PROVINCIALS LIBRARY :toria. b. c. - - fa. I V IT ORMES wmm DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY y CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Lio nismniKn. Published at Canoda'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 v"OL. XL. No. 204 PRINCE THURSDAY, AUGUST RUPERT, B.C., 30, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS WISE CQUUD WW WW E m --; , i V : V I Missing Diplomats Found, Maybe Went on "Bender nee Rupert and Kathleen Collision Off Alaska i 1 llMilner New Kathleen Holed, May Not Co on; Both Ships Docked i LONDON (CP) The ' Daily Herald reported today the Foreign Office I has learned the where-! abouts of two missing ! British diplomats, Donald j MacLean and Guy Bur . Pleads t Guilty' Controller Of Transport Two main cruise vessels loaded with tourists col- ! ifuea in a pea-soup log early this morning near Lord's Rock, 50 miles north of Prince Rupert. CNR Kxn CP A 22-year- ;.,n soldier pleaded not mpted steamship Prince Rupert and CPU steamship Prin gess. The paper said secret service agents have located the two men after a three-month search of OTTAWA (CP) Roy Wilfred Milner, one of the country's foremost grain authorities, today was appointed Canada's first fhjr'.'.f'.s of attem cess ivaimeen met practically head on, say reports reaching here. 1 - peacetime transport controller western Europe. in history. ' Mrs. Mellnda, MacLean, wife fill if of one, Is vacationing on the His appointment, announced , uj ttm,jjui v lviillI3l,CL lIJCVilCl. ,i.,,-,ili.i aim ut-iuK tuu-an affray before a ;;r:.T.ariial today. ,v cnamcil with mur-.h grenade killing of j) K CTiiii.s in a farm-: Cmiiym:. Pte. Don- ri ii.D S. Oilawa, iS i o.i f.r chariies Caii.iili.ui Army wlth-.inkiiv'imvnu against P'.e. A..U1 liny Months, 24. Vancouver. French Riviera, and has received a message from her husband, the Herald said. The paper, which has close is an indication the government has decided to use direct action Thieves Loot Island City Post Office ! to force diversion of more Great i Lakes shipping from Iron' ore government connections, said ; the Foreign Office probably and coal to grain. THK "EX" IS OFEN George ! Ma' shall, U.S. defence secretary, presses the button that otl:cially opens the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Gen. Marshall, first American to officially open the "Ex." praised Canada's leading role in world affairs and her contribution to the Korean war. Tthe 72nd opening of the CNE brought 105,000 persons to the grounds, 10,000 of whom attended th3 official ceremonies. (CP PHOTO) The shipping czar will have power to break contracts and redirect bulk-carrying traffic on ! waterways and rail lines of the ' country. would make no announcement until next week. I MacLean, 38. left his Job. in London May 25, a Friday eve- j ning. Due for a long week-end, he had three days in which to cover his tracks before his disappearance was discovered. Burgess, 40, was on leave at the time. . ' Unofficial speculation ranged pi Gir No one was Injured, but damage to Kathleen is reported as "considerable" by lo?al CPR asent J. T. Notmah. "The Kathleen Is not expected to go on," he said. Both ships landed here at 2 p.m., having proceeded from scene of accident at a 5-knot .speed. A gaping hole ripped In the bow of the Kathleen led beneath the waterline. flooding seamen's quarters and other compart- menus. Following estimate of extent of damages, it will be decided whether or rtot Kathleen will enter dry dock here, Mr. Notman ' said. ' ! The collision occurred between 4:30 and S am. Prince Rupert loft here last night at midnight, bound for Ketchikan. Kathleen was returning to Vancouver, following her cruise trip north. 1 No severe damage to Prinze Rupert hadbeen reported, CNR offices here said. S1UD1ES PAY-CFF W. Ross MacDonald. Speaker of the House of Commons, left, receives a medal from Lt.-Oov. Gaspard Fautjux of Quebec for his efforts to learn French In order to facilitate his control of the House. The medal was awarded by Laval University, where Mr. MacDonald spent part of the summer ta'ting a course In French. 4 (CP PHOTOl NANAIMO !' Thieves who blew up a post office safe here 1 ucstiay and made off with $:i.000 in ca-sh, stamps, money ordvrs and registered mail probably escaped to the mainland in a fi.shboat, police said yesterday. Police said at least two men and possibly four are Involved. - The loss included $14,000 in unemp!oment insurance stamps and SI 500 in cash. is in Amire Rupert Hits the Slicks oria Vancouver Men Vie Ail-Out in Golfing Meet Not Likely Truce Talks widely. There were suggestions MacLean and Burgess, mentally unstable, had gone to Russia in belief they could effect a reconciliation between the western International publicity of widespread interest Is given' Prince Rupert in September is-j sue of the Saturday Evening; powers and the Soviet Union. H I ; T s'cn-ycar-s i ( i; chosen to ap- Usals "1 Virtorla's :;', an.a'eur contest. M .mil Iiertrand will OTTAWA (CP) Not since 1929 Post In hif flrt.iflp ''F.vprvhnriv's Will be Resumed Soon TOKYO (CP) Red China radio ripped into Gonna Get Rich!" witty William1 otners thought simply the two has one city produced both fi-Worden tells of burstine bub- had gone oft on a "bender" and , naltsts in Canadian amateur golf Visitors For Convention Here bles and enthusiasm alternately were reluctant to return and ; championships. Vancouver j face certain scandal. airr m niKlit for the ti.'-v Hom- Bowl Tro-v "wmliT 12 years"i stands the chance of pulling it In the history of this city. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway's latest stand-pat message! Although Columbia cellulose Kathleen, about a 4000-ton ship, carried near 300 passen A large number of prominent i ver the 'crisis at Kkesonsr savin tr it "vesortprl t,r Co. Ltd. pulp mill and the com- Pww re scheduled to arrive , . .. .. . , 5" p . panys No. 1- forest management t "id's competitors are '-. a pip, r and an here for the opening of the As- plain lies. 1 he broadcast acknowledged receipt CI licence 1 the main feature, Wor- sociated Boards of Trade con- i tv oiKd A' , den humorously reveals other I e will sing :avurnc. MrTavish ,j , j , . J b aspects of Prince Rupert: off this year. j All foci Vancouver golfers to start the week- long competition i at. Royal, Ottawa, are still in these today at the start of the i fifth round. The comprise half jthe field. There are the defending 'champion, Bill Mawhmney; the new junior champion, Laurie Roland; Precy Clogg and Walter McElroy. vention September 5. They are: R. D. Baker, president, Van LONDON (CP) The Foreign Office denied today that British secret agents have located missing diplomats Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean. William Ridsdale, head of the Foreign Office news department, said reports published in two London newspapers today are "completely without foundation." xiiugway weuueMiay naa puii the the fate fate of of the Kaesong truce I couver Board of Trade: E. B. ! j "Boomy-happy Prince Rupert !ls Jumping with $30,000,000 j worth of excitement over a new boom , . . the only cynic left in gers, most of them American tourists. Prince Rupert carried a full list, about 195, many of them returning to their homes at Ketchikan. Neither of the ships will sail tonight, agents say. Capt. O. O. Williams, CPR i manager of the B.C. coast, arrived here by. plane this after- i noon, along with a passenger department representative, to decide what will be done with the heavy tourist list. Harkness. industrial agent, Can-; talks squarely up to the Red adian National Railways; Sena-' commanders by 'refusing to tor James Gray Turgeon; H. F. knuckle down to their demands' but offering to resume confer- UK Landlords Seek Permission To Boost Rents By NORMAN CRIBBENS LONDON (Reuters) British landlords and . Conservative 'Jl'-riad Miss Bert-u'eri a Victoria aud-"0 lust Friday niRht tonniii d "I Belong 'per; audiences here '.listeners last Christ-C'lirad Street School Hif pertorinance of '!'"li.-r. ik b-r ri spending the Virtoria with her "' Mary Parker, Prmrp Rupert. this hard-luck town is a local wooden Indian, who has seen bubbles burst before." The article Is embellished by reproduction of five full-color photographs showing local and pulp mill scenes. Bird, secretary, Automobile Association of Canada; F. G. Brown, president. AAA; H. B. Main, Canadian Pacific Airlines; Olaf Hanson, Vancouver; Hon. A. D. Turnbull, minister of health and welfare, Victoria; F. M. Dockrill. Bulkley Valley Colli. .fine Tnllrti-a RnrnarH Alton , ence. j The broadcast accused Ridg-way of being evasive in his lat-! est reply. The UN commander had re-i fused to again investigate Red IIKI.ONGINCS LOST The big. gaping hole on the port side of the damaged ship 4 members of Parliament are cam i charges that an allied plane stretched from the top railing tO;su Canadian National below the water line and is some 150 Flee Lightning Forest Fire on Coast VANCOUVER (CP) Women and children evacuated yesterday from a logging settlement at the mouth of the Britain River as a forest fire advanced on the community of 150 persons. The settlement is on Jervis Inlet, about 60 miles up-coast from - -'Vancouver. ICCO WorlPrc , bombed Kaesong truce site on : the night of August 22. j Ridgway'previously had denied I the charge and said It is ("obviously manufactured." His headquarters said in a separate 'statement that the Reds had Railways; J. T. Gawthorpe; E. T. Applewhaite, Skeena MP; Gordon Root, public -relations ofiicer, Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd., Prince Rupert; W. H. Boxer KO'd, In Critical Condition ?ike Riot 10 Let across It ripped open the seamen's quarters, most of whom lost all their possessions. Sympathetic passengers took up a collection of mure than J800 ; to be divided amongst the un-; lortunate sailors. Well over half, th ." passengers are tourists from ! paigning for Increased rents from tenants of privately-owned houses. They are bringing pressure on the government to amend the rent restrictions acts, by which rentals on unfurnished houses and apartments are kept down to 1939 levels. Landlords want the . acts changed to allow them to increase rents by a minimum of six shillings and elghtpence in G. Crocker, Prince Rupert; L. Eicroyd, Vancouver. tried to present flimsy evidence at night, when refused a daylight check. Accusing Ridgway in his Wed- AL (CP) Police rc-f'-ed out. last night "far riot at the '! '"'I'erial Tobac-'o '"it alter what the a "sneak company ' ni Ve five n.rifiaHu TIDfcS - - NEW YORK Pi -Welterweight I bo:.r George Flores, of Brook-1 lyn, who was knocked out and! lailed to regain consciousness! Calliomla. MAYBE ANOTHER SHIP Mi . and Mrs. Sam Cronian, of nesday reply of stacking It with FISH ARRIVALS Some 30 women and children were removed by boat to an- contradictions, Peiping said: Friday, August 31. 1951 the pound. They want these in- (Pacific Standard Time) "On one hand, he slanders our creases to be exclusive of taxes, last night. Is reported in critical condition today after a brain High 0:27 19 6 feet side as refusing to continue in- which are also soaring. 13:09 18.9 feet vestigation while on the other; Permission to Increase rents Peration. other camp while men stayed I behind to fight the onru&hing i flames. 18, Fire, started by lightning, has . burned 13.000.000 feet of timber American (Thursday) 21,500, 22, 20 He was taken to hospital after Low 6:54 3 5 feet nana siuoDorniy refused our re- was sought recestly in a reso-j Police officials ""tiers and members ""n for the two-'as. t Has stoned at the M outbreak and all and Eclipse Storage. Canadian and has destroyed 13 pieces of being knocked out by Roger Donoghue. Yonkers, in the eighth and last round of a semifinal bout In the Kid Gavilin-BiUy Graham welterweight championship card at Madison 19:02 6.4 feet question lor re-lnvestigatlon." . There was little expectation , , ; here that the cease-fire negoti- FORESTED ISLANDS atlons would be resumed on the New Zealand has about 13,- basis of the allied commander's 400,000 acres of forests. latest note. lution passed by the National Federation of Property Owners. It was suggested that working-class houses now rentea at 13 shillings eightpence per week, exclusive of taxes, should have Miss Jean, 3500 halibut, 26, 22 i0gging machinery. It covers an and 18, Storage. 23,000 black cod, area of about seven mile-s long 15.6 and 18'i, storage. iand three miles wide !.u liwi floor four-;l"8 smashed, "f Local 234, Inter-'Oaeco Woritoi-o- ti- their rents raised by at least; Square Garden, four shillings eightpence a wees, j I 21 lor higher w.Daiiv ni.,iM. .. (Wednesday) Tatlow, 36.000 black cod, 6000 halibut, Co-op. m v F'o'na in nam- TODAY'S STOCKS Evacuation is the second this week from fires raging through British Columbia forestlands. Monday night, 71 persons fled by boat from Forward Bay, on Cracroft Island. 150 miles northwest of here. One man was killed by a falling tfee. to 3700 the num- ;ers. Clrclevllle. Ohio, thought they saw another ship just after the j collision. I "It wa? ve.-y f.igKy- We heard ' four 5harp shrilling whis;lcs and then came the bump. We looked j out of the cabin window and saw tha two ships pulling away from each other. "Then we saw another ship, a freighter, heading straight for the Prince Rupert. It stopped about 50 feel away and disappeared in thj fo." Said Oscar Ulman, of San , Diego: ' It didn't bother me very much, although others were a bit ex- cited. I am a fatalist, you know, li it ;omps, it comes." Mrs. W. J. Walton, of Calgary, Ih -light differently. "I was frightened, of course, but the crew soon had us calmed down. We were standing by the lifeboats with lifebelts on and both ships put on their lights. "There was really no panic ' and the crew Was very good to us. I hey brought up our breakfast." : She was on her way to wire home ! to say she was alright. , (( ourtfM H, !. Jotuihtmi Co, Ltd.) Leather Two Hurt in Car Accident In an automobile accident last evening near Galloway Rapids fman of ties Dies "!!-Dr. W. A. Synopsis cloud persists in the Some . Air Passenger: Mis. Victor Morrison and Mrs The property owners said they needed the extra rent to enable them to maintain tenanted houses In a proper state of repair, and to prevent existing houses from becoming uninhabitable. They urged that the present rent restrictions acts should' be replaced by one comprehensive act fixing rents at a figure allowing them both maintenance costs and a "reasonable return on investment." BACKED BY TIMES Ernest Marples, Conservative M.P. for Wallasey, supported the landlords' campaign in a letter Car- T! la Aurinl were injured and ! souln coasuu region ui -taken to hosoital. The driver. ! ln8 " lhe P001 of moist Pacific ' f en Mr. Morrison, escaped without (CPA 1 To Vancouver Miss F. Hilton, W. McRae, W. D. Shenton. Mrs. C. Nichols. B. Jackson. W. A. air which has been lying over northern Washington for the past two days moves slowly serious Injury. The city ambulance responded to the call but the patients had already been given initial attention by a doc Dalmage, Mrs. K, C. Aird and 3:m'' public utlli-;f"n. died last night '7e He had been in ",r ' s'nue months. n beme head of .;' ni'c council and in 'l,1,"'rt chairman "s fmimission. tor fror Miller Bay hospital and (had been mad'3 comfortable in' the truck so that the ambulance was not used. nam nas uecn geueiiu child c pierce j 0. Manning, the night in the southern inter-, y collier Mrs F Clark ' ' ' ' lor and as far west as Abbots- j . ford. Amounts were generally1 IVJCA) small although several points In Stewart G. S. Andrews, T. the Kootenays reported close to Wallace. E Allen, N. Lupick. one-quarter of an Inch. ! AnyoxT. H. McMahon, R. F. Another mass of cold air is McArthur. beginning to move southward, Alice Arm P. P. Henderson. VANCOUVER American Standard 13 Bralorne 6.10 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz ' 1.30 Congress 08 Oiant Mascot 1.10 Indian Mines 30 Pend Oreille 8.60 Fioneer 197 Premier Border 47 'i Privateer ..- 13'4 Reeves McDonald 4.80 Steep Creek 1.63 s-'hak Premier 56 Taku River 07 Vananda 11 Spud Valley .- 25 Silver Standard 240 Western Uranium 4.60 ' Cronln Bablne 59 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.80 A P Con 54 Calmont 155 C & E 15.85 Central Leduc 2.10 Home Oil 16.75 Mercury 12 Okalta' 2.70 Princess 1.27 Royal Canadian 11 Royalile 1800 TORONTO Athona 09 '4 Aumaque 30 Beattle . .41 Bevrourt 51 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smelters 167.00 Conwest 3.75 Donalda 46 Eldona I8ty East Sullivan 9.40 Giant Yellowknife 9.95 Ood's Lake 35 Hardrock 10 'j Harrlcana 08i Hrva .15 Little Long Lac 73 Madsen Red Lake 2 25 McKenzie Red Lake .... .46 McLeod Cockshult 2.70 Moneta 31 Negus .73 Noranda 75.00 Louvicourt , 16 Pickle Crow 1.70 San Antonio -. 2 65 Steep Rock 7.60 Silver Miller 1.48 Upper Canada 1.70 Golden Manitou 6.75 to the Times, quickly followed by letters by other Conservatives and members of the Property Owners' Federation. The Times gave the landlords its blessing in a lead editorial. W A N T P n ' the cases are even related to I 1914 standards," the Mail said. N.aJe?ERIENCED STOREKEEPER, I 1 l'ke ' charge of retail h(iHi ..,... . through, the MacKenzie Valley: this morning and is expected to bring cloud and some rain to the Cariboo Friday. No appreciable: T"c CXPERIINCED WARFMOIKFU AKl "The costs of renewals and decorations has not been frozen. It has at least doubled since 1939. so that most landlords cannot afford to keep their property in a good state of repair. Slums are created, as fast as new houses are erected." The Mail added, however, that "It Is clearly anomalous to ! use no stronger word that the rents of most private dwellings should remain fixed at what they were in 1939," the Times said, The Daily Mail in an editorial said the "grasping landlord" was a stock figure that lingered on ,LS0 TRUCK DRIVERS and SWAMPERS f change is expected in the wea- ther along the north coast. i Forecast ! North coast region Sunny and warm today and Friday..' Light winds. Lows tonight and Apply in person to Baseball Tonight 6:45 p.m. FINAL SERIES ... - GORDON & ANDERSON VS. ABEL & ODOWFS Admission SSc PERT & "in the mythology of Socialism.' McCAFFERY, LIMITED any large or uncontrolled rise in That Is partly why rents of 1 rents "would knock the coun-; highs Friday at Port Hardy. , Pric Rupert. B.C. I privately owned houses are still ! try's economy into j fixed at 1939 levels, and In half i hat." a cocked , Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 48 i and 70.