Prince Rupert Daify News .. , Frio:-;, 'May 25, 1951 'net ot- organdy, and buMcei ol 1 1 flowers and Anne Little, simil- ! 'a u 'ueen TERRACE "ImUatiuu is -i t :n form of flattery" .shuiu te "Imitation is the sinceresL a makes vintriicau kiccu at-but as the Union officer. Quinn William, Dick Jones and Peter Coe also handle feature roles. arily attired in yellow organdy. The maids of honor were Bonnie McColl. Barbara Stewart, and Crownecl OPICS Adventure in Action Film With desert mountains reA Shirley Christensen who wore white figured oreanriv over satin Kinsmen Have Highly Successful Day at Terrace. slips of green, blue or pink. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank of Prince George drove into Tmiw me Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs ciay clay and auu blue oiue sky any setting selling me the at f (l, the 7 , T - weekend to attend the Warner Bros.' adventure drama TERRACE Petite, rinrk-hair- toed a guard of honor. BAPTOME - - uiiful soft flat finish, BAPTONK is Washable and may u.d over kalsomlne, wallpaper, woodwork or wall board ! em tjf tinted to any desired shade, with: colors in oil! $1.65 Quart $5.40 Gallon liompson Hardware Co. Ltd. - (127c) tee e r yunBest "Rocky Mountain," begins a two- daughter Vera to Frank Earl.1 day local engagement at the eldest son of Mrs, E. and the late j Capitol THeatre tonight. ' Outstanding quality has made Salada Canada's largest selling tea. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver I glrls of Miss Dew's ciass danced ; Ravtflf waa nnx,A the Miivmilw Hcn,A i Mr. uolllns extended the thanks fifth May Queen on Thursday of the Kinsmen and all concern- ,.v.t . - I The outdoor action film pre- ' T. , , . j i sents Errol Flynn in the ro!e The infant daughter of Mr.L. ...j.. . , . v... ..xw,, vii wjc atac ui me I CAve Cnnlrn i u ed fen M'lie TVm arf Vr- oouiot- t -v..wc ut nic fiitratriiue UI , " "' i . , - wie n a large iar-fl crowd of in. i antri Mr .Tim Trvina ioHo'n Mrs. Norman McNabb was r f -,.1 Kinsmen, uar , w iiui. nuu uiauL j l ailUl the dresses, Mrs. Jack McLeod given the names Meredith Gay at a baptismal ceremony in the Cast as the Northern girl who ' meets uu with the Southern ! who gave the corsattes and flow Anglican cnurch on Sunday af i fighting gentleman. Is Patrice End !;wy. KK, w ents and children. . i Last year's queen, Sharon Mcllroy having left the district, the crown was placed on the idark curls of this year's queen by a former queen, Margery Thomas. Margwy, for whom a proxy queen was needed two years S0 when .".he w hutpiUUxed in Vancouver with a broken hip was Arch-1 . , ' , dating clergyman deacon Hodson. BRIGHT FLOORS MAKE BRIGHT HOMES! jvuciiy Muuinain is a siory ers, to the Scouts and Cubs, tha ! IOOF lodge, the Legion, the Co- j lumbia Cellulose who sponsored the candidate, as well as Frank Rainsford, Kin campaign man-1 ager for May Queen. Beth, thej winnins candidal, was ilfc Kinsmen's candidate. The dav was hiehlv surrp.ssfiil of theJast few days of a Con-' federate patrol cantainBd nv ! Flynn, on secret mission in the! Western desert. They rescue a; girl whose coach had been attacked by Indians, and they also surprise and disarm several members of a roving Union pa- j trol. The two ernnns thun inin ! bone sustained in a street acci with races for the children en , run un Prince Rupert Plays Terrace Lncastrine. " c'c, was uivesiea 01 neri clcak of office by the maids of 0ff in tlle corning. In the after- English Moor Covering, Sq, Yd JUV ONGOLEUM 4 ftn ""uu i3ujuue jvicuoii ana tjar-i -..v. nvit u,iutaia iui pic bara Stewart who then placed! eatinB'' nail drivinK. rolling pin it on the thoulders of this year's ! tnrowing and a tug-o-war. It queen. landed with a large dance in the When ditorium of the Civic Centre. the crown was nlePH nn for all your floors. So. Yd JL"U TERRACE The ball game forces to defend themselves sch-Jduled for Victoria Day be- ( against the red warriors who tween the Terrace players and have them hopelessly outnum-Smithers was called off at the;bered. The ensuing climactic last moment by the Smithers battle action makes d team which cou d not come t.o: .. Bb ' fcNGOLEUM RUGS, 9x1 0V2 9x12. 9x15 FLORAL SCENERY OLD MASTERS ALSO PHOTO FRAMES her h;;ad she gave her address !Sg of welcome and then took her Place on the throne trin Pi-od- LAID LINOLEUM. $ nr Two Flights Terrace. However a hm-ried tio. weu as mantle, entertainmenu dent Bill Osborne then presented j I Per id. Ta., Trom -- - - to Briti.-fc actor Scott Forbes, phone call to Prince Runert ner witn a loc"ket, the Kinsmen' annual gilt to the winning can aidate. A Day Now brought some players from that town so that the boys and their spectators had their game after all. "Doc" Calder pitched for the Rup-jrt boys. The score was 14-C in favcr of the Terrace lads. The Civic Centre president,! Darrall Collins nrtfil n mgl JacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Mi"" 3273ra, AVK.WK.ST h Guild Placn to 'Buy Over Quarter Cfcntury of ceremonies and, in his open-' Service of Canadian Pacific ing words, stated that the day's Air Llnes between Prince Ru-L'.cupte were for Uie new wah- pert and Vancouver is now being rooms and showers and aaked ulcreaiiea w two nights every uuy cAcepi ouiiuuy. tionunujng increase in traffic has made iMU-S-i'J I : OLD AGE PENSION ' LEGISLATION COMING j OTTAWA Federal legislation for -enlarged old age pensions wil' ba introduced this sossion,' Health Minister Martin told" the j opjning of the federal-provincial conference Wednesday. i for the whole-hearted support of tdie community for the Civic Centre. He called on Emil Haug-land, chairman of (he village cotnmisioners, following which the crowning tuok place. In ths royal party wwe two 2 i S this n'.-e.ssary. At the first of this month the service was - boosted from the one flight daily to provide a second flight on two day. of the week. However, it has become SUITS TAILORED TO MEASURE uny nower girls, Gail Sargent necessary to run the in blue ruffled dres and bon- flight on the faur other extra (Id 7 . . These, extra flights wiil be regularly scheduled 'after June I. stiuoring. IN aiien cieri Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor Cumnllan e.cjion Card enei yj Last of the series of Canadian Legion card partius took place Tuesday night. Ten tables were occupied. Winners were: Bridge Mrs. E. C. Trumblo and Miss Pulml.-a Astoria. From Vancouver (Thursday l Cpl. A. E. Wales, D. Carr-Harris, H. S. Wlialen, From Sandspit (Thursday Mr .and Mrs. Pasliinik, Mr. Rhin-hard, G. Porkino, H. Sigurdson. To Vancouver (today) Mr. SERVE 220 Sixth St I t '. n i J Phone 649 1 May we show you our most outstanding presentation of fine quality worsteds and gabardines in new designs and color combinations. Smart Imported tweed muteiials for Summer and Fall wear. Finest Tailoring . . . Finest Fabrics . . . "mui tost Styling and Unequalled Values. Priced from G0.00'S113.00 Watts & Nicherson Stafford, Mrs. J. Walker, R Cribbage Mrs, R, Reid allJ I Breaks, J. T. Walmsley, E. Dodds. VK3SEBS G. K. Olson. To Vancouver (Thursday Dr. R. H. Ball, W. C. R. Jones. R. L. Johnson, F. R. Adames, Crawford Moore, Olof Hanson, Jyl. Q.MHr.m.a HIT. J TO T Whist Mrs. Elsie Andersen and N. Corkery. Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Andersen- Mr. Peter Call 363 f OK BHTTER . . . m-r- Planning Building or Repairing 4 LONDOX DRY Peterson, Mrs. F. E ""' "- Alexander Wallace, C. W. Jensen, A Sella and Mrs. W. Rothwell. Final prizes for the card game series will be given next wt-ek. ble, S. Beley, S. A. Salmonson, A. August, W. Thomas, Mr. Patterson, J. R. Young and E. Ola f si ml To Sandspit, (Thursday C. Moffat A. R. Crist (Masseti. Mr. Jomember Rotary Concert Sunday, May 27th- 9 p.m.Capitol Theatre famous since 1750 Holmes and Mr. Young. To Vancouver (Wednesday) M. P. Parkinson, W. Naherny, R. B. Cameron. W. H. Bern. Mr. I WlNDON DRYCilN i " ..... ... . ; , Oldham, A. Chambers, J. Fraser, L. Bonn, B. Brunning, Miss J. Vivian, Miss E. Lane, R. H. Bacon, S. Fairs, A. M. MacKee, A. L. Clark, W. Schriarch, C. Gard IT'S NEW! IT'S EXCITING f STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL ! FORD'S British Built CONSUL VICKEtS' LONDON DIY GIN ener. J. Ciellin. Gen C. R. Stien G. C. Upson, E. Barker, J. Con it lislilltl ii CuiO tU riistf ikatei l Jos-em .IohnVk'kfhh tCn.!9 ?' B ---- - -- way, J. Barrow and C. H. Orme. From Sandspit (Wednesday) Calvert CKTIILERS (CANADA) LIMITED MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED iSiitldei'9 St Contractors Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs. Phillinson COULD YOU HELP? CYRo CLUB has undertaken to collect, pack and ship clothing for the Central City Mission, Vancouver. ' '"eamzation outfit between 800 and 700 destitute men r summer and more in the winter. All persons having of men's used clothing which they wish to donate Miver them to the CIVIC CENTRE, or call 231, or 641, '''I'lothlm; will be picked up. MEN'S CLOTHING ONLY Shoes to Hats, From the Skin Out ? ? CAN YOU HELP ? ? li ill -A and Mrs. W. Martin. From Vancouver (Wednesday) Mr. Salter, Mr. Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stephens, Y. Thompson, C. Marcotte and Mr. Mass'ette. iHuaaaauui nimMfaii; miwa nrr.M M2tmmai! ----- -r- ' - riiniinU i-" This aJvertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. For Action Advertise! LONDON P Bell-rineers at a f 7 . See it soon at Bob Parker Ltd FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. jraUiHoitMij local church pulled -extra hard on the ropes at the opening of the Festival of Britain. But they closed the tower shutters because persons complained about the noise. j i r i r i , I NYLON CASUALS For Action Advertise! THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT IN NORTHERN B.C. PEASANT BLOUSES Fine Cotton Broadcloth White and Pastel Colors 1.99 and 2-49 WWII 9 Wonderful! Just wash with Lux when soiled or dirty GRANDMERE r It SWEATERS IN ALL THE NEW SPRING SHADES THEY'RE MADE OF NYLON $ ,c& from.; LONG SLEEVE PULLOVER LONo SLEEVE CARDIGAN SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVER 5-95 FIRE MOTHS THEFT FAMILY SHOE STORE Ltd. 6-95 7-9 SAFETY FURS-T U- SCUBY'S FUR VAULT CHARLIE ROBERTS Phone 357 Box 638 Waning GLAZING REPAIRS REMODELING The Universal 3rd Avenue at 6th Street Phone 974 REMEMBER Rotary Mixed Chorus and Assisting Artists SUNDAY NIGHT - 9 p.m. tsrnift or rue famous cftteui'aH &u6 trwsrr This advertisement is not piihlishrfl or displayed by the l iquor f it nf PICK-UP SERVICE "n customers Ship ExpressFully Insured Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. I