rTince Kupen Uuny t icn. Thursday, August , 30, 1951 Old Country ' FOOTBALL Yankees lie Indians Sain Sells U in (Played Wednesday) English Ltagua Uivwionl Arsenal 2, Chelsea. 1. Charlton Athletic 4, Preston North End 2. For $50,000 ET. LOUIS O New York Yankees today ' purchased Johnny Sain from Eoston Braves for an estimated $50,000 and player - 5?o"f Editorial Sports in Our Community 'leading through the sports items of event's in '.'e Rupert 2U years ago, one is faced with the iun: "Was there more organized sport then there is now?" If so, why has it been falling Our population is larger. At that time there baseball, football, swimming, track and field s lacrosse and tennis. Now there is baseball, j and a limited amount of football, ftiere is no tennis, though there are plans for ais court. .r I GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green XIII and Red V.7 NEW YORK P New York! Derby County 1, Wolverhamp-Yankeej surged Into first place ton Wanderers 3. t e with Cleve'and Indians In Fulham 1, Tottenham Hot-American League Wednesday spurs l. night by sh -'Hacking St. Louis' Liverpool 3, Burnley I. Browns 10-2 after Indians were ! Manchester City 3, Hudders-shut ' out in afternoon affair by field Town 0. Philadelphia Athletics 3-0. J Newcastle United 0, Bolton With Ous Zernal providing the ; Wanderers 1. after 32-year-o!d righthander had been passed up by every National League club for $10,000 wa. . .t price. To make room for Sain the ankees handed veteran pitcher Jack Kramer his unconditional release. Sain will probably be usee, in relief by Yankees. i offensive power and southpaw i West BromwU'h Albion 1, Stoke nwmn'ftn (swimming w ietunct and the Salt f XEET CHAMPION George Genereux, 16, of Saskatoon won th-3 North America junior trap-shooting championship at Van-dalla, C. He is the first Cana THE BEsTl ! A'ex Kellner pitching shut-out City 0. i ball. Philade'phia Athletics Middlesbrough 1, Manchester ireck-d Cleveland Indians today United 4. j 3-C . and trimmed their Ameri- English League Division 2 can League lead to a half-game. Bury 4, West Ham United 0. j Zernial punched his 29th horn- j Leeds United 1, Birmingham i er with one aboard in the fourth City 1 (tie). ! inning at Cleveland to Dut the Luton Town 2, Sheffield U. 1. IM QUALITY dian to win a major title in the , are not extensively used. ; here are, of course, very active and success-:1sketball leagues with boys of ages from 10 ,p playing and being coached. Why the falling INVITATIONAL WINNER Mrs. Graeme Pyke of Montreal won the Third Annual Invita-t'onal Golf Tournament at KintssUm, Ont., with a and 2 victory over Mix Daintry Chisholm, also of Montreal. Mrs. Pyke eliminated Marlene Stewart of Fonthlll. Ont , winner of the Canadian Ladies' Open and Close championships, In the semi-final round, 2 up. (CP PHOTO I competition. Ml (CP PHOTO) PRINTING : At In front. i Southampton 5, Nottingham' T lings were unchanged at top ; Fore-st 2. i of National League as front ran- ! ning Brooklyn Dodgers and; o"isb League tup Div. A PHOTO WR A THAU'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 Sox 473 other games .' There was more sport when he were young," critics say. Here are a few reasons why. second-Dlace New York Giants 1 uceen i, Kangers i. RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC -Phone Blue 992 both won to leave Bums ahead Celtic 2. Airdrleonians 0. East Fife 1, Queen of t that time there were not radios, and only the icture show; there was no highway out of tWPntV VPArt Aftn M b six games. Brooklyn bats rattled sixteen hits off Cincinnati pitching, including two homers by Gil Hodges ,as Dodg.'rs walloped the Red;- at Ebbets Field, 13-1. ill we suspect that is one of the reasons, ! . ' ' ;v, am South 0. Hearts 5, Dundee 2. Morton 5, Third Lanark 2. Motherwell 1, Hibernians 0. Partick Thistle 2, Stirling Albion 0. , St. Mirren 2, Ralth Rovers 0. Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems rilOXK 234 Dibb Printing Co; BKSNKIi BLOCK in ,i many of the young people drive cars and .retawav when at all possible. ! Jim Hearn tossed a neat three- (Ainriit (August 30. n 1931) i hitter at the Polo Grounds to beal pntsb,JrKh pirate. Prior to adjournment of a Korlges. with his 35th and 30th meeting of the Spartan Athletic round-trlppers, set a r..w all-Club last evening the presents- time Dodger record for home tion of a handsome brass tea run.i. Eabe Herman hit 35 In stand was made to the president, 1930 iuL ,mKmK!;, bV. fj?11 At Detroit, Boston Red Box If you want to sell it. advertise ' Jll ! S 150 7eaU $Ski PCL Strikes At Major League Draft here are a lot of yoUng people who have boats ) pend their time on them. A visitor to the I Club nearly always finds a number over- s, adjusting and repainting their boats. , is a lively and wholesome interest there, nerally it is when boys are quite young that ! .arn the rudiments of games and get their ! interest in them aroused. This interest in- j s as they acquire proficiency. That time is ihey-are at school. 1 i .-... u.. , ie ...cm- r-orec Mce in ninth ,nnUlB on three hits and a walk to down SAN FRANCISCO (CP) Direc 1 Tferr 'i-i Ted Williams .hit his To represent Prince Rupert 271 h horr.; run, a single, walked against Anyox In tlie la.st two tw.ee and was a demon afield tors of Pacific Coast League voted unanimously today to withdraw from organized base- gjrne 01 i,ne rour-Rame tootoall with f jur fine running catches. Moving. Packins;, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage :omplele, Reliable nnd Ef fi-lent Service. Also r.irmts for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd for Oxygen, Acetylene and ail welding supplit-s. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Paik Avenues series the Prince Rupert Fool An error in the thirteenth in-. bal' unle&s the major league ning at Chicago by second base arart is eliminated. This drastic action followed a man Nelson Fox permitted Mickey Vernon to scoi i winning tally day-long emergency meeting at ball Association selected the ; following players: Ted Smith: !M. Watson, D. Jack; J. McKay, j E. Webster, Sam Currie icap-1 tain 1 ; George Hill, Charlie Bap-j tie, A. E. Dickens, J. K. Murray ! and C. J. Norrington. as Washington Senators edged i w"lch resignation of Paul I. White Sox 2-1. ragan, owner 01 san rranciseo n, r,,i n,....' 'Baseball Club, as league direc-' Est .910 I'honr fin an.l K ) 1 rookie righthander.' tossed three-!tor' ofcia"y ac:epted. hitter at Boston to beat Chlrago for BABY'S Cubs, 4-1, and regkter his first major league victory. Battery Edges Can. Legion PRESENT CREDIT RESTRICTION 3 HAVE MADE ' ' JOHN C. PUBLIC acioss a run without a hit in TUlil'il UPSETS SE' Giv Buby'i Own Tablet. wtt, limpW litii tablet. Hard fur over 60 tfti to quickly help r. nuiki. tjiiiiiig ul r-iuiaueipnia to defeat Phillies 3-2. ' Bill Johnson walked, stole sec nd, advanced to third on Dot Wilbers wild throw and ECONOMY-MINDED In the first game of the Cup football competition, v minor diitetitiv ui- l V6 ft it. Bt, cuimtij tiun t 'C-? and tthing truubi. T H V i ftmrklf iiveeten near 7TH" " 7 (t4th. No ".Ifenv-v S n'rif-nr dtillinar efft. D how do our schools measure up to the we of teaching the young generation Gen-they arc greatly handicapped by lack of e playing space. The weather at times also rawback, but ask some of the veterans who i in Scotland and they'll tell you that they in wind and rain just as bad as v. e have here, .ere is no doubt that lack of playing space is vbaek. Modern school plans call for ample i space. Then there is the need for instruc-ld here again the Department of Education provision for and encourages the teaching :ties. It would seem that something, more he done in the schools. ie Gyro swimming pool in McClymont Park :uly doing a big job in teaching the begin-le fundamentals of swimming and life sav-d this is an activity that will pay big divi-in the years to come. . I all in all, the question of the encourage-n sport is a community effort. Sport for its .';ke is what we want. Over-emphasis on pro-'al sport has often paid off in undesirable 61 a pfcrkugf tinimy mi your druffit, JOc scured on a bal1' win over the Canadian Legion last evening. All goal.s were scored In the first half with Alex Gomez open- ' iff rVllin (l ing the score for the Battery. ' 1 VJVIVIIUII Phillips equalized for the Le- 1 1 II T'xl gicn and then from a corner , glOlOS I ItlO CONSinr.R THESE .FACTS WIIFN BLYI.NG A CAR: Ford's EsfiJ'sh Prefect . and New Consul display ...Lowest mice In their field . . . Ch"n;ins! per mile ' opcratton . . . .Sma'l ita'n payment available Bob Parker Ltd in the lead which they held for NEW YORK 0 Welterweight champion Kid Gavilan retained his title bv thinnest of margins the remainder of the game. A Canadian Legion claim for o 0' wades - : 3 : penalty kick was refused when last night as he gained a split Battery'si ls'.rnnrf decision over Billy linesmen confirmed contention that the oau naa Graham, New York, before 8.137 lans in Madison Square Garden. f. storm of boos greeted the ver FORD - MONARCH DF.AI.FKS (Is Prin?e Rttrwrt, B.C. I ids in some centres of America. We are not tube faced with that danger here. But we io with more participants in the games, and pends on the youngsters and their parents, 'ts-minded community will develop i, been out of play before Dunbar handled It. Teams: Heavy Battery Ford Sr.; Dunbar, Price; Mazzoni, Georgeson, Zueharelii; Parkhouse, Ford, Morgan, A. Gomez. Spares were D. Gomez and Halvorsen. Canadian Legion Krause; Cunllffe, Ebv; Alexander, Greer. Bremner; White. Verhaar, Phillips, Bowman, Murray. Dave Fyfe refereed. To meet the Aiyansh footba'.l team in Saturday night's chal dict. Gavilan weighed 1J54 pounds and Graham 145. The kid from Cuba, making his first defense of his crown since he won it on May 18, won by a single point or as close as any decision can be mad in this state. Referee Mark Conn's decision was In favor of 24-year-old Gavilan after two judges had split. Buy I nm i err This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia in Schedule Remember When I 1 lenge game the Canadian Le-! The Family Shoe Store c The Universal t W.diu-.-d.iy and F.'i-P m. Kast Thursdays and Sut-;):15 p.m. gion will field a strengthened , ' eleven whi,"h will be chosen from Krause, Dunbar, Eby, Cun- j 'Iffe. Georgeson, Zachareili, Verhaar, Cameron, Smith, Pavllkis, i John Wilson, D. Murray, A. Go-Bowman, Greer, Phillips. A 17-year-o!d rookie from Augusta in the South Atlantic League hit a stinging double in BACK-TO-SCHOOL jhis first major, league busy j ance at the plate 46 years ago W -Traffli port Wxs temporarily today to drive home two runs :ifn tliim.s-.tntls of mu. ISLAND SETTLERS Bermuda was first settled by f crows descended nn and start a meteoric baseball career. He was Tyrus Raymond Cobb, for many years Detroit runways. They were a party of colonists under Sir oy Hares and a I Tigers' centrefielder and one ol i ueorge isomers wno were snip the greatest figures In the game. 'wrecked there In lfa09. ..... ......... - . v. .:. . . : erybody's Talking About This Great Razor Bargain ! MODERN PLUfABING is a wise investment, in , terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING SaanicH HEATING illelteESS BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUGGESTIONS Boys' and Girls' Oxfords By SAVAGE Girls' Brown Two-Straps Boys' Lug-Sole Oxfords Misses' Loafers Boys' Leather Boots PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN'S FEET. FOR A "PERFECT FIT TAKE ADVAN-. TAGE OF OUR PERSONAL FITTINGS. Family Shoe Store Ltd: r WITH to GILLETTE HUE BLADES IN DISPENSER! SUGGESTIONS Boys' Corduroy Panls Boys' G.W.G. Denims Boys' Ironman Pants Boys' Check Sporf Shirts Boys' Jackets WE HAVE A FULL RANGE OF HARD ' WEARING BOYS' CLOTHING . . . TRY US FOR YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL NEEDS. The Universal KRE'S the grrate,t bargain inv BIG $2.00 VALUE c - i . ,nc new f '(RockctP.. j.. UI1U lm amaiing ,e Blade D.sptnr, now packed wnnanent Styrene travel case. ror changes biadr. ;.,, i,. 4 v' dream. For top, in, hav- "Q convenience K . "tRketRaIorSl.tonly$,j9 f'nt Bind, Changing ,o1 Shovlna Comfort "Hospitality and Good Food" ' ' ' That is Our First Alnf Phone 17 for Orders "' To Take Out -.'.I Commodore Cafe onomy .CHARLlifi ROBERTS 3rd Avenue or 6th Street Fhone 357 Box 638