Tl iirMN TALKS (Continued from page 2) emigration countries are expect- j ed to be present. j 4. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. August 30, 1951 and "imperialism."-It it an is- f" "OOMTOir-, sue between a would be employer Less u " 1 uhe National Iranian Oil Com- 000 arres nJ "rd of t Ipany-and the staff which theyjof agrlculturTd,. Meanwhile, In an address to" -the UN Economic and Social pr,,h,.nls cannot even be sen Council meeting here. David A. ,.lb,v dl.;l.USM(,. ay inry wiau, anu wium wiry l . hui; I , . uiUUK l tlliH. 'certainly need, to employ. Expert Goes To Mexico MEXICO CITY. The lessons learned by New Zealand in running a "trouble-shooting service" for scientists and Industry ILO Outlines Transfer of Europeans Morse. ILOs airecior-generui Ana it is -m Hits issue that. Mr stokes has, in a sense. Argentina Holds School Congress said that ILO is ready to accept The ' l)oen acting as mediator between 1 nt Lino I 11 LI ilMHl n II Jl.t .i?!.!ey "L'; -OK covernn;nt has put for mieration nrogram. "We "''".r THE EXPERTS SatJ ram. . ie (h1 ildlsls AI1.Ei,i . mi-ration as an Important a'c nrsi -me suRR-suon. men the pro;pective staff. The pros-ntrihntion see to world economic another. have been re- p,,.lu , cmpoyer has refused the T'".e I'-ersiaa unv.Ttiment p(..fcftly reasonable terms upon are now being put to use m rPV. p. n t . , development and social prog-MaXii U'" ress. he said. "Migration is , )'- n..l forward no proposal 01 nl(h lhp prospective staff are ARGENTINA TO HOLD BUENOS AIRES. A group of Argentinian teachers recently met under the auspices of the Fiee Colic je of Highr Studies in this South American caDital. to 'Wiu,,., lnZ, just a question of transporting un k nd which even begins to pITpared to w irk. And that take account of this fundamental in tilcre is no point di. Pv KAY REX Canadian Prrse Stan Writer other Migration activities have human questn-or how to per- al s ng other matters Out hn n- r SUiiance progmui ui me uiiucu -j Nations Educational, Scientific needing- manpower were out- and Cultural Organization. lined recently by the Interna- , , , tional Labor Organization (ILO i. j The founder o the New Zea- J h land government s service, David sPe t ies Cairns, a 36-year-old scientist, ... ., . Tne situation will be consid- is here on a one-year assign-' ment to set up what is officially ered at a migration conference ..... ... tii Ko It oM lr Martian kavlnnl.. lj ir tj . w... employment organization and with employment services." Mr. Morse said that the present situation urgently requires n la .1 11.11 . u..u.m.u,uiiid. t(. &J Wijh An induslly industry t.) run it. , , , . . . . . , wl.irk ' has m staff rnpablc of It is not an i.'sue between the , Persian government and the running It is now a question for U-Z t'.ove.nir.ent It is not an D'ctor Moussadek and his col- l.s-u'r. between "na''.ization" leagues. WELDING C called the "bibliograpnicat serv- .7 .. w "6 that one international agency . -"-HI I ice" of a scientific and technical 'cn represent- " . , d j developing " centre Mexico Is now establish- of 3C I immigration and : 'J1 j, n 'Ci Z ing with Uneseo's co-operation. , jon fleld and in bringing to Eventually the centre's service for professional seientists and, ! bear on their practical execu-will spread beyond Mexico and even more important, for Indus- tjon the knowledge and exptri-be made available to countries. try and agriculture." price of other agencies each in i 1 Under the terms of the Unesco ; its special field. Technical Assistance Agreement. ! Unesco is sending four experts throughout Latin America. Mr. Cairns, who was secretary of the New Zealand National Commission for Unesco, founded his own government's for a period of two or three years to help in the organize INCREASED PRODUCE Output of farm products in the United S'ates has increased more than two-thirds since 1942. scientific information service in ! uu" 01 lne cenlre a w wain .... , local personnel. During the first 1944. By 1948, the service ,upplyfng iypar nps0 ls $ism handling 200 requests a month ; worth of equipment. Four fel- Ra'ad w :k among other &tucjy rural education and the :.h.ngr resulted in several new metnods recommended by the fruit and vegetable concotions jj n x t e Nations Educational, being p aced before the public scientific and Cultural Organi-rye. zation Unesco i, for the train- !tU Quebec fisheries depart- ing of children and youths in mrnt seized on the "Week" to this country's different econ-riistribute a lecipe highlighting Lm c and geographical ureas, its favorite product; a canned As a result of the meeting, it iijd plant in Hamilton, Ont., was decided to set up a docu-vas moved t ) offer recipes for mentation centre and a small some of lis own output. publication which will supply ,F nall. tt. Dominion Depart- information on educational mrnt. of Agriculture's consumer schemes, and to call a teachers' iprtinn m ked over a few angles congress to formulate concrete r mind-making and came up principles for Arentina's rural v-i'h some timely tips. education. , ,'R'uffed tomatoes head the "1 t JricuHure ti'.pailment's recom- sa;t fa dissolved, Add six table-j ii'udUlons. spoons of oil. Such a variety of fillings may Salad wiu be well scasoned if 1 f wd "lust it would be easy tm-necl carefully with a spoon to scrc a different stuffed to- " !ind a iork ma to salad for each day of the Dress salad on crlspy lettuce;" say th- home economists. s0 lnklp with grated carrot and Ftr rxamp'e: A filling of diced uu.pped. parsley. This salad can r-l'e-v.. dic-d cucumbor, sliced al.Q bp ccolatr-d witli quarters larlishei and chopped green nn-; Qf nald-boiled eggs and toma-t"jis. combined with a little whip- j totg ,rl cream, vinegar and season-. I n. (to tastei for Monday hALADS VITrl cottage cheese filling mixed ! JANNr.I) FOODS Here's w.iat you can do in the iviih diced celery, chopped pars-' lc and salad drcssing-for Tues- way with a 20-ounce can ci;i-. 04 sllced beets and some seasun- rr"?fct chicken, diced hard-' 'Kg: rn k.d rggs and celery and i Ingredients: One 20-ounce can ( hupped pickie moistened with, sliced beets; one tablespoon of ra'urf di e.ssinp- for Wednesday. I sugar; one tablespoon minced Cooked leftover macaroni, onion; one teaspoon salt; dash .nanhetti wi'.h diced celery aiid I of pepper; two tablespoons salad wel'-s'-asor.jd tomato pulp foricil; onv-quarter cup vinegar; six Thursday. I .etwee cups; one-half up cot- co'e iaw fo- Friday. tage cheese. from New Zealand scientists and iow:,liips will be awarded to Mexicans who will visit Euro- industrialists. "My jab in Mex- . , 7r.'r TP JWL m ; ISLAND DISCOVERER The Solomori Islands in the PneiiC Ocean were discovered m 15G8 by Alvaro de Mvndana on a voyage from Peru. 1 Am 11 .fiair 'Q5 rilPAIIO MUfTARD . , . makes hot dogs 1 trcit. Nipj, but doesn't bite. Sinuoth fti butter! ico." he faid recently, "will be pcan centre to gain experience, to break down scientific infor-jThe Mexican government will mation into a usable form both supply the building. ft- wm KB SLW SI Vbu'll Prefer Carnation to any ofher brsnd Kl chiu tauci . . . with tizrlinft lum. burgers, there's nothing 10 good. Juu tty it. L A I1-'' Oil Whatever your experience been with evaporated milU, you'll be delighted to find out how much more you'll like Carnation Evaporated Milk. A full half-century of experience lies behind the making of Carnation. So you're sure of finer flavor and consistency . . . longer keeping qualities . 1 !, " C ' " V ' y : ' tl I ( i fx i li ( ( '5 r , '- ft ( V2 Devilled eggs, on a bed of when you use the milk with the red anj white Carnation label. Drain beet"; reserve one-half 1 ;up liquo. . Combine with sugar. ,r:ion, salt, pepper, oil, vir.'.gar irid beet liquor. Cover. Marinate , jver nigh", in refrigerator. Ar-ange in lettuce cups. Top each with a mound of cottage lv se. Serve with French dress-, j. Six servings. t v .11 u- .if tn sell It. advertise ! i i'ad dresini! spread on tomato petRls for Saturday. I IVJf SALADS HEALTHY The fisheries department of Quet.'c suggests the following ,'Hlad as "a health-builder for the children" and "a treat for grown-ups." I.igredients: Two cups flaked SO CREAMY IT WHIPS CARNATION is milk made double-rich by evaporation . . . homogenized and heat-refined by special Carnation processes for smoother consistency, richer flavor. So creamy it is preferred by millions in coffee . . . and it whips beautifully when icy cold. fWIITMIXie riCKlIf . . . perfect tth picnic fre, matchicii for crisp, delicious flavour. ( " i tookd fish (cod. halibut and sol tin; two cups diced potatoes;1 0.1c cup celery, chopped; one rarr- grated; one onion, minced: two pickles (chopped) Rub a salad bowl witn a clove of garlic. Mix one teaspoon salt, rnc-ouarter teaspoon pepper, two tablespoons vinegar, until w ix v t. ii a I) a, l! c V r V e V 0 c O w T , - Cf USE IT LIKE CREAM in coffee, on cereals, in cream recipe Mix it with an equal amount of water to give file, vitamin-D enriched milk for every milk purpose "from Contented Cows" 'M '--J -" if Mh' "w- Sw " '-s -m nr- misss "v-' Sn-t SI Buys IB 0 KM S est QUALITY FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES 75 ! K5. COVE A VE P.O. BOX 818 CORN, Cream style 2,or23i Nabob PEAS, No. 5 2 for 35C Knyal ( itv Per Coso A Per Cose $1.12 SAUERKRAUT LUSHUS DESSERTS 5 for 29( MIIRRIIT'S 2 0' 41c SUGAR CRISPS, Post's 2 for 37c CORN POPS, Kellogg's 2 for 37c QUICK QUAKER OATS, 3 lb. size 37c APPLE JICE48 .:.:.V jjorj63c WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SELECTION OF GRAY DUNN DELICIOUS COOKIES. ORDER SEVERAL NOW . . . FOR THE COMING SCHOOL DAYS. Ot.. - T SFINACH 2for30C f HONEY, No. 1 White, 4 lb. tm WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF AUSTRALIAN CANNED FRUITS. G.r IM ON THE BIG SAVINGS AVAILABLE NOW. ORDER YOURS TODAT 89c PARD SS?n 2iin$2) 10!Mc PER SACK 3,75 ILIMIT2LBS. PER CUSTOMER) New C.-cn Washed PER CASE 5,5! SAVE THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND LET US SAVE YOU MONEY. WATCH OUR WINDOWS fCR MANY NON-ADVERTISED SPECIALS WE CARRY A GOOD SUPPLY OF THE FRESHEST FRUIT AND VEGETABLES IN TOWN. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. PREM 2 lins 1.09 SIDE BACON, in the piece ...Lb. 85c Swift's Premium EGGS, A Large, carlcncd Doz. 85c PARKAY MARGERIflE ".: , .Lb. 35c While U Lasts PEACHES M ond 10CJ'" .CHBBLERS Delicious cold for those school lunches. 5c FREESTONE FOR CANNING Per Crate 2.8 ORDER YOV'R JARS NOW. TOO STOP and LOOK AUSTRALIAN CANNED MEATS Real Savings for the Thrifty Housewife 62c Whole or Half Per Lb Don't Forqct those Rulers, Crayons and Erasers I'll ii i iiiii.iiiihi i ,rii .m s, !, i's..iiiiii"iii ji'i ii"ii"iii I, mi i ii ,iinii mi nii I i WW ON ORDERS OF ) vlf i S3 00 OR MnSF V PLEASE LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER BEFORE 1:00 P.M. IF DELIVERY IS REQUIRED THE SAME DAY PRICES EFFECTIVE TO CLOSING, THURSDAY, SEPT 6 1951