Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 30, 1951 TODAY 7-9:00 ANNE NEAOLE-TREVOR HowZ in "ODETTE" D Sailors Need '!' .1 4 ,. Screen News! And Reviews "The Ounfighter" has hit the target at the Capitol Theatre. Happily received by reviewers and average moviegoers alike, c? .!. . I 'TZ. - " . - "'.1 I PEOPLES STORE Fall Opening! : Special a Lodicr' enj Women's Z ' 1 FT -j;J ifl J 1 i ,. , ft thy? the western drama tells of the last hours in the hard life of a gunfighter who wants to go straight but finds his reputation I catching up with him. I Helen We.stcott, Millard Mitch-j ell and Jean Parker head Peck's , supporting cast, which further , includes Karl Maiden, Skip ; Homeier, Anthony, Verna Felton, Ellen Corby and Richard IJaeckel. The Nunnally Johnson i mi m M m M Gregoiy 7", . "flan...'- - Chenille Housecoats : $5.95 NAV.'ii I:ISTuRY and tradition has a new significance for cadets who took training cruises lroir Ca:vda to the Un.teri Kingdom this sum let because they taw f rst hand the historic lot m jth base of the Rcval Navy. In the pho - -a , 'cit, ca:kt, p"H- rtl on board Nelson's iamoi..-. f a",.' hip. iiMS Victory, to see the cram -ed spae.--; i.i which Er.iand's lierecs lived, uui'.h'. a id died. At the rit lit, they are shown r ni idc' of one of the o'd m;i.zlc loading cannon v.liid- f -lined th Victory's main armament. (National Defence Photo i Cheery News j AFOAtJD HMf'S CAYUGA AT rEA Nmvs f l om homr- That is one of tlif greatest mor'e builrj-,ai!n is aniorts! the sh'o com-.; panic - of the Canadian destroy- ; : n .v t r...j, n ' ' '. Fur East. I A' lh- 'on -f the list, of course, comes mail. For those at i.i p. oir.el ioies may be cliff 1-t i imng'nc (he air of eager-irs- p shin wl. n sho sets word there is mail for her on the i t inner or ammunition ship ! m im up lhc Korean coast to repl: ni h her supplies; o" when ! he ship is h'-aded back for or.-j oi '('.lc United Nations naval! asr in .?;i:in and everyone is. ore there w.Il be a Irtt-r wait-! inf,-. I It 's an emotion which can n'y cotir.' from men who are cut w fiom h( ine by several thou-' and miles of ocean and per-1 rnrmusr a variety of tasks . . . i seme times exciting, often rou-j in.' .Tid trying in its demand ; '- exart re-si and its lack of re-Kf from boredom. ' Mail brinu's happiness, or most of it does, for there are exceptions. Chaplain Bruce Peglar, " .(it-.tunt chaplain with 1 lie Kst.royors out here, has a few db.s-Tvations to make on this. "Wives, above all, should try V. write a letter rmpharizinn the I'u-ery a.'"P"ct i f home life." aTlte(gBliiIltG2 production was directed by Henry King, who also guided Perk and Mitchell in the successful "Twelve O'clock High" earlier this year. William Bowers wrote the screenplay from a story by Bowers and Andre de Toth. n M m Al l. SIZKS to 20 rid i to 11 1 MlLLARD MITCHELL --sHENRV KING , NUNNALLY Mi Plus TOMORROW EveniiiBS Shows 7 - 9.-C.V EK. P I 1 T P Saturday IMalinees 2-4:20 VJ It's a Treat Goldfish Love Corn meal Mush BOUGHT COLONY "Plic British colony of Sierra Leone In West Africa was bought from a native king In 1788. m?.-rfU-V Chinillc. Comfort-' i'jIc --nip -.".round style. Loiu J -.'rover iinil fhuwl collar. . . a 'opuhi: Kill shados . . . Nei 5 lock ju:;t, ariivpd at Peoplon 5 it orr. Sp-cial price lllOLOW B'ity prices. ' M tUH'S I'UVliRS THtlj ij Rupert Peoples Store: STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver ii ml Inte l nicdi, ilp Ports Eoch Thursday ."enioie.i Is smootli. Til' breeders average about three yi-ars old., but Wood re-niembi is .soir.e that, have lived to ' ripe old age of 16 years. Most of thrni don't live past five years. They're usually 14 to 22 mile-, 1 ing. Tlia'.'s far ton large for the ,1-ii.i1 hoiHchoUl goldfish but d :r't worry about your pet bun;!, ng his bowl. ""The v May niatl when they're !a pt. m confined places," Wood ea'd "We ke-n the market fish c; -w!cd in ponds to keen them mall. Tlv y can grow as long a- eg lit int hes in one season in a.n iineiowdod pond." .i';.h helps the breeders grow biit and husky th "small fry" be.n.i giown for the market get no .vjeh delicacies. The culled-out breeders are sold for orna-ll-."!lt.'.l f :-h pi'lids. Th1 ronimon orange-colored gi luftsh usually sell in stores and shops at a nickel or a dime each. The Chines-' Moors, Fan- MARTINSVILLE, Indiana (APli - That far-away look in the eyes j nt your pet goldfish may be a; yca'ning for cnrn-nieal mush i f :om Indiana. The Grassyfork Fisheries here; claim to be Die goldfish capital ! oi 11. world, and fome 400 000.-1 iiei) fin shv fish have slithred in' int" the world from the 675 pond.'' on the firm's seven farms. lee:", a;;i th" tirm found that pr-e spec 'men the big ones u ed io- brie ding, thrived on ;Tuv.-b It 'las a vat hire" enough io hrai up 7.1)00 oounds at a '.'roc. Gr.r -vfork's development is : - ire-Mi, n: like a s'.aa opera, iij'-ene -.hh'cninn's marshy farm hadn't sc nied good for much of nnything except mosqait.irs. until in 1!!!I9 an enterprising soap salrsr. an from Indianapolis decided a bowl of goldfish might be an enticing premium to boost his sales. The soap company was out of bus'.refs by ihe time Orassyfork go into production, but other scap companies fell in with the goldfish premium idea- The fish caught the eye of Americans. They" showed up in dime stores and pet simps. College boys .-wallowed them. Fishermen tried them as bait and still use them. hiremun was delighted to lind the iron'and lime in southern Indiana water heightened the red coioting in the fish. That vivid color Is the keynote of the who.-j Orassyfork operation. Harry Wood, biologist at Gra.s.iyfork for 27 years, looks for that brilliance land well-fo mrd bodies i in his continual renrch lor new breeding stock. Wher he snots a pond of choice li.'h, ;t'.; drained, and the best ol the' lot stay on at Grnssyfork tc spawn fish for marketing. l'K AMI HISKY The assortment of nudes and females Isn't left to chance. After years of 'landiing fish, Wood cm usually differentiate at a glanct. If there's any doubt, the test i- i.s simp'e as the whiskers r.:1 a man's face. The gill plate f i the male goldfish feels rough 'nd whiskeiy tj the touch; th-j X f V I Today to Saturday Matinee baturdaJfTT rffi'' ; Cf NE TltlNlY COIINNC CMVH j I j Tp: j. B TOTEM ,'; 654 jw y kvt then cJy Ka th drir uHi. Kjfc 1 k the Lkimw Control Bt4 1 Um Gmtnm ! ' Ml ll4 ivs. "and eliminate as far as :)e-."ib!e tl. ' worrie1. eaies and Ttsona' ' mpiaints that eat the leait out of a man fho is trying ic liis job." i-'o:iir en the problems present-i to him as chaplain he finds re caused by nnurnful letters. " el rrv letter from home is he :eates( morale booster in he Korean theatre," says Chap-in reslar. Pe;haps .'ec ind in importance, c the m:r',a;ines and otfrer Tli"e matter which arrive 'card the ships. Chaplain 'hard Ward. Roman Catholic 'lsplain to the Canadian sealer here, olfers his thanks to vii o' p.ani'.ations in particular o" their assistance. To both the serve Officers' Wives, HMCS hippev a. Winnipeg, and the Ottawa blanch of the Canadian Legion he expresses the appre at 11:15 p.m. Fo; KETCHIKAN UI DM'.SDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost tailr and Shubiinkins bring fan-ci; r prices iike 25 to 50 cents. ! I.'iobcl Mages. Huny Johnson, Mis.- Yolande Lenine, Kenneth j Qa-jUe-, Miss Joyce D"lane, A. D. jA'diidge and A. E. Hariley in-idustrial Mrs. Daphr.j Scott For Reservations Write or Call (.'IT Y OR DKPOT OIUCE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1U DIAL Schools Start September 4 ciation which is felt in the ships tor reading material which has .!4l ICIIo' j and Miss Nancy Hopkins (home! i economic-si. Misi E Ball, llbrar-i ac.n sent. Early this year, the Winnipeg reserve officers" wives asked v.ia! would be mo t, appreciated n-1. th" answ.r was "mostly il il k - - ian. et Fred Hu'oer, Miss Helen i Lans'ey. T. ide". ft'"et Rrhtml J. S. : ' r;i n-irie'pal; 3. A. Cheese- man. Mrs. D. Colib Miss Janet i Hernhof, Miss Ceshka Penpff. Mise Lillian Smith, Miss Pat ' Den y. Mrs K. P. Stone. J I K. '(? Edward School -- R. G. i Monrr-, principal; G. Freeman.' It. ir, learned from the offices i. the I rince Itnpeit School B sard that, the sch-.ils will re-oj r for t he fall term as uic-i on Tuesday next. September wtili two classes in the reopened Seal Cove School. All stufis have been comp.jtcd with cne appointment pending at the High School, making a total of 5." teachers. , i "V i IP:';! ''- 'tit. . --v ' it t. ' i :. i ' ' v $ ' ft'V 1 It - .., is t wfe?$ '.. . 1 i HI?,. .-J A ,-""l, VAN('OL'Vi:it VAN((L'Vi;it VICTORIA VICTORIA i V mi)llUHV vice-principal; Paul Topalian, ! Joe Goscoe. Mrs. R. Hewitt, Miss magazines.'" Since then, they have been sending a constant .supply. The Ottawa Legion branch ha; been sending current, c pie.-, ol various magazir.vs since early last fall. "These two are much appreciated, Unce everyone's spare time is mainly spent in reading," say:- Father Ward. "It is amazing th-j amount of reading niaterial that can be' consumed. "The magazines are handed from person to person until they become dog-eared. Beyond mail and movie-.-, tihese magazines are among the biggest morale fac-' ton; out here.'" mn9s Plate I 0- Seagrams v$urt - -lOiip, t "vni:c i TtlURHDAY-P.M 4:C0 T'.i ; Sunsnioe K-eV iy 4:3- I ea-'i r t-i.J'.i" tile ;-:i 4 : -3 : f.tork (j!.o'.at-;-ui and Int. .T.iili Int. I'mriv 5-: 10 The Weston's 5: lit! - Int male Revue 5:45 - Young Man with a ;;o-:ij 5:55 - CBC News 8:00 "Canada at Work" 6 : 15 VatiL.han Monroe and Orchestra 'i.:!0 Mush ai Varieties T:0-)-.T,c M.-ws :15 -C'BC News Hou.itiup 7.30 Evi nlide 8 :(JC- licilio Cat loons H if, -f; ( i Vk-w 8:39 -Tales of the 7 Seas 9.110 Cim i. .!.', with Keslin 9:30 Vancouver Comert Orcb. :0:0.) CU." News '0:1(1. cue Mews 10:15 Let's Find On' 10:30 -Winnipeg Drarm 11:011 Wc.Uo'1 lo o.,,;, m 1'ish Arrivals Cl,iy Chup Sucy - Chow Mcin Opi-n p.m. J:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE "'r (ii!.snl dr'icrs Phone 133 Sunday, 8 p m.. Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Caniosun AI.K'K ARM, STEWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'F.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam August 3. 17 and 31 FOR SOl'TH QI KKN (HAKIOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam. August 1C and 24 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5BR Flame Mavnard. Miss Audrey Patter.'-"n. Miss Edith Jnck. Miss Anna B' ketov, Miss M. E. Poller. C nrad Street and Seal Cove ' C T. Haleman, principal; George Olsson, Mrs. C. Weise, Miss Muriel Hamilton. Miss Claire Sirett. Miss Agnes Mitchell, Mrs. Hazel hadloy. Mis Ii ving. j Digby Island- Miss Mary Hutchinson. Port. Simoson Miss Jane Staffs of the various schools are as follows: Booth Memorial High Schoo' A. M. Hurst, principal; R. H. Davidson, vice-p rincipal; J. Henry, J. R. Wilson, G. E. Mac-Neill, Miss Eva Cavalier, Mrs. C. Worsivy. F. Moore. J. M. Evans, Henry Pluym, L. Matthews, Miss 10:45 -Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 A Man and His Music 1 11:15 -Roundup Time : 1 1 -30 r Weather Forecast il:31 M"ssai;e Period i li:33 -Rcc. InL 1 11:45 - tlcatuiiniiviai. ielo-ii":; Thi odvertisement it not Dubliihed or diiplayed by the liquor Control Board or by ths Government of British Cw Rail Revenue Decreasing V'-WWK'l THIS WEEK SPECIAL Good Selection of Common. i Port Eiiingfoii Miss Annie Neulekl, Miss Ann:-,! Isank. j Port Edward -Mrs. E, PrebcrR. ' M s-, K:s'e Hare'dson, Mi ls Jean- j rtte N :ho!son. j P"iri!j-.ide Mr. Thmnns Mc- i Neil. i MONTREAL. Operating rev- S enues for the Canadian National I' KLeAY T .Wi. ' I Ml'! Miil-lX.y t.z .ii. J I !'la -CBC News !'J:rf, Prti'-rym tVeenriie FRIDAY - A M O'l Mi.t.itnl ilion. Oil CliC Ne-s 1:1 -Ileu-'s IJ;: (. n IS - ivfjirn'.i.g ."oog : 30 -Mori lin;; Dcvot ions 15 - Little Concert 1'1:30 O C. Farm !iio;,a( .- i fori titj jor Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor :00-U.lC News and C .iruy. system, all inclusive, for the ; month of July, 1951, amounted1 to $53,044,000. Operating ex-! penses were 349.28H.000. The net operating revenue was $3,758.000. ! In July, 1950, revenues were $50.- : 358.000; expenses. $44,057,000,' and the net operating revenue, $3,301,000. These are the operating rev- I enues and expenses only, and they do not include taxes, equipment rentals, fixed charges, etc. 15 Music for Mnrierns LAMP, COFFEE and OCCASIONAL TABLES mm mm f ACHE ALL OVER? Do you iwm tn "aeti nil nvrr'7 (Ir Ho yolj tnut it hard tn r(,h,, or Ix-nij? Crt the tili k rrhrf vo, long for with I rineh-lon's 1-K-t 's. T-K-C m are H,,-ri.illv m:Mp to Mlirve vou iiii. kly of r.n li t lir, ,t,l.i iik. tinch-ntnii, V-tniii,-. Aithtiii,, s-uaU. Klw utu.,01: pam;Lti,iil,.n.i,i,n,i Nrurulni. bic, fcl..o; hi (irim , oiinu rs 1-3'U 12:55 Itcc. Int. 1:00 The Conce:t Hour 2:00 Easy Listening 2:20 Hi corns at Kandom 2:15 Do what you like; Comty. 3:00 Th? Music Box 3:15 Don Mcsiecr and His Islanders 3:30 Step Lightly : 30 Sunrise Serenade i :45- Your Music Appointment 220 Sixth St. Phc.-ie 649 ii -l;mc .jignal 10 Mortiing Visit : ' 5 - -Morning Meiodies 30 This Week's Artbt at Vcs, when you drive up here you're putting your car in expert' hands. Our at-'.fndanrs have' had years of experience end trctininq in proper car care. They know what vou need lhcy have what it takes to k-ip tltat car of yours in "new" condition longer. Drive up here, today! Tanks Show a Few Tricks, Including 31 ft. Jump By AIR GORDON & ANDERSO Third Avenue ) For NEW CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR WO? 'to TERRACE .And Smithers, Burns Lake Vandes-hoof and Prince George Leaving Prince Rupert Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. 215 1st Avenue West r.o. B I'lmtia 'Itn X5 At 3 p.m. Fire King Oven-War iFACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMEi Superior Auto Supply Ltd. mirror finish - easy to wf BAKE PANS PIE PLATES CUSTARD CUPS MEASURING CUpi UTILITY PANS MEASURING PlTCn- CENTRAL BC. AIRWAYS LTD. til Prince Rupert Agent: Crawford Moore, 14 15 Smith Block Phone Black 907 TtiNs OF STEEL went hurtling through the air when a Cromwell tank jumped Jl ft durinr i demonstra ion by Bntain',, Royal Armored Corps. The show of Brit sh fiRhtinicle"'took " olacS . V J"" whC?'Br,!,in : rr'mp "''"' f o ment Atllee, announced that nearf or , Korea would make no difference to Britain. 13 billion defense program over tbi net thre. f Thompson Hardware CoJjj