughters Jamboree, May 31, June 1, 2. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. tea. June 21, Mrs. F. Thornton's, 400 4th West, 2-5. Tea and Home cooking sale. Catholic Hall, June 14. Past Mistresses L.O.B.A. sa'e of homecooking and candy, June 16. Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, homecooking sale. Legion Hall, June 21. MP PER TON Ihii dvrtiicmnt b not publlthwj or displayed W tfw Liquor CiMmI Board f W Crtt GownMtf Briton ColuaU. iew uays in tne city, lcit Dy plane Wednesday on his return to Victoria. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, May 25, 7:30 sharp. Initiation, installation of Council, party and silver march. U22c) S.O.N, whist and dance, Friday, May 25. Whist 8 p.m. Danc- Dead Beats ' Have Angles The dead beats come with many angles these days. A few days ago a stranger, saying he had come to take a position with a local industrial concern, called at the home ol a local citizen who is endeav-ing to sell his house. . A satisfactory deal was apparently closed and the money was to be put up a day or so later. Then the presuming purchaser confided in the vendor that he was running short of cash would he mind cashing a small check, say for $20? " The vendor also pleaded a shortage of cash and suggested , ihat tne hotel where the purchaser was staying would un-duuotedly oblige. Out ol curiosity, the citizen called up the hotel. The stranger had never been resisted there. Another hotel revealed thatc the man had been there but had checked out a few days earlier. The house deal was never closed. ' 10 SACKS 8.50 PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 bert & McCaffery (r- let Us Scwiu (jou MF LIMITED Mi . and Mrs. E. C. Stevens of Skidegate are visitors in the citv. having ' arrived Wednesday by plane from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Pile Sufferer on yesterday afternoon's plane for a trip to Vancouver on company business. Remember Rotary Concert Sunday May 27 Capitol Theatre at 9 p.m., after church. Tickets available from all Rotarinn. Ormes Drug Store and Capitol Theatre. ui2c) Mrs. Alex MacK.'nzie returned by plane Wednesday after a trip to Vancouver where she attended the graduation of her son-in-law, K. E. Sommer, in Civil Engineering from the University of British Columbia. Another good make of watch is the Omega. One of the old established famous makes. One model winds Itself by the simple ordinary moving of your arm. All you have to do is wear It. W.ll run for 36 hours after wearing. Bulger's Jewellers. (Ho I UI!aL ling 10 to 2. Music by Mike Coiussl. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (122c) I Mrs. M. Sat h;r sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Victoria to attend the graduation of her daughter. Miss Myrtle Sather, from the Royal Jubilee Hospital i training school for nurses. I Mrs! L. W. Kergin returned to I the city on the Coquitlam this afternoon from Vancouver, accompanied by her daughter, Miss. Dorothy Kergin RN who graduated this week from the Vancouver General Hospital school for nurses and will now join the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. rgea vmn. ray.. Reflects and ft of Car Let us sec to your car's needs, through regular check-ups on Tires, Battery, Radiator and Crankcase Parade Small i What a vast difference there is in the modern way to treat Piles, j The necessity of removing the real cause Is only plain common 1 sense. The new PYLTONE treat- . ment (a liquid taken by mouth) . goes direct to the Inside cause. Special gums, plant extracts that help nature rebuild those delicate tissues. ' PYLTONE Pile Treatment is' science's answer. It gets you satisfactory results with 6 one bottle trial or price refunded at once. At all modern druggists. , H-M25 Superior Auto Service I.IMITKD STUDEBAKER ond AUSTIN DEALERS Third AvcntM' hi Pink Green 217 M:D"iiald, alias Chaii- was chni'upcl formally court Wednesday with a car from Lee Man, pert grocer. ailwe McDonald tuck Tuesday afternoon and :i Port Edward where was made some hours ,s adjourned by Police W. D. Van:e until Reminisces I . SO WHAT? Wnr. tlie politician Clemen -ceau ;aid. is too serious a business to leave to the generals, rulitic, General Druglas Mac-Arlhur api.ars to think, Is too scriou" a business to leave to the politicians. Ws hsre! THE GREATEST ADVANCE ... ... 1 But Colorful ' An imminence of showers which had marked the preceding couple of days reduced the Kinsmen's May 24 procession yesterday to only a fraction of Its usual length but, nevertheless,-It was a brave parade not without Its colorful features. It I j was a fitting prelude to the coronation proceedings at Acropolis Hill grounds. Leading the parade was the Prince Rupert City Band after which came, the colorful float of the Kin Club carrying the Queen and hef maids of honor. Costumed ycungvtcrs and decorated bicycles were next in , JOHN H. BULGER Ml Korea used to be known as The 'Land of the Morning Cuiin." But this was long befnre Communism, and Stalin started introducing themsrlves. There must havj been some time in the history of China when peace was I i iff V L I low I 1 J rii I v Saled Thrift We have just received a new shipment of , Come in and see our' selection of DEAL-CRAFT and SNYDER COCKTAIL TABLES COFFEE TABLES LAMP TABLES very John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue at least tnougnt of and probably practiced. ' CKACHE? mddra mnv hrinn after which came the floats' of Boy Scouts and Wolf Clubs and Oirl Guides and Brownies,' SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING Blue 846 PRINCE RUPERT "-ii'i limp lor Dr. Chair't 1 4 Qualified Steam Boiler . L run i nouM find quirk tackachr. rwinlul iointu, m dixvdrrn by taking thit Bv combining i lrtu Dr. lhar' work on both kitlnrvf and liver for taster rWief . 4t depicting appropriate scenes in keeping with the theme of the day. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, standard bearers occupied another float while the Sweet Sixteen float was a painstaking Job of paper serviettes in pastel shades. will Refrigeration and Pipe Welders All Certified Operators We build Stacks, Fire Escapes and Tanks all sizes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 1 SHOUT AND BUSY Monday night, what will have been the shortest halibut fishing season on record fn area 2-A and 1-B, the waters from Cape Blanco, Oregon, to Cape Spencer,' Alaska, will close. Fishing commenced the first of May. The fleet was largei and fishing, generally was reported good. Little, if any growling was heard and there sl .med no shortage, i The World is a comedy to those think a tragedy to those who feel. Horace Walpole. And its virtually a paradise to morons who can do very little of either Juneau Empire. .EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME GORDON & ANDERSON I- racking, Crating For Aet'-m Advertlst'. TUG FOR SALE 50-ft. Tug for general tawing, powered with 1 10 Washington Estep. Good accommodation, first class condition throughout. Phone, write or call Westminster Tug Boats, New Westminster, B.C. (127c) 225 1st E. Phone Green 884 f and deneral l and Storage Reliable and Effl-Also agents for liquid Air Co. Ltd. stand quietly waiting perhaps ' ar many as a dozen. The dinner hour is near and they know It. j The birds will find grain scattered ' on the sidewalk. "It costs me about a dollar a month," says ' Jones. "But" and he laughed j f "n. Aretylene and all upplios. "it's all right at that." PAY'S CARTAGE PRAGE LIMITED For tho MEAL that REFRESHES and Pa' k Avenues rli'incs 0 and 61 NOT SO HOT F'.aRS flew here and there In Frlnre Rupert yesterday. More have been seen on otrwr, similar occasions:. The sky was dull and, so wa? much of th? day. Weather i was cool as chanty. Oh, there was a celebration all right. Talngs wore not that flat. Par-rdes and band programs, but I here wore folks wTio undertook l-y kid themselves into believing they wc;e having a whale of a ; day when they were not. FINEST OF BEST OF FOOD ATTENTION All Fishermen and Boat Owners EPCOL ISddi Telejplhoimes -MASTER tS' COOKING REELS Reduced Qc each FOR TAKE OUT ORUKKS PIIONR 21)0 BROADWAY CAFE This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the l.i(iior Control Bonrd or by the 'mvernmeiit of British Columbia. Pigeons must rustle for a living like tlYj rest cf us and sometimes jn.ioy co-operation. Along toward late afternoon, any day glance at the roof of Little's News stand, and there they NOW IN STOCK KATHALL'S r""lo Finishing mira Ave. W. . n w EPGOL "LIFELINER" DnCON Togs for Better with 10 WATTS POWER 2 CHANNELS Now only $g.50 Complete NHers Free! Free! Saturday & Monday ONLY. FREE Nylon Hose M Shoppel PREPARED XV MUSTARD IV EPCOL "COASTLINER" ce Rupert SUUj FOR 35 WATTS POWER Fancouver 5 FREQUENCIES Now on "CTSSO 5p 50 YESWITH A PURCHASE OF $10.00 or over We Will Give You , 1 FREE On Sorurdoy or Monday A PAIR OF Ladies' Nylon Hose! Thursday " 11 ":13 p.m. 0,KETrmiAL. HI)NllillT ! SHIP Ml'SKRATS AND ')THER Fl'RS QUICK!! iMIS'T HOLD STILL PAYING UP TO S4.50 FOR TOP GRADE MUSKRATS! It's unwise to hold Furs because next Winter tliey would be regarded os OLD and worth much less than fresh' collections. Prevailing HIGH Trices provid? an opportunity to sell your Furs VERY PROFITABLY. For BEST RESULTS, ship your MUSKRATS and other Furs to "SHUBERT" wheio you are assured HIGHEST available Prices, MORE we believe than you can get locally or ANYWHERE. Send a shipment soon HURRY! Dept. 194. A. B. SHUBERT CO., Winnipeg. Ship to VANCOUVER Receiving Off Ice. (hi ".V lit. I.r, r- Reservations W Complete ADAPTABLE TO ANY SHIP EASILY INSTALLED ' SIMPLE TO USE YOUR LIFE IS SAFE .... YOUR CATCH 15 SURE Ask for a Demonstration now ot nie or Call r-i..... "i on depot . OFFICE WCE RUPERT, DOMS' DEPT. STORE McBRIDE STREET