Prince puprt Daiiy News Thursday August 30, 11 WooJ, Loca 1 1 Banana Belt Hits Rupert ! Yesterdays high temperature jas 78 3 and was the hottest uay or the year to date. Tuesday's lilgh temperature was 72 and Monday's, 73. On Tuesday ther .r n a a n d Willi . . . BARRET ASPHALT PERSONAL Aldermen Resign I Tv.o rf signal. :n of aldermen wore accepted last nig'it ' at a c.x't-ia! mr. ting, of city council. Alduimen H. F. Olaseey and'O Z. F.-lzz.-ll have resigned. Council also approved spending "not more than $100" on a v.e'come dinner for Job's Daughters !.xt Tuesday night. A dunce follows the dinner, and city service clubs are pur-rhas'ne t ophies tj be presented to ra: h member of the drill t am, which returns from Vlr-eini.'. Ratuiday night. I Mooseheart meeting wus held at the home of Mrs. J. Fit-win Tuesday night. Mrs. A. Auriol I was chairman. J After a short business meet-ling, whist was played. Winners : were Mrs. c. Matson, first, and Mrs. E. Blair, consolation, i Delicious refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. J. Flewin, Mrs. A. Auriol, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mrs. F. Good. Mrs. V. Morrison, Mrs. K. Blair. Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. H. Harrison, Mrs. O. Tweed, Mrs. J. Carr, Mrs. C. Wilkinson, Miss S. Ji hnson, Mri. O. Matson and Mrs. T. Ciienn. , hours oi sunshine and yester- SHINGLES (i' liillfil Information, phone iieri & McCaffery Ltd. aay there were even mine for though there were hieh Ui n Cluudi In the slty tney did not altect the hours ot iimshlne. The Public Library will rc- Mrs, VV. J. Urn-ham and Syl- opeu Tuesday, September 4 via returned to the city yester- (205ei day on the Prince Rupert. Mi . and Mrs. E. Rhrubsali were Mrs. A. B Brown and two chil- pasn(-crs arriving on the Prince dren returned to the city on the Rupert yesttr.iy. trine Rupert Wednesday. Mi. and Mrs. R C. Anderson Mrs. June Johnson arrived to returned Prim Rupert on the the city on Monday afternoon CKV Pnnre Rupert yesterday, from Annette Island to spend , , a visit with her mother, Mrs, i M&yMt " i-w :; 117 116 n.i-iiu.: 'tHiv;,'- PORTRAITS Films Developed and Prlr.d FKUMPl- KRKVK'K CPS to Start Kitimat Run R1DDLESDEN. England (CP- vye7Wf Legion 45 1 IIllua "g. meeting meeting I , . d Ciiy Builders Supplies tonight. me ilea cross wishes to (ltd Kratefully acknowledge the generous donation bv th North Inu proprietor Harry Foulds knows how to use a soda siphon to the best advantage. He used up a case of them recently in putting out a fire which broke out in his bedroom. CHAMU I R'S STI lM li " ' , i-.lrt 4UlfJt.eet Ifc'.K, ' 45 I ,; " r . " Phone Oieen 3!il) I ' ' "iL 1 : V 1 " .1 Prince Rupert j -,; Blue 820 StartUiB a woek fiom tojiifht, Oil Ftlday, Sewteniljer 7th th,.' Z Star " Bottling J B Works ot all the Mrs. Squires and Miss Squires 77 , were passengers for Prince Ru- t"U uied. UaiiaUiau l aullie Steamship at the recent t-uiuuAiijfs new seivi.e lrum Won the CN8S Prince Rupert Z?- T' Nort0n Youns- Vucuuuer tu Killiuu 1 i LUI hV.. 4K ..., vi i 7 .7 .. ,w-'suay v r - i' - Hupeil wiil eet into action. Tliia' MV. Sidney, master Joe Bur- Watch for advertisement to-" reisul-u' weekly ferviie witii'detU.-, arrived in port from Ket- morrow of auction sale to be Uc ((ieunu-tv, leaving Vancouver, th. kun with four ears frozen fish heJJ this Saturday, September i;h S'.iday niKM and arriving fur transshipment east. , n Smith's Warehouse, First Pfiupe Hupeit each Monday . . ,., . Avenue and McBride Street, itioiuiiia ami I', n l. ni,!,,., D.i....! Mr- a"d Mrs. W. r D. Lambie across from the Waw nrin n-n Mi Staff I j im 'Rupnteuct, Mm day. veiling and ."d 80n,0,V?.1rturnw' 10 lhe T- M- C-'hristie, auctioneer. ' city on the Prince Rupert yes- (ltci each ainvuiM m van.oiner 'Tliurjday wornina. terday from the south. I ...ncip prevent it v , ;j . M.. and Mrs. Johupy Christen- i intermediate calls are made' Mrs. A. Bill and Mrs. S. Bill on both ji.urneys at Kitimat. 1 were passengers returning to seu left on the Cauusun Sunday i or vancouv-c They will Keuiauo bay and O. eau Falls tne clty on the Prince Rupert tsuiiit ",, . an exUmdod tuur ol the Ilf.fluu " Oh the inn tiibi.'und trip a call Wednesday x '3 States by car bef ;re UMking their win be mau- at Duncan Uav1 . . loronto where en will take a each Katiininu r.,r.,i. rrV ' ""'s- M' M- "oper, secretary oi luiure oime ume u, in raLmSaUonrJS! f'-f M School M. ChrUtense J io nger and frei,.h. ""f. , ng to the city aboard the Prince lhe Radio and television at College of Canada. relv'.geriituiti available. ! Rupert alter a vacation in the Several so:ial events were held" , i east and south. , hi honor of the couple urlor to r CURING CHILDHOOD ,,.f0R THE YEARS AHEAD! , j .. fT ..'.'-i' ' ' il 1. If f 7 Vv:' i-t -I:--' ; U J v w 7 7 - :v; -i j tlnsir departure. Mr. C'Uristen-The condition of Roy Smith, sen's paunts, Mr and Mrs. Jack Masset boy, who fell over the Chi isten.'en of 885 Borden St cliff at the foot of Sixth Street held a farewell dinner on Sunday on Tuesday nmriung. U :ei.jrled night, to be improving steadily. The . twenty years ago In Prince Rupert Lara ..:ua.-4uttM3Jr'3l lad su.taii:ed mull ale mu lej in Lie fall, fnnount i tmnli t.abor Day Dance, Civic Cep. tre, September 1 Miss Lillian Smith and Mis3 Pat Berry, memliers of the Prince Rupert teaching staff, le-tu.ned to the city Wednesday i August 30, 1131 ! While public works officials here have not yet received any instructions regarding relief , work, it is announced in Vancouver that six or seven hundred men from there will start on road work on the North DTORISTS... orv in ,i ,iy onil see the stunning new PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE t:K- n: . vi ! .'UK you majf (tiiny th breeaUiejii ' j I'.iv, '! hl,;e (,r the snug comfort tf a Coup. ii-l: I'iYMI.UTU lUsLVKIiUiF, 18 THE ;i l i i :.; r n.Mtn top j the road Canadian Legion Auxillry " ' on the Prince uwrt. afier t... ,u., ... . r.. L;..0 A'r r-'-v V' attending the summed school of b:"u "uw anQ lei' aevmu at Victoria and then . u . , , Fraser Highway between Van- Zmav educatlon nouuaymg L couvpr anrt Pitt piuor j rufioyvenau vnuroa Tej at , the home of Mi's. George Mitch- ATTENTION, MIXED ' 333 5th Ave. East, Septem-l.EAGUE BOWLERS, lhe first ber 27- Among teachers returning to It'n-'.v llial the di prvclatlon on Chrytltr -built CoordUrating Tea, JSf Ci mI6' mV1""'!1", Va,Ca; general n"elln8 and' election of Hon are Mws Mills, principal of omc-ers of th0min0 hr.,ii.w Women's Sept. 2U. ,f- y l :?' i I 1 1 .1 i is li v; than m4 olUer makes? it I M il Car prices prove iU to be su. I ill Itl'lLT (A Kit IN DISPLAY AT f UK rtiKv 1, . i S.reet and the Cm" girder School, at tb. May and Lillian Jones. Bow7mg , prlnce Hupert Alltys at H n m Thnrcl iu Anfllll-r -Jit Miss Merwr, principal of An 'iwir hi.,',, nirrL"J'J.ii nj II I fap'ert Motors limited BiiOth Memorial School rt'tUrtl- llils It. lUhA trp uxttul n utlonH fti t( tliA Lu nfl..!- 11. rt ............ HtrP U.-HI lM Uifli!Oii ... : "T.; . - -S'f- 4 t ' 4 P ' ... t ' M .,i i Ave ft 1st Kt. Phone 806 and MM Oatti.ilic Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. -Lutheran Tea, October J'J. KteKah Luaar, oclooer JO LO.B.A. Fa,J liastaar, October 2. Sonja Bazaar. Novembvr 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, No-eniuer 1. t'reiHyteiiau Church -Bazaar. vacHtion, During the '"'""" suinimr1!,- .p. M,.cna, n,.,., wS i 7' V Mussellam, v, i i i Mother1. Give your children lh bnaflt of iht promising nw mfhod of oHa lit n g tooth dc o. 1 201c I ""V"" "" Uoling League. . , Hartln, also of the city teaching j 'staff. Two other members, Missj ) Jessie Rothwell and M'ss earn- r , i line Mitchell, were on the same f reSCnfa I lOfl nip Bin. coniiiiuea on io cninu ' They will return shortly. x 1 i 1 To F.N. Feero PRMES November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Ouiaar, November its. IUU! Full tlaiuar Novemuei More than 700 entries haves been received from the Fall Fair which opens next week. presentation was made last jvu.i.ns, to F. N. Feiro, Unll.d Jlates Cu turns olfL-er. who Is terine Antiseptic malie this same formula readily available la you and to your family. Use 1. Uterine Ammoniated Tooth Paste regularly, as directed, morning and night anil right after eating. Lambert In preliminary testa conducted with thit famous formula at the Universityoflhinois Foundation, cat 9 after covo of reduction in the ineiilence of tooth decay was reported. No wonder it hau caused such interest in dentai circles! Now the manufacturers of Lia- Fall llaaaar, Nu Jit. Peters vemliei 2a ' . I'll int. The nresentallnn was I'm i Preliminary fiaure for thei,... i,,.iwif Pioneer Druggists 1931 census p.uee Prince R'l-! a', H ..,ce Kupei t, lorm-r collec-' Crfs po-iulaf .11 at C'.i25 ccm-j u.- Jaivis H. McLeod, wa. rfront pared with the 1921 figures of ; staff it the Canadian National 6393, The fui es are not quite . Railways, Canadian immigration complete and the final figure sllifti nnd F. . Daie of United v. i r'.. f Chemical action rduct 0 iiKtutli aridity. Mouth m-nl ity ent'ouriiKPg dfray. 2Mchanlral aclien cltant suiv 0 i Hi'? an tuel h arc brUHhwl lielptt break up und remove ueeay-breeding diouil, ' ..uus Customs. may offset the present drop of G7 from the figures 10 years previously. LEARN TO FLY at Western Canada's only seaplana school FALL COURSES NOW STARTING PHONE 81 Chtmlcol ocHen cfitckt ftfiil-fornnni! Iiafienu a majcir rause of dueuy. The event was 1 leld at the customs office. Ills soeaki'is Included O. I. 3inilh, collector of cu.-toms at rln . Rupert, H. Hill of the CWR , Mr. Mi Naughton, representing department of lmmigra-,im and Mr. Dale. , Suitable expression was given to ths high regard in which Mr. Feero and family have so long bi.n held. He plans 011 makinrc A- ERO PRINCE CLU ei rut r NO ROOM MONTREAL (CP)-Medical faculty officials at McGill University report a continued demand for medical training but lack of facilities for expansion. The officials says only 116 of 2000 applicants can be admitted to the university. mm f 1 1QTFR1NE 1(1 mmm - . 5t! F'.i Phone 344 2:ip) LICENSED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! Mod in Canodo 1 i home in Wa -hlngton. 'HHV 1 f Mac Construction Company i 'wi worn' 1 ' ' i Fri. Sal & PAYNE eaa ( ; rL l " ' WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofjn0 . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given ALL WOOL BLANKETING NYLON HOSE 54" .CHINCHILLA - Its? Ali wool Jersey kn t, for liiinny Bags, Baby B the yard.. 60" wide. Limited quantity left. Forest Green and V..t ISlue 182 ,.v i ' '., fa. I j' - Subs. 51 guage, 15 denier. New foil shades by well known manufacturer. m f Full fashioned PAIR Jj vVine. For auto robes and blankets. . T ' Jj : Coats and LrcgiiiRS. Shades Babv Blue and Pink. EXTRA SPECIAL YARD 3.95 Buy any length you like YARD 3.25 Vi1 T- GT' Wifle ir iiiudr Tooth i t : GABARDINE SUITING ROUGHTEX BEDSPREADS Heavy fall weight Black and White and 80" x 100". Assorted Blajk and Green. Crease resisting YARD '7. colors. ors. Good Good 4.95 3.25 quality. Will wash and wear well. EACH WASHERS Model MS9P wilh Pump 1 3 . LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS Rayon silk,, assorted: colors. Attractive lace trimmed and tailored styles. , a ah Small, Medium and Large J 0 LADIES' SLACKS Tailored Gabardine. You have to see the quality and fine finish to appreciate the value. Brown Mist. Green. Grey. it fC AH sizes PAIR 7J BOYS' PANTS . r ' J ' -sr.. Wool Covert and Raynn Gabardines, well r-t, pirated front, z'pper fastening. now SHOT TAFFETA 46" wide. For formal and dress wear. Royal and Black, Wine and Black. 1 C SPECIAL YARD l.J 51 89-50 6 to 18 years. PAir 3.75-7.95 v r n I."1 et fl!iern B.C. Power Co. LOVABLE BRASSIERES PLASTIC COTTAGE SETS Attractiv? floral designs. Contrast ti im. Full rut. rt C 6 PIECE SET . 1.7 J ' 1 t .-I, H Uupe,t, ll"""" ni"Ck Ph0ne 210 PLASTIC DRAPES Assorted patterns, 84" lona '-f f Ready to hanrj PAIR y All Nylon. 6 styles. White only EACH 1.00 6ttwrl, B C- THIS ADVERTISE MCHT IS NOT fUBLISHJ OR DISPLAY! O ? IHf LIQUOR CaNKfC", BRITISH COLUMBIA 3-- mil1!